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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    we need to get this beast ELINT\SIGINT system - "Sbor1"

    hedakrkira indz yete nman hamagark unenk hayastanum/artsakhum..


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Azerbaijani soldier hit mine

      [ 16 Mar 2012 13:38 ]
      Baku. Hafiz Heydarov – APA. A soldier of the Azerbaijani Army hit a mine.

      APA repots that the incident was recorded in the frontline area in Fuzuli region of Azerbaijan. Soldier of the National Army, Anar Huseyngulu Mammadov, 20, wounded as a result mine explosion in the line of contact with enemy troops.

      Spokesperson for the Defense Ministry Teymur Abdullayev confirmed the fact to APA. He said that the soldier’s state is stable.

      Mammadov was called up by the Khatayi District Military Commissariat of Baku.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        The number of Azerbaijani servicemen, who struck mine near front line in March, is more than those wounded by enemy
        [ 16 Mar 2012 17:38 ]

        Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. The number of the Azerbaijani servicemen, who struck mine near the front line in March, is more than those wounded by the enemy.

        According to the results of APA’s monitoring basing on the reports confirmed by Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, two servicemen were wounded as a result of the ceasefire violation from January 1 till March 16, while three servicemen struck mine in March.

        4 mine accidents happened in the country in the first half of March. As a result of one of these accidents, a civilian was injured. One officer and two soldiers were injured in the other accidents.

        The civilian struck mine in the farm in Aghdam region.

        Director of the Azerbaijani Campaign against Mines Hafiz Safikhanov told APA that 80-90 percent of the mine accidents are connected with operations.
        “The information about how they struck mine is not publicized. Observations show that such accidents related to servicemen mainly happen during operations. But, the intelligence operations of the enemy should not be forgotten, either,” he said.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          12 Turkish soldiers killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash

          [ 16 Mar 2012 13:13 ]
          Baku – APA. Death toll in helicopter crash near Bagram military base in Afghanistan rose.

          According to the Turkish Armed Forces, 12 Turkish soldiers were killed in the crash. The helicopter fell over the residential building near Bagram military base killing four Afghan citizens as well. Kabul Police Chief General Mohammad Ayub Salangi said that before falling the helicopter blazed in the sky. It is reported that the Turkish soldiers served in the Turkish military contingent participating in international peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by burjuin View Post
            12 Turkish soldiers killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash
            it must suck dying for an Americo-Zionist globalist project.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              The number of Azerbaijani servicemen, who struck mine near front line in March, is more than those wounded by enemy

              [ 16 Mar 2012 17:38 ]
              Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. The number of the Azerbaijani servicemen, who struck mine near the front line in March, is more than those wounded by the enemy.

              According to the results of APA’s monitoring basing on the reports confirmed by Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, two servicemen were wounded as a result of the ceasefire violation from January 1 till March 16, while three servicemen struck mine in March.

              4 mine accidents happened in the country in the first half of March. As a result of one of these accidents, a civilian was injured. One officer and two soldiers were injured in the other accidents.

              The civilian struck mine in the farm in Aghdam region.

              Director of the Azerbaijani Campaign against Mines Hafiz Safikhanov told APA that 80-90 percent of the mine accidents are connected with operations.
              “The information about how they struck mine is not publicized. Observations show that such accidents related to servicemen mainly happen during operations. But, the intelligence operations of the enemy should not be forgotten, either,” he said.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Armenia can buy anti-aircraft missile system S-400

                The sensational confession, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan on the background of recent trends.

                March 7, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan addressed in Gyumri with a very interesting statement, which said that over the past three years, the republic's leadership has increased the level of equipment of the army to a greater extent than all the previous seventeen years of Armenian independence.

                "Our neighbor Azerbaijan spends FINANCIAL RESOURCES to enhance combat readiness of its army in order to solve the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh force method. We are obliged to ensure the safety of our citizens, and the only way to do this - to have a strong and efficient army. Today, we tell you that over the past five years we have been able to solve this problem, "- said the Prime Minister at a meeting with activists of the Republican Party.

                There is no doubt that this statement was made in the context of the philosophy of pre-election period. Perhaps that is why Prime Minister found it necessary to report on "the last five years." Most likely, this was an appeal not so much an asset to the ruling party as to the Armenian community as a whole, which is more important than the aggressive statements against Azerbaijan and the growth of tension in the line of contact.

