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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    here is his speech but it says nothing bad about azerbaijan, they are again pulling xxxx out of there asses.


    Mr. President:
    Mr. Secretary General!
    Dear Members of the Assembly!

    First of all, I express my gratitude for the opportunity to appeal to the European audience with an authoritative platform of the Council of Europe - an organization that plays a key role in the establishment of democracy in Armenia.

    Twenty years ago, in September 1991, Armenia declared its independence, reaching the dreams of many ages and generations, and once again adhering to a community of sovereign states. Ten years later, in 2001, Armenia became a member of the Council, reaffirming its historical, cultural family of European nations. And today I'm here mention these significant anniversaries with a sense of pride in the achievements of our people and the state over the past two decades.

    My people have gone through all kinds of oppressive systems, and for that reason knows the price of freedom. The story of my people - is the story of creation and struggle. Freedom and peace - that is our age-old dream, and we are on the way of our dreams.

    The people of Armenia made ​​their historic and irreversible choice. The path that brings us back to Europe, not only has features that are natural, but also additional complexities that are not natural (for example, carried out against the Armenian artificial and illegal blockade by two of our neighbors). But with all these difficulties, our community knows what's going and why chose this path of development. We return to European civilization and cultural space in which there were for many centuries, from the very beginning.

    Yes, the Council of Europe - the institutional embodiment of our shared values. His mission, he covers the entire continent, in fact, defining Europe as not only a geographical phenomenon, but primarily as a cultural and civilizational space of common values ​​and identity.

    At one time, my people dearly paid for what they professed values ​​and ideas - the values ​​and ideas that were alien to this historic juncture, in this region and, consequently, have been suppressed by the most brutal and horrific manner. Council of Europe, their existence confirms the covenant - never to admit on the European continent such developments.

    In the past two decades, the Council of Europe has been and remains a key partner of Armenia in state building and the establishment of democracy. Some in Armenia even joke that in our country there are three elements of the political system: government, opposition and the Council of Europe. The joke, however, in reality reflects the greater involvement, which is the Council of Europe in the process of ongoing changes in our country.

    Dear Colleagues,

    In 2008, our country is faced with serious problems and challenges. The steps in the direction of the authorities to overcome the consequences of the tragic events of March we discussed in detail with all our partners, including from the Council of Europe. Sometimes we have serious disagreements and did not agree with the estimates of each other, but for the most part, we have benefited from these contacts, sensible advice and discussions. Without them it would be impossible to go forward after the March tragedy, avoiding a new confrontation and new disasters. Let me now address a word of respect and gratitude for the Co-Rapporteurs in Armenia Messrs. Prescott, Colombier, and Fisher, as well as Commissioner, Mr. Hammarberg, for their fruitful and consistent involvement.

    The importance of continuity of the consolidation of democracy has been and remains deeply conscious belief and to the Armenian authorities. Even in moments of political crisis and democratic future for Armenia iota been questioned. This belief explains the logic of steps aimed at stimulating the country's sound political environment, which were made ​​during the past three years and, in particular, in recent months. Such commitment also continues to be the core of the Armenian comprehensive and continuous reforms in all structures maintained in order to strengthen democracy.

    We learn.

    We learn to hear and respect each other's opinions.

    Learning and perpetuate a step by step that the government and the opposition - not enemies, and not necessarily that strong, to show his strength, be sure to xxxxxle his counterpart.

    We learn tolerance, thus creating a culture of dialogue.

    Learning not to respond to insult and an affront to ask the opinion of many on major issues.

    Learning to dignify and value the achievements of previous leaders, and are not ashamed listening to the sound criticism, to change the same decision.

    We learn to live by different rules.

    Society as a whole are learning.

    In this room, for you, the representatives of the countries have deep democratic traditions, these are my words may seem somewhat self-evident, but I assure you, it really is very, very important process through which we are ready to go and which requires great effort and consistency. And we are ready for this, and do not miss the opportunity to make a move or utter a word in this direction.

    Ladies and gentlemen!

    Yes, we are proud of their achievements. For two decades, Armenia has carried out large-scale construction of democracy. Since its independence, and, in particular, in 2005, after the appropriate amendments to the Constitution, considerable work towards further establishing democracy, rule of law and human rights. Our country is seriously and irreversibly made ​​its way of life consonant with the canons of democratic and liberal world. This process is extremely important for us was advisory, institutional and resource assistance to the Venice Commission, the various structures of the OSCE, and in the last period of the European Commission. A positive impact of the European Court of Human Rights - this unique supranational institution, there is now directly in our country.

