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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    A very carefully worded article by Azerbaijani-Americans (no, STILL does not know how write in English). This is as sophisticated as the misinformation from Azerbaijan gets. Read this article and get yourself familiar with the garbage found in it.
    Karabakh peace process must be fully inclusive: Azerbaijani-American Council director general

    The dispute over the Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh has festered for more than two decades. One of the keys to finding a peaceful resolution of the conflict is achieving the normalization of relations between the region's ethnic Armenian and Azeri communities.

    In 1992, a mission of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, precursor to the OSCE) headed by then-U.S. Secretary of State James Baker worked out the so-called Baker Rules, which were agreed to by all sides in the conflict. Those rules recognized the two communities of Nagorno-Karabakh as "interested parties," and Armenia and Azerbaijan as "principal parties."

    In this context, one could only welcome the headline of an RFE/RL commentary by Robert Avetsiyan, a representative of Nagorno-Karabakh's ethnic Armenian community, entitled "Nagorno-Karabakh Must No Longer Be Barred From The Negotiating Table." Unfortunately, the author stopped short of mentioning the ethnic Azeri community that, prior to the 1988 conflict, comprised one-third of Nagorno-Karabakh's population and 99 percent of the population of seven other adjacent districts of Azerbaijan currently occupied by Armenian forces.

    Falling into the general pattern of Armenian-Azerbaijani disagreements, Avetsiyan's piece quickly shifted from discussing the legal and political aspects of conflict resolution to counterproductive historical allegations attempting to deny the Azeri identity. Unfortunately, some of these assertions need to be addressed.

    First Christians In The Caucasus

    The modern Christian heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh has its roots in the ancient kingdom of Caucasian Albania, called Aghvank in Armenian. While the Armenian language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, Caucasian Albanians -- the pre-Islamic ancestors of modern Azerbaijanis -- spoke an indigenous Caucasian language. Both Caucasian Albania and Armenia were converted to Christianity in the fourth century.

    The religion was first brought to Armenia by an ethnic Parthian noble, St. Gregory the Illuminator, but the first Christian church in the Caucasus was built in Albania. The church of Kish was established in the present-day Sheki region of Azerbaijan by St. Eliseus, a disciple of St. Thaddeus, who in 201 A.D. converted King Abgar IX of Edessa, making Osroene the first Christian state.

    The territory of present-day Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) belonged to Caucasian Albania in the first century A.D. ("Great Soviet Encyclopedia," 1973). Upon the Islamic conquest of the Caucasus in the ninth century, Artsakh was ruled by the Albanian princes (C. J. F. Dowsett, "A Neglected Passage In The 'History Of The Caucasian Albanians'", BSOAS, 19(3), 1957), while the Albanians in the eastern plain of Karabakh mixed with the Turkic population and became Muslims (R.G. Suny, "Looking Towards Ararat: Armenia In Modern History," 1993). Thus the "Canons Of Aghvan," composed in the fifth century, were a part of the Caucasian Albanian historical heritage shared by present-day Azerbaijanis.
    The monasteries of Amaras and Gandzasar remained the citadels of an autochthonous Albanian Apostolic Church up until 1836, when the Russian authorities incorporated it into the Armenian Apostolic Church. At the time, Gandzasar was the see of the Catholicate of Caucasian Albania, while the Amaras monastery was first claimed by the Armenian Church only in 1848.

    Territory Of Karabakh

    The first independent state in Nagorno-Karabakh was the 18th-century Karabakh khanate, established with a capital in present-day Shusha circa 1751 and ruled by an Azeri khan (R. Hewsen, "Journal Of The Society For Armenian Studies," Vol. 6, 1995, p. 270). Throughout the 19th century, Armenians remained a minority on the territories of Karabakh and present-day Armenia despite their major resettlement from Ottoman and Persian domains after the Russian conquest.

    Upon the fall of the Russian Empire, in 1918-20, the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh was under the control of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, whose authority over Karabakh was officially recognized by the Allied powers. After the establishment of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1921, the Bolshevik Kavburo voted to not to incorporate but to retain Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan.

