Of course not, love has many definitions as I mentioned at the end of my thread. Respect, alone, is composed of many categories and analogues itself! So no, it's not safe to identify love by such limited context. As I mentioned in my thread..."The MYTH of love lies softly on a shier veil of compromise, common ground, and respect." What I mean by this is that these are some of the elements that are commonly visible to us. I mean, love, it's true n' all, but it's the vivid forms we actually see in it. Love is composed of many diverse definitions, and I am not one to define it completely. However though, respect is the common definition you’ll hear from most people and their relationships. I mean, without respect, how can you love? Love is respect and respect is love. It defines itself. When you love someone, you care for them, and when you care for someone then respect isn’t questionable at all. Just one of the common factors for it's meaning.
Look at so many different couples out there, they all enjoy love (I’m talking about normal couples) but it’s not all the same love they experience. Every couple has something that all the others don’t. This further complicates love.
Wow, like you are so deep.
What is love? It is PAIN PAIN PAIN... full of PAIN and nothing but PAIN. That is love. We grow up and look for it; instead we should seek to have a nice and a serene life. It may be boring sometimes, but better boring than hurtful PAIN!
Nicely said, and btw, it's not boring to not look for it. I actually find great satisfaction being single.
You can't buy your way into love...it's simply priceless.
Nise answer Saco jan, give yourself a chance to do the above and spend less time on the net.

The girl doesn't need to be "really hot" either, that's lust you're thinking of.
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