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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Քառօրյա պատերազմի ընթացքում հայկական կողմի սանիտարական կորուստներն ընդամենը 4 տոկոս են կազմել

    27 ապրիլի, 18:06

    Լեռնային Ղարաբաղում շփման գծում քառօրյա ռազմական գործողությունների ընթացքում ռազմաբժշկական ծառայության մասնագիտական գործողությունների շնորհիվ փրկվել է շատ զինվորների կյանքը, իսկ սանիտարական կորուստներն ընդամենը 4 տոկոս են կազմել համաշխարհային միջինը 10-12 տոկոս ցուցանիշի պարագայում: Այդ մասին լրագրողներին հայտնել է Հայաստանի Պաշտպանության նախարարության ռազմաբժշկական վարչության պետ Կամավոր Խաչատրյանը:

    Նրա խոսքով, ռազմական գործողությունների առաջին իսկ օրից ռազմաբժշկական ծառայությունը հետեւել է «ոսկե ժամի» կանոններին. բոլոր վիրավորներին, որոնց կարողացել են հասնել բժիշկները, մեկ ժամվա ընթացքում տեղափոխել են կլինիկաներ, որտեղ նրանց մասնագիտական օգնություն է ցուցաբերվել: Շատերին անհրաժեշտության դեպքում օգնություն են տրամադրել հենց մարտի դաշտում, ոմանց տեղում վիրահատել են, մյուսներին անմիջապես միացրել են արհեստական շնչառության սարքին, որը ամենագնաց-ռեանիմոբիլում էր:

    «Եթե ադրբեջանական կողմի մոտ, նրանց գլխավոր վիրաբույժի հայտարարության համաձայն, վիրավորների 40-45 տոկոսը ծանր եւ կրիտիկական վիճակում էր, մեզ մոտ նման վիճակում էր վիրավորների ոչ ավելի, քան 10 տոկոսը, որովհետեւ նրանց ժամանակին օգնություն են ցուցաբերել, ժամանակին տարհանել են: Աշխատանքի ճիշտ կազմակերպման շնորհիվ նրանց հաջողվել է վիրավորների շրջանում նվազեցնել հաշմանդամության տոկոսը», - նշել է Կամավոր Խաչատրյանը:

    Նրա խոսքով, գործողությունների վերլուծությունը ցույց է տվել, որ քառօրյա պատերազմի ընթացքում ռազմաբժշկական ծառայությունը այնպիսի արդյունքներ է ցույց տվել, որոնք գերազանցում են աշխարհում ընդունված «նորմերը»: Այլ պատերազմների տվյալների համեմատությամբ, մեզ մոտ վիրավորների շրջանում մահացությունը ցածր էր, ընդգծել է Կամավոր Խաչատրյանը, հիշեցնելով, որ 4 օրվա ընթացքում հայկական կողմը 125 վիրավոր է ունեցել, որոնցից 2-ը մահացել են Մարտակերտի ռազմական հիվանդանոցում: Նրանց ժամանակին են հասցրել վիրահատարան, սակայն նրանք բարդ, կյանքի հետ անհամատեղելի վերքեր են ունեցել, եւ նրանց փրկել չի հաջողվել: Մինչ օրս հիվանդանոցային համակարգում 5 մահ է գրանցվել. երեքը զոհվել են հետվիրահատական բարդացումներից:

    Իսկ սանիտարական կորուստները, Կամավոր Խաչատրյանի խոսքով, 4 տոկոս են կազմել: Եվ չնայած մարդկային կյանքերը չի կարելի գնահատել եւ չափել տոկոսներով, 4 տոկոսը լավ ցուցանիշ է նույնիսկ միջազգային ցուցանիշների համեմատ, չէ որ սովորաբար սանիտարական կորուստները 10-12 տոկոս են կազմում: Medicine


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Armenian side lost 4 ambulances in four-day war
      17:02, 27.04.2016
      Region:Armenia, Karabakh, Azerbaijan
      Theme: Politics

      YEREVAN. -- Due to aggressive military actions by Azerbaijan in the four-day war the Armenian side lost 4 ambulances, said Colonel Kamavor Khachatryan, the head of the Military Medical Administration to the Ministry of Defense of Armenia.

