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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Aliyev’s 12-Year-Old Son Owns Property in Dubai Worth $44 Million? How?

    18:11 • 05.03.10

    In just two weeks early last year, an 11-year-old boy from Azerbaijan became the owner of nine waterfront mansions, reports The Washington Post.

    The total price tag: about $44 million USD — or roughly 10,000 years' worth of salary for the average citizen of Azerbaijan. But the preteen who owns a big chunk of some of Dubai's priciest real estate seems to be anything but average.

    His name, according to Dubai Land Department records, is Heydar Aliyev, which just happens to be the same name as that of the son of Azerbaijan's president, Ilham Aliyev. The owner's date of birth, listed in property records, is also the same as that of the president's son.

    Officials in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, declined to comment on how the president's son — or at least an Azerbaijani schoolboy with the same birth date and the same name as the son's — came to own mansions on Palm Jumeirah, a luxury real estate development popular with multimillionaire British soccer stars and others with cash to burn.

    Ilham Aliyev's annual salary as president is the equivalent of $228,000 USD, far short of what is needed to buy even the smallest Palm property.

    Azer Gasimov, the president's spokesperson, declined to discuss the Dubai real estate purchases. "I have no comment on anything. I am stopping this talk. Goodbye," he said when contacted by telephone and told about the names on the property records. Gasimov did not respond to requests for further comment sent by fax, e-mail and cellphone text message.

    Azerbaijan has sent troops to support U.S. democracy-building efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq but at home has retreated steadily from democratic practices, according to diplomats and experts on the region. Transparency International, in a 2009 survey of global corruption, ranked Azerbaijan among the worst at 143 out of 180 nations.

    In addition to recording nine properties owned by Heydar Aliyev, the now-12-year-old schoolboy, Dubai's Land Department also has files in the names of Leyla and Arzu Aliyeva. President Aliyev has two daughters with the same names and roughly the same ages. Their exact dates of birth could not be established, but various reports indicate Leyla's birthday is the same as that of the Azerbaijani woman who figures in the Land Department records.

    In all, Azerbaijanis with the same names as the president's three children own real estate in Dubai worth about $75 million, property data indicate. Dubai real estate dealers with knowledge of some of the transactions said the purchases were made by a buyer representing Azerbaijan's ruling family. The dealers said the properties were paid for upfront.


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Here's the full story on the Washington Post:


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Bravo dghak yev aghchikner!
        AYF Confronts Azeri Diplomat at World Affairs Council Event


        NEWPORT BEACH, CA—More than 150 members and supporters of the Armenian Youth Federation turned out at the Pacific Club Thursday evening to protest Azerbaijan’s Consul General of Los Angeles, Elin Suleymanov.

        Suleymanov General had been invited by the World Affairs Council (WAC) to speak about Azerbaijan’s role in the world during a banquet-style event they organize every month. The Azeri diplomat used the opportunity to tout his country as a “strategically vital region to the U.S. and other superpowers.”

        “This diplomat spoke for two hours, talking at length about how moderate, peaceful, economically stable, prosperous and wonderful Azerbaijan is,” said Vache Thomassian, an AYF member who attended the event to ask the diplomat about Azerbaijan’s growing war rhetoric against Armenia and Karabakh.

        “Suleymanov, would have you believe that Armenia today occupies 20 percent of Azeri territory and as an aggressor nation has displaced a million Azeris that no longer have homes. He will have you believe there were massacres that Armenians committed against innocent Azeri’s and that our people committed murder to live in their own homeland,” said Thomassian.

        But those are all lies, he exclaimed, speaking to the protesters after the event concluded. “Our voices were heard very clearly; the walls are not as thick as they seem and the louder we got, the more nervous he seemed,” said Thomassian. “The Consul General frequently mentioned his frustration with the protesters. he even paused during his speech, pointed outside and said ‘these people follow me wherever I go’.”

        Protest organizer Caspar Jivalagian said the AYF learned about this event only a week before it happened and “in that short period of time we drafted an official letter to the WAC, held a protest workshop, made all the signs and banners, and got the word out to thousands of people.”