    The political crisis in 2008 revealed new vulnerabilities of our legal system, legislation and law enforcement, making step up our efforts. The result has been seriously revised legislation. Are fundamental systemic reforms in the police. Programa developed legal and judicial reforms for 2012-2014, which should really solve the primary task of guaranteeing the independence of courts. Made important changes to the articles of the Penal Code, relating to riots and violent seizure of power.

    In order to guarantee freedom of assembly, completely revised the relevant law. The new law is based on an entirely different philosophy, based on the presumption of freedom of assembly, and not limitation. Under this law, the state guarantees the legitimate activities of all political and social forces.

    Today in our state and political agenda is also the problem of a comprehensive review of all legislation to eliminate the risks of corruption and bureaucratic procedures. Have been established and successfully operate the Council for Combating Corruption and Anti-Corruption Monitoring Commission. Already adopted the law "On Public Service", which will provide for public declarations of assets and income of more than 600 senior public servants and persons related to them, to identify conflicts of interest and ensure compliance with ethical canons.

    Serious work towards the improvement of the law "On Television and Radio." Passed a law dekriminalizuyuschy libel, which was a significant step forward for freedom of speech.

    Our team of consultants with the active participation of the European Union is working to plan strategies to promote wide-ranging reforms over the next three years, resulting in one field in common and harmonized the process of change taking place in different areas.

    We are determined to continue the matter and initiated the changes are well aware that the development of Armenia is not possible without further radical reforms, which will probably be no less painful than it was until now.

    Ladies and gentlemen!

    The main actor and challenging the power of our country are registered in progress is the people of Armenia. I rightfully proud of the maturity and balanced behavior of the Armenian community, principled approaches of civil society organizations. They provide the versatility and speed to play in fostering and preservation of fundamental democratic values: rights and verhovestva law. Today, in this pluralism, we build and develop our institutions and democracy.

    It is obvious that in this way will be the first major harbor spring of next year, when held in Armenia next parliamentary elections in our country.

    The Armenian authorities, the authorities of any other democratic state, clearly attached great importance to the role played by fair and transparent elections in the further development of the state. At the same time, ensure free and fair elections - not enough. It is also necessary that the election is so perceived by the public. From this point of view to clearly distinguish the adoption of new electoral code. I note that during the development of a new electoral code were reviewed all previous reports of the observer missions, and we believe that it will not only spend some really good choices, but also guarantees a full perception of the results of these elections by the public.

    The Armenian authorities will spare no effort and energy to organize the elections in the best way, within the framework of the Constitution, laws, and our international obligations. We are grateful to the Council of Europe for its consistent support and advice to numerous structures in this area.

    In this critical area, we will also cooperate with all concerned agencies of civil society in our country. We are ready to accept the advice and assistance to all our international partners are ready to use all existing mechanisms and create the most transparent opportunities for domestic and international election observation. The most important thing is that these upcoming elections are held in conditions of social harmony, that they have strengthened our achievements.

    In the case of democracy and the ongoing reforms, we are not looking for short cuts. We are not looking for praise as the policy goals of the international community, as well as not trying to prove to anyone correctness of our path. Moreover, we are not trying to hide behind so-called 'objective' constraints, be it an unresolved conflict or neighbors, unable to normalize relations with us. I am confident, however, that, ultimately, what we do today, really durable. At the same time, we expect that both the Council and Assembly, will show a commensurate political correctness and use of the canons of fair and equal when assessing the Member States.

    Ladies and gentlemen!

    The most important question for us remains a peaceful and just settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh. Negotiations take place within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs of the countries we are grateful for the efforts displayed. It is very important that the President personally engaged in these countries the prospects of settlement. This is certainly encouraging.

    More importantly, gives and must give the Council of Europe in this matter, I think you all agree - establishment of tolerance. From this point of view, we are with the pain and anxiety state that in the Council of Europe, there are still pockets of racism and intolerance.