    While the nationality of "Azerbaijani" was first indicated in the 1939 Soviet census, the millions of Azeris did not appear out of nowhere. The formulation of a uniform Azerbaijani identity started in pre-Christian Caucasian Albania and Atropatene, incorporating Islamic and Turkic elements in medieval times, to become the first secular, democratic Muslim nation in 1918.

    Prior to 1939, Azerbaijanis were called Turks, until Stalin decided to disassociate the Turkic people of the Caucasus and Central Asia from Turkey. In a similar move in the 1920s, Soviet authorities granted the Zangezur region to Armenia, separating Azerbaijan into two disjoined parts, and got rid of the Turkestan toponym in Central Asia.

    Violence Erupts

    The Armenian side often claims that the Sumgait events of February 27, 1988, were a precursor to the violence in Nagorno-Karabakh. But the first acts of violence took place in the Gugark region of Armenia in the fall of 1987. Subsequently, thousands of Azerbaijani refugees were forced to flee Armenia and were settled in Sumgait by the Soviet authorities.

    These events were followed by clashes in the Askeran region of Nagorno-Karabakh on February 22, 1988, when two ethnic Azeris were killed by an ethnic Armenian mob. Among the convicted perpetrators of the Sumgait events were also three ethnic Armenians who killed a quarter of the 26 ethnic Armenians who died in the violence, according to the deputy prosecutor-general of the USSR at the time.

    While Sumgait is often highlighted in the context of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, less attention is paid to the 1992 Khojaly massacre of ethnic Azeris by Armenian forces. Named the "largest massacre" of the conflict by Human Rights Watch, Khojaly's civilian death toll was some 20 times that of Sumgait.
    While both Azerbaijani and Armenian perpetrators in Sumgait were tried and sentenced by the court of law, those responsible for Khojaly were never brought to justice, despite the fact that the then-military commander in Nagorno-Karabakh (and now the president of Armenia), Serzh Sarkisian, has admitted Armenian responsibility for this atrocity (Thomas De Waal, "Black Garden: Armenia And Azerbaijan Through Peace And War," NYU Press, 2004).

    In its efforts to settle historical differences with Turkey, the Armenian side often appeals to the notion of justice. Yet the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) is an unjustly established monoethnic Armenian entity in the Caucasus. It is not independent, because it cannot sustain itself without the existence of its sponsor, Armenia.

    But most importantly, it was established after the exodus of one ethnic group forced by another. The self-proclaimed "NKR officials" cannot speak on behalf of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, because one-third of them were stripped of the right to choose their leaders due to their ethnicity. Therefore, Azerbaijan -- along with all reputable organizations including the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the OSCE -- consider the "NKR elections" and "NKR officials" illegitimate. Moreover, in the words of then-U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth Jones, these "NKR officials" constitute "criminal secessionists."

    Contrary to the Armenian allegations that Azerbaijan intended to cleanse Nagorno-Karabakh's ethnic Armenian population, in a letter addressed to the UN Security Council on November 9, 1993, the chairman-in-office of the CSCE Minsk Conference on Nagorno-Karabakh detailed the territories occupied by Armenian forces and outlined the required timetable for their withdrawal. Additionally, all four of the 1993 UN Security Council resolutions on Nagorno-Karabakh call for the immediate withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. It has been 16 years since the "NKR officials" and their protectors in Yerevan refused to fulfill these international demands.

    At present, Armenia's military occupation of the region precludes the much-desired participation of Nagorno-Karabakh's ethnic Armenian community in the peace process, because the region's ethnic Azeris were stripped of this right. Lasting peace in Nagorno-Karabakh cannot be achieved without a return of the region's ethnic Azeri population and their harmonious coexistence with the ethnic Armenian community. Furthermore, to reestablish the much-needed trust between the two nations, it is important for both Armenians and Azerbaijanis to refrain from any hostile, derogatory, or inflammatory rhetoric.

    by Javid Huseynov

    Dr. Javid Huseynov is general director of the Azerbaijani-American Council. He was assisted in the preparation of this article by U.S. Azeris Network Managing Director Dr. Adil Baguirov, Azerbaijani National Cultural Association (Hungary) founder Dr. Vugar Seidov, and Azerbaijan Society of America President Tomris Azeri. All four are originally from the once Azeri-populated regions currently under Armenian military occupation. The views expressed in this commentary are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of RFE/RL.

