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Daughter's Hand In Marriage

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  • Daughter's Hand In Marriage

    I think it's really sweet and romantic if a boyfriend asks his girfriend's parents for their daughter's hand in marriage. Very traditional, don't ya think?
    This idea is fading away though so just curious to see people's reaction towards this. What do you girls think about this and would any guys here ever do that?
    I see...

  • #2
    I have NEVER been so ashamed of my traditions as I am when it comes to this one. Wow that was harsh...Lemme explain...

    Back in the day, when men had testicles and girls were known as "fair-maidens"....they used to have "courting". This was when the man would do anything and everything to get the girl and keep her in order to marry her and have a family...yadda yadda yadda....Well, things have changed a bit. Now, it's like a trial and error sorta thing. You CANNOT marry the first as*crunch who buys you flowers. There are so many things that girls have to be careful of now. Anything ranging from the man being abusive, to being just plain ol' homosexual...(DAN ) It's a frightening thought. I mean, when I look back at my ex and just imagine being married to him...I GET GOOSE BUMPS! My family has never been into this tradition and I'm glad.

    My cousin met this girl who was raised in a beirutsi household and was told by her father that unless he puts a ring on her finger, he is not allowed to date his daughter. Hmm...WTF? LOL My cousin freaked out! When he told me, all I could do is laugh because it' s like saying.."Oh yes, let's cross our fingers and hope this guy's normal and gonna treat our daughter well"....Who does that?????????

    I think dating should be a time for 2 people to REALLY get to know eachother before any rings are discussed...making the odds of divorce lower.

    I'm tired.


    • #3
      I don't get why a guy HAS to ask permission from the girls parents? The guy and girl are getting married, not the parents. So if the guy asks the father and he says no, does the couple break up? Or do they get married in Vegas and start even more drama.


      • #4
        If a guy wants to marry you, hopefully the girl's parents are already fine with it. Unless you're a total jerk and they are just against you from the beginning. It's not like you meet the parents on the first friggin date! LMAO


        • #5
          I don't get it. What's so embarassing about this? Maybe dumb, but why embarassing?

          And lol, Violette, don't even get me started on this situation when it's a gay guy getting married to a girl and after the marriage they find out he's gay... this happened to a distant relative of mine...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Emil
            I don't get why a guy HAS to ask permission from the girls parents? The guy and girl are getting married, not the parents. So if the guy asks the father and he says no, does the couple break up? Or do they get married in Vegas and start even more drama.
            I don't take no for an answer. Just in case I always bring extra yards of rope and duct tape.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #7
              hey in some cultures they actually go bride shopping!! a good friend of mine was telling me about this....when they were trying to marry off her's a whoooole family affair!! they make plans and visit as many prospective and respectable girls as they can the families meet and sort of conduct informal interviews (accelerated dating you could call it except the whole gerdastan is on the date with you)...well then he picks one and the parents ask 'is that your final answer?' ...and the guy says 'yes' and boom!!! a whole month of celebrating precedes the wedding and then they get married..and IF by some misfortune they get divorced, the girl (especially) is looked down on...oh!! and did i mention that after the marriage the bride and the groom move in with the groom's family?? it's a big ol' family!!!


              • #8
                That poor girl. What if she doesn't want sausages?
                Achkerov kute.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  That poor girl. What if she doesn't want sausages?
                  ayyyy mouse jan inch asem? she'll be ostracized and disowned perhaps if not worse... ...

                  there's no room or tolerance for 'that' in eastern cultures which is sad


                  • #10
                    The girl and guy decide, and the guy goes and talks to the family, its not that bad as people make it sound. Its just the right thign to do.

