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Who owns what in Armenia

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  • #71
    Re: Who owns what in Armenia

    Originally posted by Vahram View Post
    Could you please explain to us little people Garo " The Great " what a blockade does to Armenia? Yes or No?
    Maybe instead of the personal references you can attack the points I am making?

    How about just the blockade of Armenia instead? Hmmm Marx wants you to answer this question!
    So it is the blockade that is forcing Dodi gago to steal 25% of the company from European investors? It must be the blockade because what else can it be?

    It must be the shampoo you used last night, please look in the mirror you will see plenty!
    When are you going to make some sense?

    How could you be so bold and still use Shampoo? I mean who told you I did not read Marx? Did Abigail Monsen tell you this? If you are going to be bold don't need to use Shampoo, this way your bluff would not be called so easily my dear.
    Then why do you object that I tell other people to read Marx? Is it because you do not like his theories? Or what?

    Very tactical move, I'm giving you credit, just letting you know that you are not going to blind side me! Don't worry keep shampooing your bold head, it makes you spend money and you know how much Keynes would love you for it. To me it's useless, if you are going to be bold you are simply wasting you money on Shampoo...ROTF
    Was that meant as an insult or something? Because again you are not making any sense.

    You mean to tell me that Garo " The Great " still can't talk about the blockade or Armenia? How many more chances do you want to try and at least get some credibility yet a big fail. Time spent defending the West instead of Armenia. I thought a guy with such a big name as Garo " The Great " would at least have some humility. I'm Vahram the humble nice to meet you Garo " The Great" bet you can't say the G word yourself, after all having such a hard time quantifying on the merits of a blockade!
    Again are you trying to insult me or something? Because the only thing you have been doing is trying to make this personal for some reason instead of going after my ideas and try to attack them.

    Are you speaking of Goldman Sachs or Marx? I forgot who are you referring too, the biggest Oligarch on the planet is in the USA!...LOL So does this mean that the USA is under a blockade by China and this is your excuse for a failing system? Because Goldman I mean Marx wants to know...LOL
    so who is this Oligarch? Who is this person? Give me the name and what he owns and how he is connected to the government? Is he a congressmen? Or is he a senator? Maybe a governor? You are just making wild claims without sourcing your claims.

    Wait did I not answer this question already? Wait I mean what was to be said of this guy this big bad guy called Garo " The Great " who had nothing of merit to speak of Armenia's situation and spend all his time defending the West! Sorry Charlie, I mean Karo " The Great "
    Again try to make some sense. Because this is very childish.

    LOL, OH my God just one? ...ROTFLMAO
    So the banks, that are publicly traded and everyone can buy a piece off is now the oligarch? You kidding me? Is that the best you can come up with?


    • #72
      Re: Who owns what in Armenia

      I have cleaned up this thread and deleted some posts. Stay on topic, keep things civil and most importantly do not react to this post.
      Last edited by KarotheGreat; 02-06-2013, 03:51 PM.


      • #73
        Re: Who owns what in Armenia

        Give me the name and what he owns and how he is connected to the government?
        LOL, you don't know who this guy is? Corzine stole the money, still walking the street a free man. What justice is this? Welcome to American Oligarchy

        Last edited by Vahram; 02-08-2013, 04:06 PM.


        • #74
          Re: Who owns what in Armenia

          Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
          I have cleaned up this thread and deleted some posts. Stay on topic, keep things civil and most importantly do not react to this post.
          Could you please do something about Vahram's continuous and quite deliberate posting of off-topic materal throughout hyeclub. It amounts to vandalism.

          His above post is a duplicate of an off-topic thread he started here: - and again, although it has nothing at all to do with Armenian politics, he posts it in the section of the forum dealing with Armenian politics.

          If he really wants to have a discussion about America, and fill it with Youtube clips, he should start a thread on that subject in the "general talk" section.
          Last edited by bell-the-cat; 02-09-2013, 10:21 AM.
          Plenipotentiary meow!


