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Dating 101

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  • Dating 101

    I have seen a lot of questions from other men that make me want to grab them.. shake them.. and teach them a few lessons about how to get dates. I am sure that this thread might get some negative press from our female members, but if anything, maybe they can learn from it and realize why we are how we are and how it works for us to be that way.

    Please know that these apply to dating.. finding a female to have fun/spend time with. I am a single guy, so I do not know or even try to write the rules to finding a soul mate. I just am helping the guys out there with dating

    For the rest of you guys, I hope that you learn a few things that might increase your pimpin skillz. I have never had a problem when it comes to women and the dating scene, so rest assured that this stuff WILL work if you really follow it correctly.

    Lesson #1-Being Prepared - Take care of your mind and body

    To get dates, you have to have a lot of factors working together for you. But the single area that you have the most control over is your appearance. Its a known fact that to create chemistry with a girl you have to know how to connect with her emotions. Well taking excellent care of yourself will automatically trigger part of her emotions right off the bat. Think about that for a second. You don't even have to say a word to the girl and she'll already be more willing to talk to you because you've triggered her emotions with your appearance. With that being said, here are the guidelines to follow for your appearance.

    1-Workout Consistently-Ok I'm not saying that you have to look like Arnold or some Calvin Klein underwear model, but you should definitely go to the gym 3-5x a week and get yourself in decent shape.

    2-Wear nice clothes-By "nice" I don't mean Gucci or Armani, just wear clean clothes that fit your body type and style. I think the most important thing here is to find a look that fits you. If your a skinny piece of crap, don't go wearing XXL football jerseys and huge baggy pants. That will just magnify that fact, that your incredibly underweight. Get a pair of white shoes and black shoes. You can wear those colors with anything and it will show a girl you have a sense of style.

    3-Keep all areas clean-Girls are very perceptive. They notice the smallest details about you. Get your haircut regularly. Keep all your nails clipped and clean. Make sure if you have facial hair its always looking good. If you have a fat goatee, then keep it combed, its hair isn't it. Get a beard trimmer if you have that stubble look and keep it trim. Don't have a uni-brow, go to your bathroom and bust out the tweezer's. Same deal goes for nose hairs.

    If you put these three factors together, you should have a higher self-esteem. This will make you more confident which is half the battle with the girls.

  • #2
    Lesson #2-Creating Attraction - Be confident, be yourself

    When most guys hear a girl say "I'm so attracted to him," they automatically think the girl is refering to the guy's looks. WRONG!!!!! When a girl says she's attracted to a guy its much more than looks, if at all. All these years, we've be bred to think that the way to a girl's heart is to buy her gifts, call her a lot to show how much you care and put her above anything else. Well in the real world that's the furthest thing from the truth. Now most guys who realize this are quick to say, "To get chicks you have to be @ss-hole." That's not true either. Why would a girl want to be with an @ss-hole?? To create attraction you need to understand these 3 principles:

    1-Knowing what to say
    2-Knowing how to say it
    3-Knowing when to say it

    Let me explain each of these in more detail:

    1-Knowing what to say-If you know what to say to a girl, then you'll get every girl you've every wanted. So how do you know what to say?? Its actually pretty easy. Say the unexpected. The unexpected is what she subconciously wants to hear, but when you say it, she'll say your mean and hit you. I am naturally pretty funny, according to all my friends and family. So I use this to my advantage to bust on the girl and give her a hard time in a non-threating type of way.

    2-Knowing how to say it-Your voice tone is SOOOOO IMPORTANT!! Watch a Brad Pitt movie. Analyze his voice in some of the lines he says. Fight Club is actually a really good example of this because Edward Norton's tone of voice is like a mouse who got kicked in the nutz. So you have a perfect example of how to sound and how you shouldn't sound. Pitt's voice is deep and manly.

    3-Knowing when to say it- The "when to say it" part is not exactly what it seems like. It basically means to say what your going to say within the context of the subject. Meaning, if you guys are having a conversation about the beach, don't change the subject and talk about school.

