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North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

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  • #11
    Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

    Iran will not invest in Armenian sector of railway – ambassador

    December 06, 2013 | 14:04

    YEREVAN. – Iran will not make an invest in the Armenian sector of the Iran-Armenia railway.

    Iranian Ambassador to Armenia, Mohammad Reisi, noted the aforementioned at a press conference on Friday, and in response to a question posed by the Armenian reporter.

    “Iran has stated that it does not need that railway so much. But if investors are found, our country is ready to build the [Iranian] sector reaching until the Armenian border. As for the Armenian sector [of the railway], Iran stands ready to provide engineering and technical advice there.

    “Iran has numerous communication alternatives that enable to maintain the connection with Europe and other regions. But we are committed to the previously signed agreements,” Ambassador Reisi also stressed.

    According to most recent calculations, the construction of the Iran-Armenia railway is valued at $3.5 billion.


    • #12
      Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

      Easing of Iran Sanctions ‘Will Boost Armenian-Iranian Cooperation’

      YEREVAN (ArmRadio)—The elimination of sanctions placed on Iran will contribute to the mitigation of tension in the region, which will positively affect Armenian-Iranian relations, Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mohammad Reisi told a press conference in Yerevan.

      Iran and the world powers agreed on a long-awaited deal on Tehran’s nuclear energy program, after days of intense talks in Geneva.The interim deal allows for Iran to continue its activities in its nuclear sites in the cities of Arak, Fordo, and Natanz in exchange for concessions on uranium enrichment and more transparency.

      The agreement also stipulates that no additional sanctions will be imposed on Iran due to its nuclear energy program. Iran will also receive access to $4.2 billion in foreign exchange as part of the nuclear deal.

      “Iran is against any weapon of mass destruction, including nuclear. Our objective is to develop a peaceful nuclear program,” the Ambassador said.

      Mohammad Reisi noted that financial problems due to sanctions had resulted in the suspension of some joint projects with Armenia. “Despite that, our cooperation with friendly Armenia continues. The city of Agarak and the surrounding settlements, for example, are currently connecting to gas lines with the support of the Iranian government. The large-scale project for the construction of the Meghri Hydro-Power Plant will also continue after the sanctions are lifted,” he said.

      The Armenia-Iran railway project may also be realized, if the Armenian side finds means for the construction of the Armenian section of the railroad. The Iranian Government is ready to finance the construction of the Julfa-Meghri sector from the state budget, according to Reisi.

      Touching upon Azerbaijan’s claims on Iranian territories, the Ambassador noted: “Those claims are groundless, because Azerbaijan was created in 1918. [LMAO!!!]Azerbaijan lays claims on Armenian territories, as well, but one should have a basis for such claims.”

      Speaking about the supply of Iranian gas to Armenia and the increase of its volumes, the Ambassador said that presently Armenia receives gas against electricity, and that the increase of the volume depends on decisions by the Armenian authorities.

      “In any case, Armenian-Iranian economic relations are sure to rise to a new level after the agreement reached in Geneva,” Ambassador Reisi concluded.

      The elimination of sanctions placed on Iran will contribute to the mitigation of tension in the region, which will positively affect Armenian-Iranian relations, Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mohammad Reisi told a press conference in Yerevan.


      • #13
        Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

        Summarizing above information about the Armenia-Iran Railway:

        Description: 316 km Railway Connecting Armenia to Iran, going through Iran to Caspian, creating Black Sea-GEO-ARM-IRN-Persian Gulf Link
        Cost: approximately $ 1.8-2.7 Billion; $3.5 Billion (Clarification/Further information/individual breakdown Needed)
        Funding: N/A Armenia; Iran has its section funded, waiting on Armenia
        Potential Future Funding: World Bank;Asian Development Bank ; Dubai-based investment fund Rasia FZE, Russian Railways (RZD)
        Projected Completion Date: N/A
        Engineering/Construction Company: Russian Railways (RZD)
        Progress so far (Dec 2013): N/A; Iran ready to begin construction as soon as Armenia secures funding for its section
        Last edited by Mher; 12-06-2013, 11:31 PM.


        • #14
          Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          Excellent idea and posts Mher, very useful. Importance of these project cannot be understated. Now that Iran is becoming less isolated internationally, hope the railway project and many of our other projects with Iran that are lagging behind pick up speed.

          I hope some day eastern parts of Armenia get their own major highways as well. Vardenis-Martakert by the ArmeniaFund is one small step towards this direction.
          Thank you
          It is incredible that we don't have rail access to our only dependable neighbor. Of course its fairly understandable considering the priorities during the first 20 years of existence were surviving and healing from the war and the horrors of the Spitak earthquake.