      "The Red Cross was distinctly visible on those cars. They were near the front line, and one could see that those cars were ambulances. The enemy purposefully attacked them," he said.

      Fortunately, none of the nurses died because of those actions . In one case, the doctors were taking care of the wounded near the car. The car exploded , but none of them was injured . In the other cases, the Azerbaijani side fired at the Armenian ambulances using different weapons due to which several doctors were slightly wounded .

      Armenia News -


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
        I wonder how long Armenia can afford to launch grad missiles. Weeks or months? We will need an update package from Russia soon I reckon.
        Even Egypt produces Grad missiles. They are easy to obtain even if Russia doesn't want to supply us (low probability). An organization like hezbollah had around 30,000 missiles a couple of years ago.
        Last edited by armnuke; 04-27-2016, 07:57 AM.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          87 Armenian soldiers wounded in early April discharged and returned to their posts
          16:18, 27.04.2016
          Region:Armenia, Karabakh, Azerbaijan
          Theme: Politics, Society

          YEREVAN. -- 87 out of 125 soldiers wounded during the four-day war in Nagorno-Karabakh have been discharged and returned to their posts, told the head of the Military Medical Administration to the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Colonel Kamavor Khachatryan.

          According to him, the wounded soldiers remained in the hospital until they completely recovered. Moreover, they received the psychological assistance after they had recovered. Now they are back to their subunits. According Kamavor Khachatryan, since the outbreak of hostilities up to this day 148 surgeries – both very complicated and simple including removing debris -- have been performed in the Armenian military hospitals. Some of the surgeries were performed twice, when needed.

          Now there are three soldiers in the hospital in a critical condition; two of them are being treated in the medical center Erebuni , whereas the third soldier in the Central Military Hospital . All of them were wounded during the four-day war. Doctors, as Kamavor Khachatryan noted, are doing everything possible to save their lives and help them to recover.

          Another soldier in a critical condition arrived at the hospital on 13 April, after the cease-fire had been reached. He was seriously wounded in the head. Overall, as a result of violation of the ceasefire by Azerbaijan the Armenian side has had 34 wounded. All of them received the necessary assistance -- most of them were operated .

          Armenia News -


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Here is some motivation guys!
            For Booking : [email protected] : Narek Mets HayqRecording : PlayBack RecordsMixing & Mastering : PlayBack ProductionDirector : Narek Mets Hayq...
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Yerevan is considering refusing to import Turkish goods: Minister

              Armenia is considering a ban on the import of Turkish goods. This was announced on April 27 during a governmental hour in the Parliament Minister of Economy Artsvik Minasyan.

              One of the deputies proposed to the government to ban the import of Turkish goods, travel on vacation to Turkey and the realization of direct flights, given the lack of diplomatic relations between the two countries, as well as support for Ankara's aggressive militaristic stance on Karabakh Azerbaijan.

              The Minister said that on the instructions of the Prime Minister of the Ministry of Economy conducts relevant research on this issue, especially for those products that threaten Armenian economy both in terms of quality and competition, ARKA reports.

              In recent years, Armenia has begun an information campaign against Turkish products consumption. As previously stated the economist Tatul Manaseryan, buying Turkish goods, the citizens of Armenia "financed by the military-industrial complex in Turkey." When asked about where to get to the dealers, who make a living of the Turkish export goods, Manaseryan said that the need to stimulate employment. It is necessary to free the small business tax.

              The trade turnover between Armenia and Turkey in 2015 amounted to $ 138.5 million, representing about 2.9% of the total foreign trade of Armenia. The volume of trade in 2014 amounted to $ 233.7 million.

              As the minister said, the question is also derived from the bilateral political relations, on the ground that a final decision. "Armenia and Turkey are both members of the WTO, but at the time of our membership, Ankara recalled Marrakech document, according to which in fact does not recognize Armenia as a member of the WTO, which allows us to fully use all the tools that protect our economy", - Minasyan said.

