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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Finally a news about our captured soldier

    Armenian scout captured in Aghdam to stand trial on April 7
    [ 30 March 2015 13:11 ]
    Baku. Hafiz Heydarov - APA. The preliminary trial of the Armenian scout Bagdasaryan Arsen Edwardovich, who crossed the Aghdam part of the contact line of troops on 26 December 2014 and was captured by the Azerbaijani soldiers, will be held by the Ganja Court of Grave Crimes on April 7 at 10:00 am.

    The case of the Armenian scout will be considered by judge Elbey Allahverdiyev.

    The Military Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement that on 26 December 2014, professional serviceman Bagdasaryan Arsen Edwardovich, who is a member of an Armenian reconnaissance-sabotage group that had crossed the Aghdam part of the contact line of troops near, was captured by Azerbaijani servicemen. The Military Prosecutor’s Office launched a criminal case under the Criminal Code’s articles 29,120.2.7, 29,120.2.12 and 29,282.2.

    The investigation into the fact discovered that senior sergeant A.E. Bagdasaryan who underwent special training in Armenia has served under contract as the first platoon commander of the reconnaissance detachment at military unit 49971 under an armed criminal formation located in the Azerbaijani district of Aghdere occupied by Armenian armed forces. He was instructed by the commander of the military unit (he has been identified) to kill Azerbaijani citizens with the intention of national hostility and hatred, and to cross to the defense positions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to place mines in order to cause explosions in the trenches with the purpose of damaging Azerbaijan’s defense capabilities. On this purpose, Bagdasaryan alongside other members of the criminal group (their names has been identified) crossed the contact line of troops in a secrete way at around 3:00 PM 26 Dec. 2014. They are convicted of placing 3 of the 7 Fugas antipersonnel mines he had in the trench paths frequently used by Azerbaijani soldiers. Thanks to the Azerbaijani soldiers' vigilance, Bagdasaryan was captured on his way back, and mines neutralized.

    Necessary investigative measures were then taken, the knife and other items seized from Bagdasaryan as well as one of the mine placed in the ground and the place were two of the mines were neutralized by exploding inspected, forensic medical, complex forensic psychiatric and psychological, etc. examination conducted, witnesses questioned.

    Bagdasaryan faced charges under the Criminal Code’s articles #218.2 (participation in criminal community), 29,120.2.1 (attempt to a deliberate murder by group of persons, on preliminary arrangement by group of persons, by organized group or criminal community), 29,120.2.7 (attempt to a deliberate murder of two or more persons), 29,120.2.12 (attempt to a deliberate murder on motive of national, racial, religious hatred or enmity), 29,282.2 (attempt to commitment of explosion, arson or other actions directed on destruction or damage of enterprises, constructions, means of communication, means of message and communication, objects of life-support of a population with a view of undermining defensibility and economic safety of the Azerbaijan Republic) and was sentenced to pretrial detention.

    The Republican Military Prosecutor’s Office continues preliminary investigation of the case, legal actions will be taken depending on the results.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Thanks for the clarification guys!


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
        Armenia has the highest age.....50 years old.

        argin you are doing fine....keep us posted as you can.
        Thats incorrect, military age is 19, thats when conscription starts. In a time of war, any male between 19-50 can be conscripted, but there are hardly any 50 year old men in the Armenian military. Conscripts serve for two years, with 30 thousand males reaching conscription age annually.

        Around 1500 men in the army are tankers, around 6 thousand in the armed forces are in the air force and air defense. Armenia has more than enough young soldiers acting as fighters. Im willing to bet at least another 2000 men are in artillery divisions. This actually poses a serious issue for Armenia has it doesnt have cross-training. In the US Army, soldiers learn how to operate artillery, act as medics ,etc, whereas in post-Soviet countries soldiers are restricted to certain fields. Some being infantry, some being artillery, some acting as medical staff, and some acting as tankers.

        There really is no difference in efficiency regarding combat, but there is a difference in logistics.

        Anyways, Im willing to assume alot of the new infantry kits will be revealed at the 2016 parade being sported by the special forces, who have the best gear generally. Armenian recon groups actually have American ACH AND Russian 6b variant combat helmets in use:

        Last edited by Chubs; 03-30-2015, 10:09 PM.
        Armenian colony of Glendale will conquer all of California!


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          These statements are so ridiculous that only in a total authoritarian government with no access to information would anyone attempt to make them without being laughed at. I don't think feeding your soldiers is a problem in any country outside of lower income nations with serious food shortages for the general population. They certainly wouldn't be an issue in middle income countries like Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Geor

          Also it's ridiculous to make these claims for a contract soldier. They would be less ridiculous for a 18 year old conscript who is forced to be there for two years possibly against his wishes. However, this man was a 24 year old contract soldier who chose to be there.

