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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war


    Deputy Foreign Minister of Lithuania Evaldas Ignatavichus answered to the Armenian Ambassador to Lithuania Ashot Galoyan’s request on Lithuanian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Kiastutitas Kudzmanas’ assessments given to Azerbaijani “” web site on 10 August, over the Nagorno-Karabakh problem.

    According to the content of the answer Azerbaijani media is faithful to its style falsifying the official disposition of the Lithuanian Ambassador. The message writes:

    “Regarding the falsifications made by some mass media representatives over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, I would like to stress our disposition over this issue which has significance for Armenia and Azerbaijan. Lithuania has relations with conflicts in South Caucasus and Moldova Republic. Especially, regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Lithuania supports the principles and norms of international right emphasizing excluding of force implementation, territorial integrity and self-determination right of nations. We cordially hope that both Armenia and Azerbaijan could find a decision in favor of both states. In 2011 under the presidency of Lithuania to the OSCE we support Minsk Group efforts addressed to the peaceful dialogue and we are sure as soon as the solution is found, the international society including the European Union will make efforts to help the sides to implement it.”


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Hetq's picked up on this story.
      Azeris Claim Armenian Eurovision 2009 Performers Stole Music

      On the “YouTube” video sharing website, a group of Azerbaijanis have downloaded a video clip purporting that the singing sister duo of Inga and Anoush Arshakyan, who represented Armenia in Eurovision 2009, lifted the music for their song “Nor Par” from a composition entitled “Nakhchivan”, penned by someone called Tofik Kouliyev.

      Read the details in the “Hetq” blog:

      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        this was a good line from the blog

        Ամենահետաքրքիրն այն է, որ այդ ազգը չի կարողանում ըմբռնել փաստը, որ նույն տարածաշրջանի երաժշտությունն ու մշակույթն ընդհանրապես նույնաոճ է լինում:


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Jail threat for donkey bloggers
          Two bloggers from Azerbaijan are facing up to five years in jail after posting a video of a donkey giving a news conference on YouTube.

          Shortly after the video was released, Andnan Hajizade and Emin Milli were held on hooliganism charges following a scuffle in a restaurant.

          Their lawyer says the arrests were politically motivated.

          But authorities insist they are investigating a simple criminal case.

          In the video, the donkey extols the benefits of living in Azerbaijan and praises the government for its positive attitude towards donkeys.

          The video was seen by many as a send-up of government news conferences, which critics say are often little more than propaganda events.

          "This incident is definitely politically motivated," said the bloggers' lawyer, Isakhan Ashurov.

          "My clients did not beat anybody, quite the opposite."

          The Azerbaijani government denies that the bloggers' arrest was politically motivated.

          "People are not arrested in Azerbaijan because of political activity," said Ali Hasnov, a senior adviser to President Ilham Aliyev, in a statement.

          "There was a scuffle between some young people and some of them were injured.

          "Law enforcement agencies are investigating the case and will give an impartial assessment," he added.

          'Black spot'

          Speaking to the BBC, Elsa Vidal - Europe desk officer with Reporters Without Borders - said that press freedoms in Azerbaijan were almost non-existent, making it "one of the black spots of the former USSR".

          "The situation is still severe and local public servants enjoy virtual immunity from an investigation from the press when they try and expose corruption," she said.

          "There are no grounds for the bloggers to be prosecuted. They should be released and all accusations should be dropped.

          "The authorities have more to lose in jailing the bloggers than in freeing them, but who knows what will actually be said at the trial?" she added.

          The UN Human Rights Committee also raised concerns about the arrests, saying there were "extensive limitations to the right to freedom of expression" in Azerbaijan.

          Supporters of the pair say the arrests might have backfired and given the video far more prominence than it would otherwise have had.

          A number of websites calling for the release of the two men have gone live, along with a Facebook group with almost 1,000 members. There is also a video petition.

          "Before the arrest, only a few hundred people had seen the video," Erkin Karirli, a member of the bloggers' support group, told the AFP news agency.

          "Since the arrest, the video has been seen by thousands and the number continues to grow.

          "The arrest has only promoted the video."
          BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Hahaha check this out some of our folks giving the azeris what they wont


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
              Hahaha check this out some of our folks giving the azeris what they wont
              Nice find!
              Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Aliyev’s humanism costs U.S. $3.5 million
                10:15 / 09/03/2009

                Humanism and compassion surged in Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev unexpectedly. He decided to fork out some petromoney for his citizens. He has allocated just little over U.S. $3.5 million (the price of his generosity) from the president’s reserve fund to “improve housing and living conditions of refugees and IDPs”.

