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Political prisoners in Armenia

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  • #11
    Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    enemies of state including Levon and his people go to jail!
    Oh xxxx your state. And this is not the case... something fishy her....
    Last edited by Mukuch; 05-19-2009, 03:38 AM.


    • #12
      Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

      Originally posted by avetis View Post
      Ավետիս Կալայջյան եղել է Հայաստանի Հանրապետական կուսակցության անդամ. Ոչ մի կապ չի ունեց է LTP's banda-յի հետ. Ձեզ իրեն կնոչ ասած հիմք է. Նաև դուք ինքներդ հետաքրքվեք իրեն մասին Հայաստանում. Եթե ուզում էք ավելի ճշգրիթ իմանաք կարող էք թողնել ձեր թելեֆօն եվ ես կզանգահարեմ ձեզ.
      Well, are you his wife? I am not giving my phone on forums but I will give you my email by PM.


      • #13
        Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

        Պարոն Մովսես կարողա Անդրանիկ Օզանյանին և Մոնտեին էլ եթե իրանք լինեին հիմա բանտարկեյք..................


        • #14
          Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

          Ի գիտություն բոլորին եթե մեր թշնամիները /թուրքերը/ տեղեկանան որ Հայաստանում բանտարկելեն Ավետիս Կալայջյանին իրենք շատշատ կուրախանան եվ Ձեզ բոլորին մի հարց ումէր պետք Ավետիս Կալայջյանին բանտարկելը.


          • #15
            Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

            This is shocking:

            La montée du nationalisme en Turquie est surtout une réaction vis-à-vis du comportement de l’UE selon un sondage publié lundi par le quotidien Milliyet…La suite est réservée à nos abonnés. Déjà abonné ? Se connecter Envie de lire la suite Les articles Armenews en intégralité à partir de 4€/mois Je m'abonne

            Il y a un mois l’ensemble de la presse arménienne annonçait que le Tribunal de première instance de Kentron et de Nork Marash avait condamné un citoyen de France, Sargis Hatspanian à 3 ans et demi de prison en vertu de l’article 333 du Code pénal pour « faux témoignage »

            Ce que nous ne savions pas c’est qu’au même moment un autre arménien issu également de la diaspora avait été arrêté et mis en prison.

            Avédis Bachar Kalaïdjian, né à Alep (Syrie) et qui a fait notamment des études universitaires à Paris dans le domaine des relations internationales et des sciences politiques est emprisonné depuis le 7 avril 2009.

            Avédis Bachar Kalaïdjian a pris il y a quelques années la décision de poursuivre sa vie dans la mère-patrie et s’est installé, avec sa famille, en Arménie. Il a acquis la nationalité arménienne et a récemment publié un livre intitulé « L’expansionnisme turco-touranien et 70 peuples martyrs » (Erevan 2008).

            Il souhaitait continuer son chemin en mettant sa personne au service du pays.

            Le 7 avril 2009, Avédis Bachar Kalaïdjian a été arrêté par le Service de Sécurité Nationale de la République d’Arménie et inculpé.

            Son « crime » est d’avoir quitté une semaine auparavant le parti Républicain actuellement dirigé par le président arménien Serge Sarkissian suite à des commentaires désobligeants entendus à l’égard des Arméniens de la diaspora.

            Officiellement Avédis est accusé d’avoir voulu « assassiner le président ». Une accusation que sa famille récuse.

            La famille d’Avédis en France a engagé un avocat local et a sollicité le Président de la République d’Arménie, le ministre arménien des Affaires étrangères et la ministre arménienne de la Diaspora pour qu’ils interviennent sans résultat jusqu’à présent.

            Avédis Bachar Kalaïdjian a été transféré à la prison de Sovetachen Pert et son procès devrait s’ouvrir aujourd’hui.

            Last edited by Mukuch; 06-12-2009, 04:45 AM.


            • #16
              Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

              Originally posted by Mukuch View Post
              This is shocking:
              Apparently, the first one has given a false testimony and the second guy (Kaliadjian) has attempted to assassinate the president of the country... if true then why would their arrest be shocking?


              • #17
                Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

                Originally posted by Lucin View Post
                Apparently, the first one has given a false testimony and the second guy (Kaliadjian) has attempted to assassinate the president of the country... if true then why would their arrest be shocking?
                I am not sure it is true... With Armenian security services it is never true....


                • #18
                  Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

                  Right... other non-Armenian secret services like the CIA or FSB always tell the truth...

                  What else could motivate them to jail these persons?


                  • #19
                    Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

                    Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
                    Right... other non-Armenian secret services like the CIA or FSB always tell the truth...

                    What else could motivate them to jail these persons?
                    Several things:

                    1. Incompetents.
                    3. Personal issues.
                    4. Serjik didn’t like the way they dress...



                    • #20
                      Re: Political prisoners in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Mukuch View Post
                      Several things:

                      1. Incompetents.
                      3. Personal issues.
                      4. Serjik didn’t like the way they dress...

                      No Mukuch; this is more than jealousy or personal issues. Something here doesn't smell good, and it's written fish all over it if indeed we should believe Avetis' words, then Sargsyan is collaborating with turkey for money and he is then jailing anyone that speaks for the Armenian Genocide. The same way turkey jails anyone who even speaks for the AG - thus they say it is against turkishness and jails everyone. If Serzh is jailing for anyone who speaks for the Genocide then I am afraid that he is being bought out by turkey. If this is the case, very very bad news for our Motherland. I hope then that the other parties, Dashnagtsoutyun and along with every nationalistic organization in Armenia start pursuing to find out what's going on with Serzh's political standing along with Edward Nalbandyan. Are these guys for Armenia or against Armenia? I also hope that our Diasporan parties whether it is in Lebanon, Seria, France, Europe in general or the United States and Canada are not sleeping and hibernating either. I hope they all get together and find out collaborating with the nationalistic parties and the organizations of our Republic to find out what is really going on and then take action for the sake of our Motherland and the future of our lands and our independent states; both Armenia and Artsakh.
                      Last edited by Anoush; 06-15-2009, 03:08 PM.

