Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan
I have some exciting news for you guys on what happened at the Nakhichevan border. Our boys have reportedly advanced roughly 8 km on the front line and have secured a very high point from where Nakhichevan city can be seen. According to, Nakhichevan city is only 25 to 30 km away from our new position (if measured as a straight line on a map). So where exactly is it? It has been confirmed not to be in Ordubad. The location that was rumoured in the previous reports is Julfa province which would make sense in terms of reported distance. The other location where we may have advanced is Babek/Shakhbuz direction (at Vayk region, Vayots Dzor). Here is the picture released by of our new position. The settlements in front are villages, in the distance is the Arax river and in front of it is Nakhichevan city.

If anyone wants to personally take a crack to where this picture is taken from with the given information, you can use Wikimapia and its distance calculator

That's an eagle and that's our soldiers at the peak underneath, 3000 meters above sea level, Nakhichevan.
Originally posted by Federate
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Originally posted by Federate
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Originally posted by arakeretzig
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If anyone wants to personally take a crack to where this picture is taken from with the given information, you can use Wikimapia and its distance calculator

That's an eagle and that's our soldiers at the peak underneath, 3000 meters above sea level, Nakhichevan.