        Incidentally, it was revealed that among the organization’s board members was an Armenian-American. Serge Thomassian approached the demonstrators at close of the protest to express his admiration for their efforts, explaining that he had attempted to steer the board away from the decision to invite Suleymanov. “Though I was unable to convince the board to drop the speaker, I did manage to secure an event in April to commemorate the Armenian Genocide and xxxish Holocaust,” he explained.

        The WAC board member also said that because of the protest, what was to be a one-sided lecture became an educational experience for the guests, who learned first-hand about Azerbaijan’s human rights violations and its denial of self-determination to Nagorno-Karabakh.

        “This demonstration was a testament to the will of the Armenian youth and sent a clear message to the Azeri consul that we will not allow his administration to spread its war rhetoric and propaganda, whether it be here in Los Angeles, or across the globe in Azerbaijan,” said Jivalagian.

        AYF Chairman Arek Santikian, who had been inside the event alongside Thomassian, echoed those sentiments.

        “Our goal tonight was to have a two-front operation with the impact of our questions being bolstered by loud protests against Azerbaijan’s inhumanity from outside,” explained Santikian. “After the protests started, there wasn’t a single person inside who didn’t stop for a moment to think about the credibility of Suleymanov’s claims.”

        Santikian and Thomassian had submitted three questions during the event, all of which were asked to the diplomat. Among the questions was one asking Suleymanov to explain how his government will ensure security for international energy exports in the region when it’s unwilling to work for peace and constantly threatens to ignite a new war in the region.

        “The Azeri diplomat circumvented the question, fabricating his own set of facts to support his initial claims about Azerbaijan’s peace-loving nature,” Santikian recalled.

        “Azerbaijan keeps to all its negotiations and sees them through, unlike many other countries,” Suleymanov said during the event. “Every country must bear consequences for what they do and if progress is not made to resolve the conflict, terrible things will happen in the region.”

        These remarks are representative of the reality we face today as Armenians, Thomassian said. “We stand at a place in history when Azerbaijan says that a ‘great war is inevitable’ in the Caucasus almost 20 years after the ceasefire of Karabakh was signed,” he continued. “We live in a time when Azerbaijan spends more than Armenia spends on its entire budget to buy tanks, to buy jets, to by weapons, bombs and apache helicopters to prepare themselves for a war they will begin.”

        Though a fragile state of “no peace, no war” has held over the years, Azerbaijan refuses to cooperate in internationally mediated peace talks with Armenia and instead threatens to take Karabakh by force. On February 25, Azerbaijan’s Defense Minister, Safar Abiyev, stepped up Baku’s war rhetoric, this time threatening to launch an inevitable “great war” against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

        The daily recurrence of threats to invade Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh emanating from Baku is what motivated the AYF to mobilize its membership to demonstrate against the event, explained Jivalagian. “This is an issue we all hold very dear to our hearts,” he said, adding that the protest also sought to remind Suleymanov that the Armenian-American community has not forgotten the massacre of Armenians in Sumgait.

        The protest came days after the 22nd anniversary of the deadly pogroms of Sumgait on Feb. 27, 1988, which marked the beginning of a systematic campaign by Azerbaijan’s OMON Special Forces to use massacres and violence to forcefully uproot Armenians from Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh.

        The events in Sumgait, which came as a direct response to Armenians’ expression of their right to self-determination in 1988, were followed by equally violent pogroms in the Azeri cities of Kirovabad, Baku and later in the Northern Shahoumian district of Nagorno-Karabakh. The violence against Armenians eventually escalated and Azerbaijan launched a military invasion into Nagorno-Karabakh, sparking a devastating war in the region that ended in 1994 with a ceasefire that left the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic free from Azeri rule.

        “Diplomats from Azerbaijan tour the world talking about how Armenia is an aggressor nation and that Azerbaijan must defend its territorial integrity from the Armenians.

        We know, despite Azerbaijan’s lies, Karabakh is and always will be Armenian land, and that it will remain independent,” said Thomasian. “So long as we have the ability to breath and the ability to fight and defend that land, we will defend it, we will remember the massacres that happened in Sumgait and in Baku and we will not forget that 22 years ago pogroms were committed against Armenians that were reminiscent of the genocide.”

