Here's a joke . 
Some time back ,an Englishmen couple ,while touring in Germany came across a gracious, little country cottage which seemed to them ideal for the forthcoming summer vacation .It belonged to a Protestant pastor .They immediately met him and rented it for the summer .On their return to England ,one day while discussing the plan of the building ,which they had brought with them for reference ,the lady of the house suddenly realized that there was no mention of the W.C .She immediately wrote to the pastor,asking him to indicate the place.
The pastor, on receipt of the letter ,did not understand the abbreviation W.C. and ,thinking that the inquiry was regarding <<Walls Chapel>> ,an Anglican chapel some distance from the rented house ,replied as follows :
Kind Madam,
I appreciate your request and have the pleasure to inform you that the place to which you referred in your letter is 12 kilometers from the house you have rented .This may be rather troublesome for persons who are accustomed to go often and in that case it is advisable to carry eatables and stay there for the whole day.
Some of you can come walking ,others in tram or on bicycle ,but everyone tries to arrive in proper time ,so as not to disturb the others .There is seating capacity for 400 persons and about 100 can stand . To avoid the inconvenience of a bad smell that is generated by so many people being together ,the air is conditioned .The seats are of velvet .One is advised to arrive in time to find a seat .Children may sit beside their parents and, if they feel inclined , can sing along with them in chorus.
At the entrance , a paper ( of the programme) is distributed and the persons who come at the end of the distribution can use the paper of their neighbor , However they must hand it back at the exit ,if possible not crumpled ,as it has to serve one full month. Special photographers are appointed to take snaps from various positions and these are then published in country journals ,so that that all interested can see ,with pleasure, various persons fulfilling a very human act .
Believe me, kind madam ,
Yours truly

Some time back ,an Englishmen couple ,while touring in Germany came across a gracious, little country cottage which seemed to them ideal for the forthcoming summer vacation .It belonged to a Protestant pastor .They immediately met him and rented it for the summer .On their return to England ,one day while discussing the plan of the building ,which they had brought with them for reference ,the lady of the house suddenly realized that there was no mention of the W.C .She immediately wrote to the pastor,asking him to indicate the place.
The pastor, on receipt of the letter ,did not understand the abbreviation W.C. and ,thinking that the inquiry was regarding <<Walls Chapel>> ,an Anglican chapel some distance from the rented house ,replied as follows :
Kind Madam,
I appreciate your request and have the pleasure to inform you that the place to which you referred in your letter is 12 kilometers from the house you have rented .This may be rather troublesome for persons who are accustomed to go often and in that case it is advisable to carry eatables and stay there for the whole day.
Some of you can come walking ,others in tram or on bicycle ,but everyone tries to arrive in proper time ,so as not to disturb the others .There is seating capacity for 400 persons and about 100 can stand . To avoid the inconvenience of a bad smell that is generated by so many people being together ,the air is conditioned .The seats are of velvet .One is advised to arrive in time to find a seat .Children may sit beside their parents and, if they feel inclined , can sing along with them in chorus.
At the entrance , a paper ( of the programme) is distributed and the persons who come at the end of the distribution can use the paper of their neighbor , However they must hand it back at the exit ,if possible not crumpled ,as it has to serve one full month. Special photographers are appointed to take snaps from various positions and these are then published in country journals ,so that that all interested can see ,with pleasure, various persons fulfilling a very human act .
Believe me, kind madam ,
Yours truly