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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Originally posted by SevSpitak View Post
    You guys ever been to this site? If you want a good laugh, check out "Xəritə" (maps). I'm guessing this is one of the main sources that poison Azerbaijanis' minds and turn their world black.

    The entire world knows what Armenia was during/under the Roman Empire (1st century). Why do these maps fail to comply with the history known and documented by the rest of the world (*ahem* including Turkey)?
    Without mentioning we were on the map more than 3000 years before the Roman Empire, since we are the only nation of the Caucasus which appears in 3000 year old maps and current maps. There is no Colchis, Iberia, Caucasian Albania anymore...all extinted. But there was an Armenia, there is an Armenia and there will be an Armenia.

    Azeries deeply believe they are the "descendants of the Caucasian Albanians", yet you see how proud and how out loud they speak about their "Turkic origins", yet the CAs had nothing to do with the Turks, Turks are Altaic...CAs are well, Caucasians. It's very curious how they behave, they change their identity molding it according to the situation and how it can benefit them. They're Turks when they speak about their origins, the brotherhood of Turkic nations, want to get support from Turkey, etc....they are Caucasian Albanians when they want to claim the ancient territories of the millenarian state of Armenia (along with our culture, etc.)...and they are Azeries when they want to claim the territories of Northern Iran/Azarbaijan. That's a serious identity disorder. But in all times, Azeries claim to be Turks Turks Turks, so that's what they are...Turks, not CAs or Persians, but Turks, and Turks cannot claim presence in the region before 10th-11th AD. So it's clear who they are.

    Also, they live each day believing about the ancient Azerbaijan, the ancient region, the ancient people, and how ancient they are. Well, that's partly true. However, Azerbaijan cannot claim presence as a generative name for a region until the 9th to 10th century AD. Yeah, Azeries are a relative ancient people, ancient Persian Turkic-speaking people, with whatsoever no relationship to the CAs or the Caucasus region. Also forgetting to say that the Caucasian Albanias had a deep relation with us, the Armenians, so much that even their alphabet was a resemblance of ours and the Georgian alphabet (which were all created by Mashtots, regardless of what the liar Georgians say)

    But what the Azeries forgot (or deliberately do) to mention, is the fact that the region of Azerbaijan has always been known to be generally located below the Araqs river.

    Also, it's kind of curious that before Soviet times the name "Azerbaijan" and "Azeries" was not used for the region or the people of preset day Azerbaijan. You can search ANY document on that time and what will appear is "Caucasian Tartar" or just "Tartar".

    A curious fact for you, if anyone of you my friends has read the book "Tales from The Caucasus" or just "The Caucasus" by Alexandre Dumas (father) released in 1859, the writer mentions the life of the peoples from the Caucasus from a trip he made, and he states very clearly what ethnic groups there are there: the Armenians, the Georgians, and the Tartars. Now, are these the Tartars from Tartarstan in Russia? Nope, he's referring to the Caucasus. It just seems to curious that Azeries are not mentioned by ANYONE, not even foreigners and visitors, as an ethnic group in the Caucasus up until 1920s and 1930s or in general Sovit times. Also curious is the fact, that the riots during 1918-1920 in the Caucasus (which the Azeries claim to be their "genocide") are named generally by historians Armenian-Tartar (present day Azerbaijanis) conflict. It is weird that people who were used to be named with one name, then came to be known with another, and in a really short period of time. Either all Tartars were deported and people from Northern Iran took their place, or simply the name was later put on them. And at the same time it is also curious that the people from Northern Iran aka Azarbaijanis or Azerbaijanis claim themselves to have no relation to the Azeries from Azerbaijan. You decide what's going on here...although everyone knows its pretty clear.

    But anyways, that site you posted Sev was opened just days ago by the Azerbaijani government. They can say what they want, but the reality is that no one outside from Azerbaijan and Turkey (or related to those countries and ethnicities) supports the ideas and "facts" of their "scientists" and "historians". So, they can keep claiming that "you must no forget your history", when in fact the only history they have is that of thieves of other peoples history.