        “And we will not forget that people like Suleymanov are touring around the world, that there are defense ministers and presidents in Azerbaijan saying that in ten years there will no longer be a Karabakh or Armenia,” he added. “We will remember that and keep that in the front of our minds, and we will be there every step that this man takes to take what he says and shove it right back in his face.”

        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Armenian community members' provocation fail

          Armenia`s unconstructive position hinders comprehensive cooperation in South Caucasus, Azerbaijan`s consul general in Los Angeles Elin Suleymanov said

          Representatives of the Armenian community in California have attempted to stage provocation while Azerbaijan`s consul general in Los Angeles made a speech in the Pacific Club on his country`s role in the South Caucasus region.

          The Armenians tried to interrupt the Consul General`s remarks, but failed.

          Suleymanov said in his remarks that Azerbaijan was recognized as a tolerant country across the world. He added Azerbaijan was the first secular country in the Muslim world.

          The diplomat noted his country had become a regional leader.

          He underlined Azerbaijan`s President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues the well-balanced policy founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev.

          Suleymanov also said Armenia`s unconstructive position hinders comprehensive cooperation in the South Caucasus. The event was attended by former US ambassador to Azerbaijan Rino Harnish and members of the Azerbaijani and Turkish communities.



          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
            Armenian community members' provocation fail

            Armenia`s unconstructive position hinders comprehensive cooperation in South Caucasus, Azerbaijan`s consul general in Los Angeles Elin Suleymanov said

            Representatives of the Armenian community in California have attempted to stage provocation while Azerbaijan`s consul general in Los Angeles made a speech in the Pacific Club on his country`s role in the South Caucasus region.

            The Armenians tried to interrupt the Consul General`s remarks, but failed.

            Suleymanov said in his remarks that Azerbaijan was recognized as a tolerant country across the world. He added Azerbaijan was the first secular country in the Muslim world.

            The diplomat noted his country had become a regional leader.

            He underlined Azerbaijan`s President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues the well-balanced policy founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev.

            Suleymanov also said Armenia`s unconstructive position hinders comprehensive cooperation in the South Caucasus. The event was attended by former US ambassador to Azerbaijan Rino Harnish and members of the Azerbaijani and Turkish communities.


            Last edited by hipeter924; 03-06-2010, 06:14 AM.


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Time to reconsider: The limits of Karabakh
              ELNUR ASLANOV*

              South Caucasus, 2010… Twenty-two years of conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

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              For those who still do not know, it is a conflict revolving around the ancient Azerbaijani territory of Nagorno-Karabakh now occupied by Armenia. The conflict has turned more than 1 million people into refugees and caused enormous damage to regional economic development. Numerous potential economic and political projects that would have brought the South Caucasus closer to Europe have been sidelined. The South Caucasus has sunk into an abyss of conflict, the analysis of which has troubled the world’s leading powers. All Azerbaijanis have been expelled from Armenia, while 20,000 Armenians still reside in Azerbaijan. Nationalist sentiments are growing constantly in both states. Mothers fear the beginning of war, while politicians calculate the risks.
              But for what? For the sake of “the misguided initiative” of a certain political power that governs Armenia, a small South Caucasus republic of about 3 million people? Nobody can disagree that the principle of territorial integrity is a fundamental principle of international law. And surely no one can think that Nagorno-Karabakh will ever become an independent actor in international relations. So what is it all about? Is it not better to live in peace in your own country and enjoy all the boons and privileges bestowed by the social and economic development of a country rich in energy resources?

              Today, the Karabakh Armenians have food for thought. Azerbaijan is a country of ancient traditions, at the heart of which lies tolerance. Historically we have proved this to be true, and it has often been used against us. We continued to live in peace with the Armenians even after the genocide of Azerbaijanis in March 1918. We continued to consider Baku an international city, despite the active resistance of the Armenian population to the declaration of Azerbaijani as the official language in the constitution of 1956. Prior to the onset of the conflict, an elite part of the city of Baku was even called “the Armenian settlement.” We Azerbaijanis continued to see the events of 1988, when the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict began, as a misunderstanding and believed that fraternal people could not act like this. In 1988, when provocations by Armenian circles led to bloodshed in Azerbaijani cities such as Sumgayit, many of us believed that it would still be possible to change things. Years have passed, but irrationality has grown in Armenia.

