Re: Global Warming
@Eddo -- your last post you say -- I'm not sure other forces are not" in play" (forgot exact wording).
Here is what the main body of scientists have told me --- the natural cycle is always in play, it's not that other forces aren't in active dynamic mode that is the problem. The problem is that as the legitimate scientific community set out to understand the melting glaciers, ice caps, sea ice etc., the --- EVIDENCE --- keeps pointing to pollution that is exclusively produced by man.
I don't believe that any scientists initially went "head hunting" for "man" as the culprit but the evidence keep mounting and pointing to mankinds activities as a disruption of a natural cycle.
All the scientists I'm comming into contact with are telling me they are simply following the tracts and it is because the tracks keep ending up at the polluters door is the reason they are pointing fingers at the polluters direction.
The number of diverse scientific groups that all come to the same conclusion is not a coincident.
The amount of evidence has literally left no dought as to the difference between the natural cycle forces at play and the dynamics of the polluting forces at play and the disruptive character of the polluting forces.
Much of the activity by the world scientific body is defining and quantifying all cyclic aspects and the evidence is truly overwhelming in pointing to mankinds culpability in this matter.
As this research goes on the scientists are getting better at utilizing other scientific know how to help in the hunt.the worlds best are up here right now trucking heavy but in my opinion the average person as well as the financially successful community ?leaders? are both uninterested and are ready to take damn near anybody's word over any ligitimate and ernest scientist.
@Eddo -- your last post you say -- I'm not sure other forces are not" in play" (forgot exact wording).
Here is what the main body of scientists have told me --- the natural cycle is always in play, it's not that other forces aren't in active dynamic mode that is the problem. The problem is that as the legitimate scientific community set out to understand the melting glaciers, ice caps, sea ice etc., the --- EVIDENCE --- keeps pointing to pollution that is exclusively produced by man.
I don't believe that any scientists initially went "head hunting" for "man" as the culprit but the evidence keep mounting and pointing to mankinds activities as a disruption of a natural cycle.
All the scientists I'm comming into contact with are telling me they are simply following the tracts and it is because the tracks keep ending up at the polluters door is the reason they are pointing fingers at the polluters direction.
The number of diverse scientific groups that all come to the same conclusion is not a coincident.
The amount of evidence has literally left no dought as to the difference between the natural cycle forces at play and the dynamics of the polluting forces at play and the disruptive character of the polluting forces.
Much of the activity by the world scientific body is defining and quantifying all cyclic aspects and the evidence is truly overwhelming in pointing to mankinds culpability in this matter.
As this research goes on the scientists are getting better at utilizing other scientific know how to help in the hunt.the worlds best are up here right now trucking heavy but in my opinion the average person as well as the financially successful community ?leaders? are both uninterested and are ready to take damn near anybody's word over any ligitimate and ernest scientist.