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Fascistic or Religious Extremist Organisations Operating Inside Armenia

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Fascistic or Religious Extremist Organisations Operating Inside Armenia

    "Armenian Association of Experts"
    Chairman: Tigran Kocharyan


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #663
    Oct 29 2012

    Public opinion sharply divided, but at least issues are now being
    talked about openly.

    By Sara Khojoyan - Caucasus

    CRS Issue 663,

    29 Oct 12

    The Armenian government has been criticised for failing to ensure
    that a film about gay rights could be shown, despite hostility from
    nationalist groups.

    The European Union mission in Armenia, together with the German
    embassy, was hoping to show an award-winning Serbian film called "The
    Parade" at venues in Yerevan, to raise awareness about human rights.

    The film is about attempts to organise a gay pride parade in the
    Serbian capital Belgrade in the face of fierce opposition.

    The plan had to be shelved after nationalist demonstrations halted
    three separate attempts to screen the film in October.

    "The EU delegation and the German embassy are concerned by the abrupt
    refusal of several venues to show the film, given that they initially
    agreed to host the screenings. This highlights the need for further
    awareness on tolerance in Armenia," a joint statement from the two
    missions said after the last failed attempt to show the films, on
    October 17-18 in the Congress Hotel.

    The statement added that local organisers had promised to show the
    films at a later date.

    It also referred to a statement by EU delegation chief Traian Hristea
    on October 9 which noted that some people were concerned that a film
    on this subject would be shown.

    "I would like to underline in response that the EU aim is to spread
    information and encourage awareness in Armenia, thus challenging
    stereotypes. One of art's important functions is to open discussions
    and confront prejudice and preconceived opinions," Hristea said.

    More than 20 non-government organisations joined forces to criticise
    the government for failing to protect screenings, which was part of
    a series of EU events to mark Human Rights Day 2012.

    "As part of the European Union's Eastern Partnership, Armenia has
    accepted an obligation to reinforce respect for human rights and
    fundamental freedoms," the NGOs said in a joint letter. "Armenia
    receives support from the European Union, including financial support,
    to implement these reforms."

    Davit Harutyunyan, a member of the ruling Republican Party and chairman
    of parliament's legal affairs committee, said the government was not
    currently taking specific action to protect homosexuals.

    "Of course society needs to be kept informed of these issues. However,
    the government thinks that although important, this is not a problem
    of major significance," he said.

    Opponents of the film said it was the organisers' own fault that
    demonstrations took place.

    "For some incomprehensible reason, the German embassy, the EU
    delegation, and a few local organisations took to organising this
    film with huge enthusiasm, as if no other opinion could exist. It was
    deliberate provocation," Tigran Kocharyan, chairman of the Armenian
    Association of Experts, said. "There are sections of society in
    Armenia that have more serious problems, but for some reason these
    get forgotten while these secondary, invented issues are publicised."

    Kocharyan attacked "local NGOs sustained solely by financial support
    from abroad, which claim to speak on behalf of Armenian society
    and portray anyone who holds a different opinion as a pawn of the
    authorities. They think that civil society belongs only to them,
    and they cannot accept that society also includes many young people
    who oppose attempts to pervert our national values."

    Mamikon Hovsepyan, head of the Public Information and Need for
    Knowledge (PINK) group, which works with Armenia's gay community,
    said this kind of opposition was only to be expected.

    "If you look at the experience of other countries, you see that
    whenever groups fight for their rights, they face indifference at
    first, then a negative reaction, and then serious opposition. Looked
    at in this light, protests and opposition are fine," he said.

    Hovsepyan said the lack of support from the government was more
    troubling than any protests.

    "The problem is that officials are keeping quiet and not doing
    anything. In a situation like this, you can only assume that's how
    they prefer things," he said.

    This is not the first time Yerevan's gay community has come under
    pressure. The DIY Club, known as a gay hangout, was firebombed on
    May 8. In a second incident on May 15, swastikas were sprayed on the
    bar's walls (See Gay Rights Under Attack in Armenia.)

    Two men arrested after the firebombing were later released on bail.

    Leading politicians from both opposition and the ruling Republican
    Party spoke out in defence of the two suspects.

    According to Hovsepyan, "When something like the attack on the DIY
    Club is praised in parliament, young people are going to get wound
    up even further."

    "That aside, the authorities must protect everyone's constitutional
    rights," he added.

    Tsovinar Nazaryan, an expert on media and human rights, said events in
    both May and October at least showed that public awareness of issues
    around homosexuality was growing.

    "The government does not give legal equality to the gay community. But
    I'm convinced that awareness of the law is constantly growing and
    that while the number of violations is increasing, so is opposition
    to this from people with legal knowledge," she said. "A year ago,
    this film would have been shown quietly in some hall, and the matter
    would have ended there. Today it's being talked about openly, and
    that is a positive development."

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Fascistic or Religious Extremist Organisations Operating Inside Armenia

    "Armenian Church Youth Association"
    Director: Gevorg Mkrtchyan
    Religious affairs spokesperson: Archimandrite Yeghishe Avetisyan

    "One Nation"
    co-chairman: Gor Tamazyan


    Facebook has become a platform for offending and defaming the Armenian
    Apostolic Church, Armenian nationalists have complained.

    At a news conference on Thursday, Director of the Armenian Church
    Youth Association Gevorg Mkrtchyan and a person in charge for the
    organization's religious affairs, Archimandrite Yeghishe Avetisyan,
    as well as a co-chair of the One Nation NGO, Gor Tamazyan, urged for
    closing a Facebook page created by Bayandur Poghosyan, considering
    him a Satanist.

    "Perhaps everybody is well aware of our activities. They are
    targeted against the religious sects; we also condemn homosexualism
    and standards encouraging free manners. At the same time, we fight
    pro-Western and pro-American political forces on the political arena,"
    Tamazyan said, adding that their organization adheres to the principles
    preached by Garegin Nzhdeh, a 19th-20th century Armenian statesman,
    political thinker and a patriot.

    The group said that Poghosyan has characterized their activities as
    those of a killer, calling them fascists and racists.

    Tamazyan added that the profile has another administrator, Sevak
    Kirakosyan, who is affiliated with the gay and lesbian rights center

    "The post was left by Bayandur, but the page does not deny anything
    or make a public apology," he said.

    One Nation conducts an active advocacy by disseminating leaflets,
    as well as proposing legal initiatives. It has called for declaring
    Echmiadzin a religious city state.

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  • Fascistic or Religious Extremist Organisations Operating Inside Armenia

    I've been seeing a lot more of these appearing recently in Armenian news stories. Some of them seem to be one-man operations (usually formed so that some extremist nut-job can pontificate about how un-Armenian every other Armenian is compared to himself, and how the entire Armenian nation is heading towards extinction because of this).

    However, I wonder if many are actually front-organisations for other interests. So, I'm going to add here any news reports I find that mention such groups.