              Today, two decades later, a TV channel and a news agency in the Armenian language function in Azerbaijan. What about Armenia? The answer is obvious: none. We understand better that the South Caucasus is a common house, and we call on Armenia to renounce unconstructive politics and halt the pressure on their compatriots.

              The Armenians of Karabakh would be happy to live in houses where there is light, warmth and amenities. They would like to enjoy the fine infrastructure that would open them up to the intensive economic development of Azerbaijan. Certainly, the Armenians of Karabakh dream of the social security system, public health services, education and other social benefits and advantages that are available to the residents of neighboring Azerbaijani cities. Moreover, the Armenians of Karabakh would be part of the social life of the country that they used to live in. What have the years of conflict given to those whose lives are in misery in Karabakh? Why do they agree with the aspirations of “outside forces” that prevent them realizing the ideal of living in peace in their own state, Azerbaijan?

              Today Armenians live in Azerbaijan, while in Armenia there are no Azerbaijanis. There are citizens in Azerbaijan with Armenian surnames; there are none with Azerbaijani surnames in Armenia. We have proved that we are capable of living together despite war and loss, pain and sacrifice. Strangely enough, we have been tolerant of the people whose leadership has been waging war against us for our ancient lands for 22 years. The Armenians should now prove that they are capable of living together with us. The South Caucasus is a common house for the people settled there, and the time has come to realize this. Armenians moved to Karabakh a little more than two centuries ago, but we understand that for the Armenian families that have lived there for generations Karabakh has become a native place. However, the fact that Karabakh belongs to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan should not be questioned.

              Unfortunately, the Armenians of Karabakh fell hostage to the leaders of Armenia and the field commanders who served their own mercantile interests. War is money, and every Armenian in Karabakh should realize that by protracting the prompt resolution of the conflict, they line the pockets of war criminals. The military leadership understands full well that they will never achieve their purposes and continues to strain the situation by increasing the expenditure of an already scarce budget on the construction of various defense systems. They reiterate to the public the same theses that it would be possible to ensure public security only in the case of independence. Nevertheless, let us take a sober look. Nagorno-Karabakh, granted autonomy with comprehensive privileges of self-administration within Azerbaijan, will become a focus of international attention.

              Undoubtedly, each step of the central authority, the leadership of Azerbaijan in Karabakh, will be closely watched by the international community. The nonsense that if the Armenians of Karabakh are part of Azerbaijan their lives will get worse or they will be forced to leave all the territories at once does not hold water. The superpowers will ensure security guarantees for the local population. Azerbaijan already put its signature to security guarantees for the Azerbaijani and Armenian populations of Nagorno-Karabakh in the resolution of the 1996 Lisbon Summit. Azerbaijan is willing to return its territories and refugees home through peaceful means and to turn Karabakh into a prosperous region. The population of this region can only benefit from this, be they Armenian or Azerbaijani.

              It’s time to face the truth. New prospects are opening up, so it is necessary to stand firm and thwart the pressure from outside, to decide to live in agreement and peace for the sake of future generations. What does the younger generation in Karabakh believe today? Fairy tales about “independence”? But where is the life worth living: education, pensions, public health services? It’s time to decide who will live under what circumstances -- whether to continue to create more broken destinies, damaged lives and deprived families or to abstain from illusory pseudo-ideas that instill only enmity and hatred.

              It’s time to reconsider, but time is always pressing.

