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Lakers v. Spurs

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  • #31
    And what the hell do you have against the Spurs? I don't like them because they're a rival of the Lakers, but what reason could you possibly have? They're a model franchise and their players are model citizens.


    • #32
      the spurs orginisation is a good one. they have class & respect. i wouldn't consider this a rivalry....yet. sacramento, boston, detroit is a rivalry. last year spurms coach popovich told his team that if they celebrate on the court, when they won the series that they would be repremanded. he also make a remark about how cruel and unclass the crowd was when they were heckeling Kobe....

      now the way they play defense is another case...thats dirty, and the league is letting them get away with it, it wasn't like that before, bowen and nesterobiitch would get into foul trouble


      • #33
        The team doesn't have to be full of b!tches like Sacramento for it to be a rivalry though. I always compare Spurs-Lakers to something like USC-Notre Dame, whereas the Queens are more like the Bruins.


        • #34
          ****grabbing everyone in a huddle****

          let us pray...

          dear lord, we are confronted with an obstacle that was never thought to have us placed in this situation.

          lord, today we embark on the start of 2 games at home, our court, our building, our fans and we pray to you to return us to the state of the begining when we were 18-3, we pray to you to energize our defense to provide weakside help, we pray to you to awaken the officials to the numerous holding, grabbing and other violations committed by the opposition.

          lord, we pray to the allowance of the crowds energy to be installed in us to play the full 48 minutes with great intensity,execution and without injury.

          lord, this being mothers day, we pray that victory will be delivered in dedication to our mothers, particularly Shirley Jackson Malone, mother of a great teammate and big brother Karl Malone, who left this earth unexpectidly and unfortunatly. Mother Malone, we pray to you and trust you will be in the crowd, cheering for your son and his team to conquer and win a championship not only for the organisation, the team or himself, but for you Mother Malone, who has single handedly raised the greatest power forward to ever play the game of basketball.

          dear lord, we pray to be blessed by officials who know the rules, aren't blind, attention seekers when on national TV, and who give the respect to Shaq, Kobe, Karl, Gary when they get held, hacked, pushed and checked off of screens.

          lord, we pray to you to come out of the evil hole of 0-2 and conquer the enemy and become victorious not only to those who worked hard, but to those who believe.

          we pray to you in the name of the father, the son and the holy sprit

          Last edited by jilbagh; 05-09-2004, 12:32 AM.


          • #35
            About 9 hours left now for the Lakers to show everyone who they really are. Win and go back to everyone saying its the Lakers year, lose and the dynasty is officially over. Good night gentlemen, and ladies.


            • #36
              You know what? That game pissed me off even more than the first two. They should be up 3-0 right now. All they had to do was actually show up in the first two fourth quarters and this series would be in the bag. They're obviously the better team. San Antonio just outplayed them. They play with the slightest bit of heart today and they dominate? Will they realize that all they have to do is hustle and help a bit on D and the series is theirs? Or will they give it away for the second year in a row?


              • #37
                depends which lakers team shows glad too see that we put aside the triangle offense and let gary and karl run the show with some weatside motion...good game, now shut up and bring the same energy to the court tuesday and the rest of the playoffs


                • #38
                  They will lose.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #39
                    bam 4-2 lakers. like i voted. u think san anton is scared?
                    I like the fact they played physically as well, gave parker a few bumps here and there. I remember watchign isiah when he wsa with the pistons, and they played the lakers, rambis close lined him almost, he got up and went off. show toughness thats what the games about.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by dstyle
                      bam 4-2 lakers. like i voted. u think san anton is scared?
                      I like the fact they played physically as well, gave parker a few bumps here and there. I remember watchign isiah when he wsa with the pistons, and they played the lakers, rambis close lined him almost, he got up and went off. show toughness thats what the games about.
                      its just one game...we only have done 25% of the job, there's a long way to 100%...SA will come out with a few adjustments, but they feel comfortable with whats they've done. they might concentrate too much on defense where it will hurt their offense. the lakers need to not only come out with the same intensity, but turn it up a notch cause game 4 looks like it will be head to head, depending on how our offense flows if we're feeding the big dog at the right times when he has sealed position, and getting kobe to isolate and find open cutters.