    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Turkey Advises Azerbaijan To Forget Karabakh

      In a very positive and balanced approach to the conflict of Nagorno Karabakh Turkish writer Kadri Gursel wrote in yesterday's Milliyet advising that Azerbaijan's interest will be better served if it forgot about Nagorno Karabakh. Looking at the issue from a realistic point of view and championing peace in the region he sees no way to return Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijani rule. This is in the light of Turkey Armenia rapprochement.

      Gursel, an analyst for one of the top newspapers in Turkey, concerned about the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and the break-away Karabakh Armenians (Armenia supports the cause of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians' right to self-determination through referendum), calls on his brothers in Azerbaijan to act more wisely and give up their hopes for ever bringing back Nagorno Karabakh.

      In a story, titled "Forgetting Karabakh Is In The Interest of Azeris," he writes with a certain certitude. "Azerbaijan cannot return Nagorno Karabakh under its rule neither through diplomacy, nor through war. It cannot do so with an economic embargo either. It's not even possible to predict such a development in the future either."

      However, Gurcel also mentions that it may be realistic to think that Azerbaijan may be able to return the territories around Nagorno Karabakh back to its rule provided that a land corridor between Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh is left. The president of Azerbaijan has also spoken with an understanding about the land corridor between Armenia and Karabakh. In return Armenia on several occasions has shown clear signs for a compromised honorable peace with Azerbaijan and hinted that its ready to work on return of land for Nagorno Karabakh's status deal.

      Yet, Turkish analyst notes that "since the day that the issue of Nagorno Karabakh has become a battle center between the government of Azerbaijan and its opposition, that country is not showing the necessary flexibility for negotiating with Armenia for peace." He wants to clearly point out that the official Baku can't hope to reach a settlement by making war like statements. Azerbaijan on every occasion reminds its population and the world that its army is ready to "liberate" Nagorno Karabakh with force. This puts the country in contrast with the position of mediators, Turkey and the international community.

      He concludes by making parralels between Cyprus and Nagorno Karabakh. "As Turkey in regard to Cyprus is trying hard to convince the world and the Greeks that it's impossible to return to the status that existed before 1974, in the same way there is a need to tell the brothers in Azerbaijan that to return Caucasus to the status that it had before 1992 is something that can't be achieved."

      At the same time good things are happening on Armenian an Turkish relations. It is expected that Turkey will open the border with Armenia by the end of the year and both countries seem to be determined in giving a start to new chapter in their common history.

      Now the need is to convince Azerbaijan to come on board.

      Written by Armen Hareyan


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Hadise’s concert will not be organized in Azerbaijan any more

        [ 04 Sep 2009 13:38 ]

        Baku. Ulkar Gasimova – APA. Azerbaijani public was shocked by the recent interview of Hadise Acikgoz, Turkey’s representative in Eurovision-2009, who gave a concert in Baku two months ago, APA reports.

        Hadise said in her interview to Show TV that she supports reopening of Turkey-Armenia borders and wants to be a “Truce angel” to realize it.
        “Armenia and Turkey are brotherly countries, the borders between the two countries should reopen. I am ready to be a “truce angel” for this. I have talked to Inga and Anush, they also want to come to Turkey and give a concert here. Their wish should be realized. Let the initiator of this truce be music. If Inga and Anush agree, we will give a concert on October 14,” she said.
        In Eurovision-2009 in Moscow Hadise said she loved Inga and Anush and introduced them to the journalists as the “most beautiful girls” of the contest.

        It seems Hadise forgot that Armenia occupied Azerbaijani territories, committed the most terrible genocide of the century in Khojaly, killed thousands of civilians, killed 34 Turkish diplomats abroad in 1973-1984, raised the so-called genocide and territorial claims against Turkey. It seems she also forgot Azerbaijan’s support in Eurovision and 12 points. With this interview she also demonstrated her “respect” to Azerbaijani people. Two months ago in Baku Hadise said she loves Azerbaijani people and is grateful to the Azerbaijanis for her success in Eurovision. So, these were only words.