          • #75
            Re: Who owns what in Armenia

            I think it is important to discuss all the issues related to Armenia, by pointing out that the same type of things happen in American. Please seem to have lost touch of these facts, and some Westerners don't want you to see the truth.

            Coming from someone who posted this.

            An Armenian forum is not a true Armenian forum without these topics occurring both regularly and prominently.

            Hitler and what he said (or didn't say) about the Armenian Genocide
            Are Armenians white / European?
            Were the Mamikonians Chinese?
            Why do Armenian women like black men?
            Hair (in the wrong places) and noses (in the right place but too big).

            Similarly, the long and noble tradition of issuing accusations of "denigrating the Armenian Nation" and of "being a Turk" should never be abandoned.
            Must you always make me make you eat your own words? Aside from the fact of you trolling, derailing threads you are not one to talk so much. Do you have anything to add or are you just spaming again?...LOL

            This is not the place for your post either...LOL

            Keep eathing bell keep eating.


            • #76
              Re: Who owns what in Armenia

              Originally posted by Vahram View Post
              Thank you for quoting one of my best pieces.

              Could you by any chance locate my "Wilsonian Armenia" one - I can't find it and it is a classic.

              But again it is off-topic for here, so why not start a thread for them - Ara has had it all his way for too long.
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • #77
                Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                Thank you for quoting one of my best pieces.
                Yes it was, why can't you abide by your words and be objective? If you are that open minded enough to show us that you do value these, why only for some and not others?

                But again it is off-topic for here
                I don't agree with you on this, if we understand each other better with a little side track, then we can get back on topic. So lets try it!

                **** On Topic ****

                Perhaps we should talk about human virtues in general as I believe the world in its' present state of ultra capitalism is creating issues for all. There is an additional issue of having a country go into a recession as the price of eggs does not affect the wealthy, don't care what country you go to from China to Armenia or anyplace else. The amount of wealth a country has from a GDP standpoint masks all the garbage that goes on! So my point is that crime, and the abuse of power in general is always present, having more money to throw around just hides it. In Armenia's case there are a lot of issues to look at, from the current geopolitical position that Armenia is in, it does not surprise me that the country has not progressed as much as I would like. Give these conditions to any country what will come up on the surface? Is Armenia really special in having greedy people who don't pay their fair share, or people who manipulate the market? Was not too long ago that the American dollar and the stock market, bonds name it was considered the most honest system, a system that the rest should follow. Now the situation is different, the mask is off, and the dirt has flowed to the surface. We have people like Corzine, walking around after stealing billions. Last time I checked American was not under a blockade yet these things happen in one of the wealthiest and strongest countries.

                I would love to dream of this mythical Armenia, I still do! Sadly I see Armenia that has so many external issues that need to be addressed. In order for NKR to come to life and start growing as a state it needs an airport. The toorks are going to shoot at civilian aircraft! Turkey has said that it will block all Armenian air travel, here is another external attack. Do we now sit back and blame the Armenians yet again?
                Last edited by Vahram; 02-09-2013, 12:08 PM.


                • #78
                  Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                  Microgarks, are little oligarkhs... still they make their fortune abusing administrative levers, creating artificial monopolies, by that, grasping public and individual wealth.....
                  "line owners" are just these kind of microgarkhs.


                  Ինչո՞ւ դեռ չեն շահագործվում չինական բոլոր ավտոբուսները
                  Դանիել Իոաննիսյան

                  9 փետրվարի, 2013
                  Վերջին օրերին սոցիալական ցանցերում շատ են քննարկվում Երևանի քաղաքապետարանում ավտոբուսների վարորդների հաստիքների հետ կապված հարցերը: Ու թեև քննարկման պատճառ դարձավ Սերժ Սարգսյանի և Տարոն Մարգարյանի հայտնի զրույցը, որի ժամանակ քաղաքապետն ասաց, որ իրենց 150 հազար դրամ աշխատավարձով ավտոբուսների վարորդներ են պետք, և դրան հաջորդող բացահայտումը, որ աշխատավարձը ժամում ընդամենը 279 դրամ է:

