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Turkey 2 give back land?

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  • Turkey 2 give back land?

    CNN is reporting that Turkey is prepared to give back minorities' properties taken by the state and give them to Chrstian and xxxish foundations.

    MSN, too.

    CNNinternational first.
    Last edited by freakyfreaky; 02-07-2008, 09:54 PM.
    Between childhood, boyhood,
    & manhood (maturity) there
    should be sharp lines drawn w/
    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
    stories, songs & judgements

    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22

  • #2
    Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

    Legislation passes muster in Turkish parliament, nationalists and minorities displeased, President expected to sign it into law with hopes that it will appease EU and ease Turkey's inclusion into EU.

    Note the land to be given back relates to property seizures in 1974 in response to Cyprus intervention and coup attempt by supporters of unfication with Greece and not those taken during genocide.
    Between childhood, boyhood,
    & manhood (maturity) there
    should be sharp lines drawn w/
    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
    stories, songs & judgements

    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


    • #3
      Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

      Does Armenia has any plan for the people who were grandsons of butchered/ forced to immigration muslims/Turks from Armenia?


      • #4
        Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

        Originally posted by Selpak View Post
        Does Armenia has any plan for the people who were grandsons of butchered/ forced to immigration muslims/Turks from Armenia?
        Yes they do. To ask them what they were doing in Christian/Armenian lands in the first place.


        • #5
          Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

          Originally posted by RSNATION View Post
          Yes they do. To ask them what they were doing in Christian/Armenian lands in the first place.
          Greeks, Serbs, Assyrians, Russians can ask the same thing.


          • #6
            Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

            Yes they do. To ask them what they were doing in Christian/Armenian lands in the first place.
            List first known people of Turkey. All of them were pagan. And none of them were Armenian.
            What makes Turkey Armenian land?
            What does Christian land mean?


            • #7
              Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

              Originally posted by Selpak View Post
              List first known people of Turkey. All of them were pagan. And none of them were Armenian.
              What makes Turkey Armenian land?
              What does Christian land mean?
              The Armenians are indigenous to the land as are the Assyrians and Greeks- in Asia Minor, what you now call Turkey. The Turks arrived much later and went on a murderous rampage in Asia Minor, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Before their arrival, these were Christians lands soon after the founding of that religion. Turks are invaders from Central Asia and usurped Islam from the Arabs.


              • #8
                Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

                Turks are a people original from central Asia, that forgotten huge region called Turkestan located between Siberia in the North, the Caspian Sea in the West, China in the East and the Himalaya in the South. This region is divided today in some republics (formerly sovietic) called Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and even the westerner region of China, populated by turks too. Azerbaijan, despite being in the Caucasus region, at the other side of the Caspian Sea, is also a turkish country.


                All these countries speak turkish dialects and are now islamic. They are racially not caucasoids but are mongoloids. They are not semitic like Arabs and their language is not related to Arabic. Arabs simply gave them the Islam, or actually the Turks took it from them.

                Turks were historically a nomad people who lived from attacking their neighbors, pillage and thievery . Known Turkish tribes are the Tartars (in the asian part of Russia) and the Huns. The Huns, before AD 400, were often causing problems for the Chinese (who called them Xiongnu and built the Great Wall to keep them out).

                The Turks also usually attacked caravans on the Route of the Silk Road (the commercial way between Europe and China famous by Marco Polo writings). After year 400 they started moving west to Russia and the rest of Europe.

                The famous Hun King Attila and his very damaging attacks to East Europe caused the Gothic migrations from Center Europe to Britain (Angles and Saxons), Spain (Visigoths and Sueves), France (Franks) and Italy (Ostrogoths)

                The Seljuks under Tamerlane invaded next and his gift to the world was the destruction of many societies and the death of millions.

                The third time Turks invaded Europe was about AD 1300, when other turkish tribe, the Ottomans, moved from Turkestan to todayīs Turkey. Before that, Constantinople was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire (the eastern part of the Roman Empire that didnīt fell after the Huns' and Goths' attacks on Rome between 400 and 500) and the peninsula of Anatolia was populated by Greeks in the coast and different Indo-european peoples in the center ) and the east (Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds; descendents of the Hittites and others) all of them of Christian religion except the Kurds, who were more mixed with Arabs and Persians and took Islam. The Turks invaded these lands, defeated the Byzantines (1453, fall of Constantinople) and even occupied the south east of Europe, destroying again the rest of the Roman Empire and bringing their non-caucasoid race and their islamic religion. Their advance to the rest of Europe was stopped by a christian league leaded by Spain in the Battle of Lepanto (1571), when they were preparing to attack the Italian Republics.