        Nahid Emiloglu, who organized Hadise’s concert in Azerbaijan, told APA that he will not organize Hadise’s concert in Baku any more.
        “Hadise promised to give a concert, but we refuse to organize this concert. On my behalf I state that we will not organize Hadise’s concert in Baku any more,” he said.

        Hadise appealed to Turkish government and the country’s Football Federation. She said she wants to give a concert with Inga and Anush before the football match between Turkey and Armenia in Bursa on October 14.

        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          It's funny Federate how they start talking about one thing
          such as this singer not peroforming in Baku, then all of a sudden
          metioning a "genocide" that never happend.

          Such funny things azeri reporters come up with


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            i found this very amusing.

            Today.Az » Politics » Editor-in-chief of New York based Russian-language newspaper: Photos of Khojaly genocide victims were presented as photos of victims of so-called Armenian “genocide…”

            04 September 2009 [18:34] - Today.Az

            Nobert Yevdayev, editor-in-chief of New York-based Russian language newspaper “Noviy Rubezh” (‘New Frontier’) and chairman Azerbaijani Friendly Association AZEM spoke in an interview with Day.Az.

            Nobert Yevdayev, born in Baku in 1929, is a truly unique and more than a versatile person. Jazz musician, poet, painter, journalist, author of numerous scientific papers - this is not the whole list of his hobbies and achievements.

            Since 1989, the former from Baku resident lives in the United States and since 2003 publishes the newspaper “Noviy Rubezh”. In an interview Day.Az Yevda tells how the newspaper began publishing, about Azerbaijanis and migrants from Azerbaijan living in the States and the intrigues of the Armenian diaspora.

            Day.Az: How did you decide to publish a newspaper? What is the aim of “Noviy Rubezh”?

            Nobert Yevdayev: In 2003, upon the recommendation of one of my friends, I was invited by leaders of Mountain xxxish Community with a request to publish a newspaper. My conditions were as follows - not to be confined to narrow communal interests and to publish a newspaper with general information of world political and cultural international events.

            The newspaper is published since May 2003. It has 32 pages. It appears once a month and does not contain news. The newspaper publishes articles in English, Russian, Azerbaijani and Gorski xxxish languages. A total 3,000 are released. In addition New York City, the newspaper is circulated in mountain xxxish communities abroad including Moscow, Baku, Tel Aviv, Berlin and Toronto.

            Q: How many Azerbaijanis and migrants from Azerbaijan live in New York according to your own estimations?

            A: We do not have statistics. But the most active part of people from Azerbaijan meet every year to celebrate Novruz. This festival is celebrated by several organizations, in particular, the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN in New York restaurant ‘Baku Palace’, Association of Azerbaijanis living in the United States and the Association of Azerbaijanis living in New York. Each of the events unite at most 300 people.

            As the most prominent representatives of Azerbaijani people living in the U.S. I can note Nargiz Shakynskaya - a well-known observer and presenter in the American TV channel, Azim Sadykhov - filmmaker and Award Winner of film festivals in the United States, Telman Jalilov - Honored Artist of Azerbaijan and the head of the Azerbaijani national dance, Chingiz Sadikhov – well-known pianist and the accompanist of Rashid Behbudov and Muslim Magomayev in the past, Anna Toporovski - a well-known radio commentator which broadcasts the events taking place in the White House and many others. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of known great Azerbaijanis. However, many migrants from Azerbaijan live in the U.S. whom we do not know.

            Q: Resistance of young but already quite strong and influential Azerbaijani diaspora against famous Armenian diaspora in the United States in the past few years has been very active. What is the superiority and inferiorty of Azerbaijani diaspora over and to the Armenian diaspora?

            A: Armenian Diaspora, particularly in New York, is not an organized force that could confront us. It does not have its media, it does not hold public events, in any case, like we do. We follow mainly Russian-language press which sometimes publishes forgeries related to the confrontation.

            We find this kind of fakes and expose them and publish stories of exposure in our newspaper. For example, articles in the newspaper ‘In a New light’ which published photos of victims of Khojaly genocide allegedly to be victims of so-called “genocide” of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. We contacted the editor, invited him to the Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN where he had to apologize for the correspondent who resorted to such provocation. In our paper we very much emphasize positive developments in Azerbaijan where tolerance towards different nationalities and confessions triumphs.

