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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Speaking of 'information war'...

    "This is not opposition"
    Many within the public have the suspicion that those forces who speak against the Armenian and Turkish protocols are controlled by the government. The actions of the greater part of those forces as well as the head of the movement ARF Dashnaktsutyun seem to confirm all the suspicions because regardless their protest, the greater part of those forces including the Dashnaktsutyun, avoids criticizing directly Serge Sargsyan. But maybe those suspicions though grounded do not coincide with the reality and the Dashnaktsutyun is only trying to be cautious with the government. But in this case, the question occurs, which is the reason why the ARF is more cautious with the government than with the public. Of course, the public does not have a repressive machine to punish who is incautious in its regards but the public has its measures of punishment which are not material though more tangible if the aim of a political force is to be a significant subject in politics.

    It is not ruled out either that the government, realizing the softness of the situation, tries to take advantage of the cautiousness of the Dashnaktsutyun to deepen the suspicions that everything is planned by the government. It is natural. The government tries to use the situation in is favor. The question is what the Dashnaktsutyun does to dispel those suspicions on its partnership with the government. When the ARF leaders are asked a question in this connection they ask in return what they have to do to prove the honesty of their protest as it is not determined by demanding the resignation of the president. Of course, it is not. The demand on resignation is not a measurement of honesty. The government may include this demand in its scenario if there is such one. The measurement of honesty in politics is difficult to be shown. Perhaps, there is not such one. Maybe there is no honesty in politics either. Merely, there is an aim for the achievement of which the political force supports this or that factor. The whole question is the aim of a certain force.

    This is the question around which, the forces protesting against the current content of the Armenian and Turkish protocols, are not honest with the public, or they are not fully honest or do not realize the aim of the protest. They do not realize more at seeing that the so-called normalization process goes at almost arithmetic progression when the protest is firm in its place. Before the singing of the protocols, the ARF and some other forces kept stating they would do everything to prevent the singing. They did not and in essence, they did nothing else but held a march. Who will believe in the success of this job? Perhaps, no one even if the ARF states five times a day that it will undertake an attempt of change of government.

    Under such conditions, even if the Dashnaktsutyun makes a change of government five times a day the trust of the public will not enhance towards it the same. The Dashnaktsutyun, and in general any other political force, if they want to be perceivable and trustworthy for the public they have to be clear about the main issues which worry the public. While, the impression is that the Dashnaktsutyun is excited with the fact that finally the time came when it can put apart the home life and with the excuse of the Armenian and Turkish relations become opposition. No one becomes opposition this way.

    kurtçul kangal


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Which are the Azerbaijani monuments in Artsakh?

      Recently in the conference of Islamic countries different speeches have been read in which was said that “Armenia is destroying monuments of world culture in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan”. Today during the meeting with the journalists Samvel Karapetyan the head of the Research on Armenian Architecture Organization, explained which the so called “Azerbaijani” monuments were.

      “The most ancient of the monuments that the Tatars of Caucasus, who today call themselves Azerbaijani, have is the Mosque of Aghdam city, built in 1868 – 1870”, - said S. Karapetyan motioning that regardless this fact during the Soviet times the Azerbaijani as a result of their own investigation all the monuments found in Artsakh have called Azerbaijani.

      According to the facts of S. Karapetyan in the region of Artsakh the Muslim monuments can be seen since 14th century. There are no mosques there, but are exceptionally monuments on graves or mausoleum.

      “Those mausoleums are monuments of Armenian architecture. And even experts of different foreign countries think that the architects of these monuments is master Shahik, the architect of the St. Astvatsatsin church of Yeghvard”, - stressed S. Karapetyan.

      As an example the architect presented a mausoleum on the right bank of Khachen river which belongs to the Armenian culture by the images and the crosses in the curved pictures of the monument.

      He mentioned that in the region of Artsakh there is also several monuments preserved from the times of the Turkmen tribes, which have ordered, probably the Muslim sheikhs but the architects have been exceptionally Armenians.

      The following period of the Muslim monuments constructed in Artsakh region, according to the investigators, was the Persian period. There are Muslim monuments of 16-18 centuries in Artsakh region, which except the besides the mausoleum monuments have built also Mosques and they too are Persian monuments. Only then the period of the Caucasian Tatars is coming.


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Apparently the Azeris have shut down the Turkish martyrs monument in Baku and removed all the Turkish flags. In addition, they've shut down a Turkish mosque in the same city. Some sh!t is being stirred, folks.

        Here's the monument in question:

        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          Apparently the Azeris have shut down the Turkish martyrs monument in Baku and removed all the Turkish flags. In addition, they've shut down a Turkish mosque in the same city. Some sh!t is being stirred, folks.

          Here's the monument in question:

          there just acting like the little kids they are.
          my only friend is friends with my enemy
          azeris have also said how there looking for another route to send gas to europe besides turkey.