              In addition, according to the Minister, under the EAEC has a tool through which Armenia can for protection and safety EAEC market to impose sanctions on a number of items of goods. "However, we must clearly calculate all the questions, so as not to damage the social Soon we will present a clear program of action, which will be presented to the Parliament." - Minasyan said.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                All the motivation we need! Lets keep donating and give our brave brothers more than enough supplies to wipe out these baboons from our lands!


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Azerbaijani authorities persecute Meydan TV for exposing Azerbaijani
                      army’s hidden losses in “four-day war”

                      POLITICS 17:36 27/04/2016 REGION

                      Azerbaijani authoritieshave filed a criminal case against the
                      executives and journalists of online Meydan TV, which is one of the
                      few Azerbaijani independent media outlets.According to one of the
                      versions, the criminal case against Meydan TV came as a result of the
                      publication of the list of the dead during the latest escalation in
                      the Karabakh conflict zone, Russian TV channel Rain reports.

                      It is reminded that earlier, Meydan TV’seditorial staff presented a
                      list of 93 killed Azerbaijani soldiers, while the Azerbaijani Ministry
                      of Defense declared about 31 killed. According to Meydan TV’s
                      editor-in-chief EminMilli, every person in that list has been really
                      killed in the military action, and the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense
                      cannot deny this information.

                      “Meydan TV enjoys a great trust among the Azerbaijani citizens, and
                      that is why, when the military action began, soldiers themselves and
                      the families of the killed – parents, relatives, brothers, sisters –
                      sent the names and photos of the killed to us. Our journalists and our
                      people checked the information in place, and they were present at
                      funerals. Each name we included in the list is checked, and it is not
                      surprising that the pro-governmental media started to call us
                      traitorsfor some reason,”Milli notes.

                      According to him, until now, none of the pro-governmental media
                      outlets could deny any of the facts published on Meydan TV. He notes
                      that the pro-governmental referred to a soldier as if he
                      were alive, while the TV presented him as dead. However, the editor
                      clarifies that in reality, the pro-governmental website did not use a
                      screenshot or a hyperlink to Meydan TV.

                      “Neither the Ministry of Defense nor the pro-governmental media could
                      point where Meydan TV had lied. In other words, we did what the
                      Ministry of Defense actually should have done from the very beginning.
                      We think that this is a lack of respect by our government and the
                      Ministry of Defense towards the killed soldiers, their families,
                      relatives, friends, and the whole Azerbaijani nation,”Milli

                      Hefurthernotesthattheindependentmediaareinbadcondi tionsinAzerbaijan.
                      He reminds that the headquarters of the internet TV channel founded by
                      him is in Berlin, and that he does not have his own journalists in
                      Azerbaijan. He saidthere are several citizens, who send video
                      materials and certain information to them for publication.

                      “We have professional journalists outside Azerbaijan, who process and
                      check that information,being abroad. Onlyafterthat, wepublixxxx. It is
                      a very complicated system and scheme, but, unfortunately, the
                      independent media in Azerbaijan cannot work in any other way
                      nowadays,” he notes.

                      Millialso reminds that in December 2014, he had to close the Meydan TV
                      office toavoid the authorities’ pressure. He highlights that at that
                      time, even the office of RFE/RL financed by the US Congress, was

                      He notes that the criminal case is launched against Meydan TV’s
                      “executives,” however, as this online media outlet is not a legal
                      entity in Azerbaijan, the accusations are brought against certain
                      people. “Thecriminalcaseisnoteventhequestion. For example, one of our
                      editors, GunelMovlud, is in Tbilisi, and her two brothers are
                      currently in prison. One of my relatives was also in prison, he has
                      been released recently. Several months ago, the police forced 23 of my
                      relatives to publicly renounce me,”Milli says noting that an
                      atmosphere of fear is unleashed in the country, like in Stalin times.

                      Moreover, there are citizens among the 15 people sued for their
                      collaboration with Meydan TV, who sent only few video materials to the
                      editors. “It is frightful to think that people can be punished only
                      for that. Unfortunately, we have to be ready for everything,” he says.

                      In its turn, the famous American newspaper The Washington Post writes
                      that before his recent visit to the United States in the beginning of
                      March, President IlhamAliyev of Azerbaijan pardoned some 148 inmates,
                      among them some journalists and political prisoners.In Washington,
                      Aliyev met with Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Vice President
                      Biden. But no one should conclude that this brutish leader has changed
                      his ways.