    More recently, a progress report on Azerbaijan, made ​​by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, has reaffirmed that extreme anti-Armenian and racism that prevails in this country. For us this is painful, because it is difficult to imagine that in the country - a member of the Council of Europe may be a similar situation. Painful, because we have a clear vision of what the poison of intolerance causes the greatest harm is carrying the poison to society. But it also makes us worry, because:

    - Azerbaijan - our immediate neighbor,

    - In the immediate vicinity of us still remains unresolved Karabakh conflict

    - We consider it necessary to move forward in the process of conflict resolution.

    Two days later, a trilateral meeting of the Presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on the eve of a co-chair countries have made ​​every effort to have finally fixed the basic principles of conflict resolution. We're talking about solving the problem by compromise. But in our case it turns out that we must compromise with those who are waiting for a convenient excuse to shoot at us. In this situation, anyone would be hard to convince the public of Armenia, Karabakh, the public, living there for centuries the indigenous people of Armenia, it is necessary to go to any concessions the country in which the Armenian nation and a rejection of the extreme racist.

    Even in these circumstances, we considered important regional stability and development, the issue of a secure future growing in Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan generation, showing good will and constructive approach, go to Kazan, hoping for progress. But, of course, we all need to understand that the achievement of definitive agreements and their full realization is possible if Azerbaijan-Armenian manifestations disappear and racism, and will form an atmosphere of trust. Naturally can not be called into question over this right of the Karabakh people to live freely and safely to dispose of their own destiny in their own land.

    In this respect, one can expect from the Council of Europe?

    - In the first place - not to harm the process. Not fully informed discussion of its short-term effect give the parties an opportunity to tack on the issue of long-term solutions, which are formed in the negotiations taking place in the OSCE Minsk Group.

    I am confident that the vast majority of our partners in PACE, when expressed, express or will express the wish to discuss any question relating to Karabakh, did it do or will do on the basis of empathy and goodwill. But at the same time we can not exclude the possibility of steps undertaken by a lack of comprehensive information that can actually do serious harm to the process. Therefore, I appeal to all of you upon request, to be a bit vigilant. And the desire not to harm should be a major indicator.

    - Is it possible to help?


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Of course, maybe! No matter who and how is the final settlement of the Karabakh conflict, one thing is clear: News was, is and will remain part of Europe. Though still not recognized, but, still, part of it. Do we realize that today's public-Karabakh is a part of the European community - the European family, regardless of the political status of the state? And is not it time that the Council of Europe has worked directly with Karabakh, in a major field of their own functions - protection of human rights, building civil society, democracy, tolerance and so on? There would be much more logical if, after the Council will work with Karabakh, this structure would express a desire to discuss any question relating to Karabakh, involving the same Karabakh?

      Dear Colleagues,

      The collapse of the Berlin Wall heralded the elimination of dividing lines in Europe. Unfortunately, after two decades of our mountain region is still waiting for the elimination of their dividing lines.

      Two years ago we initiated the process of settlement of the Armenia-Turkey relations, which could allow, through the establishment of diplomatic relations and open borders, gradually eliminate the existing barriers for almost a century. I should note that during this process for us was very important and inspiring not only the continued assistance of the mediator, but in general, the international community, including various high-ranking officers of the Council of Europe. Unfortunately, even with such support, however, the settlement of Armenian-Turkish relations reached an impasse.

      Reason one: Turkey has returned to his style preconditions, did not comply with its obligations, which made ​​it impossible to ratify the protocols. I can not predict when a window of opportunity now open, after facing disappointment and a wall of distrust. I say this with regret, but that's reality.

      Believe it is important to stress once again that Armenia has initiated the process with good goals, obeying the request of the peaceful coexistence of peoples and nations in the 21st century. And it is in those circumstances where Turkey has not only recognized the genocide carried out against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915, but a policy of outright denial. Meanwhile, the Armenian people waiting for an adequate assessment. And to continue our efforts to this end, the tireless efforts - I hope the efforts of those concerned about crimes against humanity - will be aimed at international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

      Nevertheless, we are not to leave problems to future generations. Normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey, it is important not only for Turks and Armenians, but also in terms of adoption in the region, I think, also in Europe, peace, stability and cooperative atmosphere. Illegal blockade of Armenia must be stopped.

      Ladies and gentlemen! I would like to conclude by confirming their deep faith in the future of common, comprehensive, peaceful and prosperous Europe. If Europe - an idea that if Europe - is the total value-space, then this is the case across Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals and beyond, without partition or split into factions. Europe can not and should not allow new dividing lines, regardless of whether they felt or not. Council of Europe should serve as an important political forum for meaningful discussions and European joint effort to encourage unity in Europe. It dictates to us our responsibility to future generations.