                The most interesting item in the statement of the Armenian Prime Minister was as follows: "In the last three years we have increased the level of equipment of the army as much as we could do it for all of the previous seventeen years of our independent statehood. We imported into the Republic of Armenia is a significant and qualitatively new weapons, ensuring our army with modern weapons. "

                How can you interpret this statement? Does this mean that during the last thirty-six months to one president and one minister of defense of Armenia managed to achieve what is not able to reach the first and second presidents of the republic, along with a number of defense ministers (among whom was the current president of Armenia) in the Within two hundred and four months in office? Do not trust the words of the Armenian prime minister, member of Armenian National Security Council can not, perhaps, by definition (even if they are spoken for electoral purposes). So what can be justified by his confession?

                THINK Tigran Sargsyan meant to say.

                First, it was three years ago, in February 2009, members of the military-strategic bloc Collective Security Treaty Organization agreed to and signed a draft decision on the establishment of the Collective Rapid Reaction Force (RRF). These forces will be used, including to reflect the military aggression. At the end of 2009 CORF spent on the military training ground Matybulak most ambitious joint military exercises since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since that time, a new phase of equipment - the CSTO modern types of weapons. In the autumn of this year, Armenia will be held on the teachings of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of CSTO.

                Second, in August 2011 became aware of the presence in the Armenian army's arsenal of anti-aircraft missile systems S-300. The Minister of Defense Seiran Ohanian said in this regard: "The armed forces of Armenia annually update and acquire a new arsenal of military equipment. This is especially true of air defense systems, which is being improved every year. Armenia has already has anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, which are ready at any the time to complete the task. "

                Even more interesting in the words of Defense Minister of Armenia was the message that "Armenia may in the future to buy anti-aircraft missile system S-400. It is possible that one day Armenia and its gain." Hardly Ohanyan could just declare this term.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by HyeFighter2 View Post
                  Armenia can buy anti-aircraft missile system S-400
                  Doubtful it would happen before 2020, since Russians already said they wont be exporting it for near future.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


                    Թուրքիա եւ Ատրպէյճան Միասին Altay Հրասայլեր Պիտի Արտադրեն
                    21:16 • 16.03.12

                    Թուրքիա եւ Ատրպէյճան բանակցութիւններ կը վարեն` Թուրքիոյ բանակի հիմնական Altay հրասայլի համատեղ արտադրութիւն սկսելու մասին, կը հաղորդէն:

                    Altay հրասայլի ծանրութիւնը 60 թոն է: Ան զինուած կ'ըլլայ 120 մմ. տրամաչափի հարթափող հրանօթով, զէնքի հեռակառավարուող համեմատաչափով եւ 12.7 մմ. տրամաչափի գնդացիրով: Հրասայլի զրահապատման վերաբերեալ տեղեկութիւններ չկան: Altay-ը կրնայ 70 քմ./ժ. արագութիւն զարգացնել: Նախնական գնահատումով՝ նոր հրասայլի գինը 5.5 միլիոն տոլար կրնայ կազմել:

                    Ատրպէյճանի պաշտպանութեան նախարարութիւնը նաեւ Ուքրանիոյ հետ բանակցութիւններ կը վարէ՝ քանի մը համատեղ գործարաններու ստեղծման վերաբերեալ, որոնք պէտք է զբաղուին զրահմեքենաներու (ռազմական մեքենայ «Պուլաթ», հետեւազօրի զրահաւոր մեքենայ-64, զրահամեքենայ 4) վերազինմամբ:

                    Ըստ պարբերականի` Ատրպէյճանի ցամաքային զօրքերու սպառազինութեան մէջ կը մտնեն մօտ 350 միաւոր Տ-54, Տ-55 եւ Տ-72 մակնիշի հրասայլեր: Այժմ ատրպէյճանցիները քանի մը օտարերկրեայ առաջարկ կ'ուսումնասիրեն` նոր հրասայլերու արտադրութիւն սկսելու կամ եղածները արդիականացնելու նպատակով:

                    Altay հրասայլը ստեղծուած է K-2 Black Panther հրասայլի հիման վրայ: Թուրքիա մտադիր է բոլոր Leopard, M48 եւ M60 հինցած հրասայլերը փոխարինել Altay-ով: Կը սպասուի, որ անոնց մատակարարումը զօրքերուն պիտի սկսի 2016 թուականէն:


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Armenian Army

