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Buy N.K./Artsakh?

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  • #31
    Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

    Originally posted by TruAnatolian View Post
    You eastern armenians are so f*ing Sovietized its disgusting. Russia is our ally yegher, hahah, Russia is our Dominatrix. They LOVE that we don't get along with Turks that makes us need them like a junky needs heroin. Actually, Russia is the only country benefiting in any tangible way from the Artsakh conflict.

    Actually you might be a very settled western armenian who is living to comfortably to understand the way things are working in Armenia.

    You are willing to give up the long-term interests of our Country for the short-term "pride" we gain from artsakh.

    To me you are the one who isn't the Armenian. If you want an Isolated Armenia then take your dashnak friends and start your own country.

    Other than that, There are us Armenians who want a stable and prosperous country, not in danger by our neighbours.
    All you think about is an idealized mass of land that we dont have the capacity to develop nor defend.
    Russia, Armenia, Turks, Russia, dashnaks... This is very classic. Nobody buys it. Leave please.


    • #32
      Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

      LoL..... pure slum mentality. Someone brings up an idea you don't agree with and you shun them. Armenians like you, NEED armenians like me to make sure you don't do the kind of stupid sh*t your doing now.

      Let me restate: 70 Million Turks + 30 Million Azeris vs. 3 Million Armenians and some rare heroes like Monte.

      Now get your head out of your ass and just think about that for a second.

      We can have a highly developed country, our affinity for science and the knowledge of the diaspora would put us ahead of any of the other caucasus countries. All we need to do is "get along`


      • #33
        Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

        Originally posted by TruAnatolian View Post
        LoL..... pure slum mentality. Someone brings up an idea you don't agree with and you shun them. Armenians like you, NEED armenians like me to make sure you don't do the kind of stupid sh*t your doing now. Now get your head out of your ass and just think about that for a second.
        Is this how you normally talk to women? Listen you piece of shit, I suggest you talk to your mother this way.

        Originally posted by Federate View Post
        Դժբախտաբար ընկեր Երաժիշտա, ապուշութիւնը ազգութեան պատեր չունի։
        Ապրես ընկեր, ուզաց խորքերս դու ասեցիր...

        Originally posted by TruAnatolian View Post
        You eastern armenians are so f*ing Sovietized its disgusting. Russia is our ally yegher, hahah, Russia is our Dominatrix. They LOVE that we don't get along with Turks that makes us need them like a junky needs heroin. Actually, Russia is the only country benefiting in any tangible way from the Artsakh conflict. Actually you might be a very settled western armenian who is living to comfortably to understand the way things are working in Armenia. You are willing to give up the long-term interests of our Country for the short-term "pride" we gain from artsakh. To me you are the one who isn't the Armenian. If you want an Isolated Armenia then take your dashnak friends and start your own country. Other than that, There are us Armenians who want a stable and prosperous country, not in danger by our neighbours. All you think about is an idealized mass of land that we dont have the capacity to develop nor defend.
        I don't know why is it that every time a board member here makes moronic/idiotic comments (such as the ones by this Anatolian thing) everyone assumes that he/she can't be an Armenian... Why is this?! Have you people really dealt with or conversed with real Armenians outside of your family/friend surroundings or cyber space? Based on my life long experiences with all types of Armenians, especially in the diaspora, it is quite common for Armenians to be utterly xxxxed up.
        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


        Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


        • #34
          Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

          Alright buddy...relax. You think your being chivilrous or something? Her dad would string you up by your scrawny little neck anyways.

          Im not interested in arguing with you, I tried to join this, spark a little debate and see other peoples views. And I'll I get is being called a Turk, Asked to leave this and that.

          All you want is people to say what you already think in different voice. You know who else does that? Insecure 18 year old girls.

          Peace out, I hope none of you ever hold a position of power in Armenian policy making.


          • #35
            Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

            Listen to me Isgagan Anadoltsi,

            Many of us here are not Eastern/Soviet Armenians and/or Dashnaktsakan. I certainly am not.

            There are a few simple things you should understand:

            - You don't make concessions when you are in position of force. And we still are politically and militarily stronger than Azerbaijan.

            - We are keeping at bay the 70 million Turks thanks to our alliance with Russia. The alliance is not because of our/their black/brown/blue eyes or because we are Russophiles and they like Armenian Cognac, but because of common geopolitical interests.