                      The newspaper notes that after Aliyev returned home, Meydan TV, an
                      independent digital news platform, announced that prosecutors there
                      opened a criminal investigation for alleged illegal business
                      activities, abuse of power and tax evasion. It is highlighted that
                      those are the standard charges used to harass and silence Aliyev’s
                      critics.None of the 15 journalists, against whom thecriminal case has
                      been launched, is yet formally charged, but some have been told they
                      cannot leave the country, and they are subject to home searches and
                      equipment confiscations without a warrant.EminMilli, Meydan TV’s
                      founder, served 16 months in prison on trumped-up charges.

                      “Mr. Aliyev is always jittery in the face of criticism.He jailed the
                      journalist Khadija Ismayilova, who first exposed the ownership of
                      lucrative gold mines by Mr. Aliyev’s daughters, later revealed in the
                      Panama Papers to be even larger than thought,” The Washington Post

                      Journalists, bloggers and activists also remain imprisoned in the
                      country. The newspaper emphasizes that Meydan TV has recently
                      challenged the official count of casualties suffered by Azerbaijan in
                      a “four-day conflict.”

                      “The experience of Meydan TV teaches that the digital byways can
                      enable free information to reach closed societies and bypass
                      tyrants.Mr. Aliyev seems to think he can fight back with secret police
                      and prosecutors.Perhaps Mr. Aliyev inherited these inclinations from
                      his father, Heydar, a career KGB man who was appointed to the Soviet
                      Politburo.While KGB methods can be painful for those targeted, they
                      can’t seal out the truth, nor stop criticism, as Meydan TV and Ms.
                      Ismayilova have courageously demonstrated.Mr. Aliyev should free all
                      political prisoners, drop the prosecution of Meydan TV and sit down to
                      watch the channel himself. He might learn something about the values a
                      nation needs to succeed in the modern age,” the newspaper sums up.

                      Meanwhile, Amal Clooney, a British lawyer of Lebanese descent anda
                      specialist in international law and human rights, told BBC that as the
                      attorney of the Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova, who was
                      condemned to 7,5 years of imprisonment in Baku, she will achieve the
                      European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decision on her case.

                      Clooney said that she had met the Azerbaijani ambassador to the US,
                      who assured her that his country will respect the decision of the
                      ECHR. According to her, there are also diplomatic methods of resolving
                      the problem, among which a law bill enacted in the US Congress and
                      providing sanctions against Azerbaijani officials among them.

                      Meanwhile, RFE/RL reports that influential American senator Ben Cardin
                      also met Amal Clooney and discussed Khadija Ismayilova’s case with
                      her. “I had a very productive conversation with AmalClooney and am
                      impressed by her passion for and dedication to humanrights,” the
                      senator posted on his Facebook page.

                      In addition, the Caucasian Knot reports that the Azerbaijani human
                      rights defenders and former political prisoners IntigamAliyev,
                      AnarMammadli, and RasulJafarovreleased a joint statement calling the
                      Azerbaijani authorities to release the rest of the political prisoners
                      in the country – journalists, bloggers, political activists, and
                      religious community representatives.

                      The authors of the statement note that the restrictions of freedom of
                      speechand assembly are a serious threat to Azerbaijan’s political
                      perspectives and democratic progress. “Azerbaijani authorities violate
                      their international obligations by prosecuting media and enacting
                      laws, which narrow the possibilities for the political parties’
                      activities,”AnarMamedli emphasized.

                      Азербайджанские власти завели дело в отношении руководства и журналистов независимого канала «Мейдан ТВ» – одного из немногих независимых медиа, рассказывающего о событиях в Азербайджане. По одной из версий, против «Мейдан ТВ» начали уголовное дело из‑за публикации списка погибших в конфликте в Нагорном Карабахе. Редакция приводит список из 93 погибших, в то время как Министерство Обороны Азербайджана заявляет о 31 погибшем. По словам главного редактора Эмина Милле, каждый человек в этом списке действительно погибший в военных действиях, и Министерство обороны Азербайджана не может опровергнуть эту информацию.

                      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”

