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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    My guess --- we would be COMPELLED to *** fight to the last man ***
    We have always done so, nothing has changed. But to laugh at Moscow is only a joke that a pervert can laugh at.

    Look at my Migs


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Oh, those Russians. What would we do without them?
      Oh you mean we have more tanks?...LOL

      Russia sold 64 tanks to Armenia, 62 to Azerbaijan during past 20 years

      OH My God!...LOL

      Russia has exported 2,000 tanks to 19 countries during past 20 years, APA reports quoting Russian media. Moreover, 200 more tanks are planned to be exported on the orders in 2013-2015. Main part of

      So the Russians still gave us more tanks, the West gave you a piece of paper and laughed in your face! The Cat laughed in your face too, yet you volunteered to find his posts for him! And you feel like lecturing someone about Moscow?...ROTF, what a stoogie!

      God Bless Moscow! Mean while you were busy weren't you!...LOL

      I found it quickly because I used Google search ("bell-the-cat" + "Wilsonian Armenia" and not the forum's irritating search function.

      You are so charming, let me know next time you want to derail a thread or talk sh!t about Moscow to the detriment of Armenia, and I will hand you your arse yet again! Nothing like walking away with poke a dot underware, I hear the pet has a fetish for that...ROTF
      Last edited by Vahram; 03-26-2013, 06:09 PM.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Artashes View Post
        Does anyone know if the SU 25 can fly as slow as the A 10 ? Also , I've had many A 10s fly at me and the are very quiet on approach and only after they've passed can you hear them . What is the noise level of an SU 25 on approach ?
        I've seen A 10s fly so slow it looked like the we're almost hovering .
        I really like these SU 25s but don't know much about them .
        My understanding is they're used for the same purpose the A 10s are used for .
        I seen a video in US military channel comparing SU25 with A10 and they were admitting that SU25 surpases A10 in almost every flight characteristic. It can fly lower and land/take off allmost anywhere. While A10 top speed is no more than 400 knots, SU25 breaks mach1. It is suited for ground forces support. Has a higher than A10 payload capacity. The only drawback was night vision and modern armaments. But they did admit that with newer armaments and tech SU25s have surpassed A10. They were saying that just like in US for A10, in SU25 carying countries there is a bunt hatred for them because they look ugly and are not hight tech. But just like in iraq wars majority of ground support and enemy kills were done by A10s, so in afghanistan or chechnia, georgia wars, majority of air support job was done by SU25.
        With upgrades SU25 is still very viable and efficient weapon and will stay for some time.
        I think it is best option, for Armenia's mountain terrain.
        There wont be any significant airfields for enemy to bomb, but there will be SU25s flying all over the place.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Artashes View Post
          Does anyone know if the SU 25 can fly as slow as the A 10 ?
          Pretty much the same....the A-10 might be able to maintain a little slower minimum controllable airspeed but both aircraft will stall at about 120 Knots airspeed. Both aircraft are fully aerobatic and highly manoeuverable however at about 450 Knots the A-10 will no longer accelerate where the SU-25, once clean (all external weapons dropped) can hit Mach +1

          Also , I've had many A 10s fly at me and the are very quiet on approach and only after they've passed can you hear them . What is the noise level of an SU 25 on approach ?
          The SU-25 uses the old proven and reliable Mig-21 engines which is a Turbojet and loud compared to the A-10's Turbofan engines which operate somewhat at lower decibals, depending on the observers angle to the engines on the approach or take off. Also the SU-25 engines have a visible exhaust at lower altitudes high power.

          I've seen A 10s fly so slow it looked like the we're almost hovering .
          again, depending on the observers point of view an aircraft may seem to fly slower than it should.....the A-10 will drop out of the sky if it slows down bellow 120 knots (so will the SU-25).

          I really like these SU 25s but don't know much about them .
          My understanding is they're used for the same purpose the A 10s are used for .
          Yes they are both designed as close ground support aircraft for troops. Both aircraft are also capable of pinpoint precision strikes on enemy positions or strategic targets when not operating as ground support.
          B0zkurt Hunter


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by Vahram View Post
            Funny video, Su-25 made in Russia. Most normal flight scenes are Russian, combat footage is Armenian. Enjoy the show. But do understand one thing, while the West was busy sneaking cookies to Raffi the Russians equipped the Armenians with the SU-25!

            Very interesting. Video was made of many diffrent clips. But at the end it showed azeris being attacked by SU25s. Turkish(azery) language can't be mistaken. Never seen this. I guess there is lot of things we still don't know about our airforce.
            The damaged SU25 is in chechnia. But still, isn't it amasing how much damage can it take and keep flying?


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                20th anniversary of the of formation of the Department of Intelligence of the Armenian Army.
                November 2012


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Azerbaijani soldier wounded as Armenian armed units violated ceasefire

                  [ 27 March 2013 10:09 ]
                  Baku. Hafiz Heydarov - APA. A soldier of Azerbaijani Army was wounded as Armenian armed units violated the ceasefire.

                  APA reports that it happened in Gedebey region. Soldier of Azerbaijani Army Fariz Abdullayev, 19, was wounded by the enemy. The wounded soldier has been hospitalized.

                  Yesterday as a result of the shooting, Armenians retreated because of losses. Extended serviceman of the Azerbaijani Army Mehman Sadigov was shot to death by the enemy.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Azerbaijani Army major wounded in head as Armenians violated ceasefire

                    [ 27 March 2013 15:11 ]
                    Baku. Hafiz Heydarov – APA. One more Azerbaijani serviceman was wounded as ceasefire was violated on the contact line of Azerbaijani – Armenian troops in Gedebey region on March 26. APA reports that major Asgarov Jeyhun Malik was reportedly wounded in the head.

                    Spokesman for the Defense Ministry, Colonel Eldar Sabiroglu confirmed the fact to APA. The serviceman’s state of health is normal.

                    On March 26, Armenians retreated in the shooting on Gedebey front, because of losses. Extended serviceman of the Azerbaijani Army Mehman Sadigov was shot to death by the enemy.

                    As a result of the shooting, soldier of Azerbaijani Army, 19-year-old Fariz Abdullayev was also wounded. The wounded soldier was hospitalized.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      20th anniversary of the of formation of the Department of Intelligence of the Armenian Army.
                      November 2012