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      NKR Survey: Only 50 percent would fight for recognition; even fewer want to be part of Armenia


      About 85 percent of Nagorno-Karabakh residents are against any compromise in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue settlement, but the results of a survey held in Nagorno-Karabakh also show that there are people in Karabakh who agree for the unrecognized republic to become part of Azerbaijan again.

      On April 8-10, a sociological survey was held by ‘Sociometer’ Independent Sociological Center, (headed by Aharon Adibekyan) among 1,400 people in the capital city, six districts and 28 villages, ordered by the youth wing of the Union of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) War Veterans.

      According to Adibekyan, the viewpoints of Karabakh residents are largely overlooked, as third-party bodies debate their fate. But, says Adibekyan: “It is impossible to reach a solution without their opinion.”

      According to the survey, only 34 percent of NKR residents agree to join Armenia. Fifty percent said they would fight for recognition. Three people (0.2 percent) responded as wanting Karabakh returned to Azerbaijan. (A similar survey three years ago yielded 1.5 percent of respondents who agreed to return to Azerbaijan.)

      “The desire to become part of Azerbaijan again is, perhaps, connected with the nostalgia of ‘prosperous life’ in the Soviet period. Of course, those people do not have a great role, but it is interesting that such an opinion also exists,” Adibekyan told ArmeniaNow.

      Karabakh itself has an official population of nearly 140,000, however actual figures are believed to be less.
      The sociologist recalls that during the survey a politician (in Nagorno-Karabakh) told him that “residents of Nagorno-Karabakh are more afraid neither of Azeris nor of Turks, but rather of you [Armenia-based Armenians].”

      “That is to say, they have concerns about the foreign policy of Armenia,” Adibekyan clarifies.
      Only 28 percent of respondents say they trust Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, while only 25 percent trust NKR President Bako Sahakyan. Only 10 percent said they trust the president and prime minister of Russia.

      Residents are decisively against the resettlement of Azeri refugees in territories now controlled by Karabakh-Armenian forces.

      “Ninety-eight percent is against, because the population [of Nagorno-Karabakh] has concerns that the resettled territories will look like ghettos, and they will create a situation out of control,” Adibekyan concludes.


      Many more Armenians in NKR than just 50% want to fight for independence, come on! What are we fighting for then?! For only 50% of people? I will not believe this because I know it's not true

      As for the NKR Armenians being afraid of "us" more than the Azeries or Turks, that's kind of true. "We will not be defeated in war, but we can be defeated in politics" goes the saying. They're afraid of the concessions that can be made, they're afraid of losing their territory, as we all are. That's why it is necessary that there are enough people to resist any political concession that can affect security of NKR, but if we only have 50% that would want to fight for their independence, then we're doomed... according to this article.

      But according to this article, while only 50% of people will fight for independence, at 34% of people would want to join Armenia, what do the other almost 20% think?

      The part referenced to 85% of NKR Armenians don't wanting any concessions to their lands, and 98% don't wanting any Azeri to step on their lands...I would lift the numbers higher, specially just 85%.

      And last but not least, those 3 traitors who vowed to be part of Azerbaijan, take them and send them to Azerbaijan...see how well they do.


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Ethnic Minorities of Armenia wrote a letter to Aliyev

        11 national communities of Armenia - the Assyrian community, the Belarusian community, the Greek community, the Georgian community, Yezidi community, the xxxish community, the Kurdish community, the German community, the Polish community, the Russian community, the Ukrainian community and the co-chairs the Union of Nationalities - sent a letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev . IA Antituran "leads the full text of the letter:

        In the article "Ilham Aliyev:" Armenia is actually disrupts the Karabakh negotiating process ", referring to the state news agency AzerTaj, reported that on April 15, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the meeting of the country's Government on the results of socio-economic development in the first quarter of 2010, shared his thoughts with the public. In contrast to Armenia, we are not monogosudarstvom. We all peoples of all religions live as one family. This is our feature. Armenia is perhaps the only country in the world, that is not an island nation, which does not live by any other nation except the Armenians ... not only Azerbaijanis, representatives of all other nationalities have also been either driven out of Armenia, have been killed or harassed, or they created such intolerable conditions that they can not stay there. ".

