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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Azerbaijan’s really boring and annoying activities at PACE

    All autumn’s PACE sessions have faced some boring and annoying evens initiated by Azerbaijan’s delegation which protested against any trifle.

    First of all, Mrs. Gultekin Hajibeyli, a close friend to Aliev-family, opened the campaign voicing concerns on why PACE discussed depriving Russia of its voting rights over last year’s events in South Osetia and never declared the same against Armenia. It has been said that only OSCE Minsk Group is authorized to address issue of Karabakh and never PACE.

    Not satisfied with this answer Azerbaijan’s delegation restart attacks. Thus, Ganira Pashayeva, another member of Azerbaijanis delegation asked why Council of Europe doesn’t care of Armenian membership in organization while it “violates human rights”.

    Well, what can be said to delegation acting through women’s team? Just that Armenia isn’t included in list of violators. And in contrast to Azerbaijan’s Ombudsman the Armenian officer doesn’t deny problems existing in Armenia. After all, Azerbaijan’s propaganda denies events of torture, arrests of journalists and activists, pressure against ethnic minorities living in Azerbaijan, etc.

    What’s the matter with nation which ignores the sores of its society and regularly and continuously complains of another state?

    One more time Azerbaijan’s delegation performed during hearings on “The future of the Council of Europe in the light of its 60 years of experience” which focused on proposal to prolong authorization of PACE and its Committee’s chairmen from 2 to 3 years. As the proposal was not approved, Azerbaijan’s delegation began blaming PACE for double standards and so on.

    And at least, finally, at PACE autumn session it was made a complaint that Armenian delegation is sharing CD and books against Azerbaijan and its misinformation activities. There is no doubt that the authors of this next in turn performance are representatives of Azerbaijan’s delegation. Remember, that Azerbaijan has taken such provocative activities over many years. And after Armenia took step back, Azerbaijanis rushed to write to PACE President Luis Maria de Puig which urged both sides to refrain from such actions. Good job.


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      more azeri bullxxxx

      Today.Az » Politics » Armenian media describes Azerbaijan’s Alley or Martyr’s as theirs – Photo

      07 October 2009 [14:25] - Today.Az

      Armenian propaganda has made another mistake.

      So, Armenian news Web site recently posted news entitled " Memorial to the fallen heroes opened at a village in Karabakh”.

      The news says that "a solemn opening ceremony of the memorial to fallen soldiers in the Karabakh war” was held at a village in Karabakh.

      The photo posted to the news reveals Armenian lie. The photo shows ... Azerbaijan’s Martyrs' Lane (a burial site of Azerbaijan's war victims) in Baku! This once against shows that the “news” of the Armenian Web site is another Armenian lies, fiction, absurdity, call it what you want...

      Click to enlarge:

      This is a photo posted to the Armenian Web site:

      Below is almost the same picture of Martyrs' Lane in Baku:




      this is the original posting from
      В карабахском селе открылся мемориал павшим героям
      12:19 / 05.10.2009

      В селе Астхашен Аскеранского района Нагорного Карабаха состоялась торжественная церемония открытия мемориала павшим в Карабахской войне воинам.

      В церемонии принял участие президент НКР Бако Саакян. Согласно сообщению Главного информационного управления аппарата Президента НКР, в своем слове глава государства выразил благодарность всем астхашенцам, которые внесли свою лепту в осуществление этой патриотической инициативы, отметив, что сохранение памяти павших за свободу родины героев является долгом каждого арцахца и одной из основ поступательного развития страны.

      Бако Саакян вручил государственные награды группе ветеранов села.

      В мероприятии приняли участие предводитель Арцахской епарции Армянской Апостольской Церкви архиепископ Паргев Мартиросян, спикер Национального Собрания республики Ашот Гулян, другие должностные лица.

      as you can see azeris love to bullxxxx alot


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Does this mean the "Azeris" photoshopped the photo of the martyrs ally into the screenshot?
        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          Does this mean the "Azeris" photoshopped the photo of the martyrs ally into the screenshot?
          we know how much azeris lie so thats the best explanation. why would Armenians use a photo where u can clearly tell its not Armenian? its very easy to photoshop nowadays. its just to infuriate the azeri population.