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Baku decides to hush up case of Azeri boy allegedly “killed by Armenians”
        June 22, 2011 - 21:55 AMT

        PanARMENIAN.Net - Baku decided to hush up rapidly the case of 9-year old Fariz Badalov allegedly “killed by an Armenian sharpshooter”, since groundless accusations and trumped-up case evidently did not bring the Azerbaijani party the desirable result. The Law enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan “could not prosecute the killer of little Fariz Badalov,” according to Azerbaijani media. The investigation supposedly proved that, “the murder of Fariz Badalov was committed by the Armenian Armed Forces. However, as, according to objective reasons, it was impossible to prosecute persons who have committed crime, the execution of criminal case was suspended”.

        On March 9, Azerbaijani media reported that allegedly “the Armenian armed forces killed an Azerbaijani child on March 8.” Meanwhile, the reports were controversial - some of them stated that the boy was eight, while others spoke about resident of Orta Karvend settlement Farid Badalov, a ten-year-old boy.

        Later, the press services of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense of NKR issued a joint statement condemning false accusations of Azerbaijani side.

        “The Azerbaijani official propaganda continues aggravating the situation on the occasion of the Azerbaijani boy's death in the frontier village of Orta Karvend, intensively spreading false accusations against the Karabakh party,” the statement said. “Careful investigation of the case can discover some facts testifying to the fabricated accusations of official Baku. During the March 10 monitoring conducted by the OSCE Mission in the noted place, the Karabakh party drew the attention of the monitoring group to the following facts: The distance between the front positions of the NKR Defense Army and the village of Orta Karvend makes 1400-1500 meters, i.e. to hit a man with adjusted fire from a SVD sniper rifle is impossible in this case; the relief of the noted section doesn't allow adjusted firing from the positions of the NKR Defense Army towards the opponent, as the latter has height privileges; according to reliable sources, for more accurate firing at the NKR Defense Army's positions from Orta Karvend, the Azerbaijani soldiers climb the houses' roofs. The very houses, in the yards of which 'boys play'; in the frontier villages, people usually settle in the middle or back, i.e. the safer area of the settlement and not in its front section. According to the Azerbaijani mass media information, everything is just the contrary in Orta Karvend, and the yards, where 'children play', are, for some reason, situated as close to the front line as possible; even if the child was killed by firing, still it should be established who and from what side fired. It isn't excluded that Fariz Badalov could be a victim of firing by the Azerbaijani pointsmen between the villages of Orta Karvend and Shykhlar. It isn't excluded either that the boy could have perished as a result of careless handling of unexploded ammunition, which often happens in the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict zone, on both sides of the contact-line. If the shot was not fired straightly at the target, but up on-the-mitre, so the bullet, shot from a simple gun, could not fly so far. High calibre machineguns can fire at such a distance. But, according to the Azerbaijani mass media information, the child died on the way to the hospital. If the shot had been fired from a high calibre gun, so it would have merely smashed the child's head.”

        “Unfortunately, the Azerbaijani official propaganda doesn't disdain any methods, even cashing in on children's life and death. The Armenian parties are strangers to fascist methods used by Azerbaijan - killing children, asleep men, and hostages, making subversives and terrorists national heroes, and others.

        Every time, after the Presidents' meetings or before a visit of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen to the region, the Azerbaijani propaganda machine increases the tension on the contact-line. Another example was the March 10 death of 19-year-old soldier of the NKR Defense Army Arthur Aghababian as a result of the firing from the Azerbaijani side. The incident took place almost immediately after the OSCE monitoring of the NKR and Azerbaijani armed forces' contact-line. This is rough violation of the agreements on confidence building measures achieved on March 5 in Sochi as a result of the Armenian, Russian, and Azerbaijani Presidents' meeting. While, on the initiative of the Armenian parties, the mediators once again offer drawing off snipers from the front line, official Baku doesn't only block this initiative, but also intensifies the sniper war and with its provocative actions reduces to zero the efforts of the international community on peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict.”

        “The international community must strictly condemn similar actions of the Azerbaijani leadership and apply corresponding sanctions against it,” the statement concluded.

        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Besides five political groups who imposed questions to Sarkisian, an Armenian parliamentarian from the Armenian opposition Heritage Party, Zaruhi Postanjyan asked a critical question to the Armenian President.