        We can recommend to Mr. Aliyev, before making public statements, to study the relevant materials. In Armenia, registered 11 national communities and about 35 community organizations of national minorities, freedom to develop their activities. None of them ever not chuvstvovala and do not feel oppression or disadvantaged in their rights.The state provides an opportunity for conservation and development of languages and cultures of all nationalities freely to living in Armenia, and also promotes education in the national language, and mentioned in numerous documents of the Commission of the Council of Europe on national minorities, which I think is quite accessible even to President of Azerbaijan.

        We want to emphasize that Armenia might indeed is the only country where the public schools taught languages such as Assyrian, Yezidi, Kurdish. Armenia is really the only country where the state budget published textbooks above languages. In addition, in many public schools in Armenia, there are classes where the learning takes place in Russian and Armenian government established the Cultural Centre of nationalities, where the national minorities of Armenia provided optimal conditions for the organization of Sunday schools and various events. Due to the state budget are published several Yezidi, Kurdish, Russian, and Ukrainian, Georgian, xxxish newspapers, Greek and Russian journals. Are being broadcast in Assyrian, Kurdish, Yezidi, and Russian. Also in Armenia under the protection of the state are all the architectural, historical, cultural and religious sites, regardless of their ethnicity and religion that can not be said about Azerbaijan, whose territory desecrated and destroyed cemeteries and cultural monuments.

        A good example of national policy in Azerbaijan is the complete expulsion of Armenians from Nakhichevan autonomous region, the Armenian autonomous republic within Azerbaijan, organized and run by the State of pogroms and ethnic cleansing in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovobade, many other cities and districts of Azerbaijan, the complete destruction of the monument of medieval architecture - Armenian cemetery in Djugha which were destroyed hundreds of original Armenian cross-stones.

        Apparently, Aliev had forgotten about the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Armenians from Azerbaijan, the displacement of Assyrians from Khanlar, about the ongoing efforts of the violent national, cultural and linguistic assimilation, and subsequent Turkization Azerbaijanization Talysh, Lezgins, Tats, Avars and other indigenous peoples of modern Azerbaijan, the consequences of which it is sufficient clearly visible even in the official statistical summaries of the Azerbaijan.

        But let's leave it to his conscience - he apparently chose the same course and Azerbaijanization deetnizatsii in Azerbaydzhane. It's stupid to stand on the same rake a second time, Ilham Geydarovich.


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Ganira Pashayeva: “Crimes against Azerbaijanis, committed during Stalin’s regime, still go on”

          [ 29 Apr 2010 00:54 ]

          Strasbourg. Fuad Gulubeyli – APA. Member of Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation at PACE Ganira Pashayeva delivered an extended speech at the discussions of PACE President Mövlud Çavuşoglu’s report on the “victims of the great famine (Holodomor) in the former USSR”, APA reports quoting its European correspondent.

          G. Pashayeva noted that the population of the former USSR still suffers from the results of mass human rights violation based on the serious crimes that the totalitarian communist and Stalin regimes committed against the peoples.