                During the 1st World War, the Turks genocided near 1.500.000 Armenians. In 1920, by the Treaty of Sevres, Armenians should have founded a big country in what is now the East of Turkey where some millions them live, but the Turks didnīt allow it by further war and murder (helped by their cousins in Azerbaijan) and that is why Armenia is today a very small country with most of its population abroad. There are also many million kurds in Turkey suffering abuse to this day.

                The Turk peoples, those of Turkestan and the Ottomans, differently to the Arabs or the Persians, never made a civilization on their own, they preferred to attack and rob the european and chinese civilizations. The so called Ottoman Empire is not but the Byzantine Empire ruled by turks under Islam. All the monuments you can see in modern Turkey, including the mosques (many of which are old Byzantine churches) were all built before their arrival. The only zone in the country close to an european standard is Istanbul, the former Constantinople, probably because the population, of Greek, Armenian, Slav descendents.


                • #9
                  Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

                  Check Hittite time period and tell me where Greeks and Armenians live. Suprize me.

                  Genetic researchs show that ancient people of Anatolia lives in Turkey. We call our self Turk and we don't ask anything about it to others. Especially, to people we hate most/only.

                  We came to Anatolia after Armenians and Greeks (so?). We fought with Eastern Roman Empire (not Armenian Empire) for various reasons. And we got Hititian land. Hititians culture is not exist. But most of you can find the local Abojins and American Indians in your country. What do you do for that?

                  Armenians sided with Russia. They stab Turks in the back. And Turks used their right for relocation of Armenians as Byzantium did same before to them. Armenians killed/forced all Turks from the land where they have power... Turks could convert all Armenians. Turks could kill all Armenians. Turks could wipe off all Armenian culture in Anatolia. But we didn't... We are restore Armenian ruins too.. we allow Armenian schools... Armenians can be famous in Turkey and he/she can say that he/she is Armenian (even today when our hatred is on top). I asked what about Armenia??

                  Any way. Your argument (we came before you) has no importance in todays world.

                  You tell me to ask to Greeks who says "pontic" area (salvation of landlocked armenia in your dreams) was their historical land.

                  You tell me to ask to Serbs who are slavic nation and orginally form northern asia.
                  ... How can they help you if I ask them?

                  Btw, today Turkey begin to a ground operation in northern iraq to fight with the people who says "historical Armenian land" belongs to them.
                  Last edited by Selpak; 02-22-2008, 08:39 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Turkey 2 give back land?

                    Originally posted by Selpak View Post
                    Check Hittite time period and tell me where Greeks and Armenians live. Suprize me.

                    Genetic researchs show that ancient people of Anatolia lives in Turkey. We call our self Turk and we don't ask anything about it to others. Especially, to people we hate most/only.

                    We came to Anatolia after Armenians and Greeks (so?). We fought with Eastern Roman Empire (not Armenian Empire) for various reasons. And we got Hititian land. Hititians culture is not exist. But most of you can find the local Abojins and American Indians in your country. What do you do for that?

                    Armenians sided with Russia. They stab Turks in the back. And Turks used their right for relocation of Armenians as Byzantium did same before to them. Armenians killed/forced all Turks from the land where they have power... Turks could convert all Armenians. Turks could kill all Armenians. Turks could wipe off all Armenian culture in Anatolia. But we didn't... We are restore Armenian ruins too.. we allow Armenian schools... Armenians can be famous in Turkey and he/she can say that he/she is Armenian (even today when our hatred is on top). I asked what about Armenia??

                    Any way. Your argument (we came before you) has no importance in todays world.

                    You tell me to ask to Greeks who says "pontic" area (salvation of landlocked armenia in your dreams) was their historical land.

                    You tell me to ask to Serbs who are slavic nation and orginally form northern asia.
                    ... How can they help you if I ask them?

                    Btw, today Turkey begin to a ground operation in northern iraq to fight with the people who says "historical Armenian land" belongs to them.
                    You did not understand my previous response. The Armenians are descended from the Hittites. The Greeks in Asia Minor are from the Ionians, Lydians,etc.

                    And yes, Pontus is Greek land.

                    The only possible way that some Turks are genetically related to Hittites is if they have Armenian and/or Assyrian bloodlines and that would be through rape or forced conversion...which you are probably proud of as most Turks seem to be. War and death is the Turks gift to the world.

                    Turks through the ages murdered, forcibly converted millions of Armenians, Greeks, and Slavs and you expect them to be thankful to the Turks that some still live today? You want us to thank Turks for "letting" some Armenians remain unmolested in their own homeland?

                    Turkeys ground operation into Iraq is yet more proof of their inability to accept a rise of a Kurdish nation... a racist view.