                Aliyev issued a decree to earmark 3 million mantas from president’s reserve fund in 2009 for State Committee on Refugee and IDP Issues to design and build blocks of flat for 700 IDP families. According to it, State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan should consider the project while planning FY 2010 budget.

                It means Azeri authorities have exhausted their “million refugees” propagandist potential.

                For the last ten years, refugees in Azerbaijan were kept in special reservation places to be showcased to foreign delegations as a witness of “Armenian aggression”. Whereas in (the poor and feeble – as Azeris term it) Armenia the problem of refugees was solved along with their arrival during the armed conflict.

                Hundreds of thousands Armenians fell victims of atrocities in Baku, Sumgait, Kirovobad and other Azeri cities. The problem was aggravated by the simultaneous earthquake in Spitak (North Armenia) leaving another hundreds of thousands homeless. Nevertheless, Armenian leadership was decent enough not to speculate on the grief and not to keep refugees in reservations. Although, the issue of refugees could be solved more effectively, but that is another story…


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Azerbaijani media keep silence on the brutal murder of a child

                  Garadzhalar Telavi district villager Bayramov Alaverd Meko oglu disappeared at Tbilisi Samgori market a week ago. Attempts to find a child failed.

                  The corpse found in the hospital “Asani” located at the territory of Tbilisi Samgori district, had no internal organs. The detection of the lost organs shocked the parents. The heart and the kidney of the 8-year-old Alaverd Bayramov had been removed.

                  According to villagers, there were no information about how the child was transferred to hospital and who removed his organs.

                  According to the Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Georgia Namig Aliyev, the diplomatic mission hasn’t got any information with the above incident. The child’s parents hadn’t contacted us, - they said.

                  The police has arrested the suspects.

                  According to the Interior Ministry, two teenagers, both born in 1995, are arrested. According to the Ministry on August 28 both of them under the pretext of collecting scrap metal lured 8-year-old Alaverd Bayramov from the Navglut Market into the abandoned garage. They tied his hands and feet and raped. They beat him. After getting heavy wounds the boy died.

                  This is the version of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Whether for fear of the Georgian authorities or the indifference to the fate of compatriots outside of Azerbaijan but it must be noted that there was neither official memo no any publications or public reaction during the week.


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
                    Aliyev issued a decree to earmark 3 million mantas from president’s reserve fund in 2009 for State Committee on Refugee and IDP Issues to design and build blocks of flat for 700 IDP families. According to it, State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan should consider the project while planning FY 2010 budget.

                    It means Azeri authorities have exhausted their “million refugees” propagandist potential.
                    I wonder where they could be building the housing. Either Baku or near the frontline with Artsakh perhaps.
                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      American mobile operator cooperates with Nagorno-Karabakh separatists – Photo
                      04 September 2009 [16:26] - Today.Az

                      American mobile operator MetroPCS cooperates with Karabakh Telecom and offers roaming services in Armenia-occupied lands of Azerbaijan.

                      The American mobile operator makes gross errors related to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

                      It is interesting that the list of countries on MetroPCS Web site ( where roaming services are offered does not indicate Azerbaijan while it does indicate Armenia. The list of mobile operators in Armenia includes also Karabakh Telecom.

                      In other words, the operator considers that Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to Armenia. Moreover, the operator does not only describe legitimate part of Azerbaijan’s territory separate from the country, but also provides roaming services in the occupied territories in a direct violation of all international norms.

                      Obviously, Azerbaijan’s official bodies should demand not only to correct errors on mobile operator's Web site, but also to cancel roaming contracts with Karabakh Telecom.

                      All companies that are engaged in illegal activities in Nagorno-Karabakh should be aware that they violate international rules and regulations.

             readers can express their protest to the American MetroPCS by sending the following sample letter to [email protected]:

                      To the attention of MetroPCS executives and operators!

                      You list Armenia as one of the countries where your services work, and also state Karabakh Telecom as one of the operators there. Nagorno Karabakh is an internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan (which is not listed among the countries at all) and therefore cannot belong to Armenia in any way.

                      We state with full responsibility that Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan as evidenced by international acts. We also believe these errors are not deliberate and urge you to correct them as soon as possible.

                      Thank you in advance

                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