          As if it were not enough that Armenia faces a combination of challenges that no other nation on earth faces, we were also dealt an unstable and sanctioned Iranian state, and a pro-Turkish/anti-Russian Georgian government. Now that those factors have changed dramatically over the past year, the progress of our small state should accelerate greatly. I hope the Rouhani government continues its progress, as Iran truly has the potential to become a regional power, a Germany in the middle east. And there is no reason Armenia can't become the Switzerland to Iran's Germany. Rouhani has shown an amazing ability to withstand the initial AIPAC/Israel and domestic nutcase mullah attempted derailing of his agenda. Now that he has some leeway both in America and at home, having proven he can deliver results, he should have a much longer leash in bringing Iran out of the dark and back to stability and prominence.

          And I definitely agree about the eastern development. Unfortunately, Armenia faces so many challenges at the same time, one doesn't know where to start.

          Now that Yerevan is a fairly modern city, where one can at least expect to find employment to sustains ones family, a focus needs to shift upon modernizing Gyumri and Vanadzor which look like Yerevan in 1995

          Then we need to focus on our depleting villages and other regions

          However, I think all of that, at least partially, will take care of itself with these 2 projects once Armenia breaks from its current isolation, connecting to the outside world as well as modernizes its infrastructure and become more interconnected within.
          Last edited by Mher; 12-06-2013, 11:40 PM.


          • #15
            Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

            Plans for Europe-Asia railway
            Published: Mon, 2013-12-02 14:11

            Central Asian states may be linked with EU and Middle East by railway service

            Azerbaijan has put forward a proposal to the countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), an intergovernmental organization, involving seven Asian and three Eurasian nations, to establish a network of railways and connect it to the rail networks of Europe and the Middle East region, according to Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.

            According to him, the development of railway infrastructure as well as building of some important regional rail lines and in particular Kazvin - Rasht - Astara (Iran ) - Astara (Azerbaijan), will create new transit opportunities in the Central Asian region.

            __________________________________________________ __________________________________________
            attempt to sabotage the Armenian rail?


            • #16
              Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

              I think the biggest challenge in the construction of a Iran/Armenia modern railway is the terrain and the engineering involved.....if NKR became part of Armenia then this railway makes no sense due to NKRs a large border with Iran with no major natural obstacles.
              B0zkurt Hunter


              • #17
                Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

                Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
                I think the biggest challenge in the construction of a Iran/Armenia modern railway is the terrain and the engineering involved.....if NKR became part of Armenia then this railway makes no sense due to NKRs a large border with Iran with no major natural obstacles.
                unfortunately, I think there is a bigger chance of war in the next 5 years than the world recognizing Artsakh as part of Armenia. In fact the only way it may happen in the near future is war. So I don't think that's an option. Furthermore, this is something Armenia needs now, not in 5-10 years. Something to greatly boost the economy and hopefully reverse our emigration numbers. Now we have a 35km border with Iran as it is. I think the biggest challenge is the massive price tag, and the difficulty in finding funding for it after having received massive funding for the North-South highway from all of the various banking institutions already. Which leads me to another question: Does anyone know the exact price tag of the Armenian sector of the railway? I know the prices of 1.8-2.7 billion and 3.5 billion have been floated out there. Well first of, which of those figures in the correct one? Second of all, is that just the Armenian sector? and if not, then how much is the Armenian sector specifically.


                • #18
                  Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

                  Armenia to negotiate with Georgia about Abkhaz railways

                  By Messenger Staff
                  Tuesday, November 12
                  The Russian media is currently discussing the issue of reviving Abkhazian segment of the railways connecting Georgia with Russia. Armenian leadership is very much interested in this issue as it wants to break though the blockade, which is imposed around it by Azerbaijan and Turkey. The only land connection with the rest of the world Armenia has through Iran.

                  As for Georgia – Armenia has railway connections with this country. However, due to the occupation of Abkhazian territory by the Russian-supported separatists, the railways running through Abkhazia do not function. This topic has been touched on many times by the Armenian side which is vitally interested in the issue.

                  Georgia now faces a dilemma. If its preconditions are met (return of IDPs from Abkhazia to their original homes, joined control of cargo at the Russian border) only in this case Georgia would have started discussing the issue. However, these developments might cause the great discontent of Azerbaijan, which does not want Armenia to establish a land connection with Russia, and besides, it tries to promote the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railways, currently under the intensive construction.

                  __________________________________________________ _____________________
                  a third infrastructure matter whose resolution is crucial


                  • #19
                    Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

                    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
                    I think the biggest challenge in the construction of a Iran/Armenia modern railway is the terrain and the engineering involved.....if NKR became part of Armenia then this railway makes no sense due to NKRs a large border with Iran with no major natural obstacles.
                    but NKR is already the part of Armenia


                    • #20
                      Re: North-South Highway/Iran-Armenia Railway

                      Originally posted by Arsen View Post
                      but NKR is already the part of Armenia
                      It's Armenian controlled, but its not internationally recognized as part of Armenia, or even an independent nation. That's why other countries aren't allowed to just build something through it without Azerbaijani permission. Also, the fact that war can start any moment discourages any and all non-Armenian foreign investments