                  Թեև այդ 279 դրամին գումարվում է «օրվա պլանի» (որը կազմում է 24-41 հազար դրամ` կախված երթուղուց) և ուղևորներից եկած 100-ական դրամների տարբերությունը, այնուամենայնիվ, փաստն այն է, որ բազմաթիվ նոր ավոտբուսներ դեռ չեն շահագործվում` վարորդների բացակայության պատճառով (կամ գուցե այդ պատրվակով):

                  Կարծես, չկա ավելի հեշտ (էժան) բան, քան նվեր ստացած ավտոբուսները շահագործելը: Ընդամենը դրանք պետք է ապահովագրել (ԱՊՊԱ և ԿԱՍԿՈ), վառելիք լցնել ու հանել փողոց… Եվ եթե վարորդները քիչ են, մեծացնելով աշխատավարձը՝ միևնույնն է, երբ չկան ավտոբուսի գնման վարկը փակելու ծախսեր, այդ ավտոբուսներից քաղաքային բյուջե եկամուտներ կգնան:

                  Սակայն այդ պարզ հարցն արդեն ամիսներ շարունակ չի լուծվում… Մեկ ասում են, որ վարորդներ չկան, մեկ ասում են, որ ձմեռային շրջանում նոր վարորդներ չեն ընդունում (եղանակի հետ կապված ռիսկերից խուսափելու համար)… Իսկ ավտոբուսները դեռ կանգնած են ու կանգնած:

                  Փորձելով հասկանալ ավտոբուսների` պարապուրդի մատնված լինելու փաստի պատճառները, ըստ էության, կարելի է գալ միայն մի եզրահանգման. քաղաքապետարանում չեն ցանկանում, որ այդ ավտոբուսները գործեն… Իսկ այդպիսի ցանկությունը, իր հերթին, կարող է ունենալ միայն մի մոտիվացիա. այդ ավտոբուսների շահագործումը խփում է երթուղայինների, այսպես կոչված՝ «գծատերերի» գրպանին:

                  Եթե ասվածին գումարենք այն փաստը, որ Երևանում երթուղայինների «գծատերերը» հիմնականում բարձր պաշտոն ունեցող իշխանավորներ են (կամ վերջիններիս մոտ կանգնած անձինք), իսկ, որոշ հրապարակումների համաձայն, նաև անգամ Տարոն Մարգարյանն ու Գալուստ Սահակյանը, պարզ է դառնում, թե ինչո՞ւ են Չինաստանի Ժողովրդական Հանրապետությունից նվեր ստացած ավտոբուսներն այդքան դանդաղ դուրս գալիս «գիծ»:

                  Հ.Գ. Երևանի քաղաքապետարանի ավտոպարկից ճշտեցինք, որ դեռ 2012-ի մարտ ամսին նվեր ստացված 249 ավտոբուսներից այս պահին փողոց են դուրս բերվել մինչև 180-ը (ենթադրենք, թե այս տեղեկությանը հավատում ենք)… Այսինքն, երբ երևանցիները կռանում են երթուղայիններում, ժամերով մրսում են կանգառներում, դեռ ավելի քան 70 ավտոբուս ավտոպարկում մատնված է պարապուրդի:


                  • #79
                    Re: Who owns what in Armenia


                    Friday, February 8, 17:56

                    The owner of Yerevan's Indoor Market has been fined 2.5mln AMD for
                    carrying out illegal construction in the territory of the market.

                    The press service of the Yerevan Municipality reports that the
                    activities have been stopped.

                    In Jan 2012 a group of public activists sent two letters to the
                    President, where they informed him that the construction was illegal
                    and that it might distort the facade of the market - a building that
                    is listed as Yerevan's historical monument.

