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Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

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  • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

    Originally posted by Lucin View Post
    I just had a problem with Levon talking always in the absolute...
    but then you should realize you are not immune to making generalizations yourself as has been demonstrated here.


    • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

      Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
      The whole concept of circumcision is barbaric FOR parts of the world that have constant access to water and it's still being practiced in America!!! It's got to be the only country that can't think for itself and just let "those in the know" do whatever they want with their children. There are parts of Africa that practice female circumcision so perhaps their society is more fair . I'm assuming the high enrollment of Americans into the military is why the practice is regarded as necessary by the American elite.

      I don't think it is required that a male be circumcised in order to join the US military, I could be wrong though.

      Even if one does not have constant access to running water, circumcision is not the best option. As long as you have some sanitizing agent, like soap, and can get water often enough then you'll be fine.
      For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
      to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


      • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

        Originally posted by Armanen View Post
        I don't think it is required that a male be circumcised in order to join the US military, I could be wrong though.

        Even if one does not have constant access to running water, circumcision is not the best option. As long as you have some sanitizing agent, like soap, and can get water often enough then you'll be fine.
        Not sure but... there is something called the "desert sand myth"
        Desert sand does not irritate the foreskin, let alone to an extent making circumcision necessary

        Personally, I have my own suspicions as to why it's so prevalent in America but I'll keep those thoughts to myself.
        Last edited by KanadaHye; 04-09-2011, 02:39 PM.
        "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


        • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

          Originally posted by Lucin View Post
          That's another issue. Naturally a judge makes the decision based on evidences and witness accounts not statistics.
          You are naive. In family court, at least, almost all judges follow a political agenda, which naturally favors women over men even in cases where the mother is clearly unfit and the father is more than qualified.

          Originally posted by Lucin View Post
          Each parent does his/her part. I said in general, women tend to be more patient with kids and spend much more time with them. Men do their part in their own unique way.
          You bury my statistics, then you make statements without backing them up. Doesn't matter if you say in general, you need to provide stats. Now, I will provided stats that will say in general you are wrong, and just so you don't claim it's US only, the study is from Australia.

          Here is the article

          Here are some quotes
          mothers carry out more than 65 per cent of cases of emotional and psychological abuse and about 53 per cent of physical abuse. They are also responsible for about 93 per cent of cases of neglect.
          There were 1,505 cases of abuse of children in WA in 2007-08 � 427 of them were carried out by mothers and 155 by fathers.
          What you are describing as in general, is just a societal belief, not fact.
          But I'm sure you'll bury these stats as well.

          And I did not do any name-calling, some of your statements are just breathtaking, the way you proceed your arguments in my view, looks like the feminists' approach to the matter.
          Sure you did, but it doesn't matter. You seem a little confused as to what "feminist approach" means. Here, let me explain

          a) Make up facts. Repeat them over and over again. Label anyone who disagrees with you as a lowlife, woman-hater, <insert derogatory comment>, etc. Do not, under any circumstances enter a logical argument, always proceed to bury unwanted statistics under some excuse. Always argue from subjective point of view. When it suits you, use exceptions to the rule to attempt to bury facts. Take a small incident and make it look like it's a major problem everywhere. Repeat one case over and over again (changing the wording of the incident) to make it look like there are actually many such cases. and so on.

          b) Show real facts. Argue on an objective level. Use logic rather than emotion to make arguments.

          Now, which in your opinion is "feminist approach" and which have I used?


          • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

            «Անահիտ» ջոկատի հրամանատար. Հայ կինն ազերի է չոքացրել

            «Մարտակերտի շրջանում շատ ծանր վիճակ էր: Այնտեղ ընթացող մարտերը շատ թեժ էին: Ես չեմ կարող հասարակ բառերով նկարագրել, թե ինչ էր կատարվում Մարտակերտում»,- այդ մասին լրագրողների հետ հանդիպման ժամանակ ասաց «Անահիտ» ջոկատի հրամանատար Անահիտ Մարտիրոսյանը:

            Նա պատմում է, որ արցախյան ազատամարտի ժամանակ, չունենալով կանոնավոր բանակ՝ ջոկատներով կարողացել են դիմակայել և հաղթանակ տանել ադրբեջանական բանակի նկատմամբ. «Փոքրիկ ջոկատներ էին, որոնց մեջ եղել են տարբեր քանակության տղաներ, օրինակ իմ ջոկատում եղել են 28 ազատամարտիկ, մենք կանգնել ենք մեծ բանակի դեմ, ու հաղթել ենք»,- ասում է Մարտիրոսյանը: «Ես ինքս Չարդախլուից եմ, ու ստիպված եմ եղել լքել իմ հայրենիքը: Կորցնելով իմ տունը ես եկա պատերազմելու՝ ես չէի ուզում կորցնել Արցախը»,- պատմում է Անահիտ Մարտիրոսյանը:

            Նա նշում է, որ ազատամարտիկների արյան և կյանքի գնով հաղթեցինք պատերազմում. «Կեղտոտ, սովի և մահի պատերազմ էր դա: Եվ կանայք գնացել են այդ պատերազմին: Հայ կինն ընդհանրապես խաղաղ, ընտանիքի տեր կին է, եթե նա հասել է ճակատի առաջին գիծ, կանգնել է հայ տղամարդու կողքին և նրա հետ հավասար կռվել է՝ ուրեմն նա կորցնելու բան է ունեցել: Օրինակ՝ ես կորցրել եմ իմ Չարդախլուն»,- հուզմունքը թաքցնելով ասում է Մարտիրոսյանը: Նրա խոսքերով՝ հայ հզոր տղամարդկանց կողքին կանգնել են հայ նուրբ կանայք, և իրենց ներկայությամբ ուժ են տվել նրանց կռվելու, պայքարելու մինչև հաղթնակ. «Հայ կինն ազերի է չոքացրել ու ասել է, որ «ազերիներ դուք չոքում եք ոչ թե իմ դեմ, այլ ողջ հայ կանանց դեմ»:

            Մարտիրոսյանը ցավով նշում է նաև, որ այսօր հայ ազատամարտիկների համար պետությունը չի անում ոչինչ՝ չկան արտոնություններ, առավելություններ, չկան զեղչեր նրանց համար. «Ինչու՞ այսօր հայ ազատամարտիկ կինն, ով պատերազմի ժամանակ կորցրել է իր երկու ոտքերը՝ չի կարողանում ստանալ անվճար բուժօգնություն: Ինչու՞ աղքատ վիճակում ապրող ազատամարտիկի լույսն այսօր անջատում են, ու ասում են, որ «դու չունես ոչ մի առավելություն մյուսների նկատմամբ»:

            «Չէ որ նրանց շնորհիվ է այսօր Արցախը կանգուն ու հաղթանակած»,- ընդգծում է նա: «Ես զինվոր եմ, հայ զինվոր ու հաղթած զինվոր եմ: Բայց ես չեմ ուզում առավոտյան արթնանամ ու մտածեմ, թե ո՞նց եմ պահելու իմ տղաներին, ո՞նց եմ նրանց ոտքի կանգնացնելու: Այս պետությունը պետք է ազատմարտիկներին օգնի, աջակցի ու տա արտոնություններ ու առավելություններ»,- հավելում է Անահիտ Մարտիրոսյանը:

            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

              I just love this picture.

              I hope thousands of more Armenian women will join our army. I repeat, the government should begin a special program and must promote/encourage Armenian girls to join our national army, voluntarily. "...The pure and simple point is that all jobs should be open to women and men - if and only if - the women and men are qualified, capable, competent, and able to perform them.."

              I would like to point out that for people who say it is dangerous because there is a probability they will fall in enemy hands, well guess what, hundreds of thousands of Armenian women fell into enemies hands the last couple of decades/centuries, got raped and killed, without any sort of resistance. Now at least they will be trained to kill and resist. Furthermore, not going into technical details, there are tens of thousands of others jobs in the army in which they will not be sent to the front line. And if the enemy breaks the front and enters Armenia, well guess what, everyone has to fight because this time we will have no second chance.
              Last edited by Tigranakert; 09-21-2011, 03:50 AM.


              • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
                I just love this picture.

                I hope thousands of more Armenian women will join our army. I repeat, the government should begin a special program and must promote/encourage Armenian girls to join our national army, voluntarily. "...The pure and simple point is that all jobs should be open to women and men - if and only if - the women and men are qualified, capable, competent, and able to perform them.."

                I would like to point out that for people who say it is dangerous because there is a probability they will fall in enemy hands, well guess what, hundreds of thousands of Armenian women fell into enemies hands the last couple of decades/centuries, got raped and killed, without any sort of resistance. Now at least they will be trained to kill and resist. Furthermore, not going into technical details, there are tens of thousands of others jobs in the army in which they will not be sent to the front line. And if the enemy breaks the front and enters Armenia, well guess what, everyone has to fight because this time we will have no second chance.
                You know what the really funny thing is that Armenian and Caucasian women have been fighting with the men as long as history has been written down. During the wars against Rome you had men and women fighting together. Wonder why some people are against this now? My source is Adrianne Mayor 'The Poison King'.


                • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                  Armenian Woman in Russian Military Competition

                  “Warrior of the Commonwealth”, a military skills competition was held at the Taman Motorized Rifle Brigade firing range. Previously, the competition was called “Great Guy,” but was renamed because women are now involved. Military personnel...

                  "...the military had become a popular choice among young women (in Armenia) in recent years... "



                  • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                    Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
                    You know what the really funny thing is that Armenian and Caucasian women have been fighting with the men as long as history has been written down. During the wars against Rome you had men and women fighting together. Wonder why some people are against this now? My source is Adrianne Mayor 'The Poison King'.
                    While it is true that women from a number of ethnic groups in the Caucasus region did and have fought alongside the men, it was by no means on a large scale. As in for every 1000 men there maybe were 50-100 at most. I agree with Tigranakert that all citizens should be able to protect the homeland should worse come to worst.
                    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                    • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                      Number of female soldiers in Armenian army grows
                      September 26, 2011 - 16:02 AMT

                      PanARMENIAN.Net - The number of female soldiers in Armenian army tends to grow, according to military expert Artsrun Hovhannisyan.

                      “The role of women in professional armies across the globe has increased,” Hovhannisyan told a press conference in Yerevan, adding that joint military service can actually help create ideal and super efficient armed forces.

                      For his part, head of Sociometr sociological center Aharon Adibekyan said women have for a long time served in the Armenian army. “Female soldiers will evidence of equality in the army. Moreover, there are tasks women can perform better than men,” he said.

                      Psychologist Samvel Khudoyan, in turn, noted that “the mess in the army will finish once women come to serve, putting an end to abusive language and clashes.”
                      It seems that my wishes come true. Unfortunately for all of you (backward people) who were against this kind of development.
                      Last edited by Tigranakert; 09-26-2011, 07:08 AM.