    The basis of creating attraction is making sure you act like a man. Girls are not attracted to wussies. A wussy is someone who is her "best friend" dying in agony, hoping one day he might suddenly get to fuk her. He became a wussy by calling her a lot, agreeing with everything she says and putting her above himself. Don't be that guy. Always remember, that YOU are the most important person in your world. Take care of yourself FIRST then focus on others. Being a man means having an opinion on things. If a girl says something and asks yo how you feel, don't just agree with it because you think that's what she wants to hear. Tell her your side without starting an arguement. Agreeing with her all the time will also put you in the wussy catergory. Often girls have tests. They will say some outrageous bullshiat to you, just to see if you agree or finally have an opinion and disagree.

    More to come.... Thoughts, comments so far?


    • #3
      Well such wisdom is nothing new.

      I still prefer my approach to girls over yours.

      My thread on meeting girls is classic.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #4
        I dont think it should be this complicated.....I like it when the guy isnt prepared too much....spontaneous situations are better.....


        • #5
          anon i gotta say that your thread was hilarious.

          then i must say that you cant teach a guy how to get a girl. They have to learn from experience. Thats how everyone does. Everyone does it their own way.
          But i do agree with one thing you said. never allow yourself to be xxxxx whipped


          • #6
            Precisely, my former protege.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #7
              Re: Dating 101

              Originally posted by clubbin714
              For the rest of you guys, I hope that you learn a few things that might increase your pimpin skillz. I have never had a problem when it comes to women and the dating scene, so rest assured that this stuff WILL work if you really follow it correctly.
              Lesson # 3


              What you are proposing can very well apply to women as well. With the exception of having the facial hair looking good, since that might actually hamper the chances of attraction.
              Although your lesson#1, is indeed very crucial for a success of any relationship or attraction, I'd have to disagree with the second lesson, in which case you suggest that a guy must be himself, yet propose that he must learn a certain behavior or act.

              Where as that strategy guarantees that the determined individual will succeed in seduction, it's purely artificial. There is always a chance that you may encounter a person worth the serious interest and she might fall in love with the fabricated image rather than the real you. So in the end you will be torn between wanting to be yourself, yet scared to jeopardize the attraction based on the false conception.

              Now if that is your last concern, than it is also valid to say that after a while the routine becomes boring and attracts people of alike caliber, clones. In the even that breeds into your nature and you are no longer aware of your true character, only the fabrication.

              May I also point out that I agree, women don't like asses. I don't think I've ever encountered a woman that claimed that she wanted a jerk. Also I'd have to say that there are a number of women that varies from person to person. What might be attractive to one may not be attractive to the other. In conclusion it depends what type of women you aim to attract, that makes a huge difference.

              Your approach certainly work in luring women into the bedroom, but really doesn't hold water in the commitment arena. In terms of what is important for men and women is not all that different. Three universal attraction factors:

              1. Confidence and a sense of not caring what everyone thinks.
              2. Unpredictability
              3. Genuine interest in your partner or date. That includes listening, willing to learn about them and paying attention to the details.

              Everything else varies depending on the individual preferences.


              • #8
                lol @ that voice thing. It's not like guys can control how deep their voice is. The rest is all common sense and I doubt anyone who reads this thread is going to get more dates because of it.


                • #9
                  lol @ Hogg the internet nerd acting like he knows anything about women. Stick to downloading porn and masturbating in front of your computer you fool.
                  Last edited by clubbin714; 02-22-2004, 11:32 PM.


                  • #10
                    anileve good points

                    Confidence is what makes everything fall into place. When you are confident it changes the way you move, talk, etc and women and everyone else picks up on that. Eye contact tells a lot about a person. If you can make it and hold it strongly it shows the strength of your soul. If you lack confidence youll shuffle or stumble when you walk, your posture will be bad, your voice will crack etc. If you only act confident you will falter eventually.