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            The Azeris undoubtfully photoshop a lot of things, such that the pictures of their leader Ilham Aliyev.


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
              we know how much azeris lie so thats the best explanation. why would Armenians use a photo where u can clearly tell its not Armenian? its very easy to photoshop nowadays. its just to infuriate the azeri population.
              Don't worry it makes them money, negative stories gets them lots of views. One day maybe 2/3rds of Azeri's shoot themselves from depression.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Azerbaijani journalists arrested
                11:18 / 10/09/2009

                October 8, Baku Court of Appeal sentenced the editor-in-chief and the employee of Azerbaijani Nota daily Sardar Alibeyli and Faramaz Allahverdiyev to three months’ imprisonment charged of libel and insult. According to Azerbaijani APA news agency, the journalists were arrested for their publications about Tahmasib Novruzov, Freedom Movement Union leader.

                Earlier another journalist Ramiz Tagiyev was sentenced to six months of corrective labour.

                Today the Media Law Institute made a statement, calling on Azerbaijani Government to release the journalists and “to use European standards in the legal concepts considering punishment for slander and insult.” According to the Media Law Institute, the arrest contradicts international agreements Azerbaijan joined.

                and they complain to PACE about human rights in Armenia. i think they should pay attention to whats going on in there own country and stop whining about Armenia.


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Finally, a counter to all those Turkish/Azeri websites presenting their websites in Armenia language.
         to broadcast in Turkish

                  October 13, information-analytic news agency already launched broadcasting in Turkish language. The information database has been created starting October 1, 2009.

         editorial staff considers that broadcasting news from Armenia in Turkish, as well as comments of Armenian politicians and public figures concerning the domestic and foreign policy processes will be of paramount significance in the context of Armenian-Turkish dialogue. We hope Turkic-speaking readers will have an opportunity to get reliable and full information about life in Armenia, its priorities and Diaspora activities.

                  Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    New phase of the Armenia-Azerbaijan information war

                    The latest developments in the Turkish-Armenian relations aroused another new information war between Turkish and Azerbaijani mass media outlets, says director of the "Noravank" Scientific-Educational Foundation Gagik Harutyunyan who draws journalists' attention to the actions taken in Nakhijevan.

                    The Turks are holding a conference in Armenia (he considers Nakhijevan as Armenia-ed.) where they announce that Zangezur is an Azerbaijani territory. We had not seen such boldness yet and it is very interesting," said Gagik Harutyunyan, adding that the Armenian side did not give an adequate response to that.

                    He considers the information in Turkish and Azerbaijani presses as an information war. According to him, the Azerbaijani presses are trying to present the discrepancies between Turkey and Azerbaijan very loyally, as if it is a internal game and there are no serious discrepancies.

                    "In reality, Turkey is currently ignoring Azerbaijan's interest, but the Azerbaijani are trying to present it differently and we are trying to present it in another way. The reality is that the Turkish side always tries to spread different kinds of information and works flexibly," says Harutyunyan.

                    So, according to Gagik Harutyunyan, Armenia has a rather well-coordinated opponent that is putting its entire efforts into action. Nevertheless, Harutyunyan adds: "I don't want you to get the impression that we are losing in that information war. What's more, I get the impression that in the past year, the Armenian side has comparably been more active and has started working more adequately. Perhaps it is because the president finally attached importance to that and this became part of state policy."

                    A1+ The most urgent and objective information from Armenia. News, videos, live streams/ online/. Politics, Social, Culture, Sports,interviews, everything in a website
                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      I'm glad you guys are documenting this. I'm not a regular to this forum but see this type of misinformation all the time. The Azeris are definitely winning the propaganda war, despite the fact that truth is on our side.
                      kurtçul kangal