            Neither Russian-language nor English-language press stages anti-Azerbaijani propaganda in New York. There are no Armenian newspapers here. Mostly, propaganda goes on internet which is full of misinformation. I think there are enough skilled forces in Azerbaijan that can confront this tool.

            Azerbaijan Association of New York also publishes its own newspaper ‘Azerbaijan Review’ in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages. This paper pays much attention to the Karabakh conflict. I helped to create this newspaper and I am a member of its editorial board. We believe that this topic is not wide-spread in New York press. This topic should be widely covered in the Los Angeles newspapers where a very large Armenian community resides.

            Moreover, we believe that today the main work should be done by politicians to win over the field of lobbying in Congress where Armenians have a very strong position We, on our part, are making efforts to communicate with important xxxish organizations to create a positive image of Azerbaijan for them. One of the results of our work is that for the second consecutive year, representatives of Azerbaijan are invited to the so-called breakfast with congressmen, where lawmakers talk about their work in Congress. Except representatives of Azerbaijan, no representatives from any other participate in the meeting.




            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Armenian TV channel in Azerbaijan

              Armenian TV channel is launching in Azerbaijan, Vagif Aydinoglu, Editor-in-Chief of news department of ATV stated, reported. The first Armenian language variant of international channel may be on air by the end of September.

              According to Aydinoglu, advanced equipment was purchased and installation is almost completed.

              ‘ATV Int’ will be broadcasted in five languages: Azerbaijani, Persian, English, Russian and Armenian. About 30 professionals are recruited. The editor said agitation programs will prevail.

              Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Heritage and Dashnaktsutyun make plans

                RA National Assembly committee on foreign relations discussed the draft statement on Azerbaijan charges with Genocide of Armenian population in 1988-1992 initiated by Heritage party. The author of statement titled “About Genocide recognition, Azerbaijani authorities’ crimes towards Armenian population in numerous settlements of Azerbaijan SSR and NKAO” is Heritage faction member Larisa Alaverdyan, the Parliamentary press service informs

                ARF Dashnaktsutyun MP Armen Rustamyan stated he had an alternative plan assuming to bring Azerbaijan to account for its actions. According to Alaverdyan, initiative of her colleague does not contradict to Heritage party pursuits and expressed readiness to cooperate on the issue. If agreed they can launch a joint project. Alaverdyan’s proposal was approved and the discussion postponed for 30 days.

                Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  BAKU: Armenian parliament draft on genocide in Azerbaijan groundless

                  From: "Katia M. Peltekian" <[email protected]>
                  Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 23:14:03 PDT
                  Trend, Azerbaijan
                  Sept 5 2009

                  Armenian parliament's draft on genocide of Armenians in Azerbaijan is
                  groundless: first vice speaker

                  Azerbaijan, Baku, 5 September / Trend News A. Huseynbala /

                  Prepared by the Armenian Parliament, a draft on the Armenian genocide,
                  carried out in Azerbaijan, is groundless, said First Vice-Speaker of
                  the Parliament of Azerbaijan.

                  "This project is groundless. What genocide did the Armenians
                  incur?. Unlike Azerbaijanis, the Armenians were transported from Baku
                  in a civilized manner, they were not persecuted. They took their
                  properties, sold their homes," Ziyafet Askerov, First Vice Speaker of
                  the Parliament of Azerbaijan, told Trend News on September 5.

                  On Friday, the standing committee on foreign relations of Armenian
                  parliament discussed a draft declaration "on Azerbaijan government's
                  genocide against the Armenian population living in settlements of
                  Azerbaijan SSR and Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region in 1988-1992."
                  Armenian parliament will bring the issue to discussion.

                  According to Asgarov, just against, the Azerbaijanis were expelled
                  from Armenia in the most cruel manner. "The whole world knows who was
                  subjected to repression and genocide. I believe that the preparation
                  of such a project is an absolutely stupid idea," said the First Vice

                  Over one million refugees and internally displaced persons live in
                  Azerbaijan. Of these, 250,000 people are ethnic Azerbaijanis expelled
                  from Armenia in 1988-1992, 600,000 - from the occupied territories of
                  Azerbaijan, 100,000 - from the border regions of Azerbaijan and

                  About 1,000 Azerbaijanis were killed in Armenia.


