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Sad, but certainly true (in French)

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  • Sad, but certainly true (in French)

    Evolution of conversions when time flies ...
    (I swear I'll make of post with translations ... but if you want it quick, do it )

    6 semaines "Je t'aime"
    6 mois "Mais oui je t'aime"
    6 ans "Si je ne t'aimais pas, il y a longtemps que je me serais tiré"

    6 semaines "Bonsoir, mon amour"
    6 mois "Coucou, bonne journée ?"
    6 ans "Salut, il y a du courrier ?"

    6 semaines "Ne te dérange pas j'y vais"
    6 mois "Tu veux que j'y aille ?"
    6 ans "Alors ça vient ?????"

    6 semaines "Chérie, ta mère au téléphone"
    6 mois "c'est pour toi !"
    6 ans "TéléphoooOOOOoone !!!!!!!!!!!"

    6 semaines "Tu n'as pas eu une enfance très drôle"
    6 mois "C'est vrai qu'ils sont chiants tes parents"
    6 ans "Tu as de qui tenir"

    6 semaines "Je t'emmène au Népal"
    6 mois "Tu veux vraiment aller au Népal ??"
    6 ans "On n'est pas bien ici ?"

    6 semaines "J'ai pensé qu'une bague te ferait plaisir"
    6 mois "Un vase, c'est toujours utile"
    6 ans "Tiens, tu t'achèteras ce que tu veux"

    6 semaines "Qu'est-ce que tu as envie de voir ?"
    6 mois "Si on allait voir Évita ?"
    6 ans "J'ai vu Évita, tu devrais y aller"

    6 semaines "Ce n'est pas grave, ça ne tache pas"
    6 mois "Fais attention, voyons!"
    6 ans "Putain!!! c'que t'es maladroite !!!"

    6 semaines "Je ne suis pas tout à fait d'accord"
    6 mois "Là, tu as tort"
    6 ans "Mais t'es conne ou quoi ????"

    6 semaines "Et en plus, tu fais bien la cuisine"
    6 mois "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a pour le dîner ?"
    6 ans "Pfffff... encore des pâtes"

    6 semaines "Qu'est-ce que tu veux boire ?"
    6 mois "Je prendrais bien un Martini"
    6 ans "T'as encore oublié les glaçons!"

    6 semaines "Ça te va bien cette robe !"
    6 mois "Encore une nouvelle robe ?"
    6 ans "Combien la robe ???"

    6 semaines "On va chez tes parents ?"
    6 mois "Pas cette semaine, j'ai du boulot..."
    6 ans "Alors ils vont bien ?"

    6 semaines "Oups, Tu as fait planter mon disque dur ma chérie"
    6 mois "Merde, tu pourrais faire gaffe quand même!"
    6 ans "Toi, tu ne touches plus jamais à mon ordinateur"

    6 semaines "J'ai tondu la pelouse! c'est chouette Non?"
    6 mois "J'ai plus d'essence pour la tondeuse"
    6 ans "Ce week-end, c'est ton tour"

    6 semaines "T'as raison, vaut mieux ajouter du sel"
    6 mois "C'est un peu fade, non?"
    6 ans "T'es aussi nulle que ta mère en cuisine"

    6 semaines "Mmmm ce parfum, ça me rend dingue"
    6 mois "Tu ne trouves pas que ça sent un peu fort?"
    6 ans "Qu'est ce que ça daube ton truc !!"

    6 semaines "J'ai réservé dans un resto sympa"
    6 mois "Je t'assure, je n'ai pas très faim ce soir"
    6 ans "Mais non je ne rentre pas tard"

    6 semaines "Je t'ai loué ta cassette"
    6 mois "T'es sûre que tu veux regarder ça ?"
    6 ans "Alors là, il y a du foot, j'en ai rien à foutre"

    6 semaines "Ah non, ce soir on sort en amoureux"
    6 mois "Ça ne te dérange pas si Robert reste dîner ?
    6 ans "On est dix. Et alors ? Ce sont mes potes merde !!"

    -- this one is hard to translate --
    6 semaines "Je raffole de littérature chinoise de philosophie et de poésie contemporaine"
    6 mois "T'as pas vu le Canard Enchaîné ?"
    6 ans "T'as encore oublié de me prendre Télépoche et l'Équipe, bordel !!!"

  • #2
    So that someone other than Lagonid and Baron may be able to respond, are you ever going to translate?