          “There is a an authoritarian regime in Armenia,” said Postanjyan and asked Sarkisian when they will make the real reforms.
          Heritage, also a group of self-hating Armenians who are good in disgracing Armenia in international affairs. Postanjyan, a low-life, annoying, uneducated, low-life witch, I wonder how she even got into the parliament and PACE.

          Look at 1:53, how they behave and treat the police. Again, as I stated earlier, Armenia has become too democratic and soft. We should have a democracy as in Europe and America, where the police beats the **** out of protesters and people disobeying them. In Armenia, it is normal to threaten a police officer, to push him and to call him "ara, iaa". In Europe, you will get in jail for this and I don't want to start what would happen to you if you did this in America. We want European values, don't let these bastards threaten and push our police!
          Last edited by Tigranakert; 06-22-2011, 02:04 PM.


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            ^^^ God they are annoying.
            Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
            "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              How the West writes about the conflict (AFP):

              Some 30,000 people died in the conflict when Karabakh was seized from Azerbaijan. The territory is still controlled by ethnic Armenian forces, 17 years after a ceasefire.

              How Russia writes about the conflict (RIAN):

              It has remained under Armenian control since the late 1980s, when the region claimed independence from Azerbaijan to join Armenia. The conflict is estimated to have left more than 30,000 people dead on both sides between 1988 and 1994.
              Russia as a mediator could resolve the territorial conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh, Moskovskiye Novosti daily reported on Thursday, quoting the first president of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

              Thank you Russia (even though you have at least as important relationships with the Turkic nations, but still dare to recognize the Armenian genocide and support Armeniains) for your balanced stance and independent non-biased media, contrary to the extremely biased and pro-Turkish media in the West.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
                Thank you Russia ...........
                Was it not Solon (the Greek philosopher) who told Croesus at the height of his power and wealth
                that it was premature to boast until the moment of death, as it was only then one would know just how successful one had been?
                Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  I hope this saying will not apply to our military leaders (paraphrased of course).

                  Napoleon is quoted as having said,

                  "Had a cannon ball decapitated me at the gates of Moscow,
                  I would have gone down in history as the greatest general of all time".
                  Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                  Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                  Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    This was a good visit in my view:

                    President’s answer in PACE indicates Armenia is democratic state

                    June 23, 2011 | 13:07
                    YEREVAN.- Armenian President’s speech at PACE summer session got an appraisal of the European MPs and was positively assessed by organization’s leadership, member of the Armenian delegation to PACE Naira Zohrabyan told Armenian

                    During the speech Azerbaijani and Turkish delegates fidgeted in their seats, especially when the president’s speech was accompanied by applause.

                    Zohrabyan also said that many European deputies approached the members of the Armenian delegation to commend president’s speech.

                    “They were surprised by calmness with which the Armenian leader answered the most pressing questions and, in particular, the question addressed by member of the Armenian delegation from the opposition party,” she stressed.

                    Zaruhi Postanjyan, member of the opposition Heritage Party, asked about the need for early elections in Armenia.

                    The European MPs were surprised to hear such calm answer to a vexed question. They said it would never happen if the questions were addressed in PACE to the presidents of Azerbaijan, Turkey, or, why not Russia.

                    “According to MEPs, the behavior of Serzh Sargsyan was clear evidence that Armenia is a democratic state,” Zohrabyan concluded.
                    Good job to our President.
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Azerbaijani Flag Upside Down During Ilham Aliyev's Official Meeting With EU Leader In Brussels

                      BRUSSELS. June 22, 2011: Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev is on an official visit to Belgium. Today, Ilham Aliyev met with Joze Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Commission. The Azeri media published the photos from the event showing that the Azerbaijani flag was placed upside down during the joint press conference of Aliyev and Barroso. The irony is that during that very activity Mr. Barroso spoke about the importance the European Union was giving to Azerbaijan.

                      The opposition newspaper “Azadliq” also questioned the president Aliyev’s own knowledge of the correct color order in the Azerbaijani flag. This is not the first incident when the Azerbaijani flag was placed upside down during a visit of an official Azerbaijani delegation. Several years ago a similar incident took place in Iran. At the time, the Azeri media accused the Iranian government of deliberate disrespect against Azerbaijan and several Azeri newspapers, in an “act of retaliation” against Iran, published the photos of the Iranian flag upside down .

                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