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    A memorandum of website establishment is signed

                    Yesterday, September, 8, RA Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and creative group “Hanguyc” signed a memorandum of website establishment which would have pan-Armenian values and significance, the press-office reports.

                    DA minister Hranush Hakobyan highlighted the using of high technologies in unification of Armenian world and the involving of Diaspora into strengthening the capacity of the Armenian statehood. In this regard Hranush Hakobyan noted the importance of using Armenian language, translations and converters for eastern-Armenian and western-Armenian.

                    ”I am sure we’ll have our own Google but as DA minister I dream on Armenian CNN,” H.Hakobyan said adding that the Armenian search system would also contribute the creation of pan-Armenian television.

                    “Time for unification all the high technologies to solve Armenian identity conservation came,” minister said adding that in November 6-10 in San-Francisco it would be hold the 3rd Conference on Armenian high technologies “ArmTech-2009”.

                    Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and creative group “Hanguyc” ( will facilitate the establishment of the Armenian search system and networking system that will eventually be able to assume the role of the national local regulator, combining all Armenian sites in one system and reducing in this area increasing financial leakage.

                    “This network may become the basis of a virtual “Armenian world” which will also include a number of specialized professional networks that allow combine intellectual, cultural and scientific potential of Armenians around the world and send a unified work of the network for the benefit of Armenians in Armenia and Diaspora."

                    Useful or Superfluous?: New Armenian search engine set up to tackle “online assimilation”

                    Authors of a new Armenian internet search engine believe their effort will become a useful tool bridging worldwide Armenian communities due to features typical only of their system. But skeptics say the project brings little benefit as most Armenian-language searches are already available through established global search engines.

                    A creative group called “Hanguyc” on Tuesday made a presentation of the product that took them more than three years to make – a “Hanguyc Search” web search system (

                    The presentation was marked by the signing of a memorandum between the group and the Ministry of Diaspora about the implementation of joint projects.

                    Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan, who attended the presentation and discussion, welcomed the initiative.

                    “This is the area where we will still have much to do no matter how much we try to do,” she said. “The most important thing is that we are able to unite our worldwide Diaspora Armenian communities. For the first time we try to realize such an Armenian-language project. The Armenian language should be an important part of the computer network.”

                    “Hanguyc” group head Mher Abrahamyan says an internet searchable in Armenian is part of the solution to the problems raised by the Diaspora minister.

                    “For centuries we have faced the problem of surviving and preserving our identity. At present, the internet is developing simultaneously with the development of information technologies, and we find it difficult to resist ‘online assimilation’. Now a large number of Armenians type Armenian words using Latin letters,” said Abrahamyan.

                    “We have divided our project of cooperation with the Ministry into several stages by which we will try to solve several problems, but all solutions will be aimed at preserving national identity,” he added.

                    The group said some features of the system absent even in many well-known search engines such as Google, Yandex, Yahoo and others will guarantee the success of the project.

                    Chief programmer of the system Artyom Chakhoyan lists a few of them: “We have a more precise and specialized supply of information in Armenian; a comprehensive basis of more than 5,000 Armenian sites as of today; unification of Armenian font-faces and encodings, which enables a search with any Armenian fonts.”

                    “This will result in an increase in the number of Armenian-letter searches, due to which the number of searches typed in Latin letters that currently make 60 percent of searches [by users for whom Armenian is a native language] will decrease,” added Chakhoyan.

                    Yet, not all of those in the know are optimistic about the ultimate success of the new search engine.

                    Programmer Rafael Harutyunyan doubts the search engine will manage to attract a large number of users.

                    “Of course, the authors have done a huge amount of work, but they were not prepared for the presentation and made a rather poor presentation of their work. I think people will simply not use it,” said the programmer, who also attended the Tuesday discussion.

                    Besides, according to Harutyunyan, other, much better search engines, such as Google or Yandex, offer an opportunity of quite a good search on Armenian websites.

                    “And websites with encoded fonts – the solution to which problem Hanguyts authors consider to be an important feature of their system – are quite rare, and I think Google and other search engines fully satisfy the demands that Armenian users currently have,” he said.