              *Elnur Aslanov, Ph.D., is the chief of the department of political analysis and information provision, Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

              A little one sided and lack of facts, but thats just my opinion. Apparently you dont need knowledge to get a PhD in Azerbaijan.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                I dought you could sell this story to a elementery school student. Now that i think about it, i bet mr aslanov got his phd in a elementery school. With logic like this i think i am entitled to about 50 phds.
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Elnur Aslanov’s “pearls of wisdom”
                  17:05 / 03/03/2010

                  By Ivan Gharibyan

                  Azerbaijan’s chief ideologist and propagandist of Azerbaijan has decided to make a show of his wit. Elnur Aslanov, Head of the Political Analysis and Information Department, Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, has let his imagination run wild.

                  “The Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians are seeking peace in their own state, Azerbaijan. They want to be involved in the socio-economic development and enjoy the preferences arising from effective development,” stated the chief ideologist of modern-day Azerbaijan. Moreover, he expressed the confidence that “the people living in Nagorno-Karabakh do not want to be an object of official Yerevan’s irrational policy.” According to Aslanov, Armenia is holding the Nagorno-Karabakh people hostage, imposing its viewpoint on them.

                  President Ilham Aliyev’s right-hand man does not appear to be well informed of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, or he decided to deliberately lie through his teeth, as Azerbaijan has not any sound arguments to present. Reading his statements, you think back to the year 1988: February, most people in Armenia are living their life and, all of a sudden, hear about a decision made by the Regional Council of People’s Deputies of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region. The Council decided to petition for the region’s seceding from the Azerbaijani SSR and joining the Armenian SSR. At that time many Armenian citizens had a rather vague idea of Nagorno-Karabakh and even of its geographical location.

                  The Nagorno-Karabakh people’s aspiration to exercise their right to self-determination gave rise to the 1988 movement in Armenia, which, to a great extent, was catalyzed by the Armenian pogroms in Sumgait just a week after the Nagorno-Karabakh Regional Council made its decision. It was murders of Armenian women and children — most of whom had earlier resided in Nagorno-Karabakh — that proved a response many of the Sumgait Azerbaijanis gave to the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians’ peaceful demand. The Sumgait authorities did not take any measures to prevent the massacre. The future was to bring even larger-scale Armenian pogroms in Kirovabad and Baku, Azerbaijan’s military actions against the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians, days-long shelling of peaceful towns and villages of Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as of Armenia’s borderline regions.

                  So the Nagorno-Karabakh people, who are well aware of all the “delights” of Azerbaijan’s aggression, “have every reason” to dream of “returning to the fold” in order to get rid of “official Yerevan’s irrational policy,” which is Elnur Aslanov’s opinion, or rather dream. The chief Azerbaijani ideologist is constantly cultivating masochistic propensities in his own people – pipe dreams about returning to the “ancient Azerbaijani lands,” demonstration of pictures of “Azerbaijanis’ murdered by Armenians,” to say nothing of the medieval personality cult of the “national leader” Heydar Aliyev – but let him not compare his compatriots with other nations, namely, Armenians. If we imagined not only “irrational,” but antinational leadership in Armenia, even overheated imagination would not help us built up a picture of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians viewing Azerbaijan as their state.

                  We can understand Mr. Aslanov’s “throes of creation,” though. Poor lad, he is trying to invent something – now the “Khojali genocide” now the “capital of western Azerbaijan, Irevan.” But, alas, no one in the world has given ear to the “pearls of wisdom.” So Mr. Aslanov decided to reach the point of uttering absurdities to drive his own nationals mad. The only thing for us to do is to feel sorry for them.


                  Mr. Aslanov should see this video:
                  Last edited by ashot24; 03-14-2010, 09:18 PM.


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Originally posted by ashot24 View Post
                    Elnur Aslanov’s “pearls of wisdom”
                    17:05 / 03/03/2010

                    By Ivan Gharibyan

                    Azerbaijan’s chief ideologist and propagandist of Azerbaijan has decided to make a show of his wit. Elnur Aslanov, Head of the Political Analysis and Information Department, Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, has let his imagination run wild.

                    “The Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians are seeking peace in their own state, Azerbaijan. They want to be involved in the socio-economic development and enjoy the preferences arising from effective development,” stated the chief ideologist of modern-day Azerbaijan. Moreover, he expressed the confidence that “the people living in Nagorno-Karabakh do not want to be an object of official Yerevan’s irrational policy.” According to Aslanov, Armenia is holding the Nagorno-Karabakh people hostage, imposing its viewpoint on them.