            - There is a time for strong stance and there is a time for dialogue. A time for demands and a time for concessions. Now, is the time to stay strong. We have been doing that for the last 15+ years and nobody dared to touch us. In the meanwhile, we have grown economicaly despite the Azeri-Turkish blockade and the irrational behaviour of one of our neighbours (Georgia). What more do you want?

            - In case you want to retreat or make concessions, always remember this: "If you give a banana to a gorilla, he will come back and ask for more".
            Last edited by ZORAVAR; 10-21-2008, 07:58 AM.


            • #36
              Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

              Originally posted by TruAnatolian View Post
              Alright buddy...relax.
              You know what? If you are new here 'you' xxxxing relax. Have respect towards the board members and maybe you will be taken seriously.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • #37
                Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

                Point taken Zoravar. I agree, hope for a peaceful resolution isn't lost yet, and until then we should continue seeking recognition for Artsakh. I just think strategically and demographically speaking It's not in our best interest to continue antagonizing the Turks. The battle of Manzikert is over and lost and they are established firmly in the region, its in our best interest to atleast be neutral with them.

                Now im not saying give up everything, for instance the drive for Armenian genocide recognition, I would never give that up. Even if they recognize it Ill still be out there on April 24 waving my fist in the air. Karabakh I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


                • #38
                  Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

                  TruAnatolian, so far the only reasoning you've given for why we should be ready to conceed Artsakh and show hostility to a large portion of our members with your comments is because of this silly scheme of 70 million Turks, 30 million Azeris and 3 million Armenians. I'm sorry to say, but numbers don't mean as much as you'd like to think, especially in the Caucasus, especially when Artsakh is defended by Fedayis and especially when conceeding Artsakh is the beginning of the end for Armenia. If you uproot Artsakh, you're abandoning perhaps the most strategic and worthy front, geographically and morally, that Armenians have against the Turkic cesspool around them.

                  I also would like to warn you that you could get banned, just like anybody else could, if you continue to aggravate members here with hostile, insulting remarks. By now, you've gotten a decent amount of insults back to you, which is only normal considering your behavior here (it's even kind of an initiation for the crowd we have here).

                  I think the exchanges have reached an equilibrium point now and it's time to cool it. Understand?


                  • #39
                    Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

                    On a side note, thanks Zoravar for how you answered back to TruAnatolian, it pretty much puts everything on the table for him to understand the consensus the majority here has established regarding these matters. You also didn't bother to give our newcomer any fuel to try to counter back with any insults.

                    And yes Armenian, I agree with you that many Armenians I've met have no understanding of how economics or geopolitics work at all, and they nonetheless feel qualified to put anyone in place who disagrees with them on these matters. Very annoying...


                    • #40
                      Re: Buy N.K./Artsakh?

                      Originally posted by TruAnatolian View Post
                      You eastern armenians are so f*ing Sovietized its disgusting. Russia is our ally yegher, hahah, Russia is our Dominatrix. They LOVE that we don't get along with Turks that makes us need them like a junky needs heroin. Actually, Russia is the only country benefiting in any tangible way from the Artsakh conflict.

                      Actually you might be a very settled western armenian who is living to comfortably to understand the way things are working in Armenia.

                      You are willing to give up the long-term interests of our Country for the short-term "pride" we gain from artsakh.

                      To me you are the one who isn't the Armenian. If you want an Isolated Armenia then take your dashnak friends and start your own country.

                      Other than that, There are us Armenians who want a stable and prosperous country, not in danger by our neighbours.
                      All you think about is an idealized mass of land that we dont have the capacity to develop nor defend.
                      Ok get a few things straight. You want us to work with the people who have killed our ancestors. Can't even get my mind that a hay could think something like that.

                      This post is an insult to Hayastan, to every hay that has ever lived, to every hay that has died for the freedom of Hayastan, to every fedayi that has givern his life for Artsakh and every Hay on this planet.

                      You are not a Hayastanci I'm sure of that, and not even Levonakans are that retarded. And it's up to the Hayastancis to decide if they want to give up Artsakh or not. Because there aren't allot of Diaspora Armenians serving in the army. It's Hayastancis who are serving and putting their lives at risk to protect Artsakh and Hayastan and when the war start most of the soldiers will be Hayastanci. And Dashnaks will be also there but not a low life like you, you'll be killed by your brothers for talking this kind of xxxx.

                      And it's u to Hayastancis to decide what must be done not someone living outside the country, like you are. And you are so right we should get friends with the country that wnated to invade us in 93 yes so smart

                      And watch your mouth when you talk to a girl haven't your parents learned you that?