                    In Mar 2012 the owner of the market, oligarch MP Samvel Alexanyan,
                    was fined 200,000 AMD for unwarranted replacement of the wooden
                    cover. But the fine did not stop him. As a result, in May 2012 the
                    main arches collapsed.

                    PS: for info, Samvel Alexanian (alias "LFIG", or Malatyayi Samo), is the most 'parasite type' Oligarkh of Armenia, N °2 after Dodi Gago..., the same forbidding entrance of Carrefour in Armenian market....


                    • #80
                      Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                      HAKOB BADALYAN

                      12:33 07/02/2013
                      Story from News:

                      "I'm sure that company should operate in Armenia, and we will spare
                      no effort to create favorable conditions for it," said Prime Minister
                      Tigran Sargsyan dwelling on the fact that the French Carrefour wants
                      to open in Armenia.

                      Those oligarchs who are also monopolists or have huge quotas of
                      imports or in supermarket business are trying to block the way of
                      the French retailer.

                      Since the beginning of his tenure Tigran Sargsyan has issued a number
                      of statements about the fight against monopolies and oligopolies
                      but the oligarchs still feel at ease as they used to, and have even
                      extended their monopolies and oligopolies.

                      The U.S. Ambassador to Armenia has delicately hinted on the Carrefour
                      issue. He expressed hope on Twitter that Carrefour will come to
                      Armenia and will boost competition.

                      If the U.S. ambassador is already involved in the issue, it means the
                      obstacles to Carrefour are serious. In other words, otherwise the U.S.

                      ambassador would have hardly touched upon this issue which was also
                      an expression of support to Tigran Sargsyan.

                      "Carrefour should surely be represented in Armenia, and we have
                      already made our proposals to the company to facilitate the process.

                      As to the agreement between both private companies, they need to work
                      in the legal field trying to find mutually beneficial solutions,"
                      Tigran Sargsyan said.

                      Actually, he seems to shift the issue from the governmental field to
                      the field of oligopolies. The prime minister apparently meant Dalma
                      Garden Mall which will host Carrefour. The opening soon banner of the
                      company has been there for a long time now. As is known, the owner
                      of the mall is the Russia-based Armenian billionaire Samvel Karapetyan.

                      During the initial agreement with Carrefour Karapetyan could not
                      imagine the reaction of the Armenian import and retail oligarchs to
                      the fact. Producer oligarchs also opposed because Carrefour is very
                      rigid about the quality of products sold in its hypermarkets.

                      Tigran Sargsyan hints at a disagreement between Samvel Karapetyan
                      and the French company. Karapetyan has close ties with the Armenian
                      oligarchy and it would not be a surprise if he yielded to the
                      dissatisfaction of his "allies", especially if they agree to compensate
                      for the profit lost due to refusal to Carrefour.

                      For example, when on February 4 PAP leader Gagik Tsarukyan attended the
                      meeting of parliament for the first time after the May parliamentary
                      elections, oligarch Samvel Alexanyan met him very warmly and even
                      kissed him. Later he told reporters he had not seen Tsarukyan for a
                      long time.

                      It is not ruled out that there is another. Cherchez la Carrefour,
                      as the French would probably say. The oligarchy might be trying
                      to resolve the issue internally. Samvel Alexanyan may have asked
                      Tsarukyan to convince Karapetyan not to host Carrefour.

                      This may be a good option for the government. No doubt a major investor
                      is a serious political issue evidence to which is the involvement of
                      the U.S. ambassador. The government may blame private companies to
                      display that it has political will. It is clear that the political
                      solution is not at Tigran Sargsyan's level and the issue is whose
                      lobby will be stronger for Serzh Sargsyan.

                      But the government has no right to bring the excuse of dissatisfaction
                      of two private companies. After all, if two private companies create
                      obstacles for a big company in Armenia, the the government needs to
                      make a new proposal to Carrefour becoming the direct partner of the
                      famous brand.