          “Today we talk about the people who were killed as a result of the great famine (Holodomor). Millions of people became the victims of Stalin’s regime crimes. The current discussions can be acknowledged, even if it’s belated, as international community’s protest and condemnation toward mass violation of human rights, crimes, and tragedy. Yes, for the purpose of prevention the crimes like this, we have to talk, condemn, and commemorate the victims of the tragedy. Besides bolstering up all proposals, noted in the report, I’d like also to underline something else. As the Parliamentary Assembly we have to condemn all other crimes, like mass violation of the human rights, committed during the governance of the communist and Stalin regimes in the former USSR. It should be noted, in some republics of the empire, during the ruling of the totalitarian Stalin regimes, in 1937, tens of thousands of educated men, scientists, writers and poets were shot. There was just one reason. All these men protested against the policy targeted to eradication their nations’ history, language and culture, they were thinking brain and speaking tongue of the nations. Just at that very years thousands of Azerbaijani educated men, scientists, writers, in a word the great part of nation’s thinking brain was destructed and the members of their families were sent into exile to Siberian steppes, where they faced horrible hardships, by Stalin’s regime”, - said Ganira Pashayeva.
          In her speech the orator touched upon people’s violated rights as well. “I’d like to commemorate the peoples that were subjected to deportation, by filling in the train, from their hearths and native lands within few days as well as millions of people that became the victims of mass violation of human rights. Most of them died on the way to Siberia, the rest of them died as a result of horrible famine and disease. The outcomes of the tragedy, which the Crimean Tatars and the Crimean Turks faced, still go on. Despite they got a right to repatriate but they still face a lot of problems and suffer. Another people are Meskhetian Turks who were deported from their hearths. I am a representative of the nation that suffered from the crimes of Stalin’s regime. In 1920, one of the oldest lands of Azerbaijan Zangazur was separated by force from Azerbaijan and incorporated into Armenia. Due to the totalitarian regime of Stalin, 100 thousands of Azerbaijanis were deported from Armenia in 1948-53. They were deprived of their homes and other properties. The results of those crimes go on today. Those people are still unable to come back their homes as Armenian authorities don’t allow them to do it. Thousands of people pass away losing all hopes to come back to their native lands and hearths. Can there be more terrible tragedy. I call you on not to be indifferent to the fate of this people and boost them in their repatriation. As it was said in the resolution, we have to study the history in order to prevent such crimes in the future. Today’s disputes serve for it”, - she said.
          At the end of her speech, Ganira Pashayeva proposed to commemorate “Holodomor” victims with minute of silence.

          i think Armenia should invite her to perform at a comedy club because shes hilarious.


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Hey Ashot24 that website does not work anymore...


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Azeri propaganda makes its way onto a major alternative news site.
              This time an Azeri MP states that Iran will be attacked from Armenian territory.

              Check out the comments.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
                Azeri propaganda makes its way onto a major alternative news site.
                This time an Azeri MP states that Iran will be attacked from Armenian territory.

                Check out the comments.
                Those comments are awesome and to bad that this got even to that site, but so funny that no one is believing this BS.


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
                  Those comments are awesome and to bad that this got even to that site, but so funny that no one is believing this BS.
                  I wrote the second comment and I encourage you and others on this board to do the same. Registering is was easy.


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Originally posted by Davo88 View Post
                    Hey Ashot24 that website does not work anymore...
                    They received a massive influx of critics in the comments section about that so-called survey's results they posted, that they were forced to take it down because it was becoming a comment war-field, just like many of the articles ArmeniaNow posts from time to time. This one however, sparked a real battle.

                    How could it not? I read on about this guy Adibekyan, he did this study and survey which was aimed to become just a speculation about the situation there on the coming parliamentary elections, and the guy turned it into a tool to condemn and criticize the governments of both RA and NKR and basically scatter "how much the people is disatisfied with the "illegal" governments", the same way the guys from the opposition use anything and turn it into a way to criticize everything. I mean just read through it, it basically states that NKR Armenians couldn't care less about their land or about their people anymore, such lies. Between NKR Armenians you can find some of the most patriotic people ever, the youth of NKR is incredibly patriotic....why don't they appear in the statistics? BS


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Originally posted by ashot24 View Post
                      They received a massive influx of critics in the comments section about that so-called survey's results they posted, that they were forced to take it down because it was becoming a comment war-field, just like many of the articles ArmeniaNow posts from time to time. This one however, sparked a real battle.

                      How could it not? I read on about this guy Adibekyan, he did this study and survey which was aimed to become just a speculation about the situation there on the coming parliamentary elections, and the guy turned it into a tool to condemn and criticize the governments of both RA and NKR and basically scatter "how much the people is disatisfied with the "illegal" governments", the same way the guys from the opposition use anything and turn it into a way to criticize everything. I mean just read through it, it basically states that NKR Armenians couldn't care less about their land or about their people anymore, such lies. Between NKR Armenians you can find some of the most patriotic people ever, the youth of NKR is incredibly patriotic....why don't they appear in the statistics? BS
                      I believe it's time to post this here. It shows people from Artsakh and what they think. It also shows how they are ready to fight for their country and aren't ready to give an inch of land to the Azeris.