          Moreover, even if the guy was a conscript, nobody in their sane mind would escape to Azerbaijan from Armenia if they had problems, short of them having committed and being wanted for serious crimes. Being bullied and not likeling your senior officers would not motivate any sane person to head to a land where likely they will be tortured and killed. yes the legacy of "Dedovshchina" or military hazing remain in Armenia from Soviet times, and they do result in embarrassing events here and there, but their nothing out of the ordinary compared to other countries in the region, and are in fact lower most soviet states. In fact non combat deaths are low and have declined every year for a couple of years in a row now

          Not that it needs to be said, but they took us to front line a couple of years ago with Birthright Armenia and we got to eat with the soldiers etc. As would be expected they ate normal food in normal portions. I don't know how describe it beyond that. It wasn't spectacular or meant to impress anyone, but it was regular food that one would expect in such a place. Also, the soldiers on the fronts where we were actually told us most of the guys who end up on the fronts volunteer to be here. I don't know if that applies to other places, but that was our interaction with them and they seemed genuinely enthusiastic. This wasn't some photo op or media attempt. we got to sit down and speak with them, and they shown genuine and in depth knowledge and had passion for the cause, and seemed to be very proud of what they were doing.
          Last edited by Mher; 03-31-2015, 09:01 AM.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Production of Armenian defense industry is shown in the Ministry of Defence 03/23/2015


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Production of Armenian defense industry is shown in the Ministry of Defence 03/23/2015


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                The azeri propaganda of being 'friendly' to the newly surrendered soldier pays off,they want to look like an innocent little boy while portraying us as the bully to the international community

                Azerbaijani Defense Ministry: If Armenia has least respect for norms of international law, it must fulfill UN resolutions
                [ 31 March 2015 12:03 ]
                Baku. Agha Jafarli – APA. “Because we are well familiar with Armenian hypocrisy, reports of this kind do not catch us by surprise and we meet them normally,” the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry told APA on March 31.

                The ministry said if the Armenians, who speak of respect for the norms of international law everywhere, have the least respect for the norms of international law, they must immediately and unconditionally liberate occupied Azerbaijani lands in compliance with the UN Security Council’s resolutions.

                “If the Armenians occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijani lands, massacring civilians and unarmed people in Khojaly and other districts under any law, then under the same law, the Azerbaijani side sat at a tea table with and shot photographs with an Armenian serviceman who had surrendered to our side”.

                The Armenian Defense Ministry rejected the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry’s statement that the Armenians had suffered heavy losses, also claiming that Azerbaijan has violated the international conventions in its treatment toward the Armenian soldier Andranik Grigoryan, who crossed to the Azerbaijani side with his own will.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  «Հայկական ժամանակ». Սերժ Սարգսյանի խնդիրներից մեկը Չինաստանից զենք գնելն է եղել

                  07:41, 31.03.2015

                  Հայկական ժամանակ» թերթը գրում է. «Լավատեղյակ աղբյուրներից հայտնի դարձավ, որ Սերժ Սարգսյանի՝ մայիսի 25-ից 28-ը Չինաստան կատարած այցի հիմնական խնդիրներից մեկը արտոնյալ պայմաններով ՀՀ-ին զենքի մատակարարման շուրջ պայմանավորվածություն ձեռք բերելն է եղել:

                  Հաջողվե՞լ է արդյոք այս խնդիրը լուծել, թե ոչ մեր աղբյուրները չեն մասնավորեցնում: Փորձագետները նկատում են, սակայն, որ Չինաստանի հյուսիս-արեւմուտքում բնակվող թյուրքալեզու փոքրամասնությունների սեպարատիստական ձգտումները մշտապես անհանգստացնում են Պեկինին: Իսկ Հայաստանը Չինաստանի եւ Թուրքիայի արանքում գտնվող միակ երկիրն է, որը զերծ է թուրքական տարրից: Սա նշանակում է, որ Չինաստան-Հայաստան ռազմավարական համագործակցության օբյեկտիվ պայմաններ կան. մնում է այն իրական գործակցության վերածելու հմտություններ եւ շնորհք ունենալ»:


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Newspaper: Armenia to purchase weapons from China?
                    07:41, 31.03.2015
                    Region:World News, Armenia
                    Theme: Politics

                    YEREVAN. – Well-informed sources report that one of the key issues of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s recent visit to China was to obtain an agreement on supplying arms to Armenia with reduced rates, Haykakan Zhamanak daily reported.

                    “[But] our sources do not specify whether or not this matter was resolved.

                    “Analysts note, however, that the separatist aspirations of the Turkic-speaking minorities living in northwestern China always troubles Beijing. And Armenia is the only country situated between China and Turkey which is free from the Turkish element. This means that there are objective conditions for China-Armenia strategic cooperation,” Haykakan Zhamanak wrote.
                    This was one of the key issues of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s recent visit to China…


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


                      Idk why, but I really like this picture

