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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Sara Anjargolian / Behind the Front: Nagorno-Karabakh’s Military Women

    Bella Barkhudaryan from Stepanakert, NKR. Staff at Martik military newspaper. 19 years with the armed forces. Mrs. Barkhudaryan designed the 1st print run of “Martik” in 1993 and will soon lay out the 1000th print.

    Yekaterina Ghukasyan from Hadrut, NKR. Kitchen/catering staff at a front line military base in southern NKR. 9 years with the armed forces.

    Tsovinar Avetisyan from Kapan, Armenia. Head of the classified/secret information section at a frontline military base in southern NKR. 20 years with the armed forces.

    Pnjik Voskanian from Kapan, Armenia. Inventory and warehousing of arms and weaponry at a frontline military base in southern NKR. 10 years with the armed forces.

    Lilit Jamharian from Mets Tagher village, NKR. Staff at Martik military newspaper. 6 years with the armed forces.

    Doctor Narine Sahakyan from Stepanakert, NKR. Biochemistry lab director.12 years with the armed forces.

    Gayane Grigoryan from Stepanakert, NKR. Staff at finance department. 15 years with the armed forces.

    Stella Arzumanyan from Kapan, Armenia. Registration of new conscripts and maintenance of databases at a frontline military base in southern NKR. 3 years with the armed forces.

    Nelli Poghosyan (front) from Goris, Armenia, 5 years with the armed forces. Siranush Simonyan (back) from Yerevan, 10 years with the armed forces. Rear services supplying ammunition, fuel, food and clothing at a frontline military base in southern NKR.

    Lusineh Movsisyan from Chartar village, NKR. Staff at Martik military newspaper. 3 years with the armed forces.

    Although not often in the spotlight, the role of women in the Republic of Nagorno- Karabakh's armed forces is critical to the military's daily operations. Whether at headquarters in Stepanakert, or at bases on the front lines, the work of military women ranges from detail- intensive tasks such as accounting for every box of ammunition to the guarding of high-level classified information. This portrait series represents ten faces among the hundreds of military women working quietly in the shadows of NKR's armed forces.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      62 սպաներ ստացել են վաշտի հրամանատարի որակավորում

      Դեկտեմբեր 15, 2012 | 15:12

      Հայաստանի ՊՆ Վազգեն Սարգսյանի անվան ռազմական ինստիտուտում ավարտվել են ՀՀ զինված ուժերի 62 սպաների համար վաշտի հրամանատարի որակավորման եռամսյա դասընթացները:

      ՊՆ մամուլի ծառայությունից հայտնում են, որ դեկտեմբերի 15-ին որակավորում ստացած սպաների հետ հանդիպել է ՀՀ պաշտպանության նախարար Սեյրան Օհանյանը: Պաշտպանական գերատեսչության ղեկավարը ողջունել է սպաների համար որակավորման դասընթացներ կազմակերպելու գաղափարը եւ կարեւորել նման դասընթացների դերը ՀՀ զինված ուժերի սպայակազմի մակարդակի բարձրացման գործում: Սեյրան Օհանյանը հավելել է նաեւ, որ զինված ուժերում սպաների որակավորման դասընթացների անցկացումը կկրի մշտական բնույթ:
      Սպաների որակավորման դասընթացների անցկացումը կկրի մշտական բնույթ…

      Last edited by burjuin; 12-15-2012, 05:31 AM.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Hello fellow forum users, Its been a while sorry for that , Have a nice day all


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Armenian Air Defence

          Last edited by burjuin; 12-17-2012, 10:51 PM.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            what I tell them is that ASALA is nothing compared to what they will face the next round between us.
            Damn Right! Coward toorks can't expect sleeping viligers any more. Coward filthy bastard toorks who took unarmed men away in the middle of the night, had their way with the women and children in the morning. Even with all this they could not finish the job!

            When the time comes we will finish this matter with them!


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Zinuj (15.12.2012)
              Zinuj (16.12.2012)


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Nah the power of the armenian lobby is nothing. Both the USA and Israel do not want the Turk to be too powerful so they can have control over it. The armenian issue is simply a tool in their pocket to use at their convenience and nothing more. The things you credit to the armenian lobby are not deserved. Overestimating your own strength is the most dangerous mistake you can make.

                Originally posted by Hakob View Post
                All that power and they are preventing azeri-turkish Washington lobby making USA pour all the military aid to azerbaijan against Iran. All that power and they keep Armenia in US friendly list despite being allied to Russia and Iran. All that power and securing US aid. All that power and forcing US
                not to go against our interests in Minsk group. All that power and blocking so much turkish policy interests in Washington. All that power and helping Armenia develop balanced foreign policy and influence. Etc...etc....
                You see the cup half ampty, but I see it half full....
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                  Nah the power of the armenian lobby is nothing. Both the USA and Israel do not want the Turk to be too powerful so they can have control over it. The armenian issue is simply a tool in their pocket to use at their convenience and nothing more. The things you credit to the armenian lobby are not deserved. Overestimating your own strength is the most dangerous mistake you can make.
                  And suffering from national inadequacy feelings in my opinion is the worst dangerous mistake. It's not an Armenian like me that said those about Armenian lobby. It's the «American Politics Research» institute and «Business Pundit» publication(the americans). Besides those it's the turkish and azeri governments and leaders complaining the same. It's the US Armenians who wholehartedly support those two commities.
                  It's very easy to ignore your own. But your enemies don't...


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Wth are national inadequacy feelings anyways? I have watched the armenian community for decades pour their money down the toilet of the american political system with crap to show for it. Politition after politition taking money, making promises, breaking promises, then retiring into the sunset over and over and over again. The diaspora has no problem waisting their money in the curruptest po;itical system on earth yet they always say they wont send aid to Armenia because of corruption there. Just think about the facts before you start accusing people of made up crimes like national inadequacy or whatever the hell your trying to say.
                    Hayastan or Bust.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                      Wth are national inadequacy feelings anyways? I have watched the armenian community for decades pour their money down the toilet of the american political system with crap to show for it. Politition after politition taking money, making promises, breaking promises, then retiring into the sunset over and over and over again. The diaspora has no problem waisting their money in the curruptest po;itical system on earth yet they always say they wont send aid to Armenia because of corruption there. Just think about the facts before you start accusing people of made up crimes like national inadequacy or whatever the hell your trying to say.
                      I have watched the Armenian community and US politics for decades too. It must be that we are leaving in diffrent worlds. Back in 1980 nobody in america knew who were Armenians, where was Armenia and what was Armenian genocide. Now every presidential candidate has to explain his position about it. If the foregn department with it's might has to intervene the house from passing a resolution, that shows how far we have gone. Declared or not (the G word) what's going on in the politics is the matter.
                      Who is using the genocide issue for what, does not matter too(there is no issue in world that is not being used in politics). The important factor for us is that it is being used, since turks thought long ago that it was forgotten and done with(remember hitler's words in 1940?), otherwise Armenian issue did not even exist in US-turkish politics just couple of decades ago. Who brought it up on the table in your opinion?
                      Armenian lobby did not even exist 20 yrs ago, now it is getting more powerfull with each year. I am very happy that it is considered powerfull in par with xxxish lobby. It is just a matter of perspective.

                      Are you trying to say that diaspora is not helping Armenia? What is the Armenian national fund? What has it done so far?
                      As I say for you the cup is half empty... for me it is half full.. The national inadequacy I am talking about is the denial of the reality however dissapointing or inadequate they may be for someone.
                      I am not denying many problems, nor I am saying that everything is nice and dandy.
                      But I say "good job" for whatever is accomplished by our lobby and diaspora in general.