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
            there just acting like the little kids they are.
            my only friend is friends with my enemy
            azeris have also said how there looking for another route to send gas to europe besides turkey.
            The only other routes are from Georgia and then through the Black sea or through Russia or through Iran/Iraq/Syria and then through the Mediterrenean (whopping cost). The first one will not be tolerated by Russia, the second one will not be tolerated by the EU and the third one will not be tolerated by the USA .
            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Originally posted by Federate View Post
              The only other routes are from Georgia and then through the Black sea or through Russia or through Iran/Iraq/Syria and then through the Mediterrenean (whopping cost). The first one will not be tolerated by Russia, the second one will not be tolerated by the EU and the third one will not be tolerated by the USA .
              im glad, let them screw themselves over.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Originally posted by Federate View Post

                The first one will not be tolerated by Russia,

                the second one will not be tolerated by the EU and

                the third one will not be tolerated by the USA .
                We seem to be living in an intolerable world.
                Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Azeri leader lambasts Turkey as gas route to Europe

                  Azerbaijan may consider alternative gas routes

                  Azeri leader says may export gas to Russia, Iran

                  Backdrop of tensions over Turkish-Armenian thaw
                  By Afet Mehtiyeva

                  BAKU, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Azerbaijan said on Friday Turkish terms for gas transit to Europe were unacceptable and the country was considering other routes to Europe, heightening tensions over a thaw between Ankara and Azeri foe Armenia.

                  "We've run out of options and the current offers cannot be accepted," President Ilham Aliyev told a government meeting.

                  "We have been supplying gas to Turkey for a long time at a price which is one third of the world price," he said in televised comments. "What country, especially in such a difficult time, would agree to sell its resources at 30 percent of world prices?"

                  Russia is competing with Europe's proposed Nabucco pipeline for access to gas supplies from the second phase of Azerbaijan's multibillion-dollar Shah Deniz deposit in the Caspian Sea.

                  But Azerbaijan, a supplier of oil and gas to the West, is angry at a thaw in relations between Muslim ally Turkey and neighbouring Armenia, Azerbaijan's enemy in a festering conflict over the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region.

                  Turkey and Armenia signed accords last week on the establishment of diplomatic relations and reopening of their border, the latest step in overcoming a century of hostility stemming from the World War One mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks.

                  The accords need to be ratified by parliaments in both countries, and face opposition from hard-line nationalists, and particularly the powerful Armenian diaspora.

                  In Armenia on Friday, some 2,000 supporters of the nationalist Armenian Revolutionary Federation, known as Dashnaktsutyun, rallied in the capital Yerevan, calling for a halt to the thaw without Turkish recognition of last century's killings as genocide.


                  Turkey rejects the term genocide, saying many people died on both sides of the conflict.

                  Trying to satisfy Azerbaijan, Ankara says it first wants Armenia to make concessions over Nagorno-Karabakh before it will ratify the accords and open the border.

                  The mainly Armenian-populated mountain region broke away from Azerbaijan in the early 1990s with the backing of Armenia and has resisted 15 years of mediation to resolve its status.

                  Azerbaijan and Turkey are in the midst of protracted negotiations over the terms of future gas supplies from Azerbaijan. Aliyev said Azerbaijan would start gas supplies to Russia from next year and possibly Iran in the future.

                  Russian energy giant Gazprom (GAZP.MM) has secured a deal to import a modest 500 million cubic metres of Azeri gas from next year but has said it intends to increase volumes.

                  This could give Moscow the upper hand in its rivalry with the European Union for influence over the flows of gas from the former Soviet republic to European markets.

                  The EU-sponsored and U.S.-supported Nabucco pipeline is a rival to Gazprom's South Stream planned link, which envisages carrying Russian gas to Europe via the Black Sea to bypass transit countries, including Ukraine.

                  Industry and Energy Minister Natik Aliyev told the government meeting that Shah Deniz would produce nine billion cubic metres of has per year from 2013.

                  "The current production at Shah Daniez is 23 million cubic metres per day, and from 2013 Shah Deniz will produce nine billion cubic metres of gas per year and 40 million of gas condensate per year," he said. (Additional reporting by Amie Ferris-Rotman in Moscow and Hasmik Mkrtchyan in Yerevan; Writing by Margarita Antidze and Matt Robinson in Tbilisi)

                  Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    I have a suggestion as to where they can stick their pipeline...

                    To be honest, with Turkey still so close to the US, and Russian/US ties growing lately, and Iran becoming more isolated from Russia/US/Turkey, it makes me suspicious that the azeris have difficulty with what to do with their gas. WW1 and 2 were fought for oil, and many of the cold war battles were fought in the Mid East (even in the 1930's, even the Hunchag/Tashnag thing in Lebanon) because of oil, so I would think that a government that is run by one man would have trouble selling its black gold to those who are desperate for it.
                    kurtçul kangal


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Originally posted by Federate View Post
                      The only other routes are from Georgia and then through the Black sea or through Russia or through Iran/Iraq/Syria and then through the Mediterrenean (whopping cost). The first one will not be tolerated by Russia, the second one will not be tolerated by the EU and the third one will not be tolerated by the USA .
                      Yeah it seems like the whole world has nothing better to do than push push push Armenia to forget about the Genocide recognition and sell us out to the turks. Now they can go and screw each other out and I'll be joyously happy happy happy for the azeri losers, the turks, the US, EU, Russia and everyone else to screw each other out.