                    President Ilham Aliyev’s right-hand man does not appear to be well informed of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, or he decided to deliberately lie through his teeth, as Azerbaijan has not any sound arguments to present. Reading his statements, you think back to the year 1988: February, most people in Armenia are living their life and, all of a sudden, hear about a decision made by the Regional Council of People’s Deputies of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region. The Council decided to petition for the region’s seceding from the Azerbaijani SSR and joining the Armenian SSR. At that time many Armenian citizens had a rather vague idea of Nagorno-Karabakh and even of its geographical location.

                    The Nagorno-Karabakh people’s aspiration to exercise their right to self-determination gave rise to the 1988 movement in Armenia, which, to a great extent, was catalyzed by the Armenian pogroms in Sumgait just a week after the Nagorno-Karabakh Regional Council made its decision. It was murders of Armenian women and children — most of whom had earlier resided in Nagorno-Karabakh — that proved a response many of the Sumgait Azerbaijanis gave to the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians’ peaceful demand. The Sumgait authorities did not take any measures to prevent the massacre. The future was to bring even larger-scale Armenian pogroms in Kirovabad and Baku, Azerbaijan’s military actions against the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians, days-long shelling of peaceful towns and villages of Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as of Armenia’s borderline regions.

                    So the Nagorno-Karabakh people, who are well aware of all the “delights” of Azerbaijan’s aggression, “have every reason” to dream of “returning to the fold” in order to get rid of “official Yerevan’s irrational policy,” which is Elnur Aslanov’s opinion, or rather dream. The chief Azerbaijani ideologist is constantly cultivating masochistic propensities in his own people – pipe dreams about returning to the “ancient Azerbaijani lands,” demonstration of pictures of “Azerbaijanis’ murdered by Armenians,” to say nothing of the medieval personality cult of the “national leader” Heydar Aliyev – but let him not compare his compatriots with other nations, namely, Armenians. If we imagined not only “irrational,” but antinational leadership in Armenia, even overheated imagination would not help us built up a picture of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians viewing Azerbaijan as their state.

                    We can understand Mr. Aslanov’s “throes of creation,” though. Poor lad, he is trying to invent something – now the “Khojali genocide” now the “capital of western Azerbaijan, Irevan.” But, alas, no one in the world has given ear to the “pearls of wisdom.” So Mr. Aslanov decided to reach the point of uttering absurdities to drive his own nationals mad. The only thing for us to do is to feel sorry for them.


                    Mr. Aslanov should see this video:

                    This is actually hilarious. Unintentional comedy and very Soviet.
                    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Today.Az » Society » Genocide Memorial to be erected in mass burial site in Guba through Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s assistance – PHOTOS

                      15 March 2010 [15:21] - Today.Az
                      Genocide Memorial will be erected in a mass burial site in Azerbaijan’s Guba region through Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s assistance, the Foundation said in a statement.

                      The memorial will be dedicated to the memory of tens of thousands of victims of ethnic cleansing and aggression perpetrated by Armenian Dashnak gangs in Azerbaijani lands in early 21st century.

                      Most tragic genocide of the 21st century was carried out in many regions of Azerbaijan. As a result, tens of thousands of people became victims of Armenian atrocities and refugees in their own lands with many settlements razed to the ground.

                      Guba town and its surrounding villages also suffered the genocide. Some 122 villages were completely destroyed during the genocide carried out in the province of Guba in April-May, 1918. Along with Azerbaijanis killed with extreme cruelty during the bloody genocide, thousands of Lezghins, xxxs and representatives of other nationalities were exposed to violence.

                      Victims of this bloody genocide have been buried in the mass burial site in Guba.

                      Memorial to genocide victims will be erected with a view to inform the world of criminal acts of Armenian nationalists, perpetuate memory of genocide victims and to protect national memory.

                      The task force established with the support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation includes specialists who work on sketches of the memorial on the basis of international experience in this field.