                    Last edited by Federate; 09-09-2009, 12:22 PM.
                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war


                      15:10 11/09/2009

                      Azerbaijani campaign is also used to make its usual incitements,
                      which, this time, has been well thought but poorly conducted.

                      `Novosti-Azerbaijan' news agency reports that an NGO, running in
                      Georgia, called `Azat Djavakhq' (Free Djavakhq) addressed a message to
                      their compatriots calling on `to resume fight aimed at jointing
                      Georgian Djavakhq and Azerbaijani Nakhijevan to Armenia.' Azerbaijani
                      web site referred to web site where the message
                      is published signed by Zori Balayan, Zhirayr Sefilyan, Armenak
                      Abrahamyan, Tevos Safaryan, Kenneth Khachikyan, Margar Melkonyan,
                      Armen Khachaturyan, Valeri Danielyan, Aris Babikyan and Hakob

                      To imagine how strong nerves Azerbaijani have and how blockhead they
                      are let's observe the text of the message.

                      It's worth reminding that neither in Armenia nor in Georgia an NGO
                      called `Azat Djavakhq' is registered (maybe there is such in
                      Baku?). It's obvious that the Azerbaijani have made a technical wrong
                      calculation as they have published a name which does not exist even in
                      internet as `Google' search engine has no information about that
                      NGO. The shortcomings of Azerbaijani propagators don't end in
                      this. They have pointed Georgia as working territory but left the
                      question to the citizens of Armenia, France, Russia, USA and Canada.

                      The next mistake made by Azerbaijani propagators concerns the alleged
                      authors of the message.

                      Is it imaginable Zhirayr Sefilyan's and Zori Balayan's signature under
                      one and the same document? Let's put the political and ideological
                      differences of these two people away and observe another point - Zori
                      Balayan could not sign this document because he is sailing in
                      `Armenia' ship. Note that Kenneth Khachikyan has worked in American
                      Presidents Richard Nixon's and Ronald Reagan's administrations as
                      speechwriter which is a hard element to refuse putting his signature
                      under such document.

                      Leaving the other `authors' of the `message' we could conclude that
                      the Azerbaijani author of the message has put all those names under
                      the message whose names he has ever heard.

                      Azerbaijani campaign has been mistaken technically also. The message
                      written in Baku has been put in a personal web site which is provided
                      by and then they have spread it.

                      The technology is simple. To explain, there are internet sites which
                      allow constructing personal web pages free of charge. The mission of
                      those sites is to provide people a space to express their thoughts and
                      view points. But Azerbaijani have misunderstood the mission of those
                      sites thinking they are `hiding places' to `fire' and get serious


                      After published “Azerbaijan’s general incitement and stumbling” story, our readers sent a letter to the administrator of site declaring that web site conducted illegal act and spread wrong information. Currently is not available, as it is blocked.

                      Read AZERBAIJAN’S GENERAL INCITEMENT AND STUMBLING story on our site.
                      i recommend everyone read this article


                      18:00 11/09/2009

                      Azerbaijani has made an interesting discovery which could bring
                      serious consequences. Today Azeri mass media spread news reporting
                      that `the walls of Pompeii near Coliseum, Rome, cover a map where
                      Azerbaijani territories are presented as Armenian lands.'

                      Azerbaijani have found out that the poster is pasted since 2006 and
                      called on `the correspondent forces of Azerbaijan to take serious
                      measures on this respect.'

                      But the representatives of the nation not found in the historical maps
                      of ancient world have not taken the initiative to recover the
                      `historical injustice'.

                      It's fact that the history of ancient times is not covered by the
                      poster. The map of Roman Empire is painted on the walls of Coliseum
                      also and yet in the first century it has been recorded on the walls
                      that the neighbor of Rome is Armenia. This is the historic truth which
                      makes the Azerbaijani feel nervous and `take correspondent steps'.

                      In this case the only way is to reconstruct Coliseum. But this is not
                      a solution either. `Until Coliseum stands, Rome stands, if Coliseum
                      ruins Rome will ruin and the world also,' 8th century note on the
                      walls of Coliseum say. Let's hope that Azerbaijani will not ruin the
                      world to falsify their falsehood history.

                      Last edited by ninetoyadome; 09-13-2009, 05:48 PM.

