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USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

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  • USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

    [09 Oct 2008 18:23 ] Baku. Lachin Sultanova – APA.

    “The Unites States considers that Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity should be the main principle of the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict,” American Co-Chair of OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza said in his interview to BBC Russian service, APA reports

    "We think we should start with the principle of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, then the other principles should be added to bring the negotiations to comprise and framework agreement. This means that we all should admit that from legal aspect and in terms of international laws Nagorno Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan,” said Matthew Bryza and added that Armenia should admit it in order to end the negotiations with agreement.

    “We know that Armenia has a different view. But we should help Azerbaijan and Armenia to reach an understanding using creative and constructive ways,” the co-chair underlined.

  • #2
    Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

    Originally posted by ara87 View Post
    [09 Oct 2008 18:23 ] Baku. Lachin Sultanova – APA.

    “The Unites States considers that Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity should be the main principle of the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict,” American Co-Chair of OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza said in his interview to BBC Russian service, APA reports

    "We think we should start with the principle of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, then the other principles should be added to bring the negotiations to comprise and framework agreement. This means that we all should admit that from legal aspect and in terms of international laws Nagorno Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan,” said Matthew Bryza and added that Armenia should admit it in order to end the negotiations with agreement.

    “We know that Armenia has a different view. But we should help Azerbaijan and Armenia to reach an understanding using creative and constructive ways,” the co-chair underlined.
    Thanks for the article, akhper.

    This is the typical relativist crap that dominates U.S. foreign policy i.e. some peoples have a right to self-determination but not others. As long as it doesn't interfere in America's economic (read: oil) or military interests, they could care less. America ignores the very foundation upon which this country was built upon: self-government. Why is it alright for Kosovo to determine their fate but not Artsakh? Should we have recognized Britain's "territorial integrity" over the colonies during the Revolutionary War?

    Over my dead body will the Azeris take Armenian land.

    (On a side note: maybe America is trying to suck up to Azerbaijan if it ever needed a beach-head for Iran? God knows Armenia will never let the US invade from Armenian land.)


    • #3
      Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

      No wonder, Matthew Bryza is married to a turk called Zeyno Baran, a hardcore turk who is anti Armenian, anti Armenian Genocide's recognition and anti Artax's recognition turk.

      What azerbaijan's integrity???? Their land baloney, that land wasn't theirs a hundred years ago. Most of Nagorno Gharapagh/Artsax was Armenian land that belonged to us, that we fought in 1990 to get a portion of our land back that belonged to us in the first place. What this low life Bryza is talking about??? And over my dead body he'll give it back to the azeri baboons!!!!
      Last edited by Anoush; 10-09-2008, 07:35 PM.


      • #4
        Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

        and who gave the right to bryza and to the one who gave the right to give the right to bryza to speak about legal aspect and terms of international law ? if staline in line of his policy 'divide to rule' included artsakh within azerbaijan giving it an autonomous character does not mean that what he did was right at the first place from legal aspect and terms of international law to quote this gentleman's terms, and what about if I decide to give bryza's home to lets say to ara87 or anoush? don't laugh all the problem is there, problems arise when not involved persons guided by their interests dare to decide about other people destiny. as yerazhishda says and I repeat after him, over my dead body


        • #5
          Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

          Good points, vasbourakan.

          I would just like to add that not all secessionist movements need to be considered valid. However, there are many peoples who would benefit greatly from seceding from their respective states. To use Artsakh as an example, not only is it a part of historical Armenian lands but Armenians from Artsakh have been and would be under great discrimination and risk of physical harm from the Azerbaboons. Joining with Armenia would give the Artsakhtsis protection against such actions. Likewise, Abkhazians faced similar persecution from Saak-a-sh*t-vili.

          Contrarily, consider the secessionist movement of Quebec. Quebeqers are under no durress from their government, they are allowed their own official language, schools, churches, etc. and are in little to no threat of assimilation - in fact the "French-Canadian" identity is a unique identity in and of itself. Secessionist movements such as this need not necessarily be considered to have "valid grievances". It need not be a world-wide domino effect as some idiot American diplomats claim.


          • #6
            Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

            QUOTE Contrarily, consider the secessionist movement of Quebec. Quebeqers are under no durress from their government, they are allowed their own official language, schools, churches, etc. and are in little to no threat of assimilation - in fact the "French-Canadian" identity is a unique identity in and of itself. Secessionist movements such as this need not necessarily be considered to have "valid grievances". It need not be a world-wide domino effect as some idiot American diplomats claim. UNQUOTE
            yes you are right, but in our case we are dealing with turks and not canadians and like zoravar Antranik said in his time that turks don't change when he was invited by other armenian leaders to become like them a pm in the ottoman parliament, he answered I prefer to plant potatoes in my garden, 100 years after nothing has changed, just look at the 'modern' turkey behaviour towards armenia, and ironically one of their conditions to open borders with armenia is that armenia recognizes officially these borders, because these guys know very well that these borders are not legal, they are de facto and not the jure and we have to work hard on this issue too parallel to the genocide recognition matter.


            • #7
              Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

              Originally posted by vasbourakan1
              because these guys know very well that these borders are not legal, they are de facto and not the jure and we have to work hard on this issue too parallel to the genocide recognition matter.
              100% true enker! But you even have some 'Armenians' (using that term loosly here), including at least one member who call for bargaining away the Genocide issue, and probably the Treaty of Sevres as well.
              For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
              to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



              • #8
                Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

                The US isn't the dominant power broker in the Caucasus. I think if this was said in Moscow, we should be concerned -- otherwise we can piss on this statement.


                • #9
                  Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

                  In my opinion this is one more front we're loosing on! azeris, turks, americans, and the rest of the merry bunch spit out whatever comes to their f-ing mind and all we do is shut the hell up!

                  Such statements should be retaliated from our govt's spokesmen in the most furious and extreme manner! Armenia should denounce such statements on the highest levels...Such a denouncal would be a good example:

                  "With great concern we heard Mr. Mathew Bryza's latest statement concerning the settlement of the NK conflict on the basis of azerbiajan's territorial integrity. We would like to remind the respectable co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk group that the statements he made do not coincide with the spirit of Madrid Principles of which the respected co-chairman is well aware.
                  Furthermore, on the basis of these statements the Republic of Armenia finds the participation of Mr. Bryza in the upcoming meetings of the OSCE Minsk Group extremely destructive to the peace process in the region and calls upon the US State Department for an official Statement regarding this issue."


                  • #10
                    Re: USA considers AZR territorial integrity the main principle of settling NK

                    Anything Bryza says should not be put up by any Armenian. Folks, Bryza is married to a high-profile Turk... what do you expect? Just ignore the agent's statements.
                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