    • #3
      Originally posted by loseyourname So that someone other than Lagonid and Baron may be able to respond, are you ever going to translate?
      I'll translate it when i have more time


      • #4
        You're online 22 hours a day. How much time do you need? (kidding)


        • #5
          Originally posted by loseyourname You're online 22 hours a day. How much time do you need? (kidding)
          Because I'm at work 22hours a day, in front of my stupid computer. Online maybe, but when writting the answer should take too much time, I prefer not anwering


          • #6
            You masochistic bastard. Your new nickname is Severin. What the hell do you do for work?


            • #7
              Originally posted by loseyourname You masochistic bastard. Your new nickname is Severin. What the hell do you do for work?
              It's not extra fun, I admit it. But it's sometimes representative of what happens in a couple. I'll try to do my best for the translation.

              6 weeks - "I love you"
              6 months - "Yeah yeah, of course I love you"
              6 years - "If i wasn't in love with you, I would have quit you a long time ago"

              6 weeks - "Good evening, honey"
              6 months - "hello, how was your day ?"
              6 years - "Hey, Is there any letters ?"

              6 weeks - "Don't move, i'll go"
              6 months - "Do you want me to go?"
              6 yeears - "What are you waiting for ?"

              6 weeks - "Honey, your mother on the phone!"
              6 months - "phone for you"
              6 years - "The phoooooooone!!"

              6 weeks - "Your childhood should have been hard"
              6 months - "True, your parents are very boring"
              6 years - "That runs in the family"

              6 weeks - "I'm bringing you to Nepal"
              6 months - "Do you really want to go to Nepal ?"
              6 years - "We are ok here"

              6 weeks - "I thought that a ring would please you"
              6 months - "we always need a vase"
              6 years - "Here's some money, go buy whatever you want"

              6 weeks - "What do you want we watch tonight ?"
              6 months - "Don't you want to watch Evita ?"
              6 years - "I watched Evita, you should go too, it's great"

              6 weeks - "It doesn't matter, it doesn't stain"
              6 months - "Be more carefukk please!"
              6 years - "You're' clumsy!!"

              6 weeks - "I don't totally agree with you"
              6 months - "You're wrong"
              6 years - "Are you completely stupid or what ?"

              6 weeks - "You're cooking so well"
              6 months - "What are you preparing tonight ?"
              6 years - "Pasta again ..."

              6 weeks - "What do want to drink ?"
              6 months - "I'll take a Martini"
              6 years - "You never remember the ice !"

              6 weeks - "This robe suits you very well"
              6 months - "A robe again ?"
              6 years - "How much ?"

              6 weeks - "What about going to your parents ?"
              6 months - "Not now, I have some other stuff..."
              6 years - "How are your parents going ?"

              6 weeks - "ohoh, you bugged my computer honey"
              6 months - "be more careful please"
              6 years - "don't ever touch it again, do you hear me ?"

              6 weeks - "I mowed the grass"
              6 months - "There's no more oil"
              6 years -"Your turn this time!"

              6 weeks - "You're right, it's better with a little more salt"
              6 months - "Don't you think it's bland?"
              6 years - "you cook as bad as your mother"

              6 weeks - "mmm, this smell drives me crazy"
              6 months - "It smells a little bit too much, doesn't it ?"
              6 years - "What the hell is that?? it stinks !!!"

              6 weeks - "I've booked a good restaurant for tonight"
              6 months - "I swear you that i'm not that hungry tonight"
              6 years - "I promise I won't be late"

              6 weeks - "I rent the dvd you wanted"
              6 months - "Is really that you want to watch ?"
              6 years - "Quiet, football tonight"

              6 weeks - "Tonight, it's only you and me"
              6 months - "Do you mind if Robert stay for diner ?"
              6 years - "We are ten and what ? they're all my friends !"

              6 weeks "I love chinese litterature and philisophy, and I'm passionned by comptemporary petry"
              6 months - "Where did you put the newsweek ?"
              6 years - "once again, you forgot the sport paper !"
              Last edited by felizitation; 01-18-2004, 11:25 PM.


              • #8
                hehe good stuff...

                correcting your English
                "you never REMIND the ice"
                should be
                you never REMEMBER the ice.

                I'm just being nice
                I wuv you hahahhah


                • #9
                  ahhhhhhh jannnaa

                  jahnamms mood has changed, happy happy joy joy!!!

                  Those are some sad things, damn.

