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  • Re: Agriculture

    Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
    Vahram Sirelis,
    The deal negociated by LISKA is limpid.
    It says: 2,5 Million USD a year....
    Or in detail: 25 USD/hectar in the beginning, for the rent of 50.000 hectars: that is only 1.250.000 USD
    It is possible, that they will go to 100.000 hectars, that is 2.5 million

    What are we talking about?
    They will not ask us to keep, breed, and purchase sheep...
    They want us to give them our land virtually for free, so that they can produce and export..; so you billions are for them.
    We will only get 2.5 Million at best (!), plus the Turkish nomads on the back of our troops today... and something like 100 tatar/turk/kurd villages with their mosques, in a decade...
    Just like in 30-s... You had more than 100 tatar villages in Zankezur.
    Don't you remember??
    Why do you not look at it straight, like it is???
    Big mistake having any turks or kurds build villages and schools on what remains of our ancient lands .
    Their children will say : we have lived here all our lives . Their parents will teach them that Yerevan is really erivan ... And the kurds will say : I pooped here , this is my ancestral land .
    The money is the carrot , it's a bait and switch . Please don't be fooled on this one . Smoke and mirrors all the way .


    • Re: Agriculture

      Originally posted by Artashes View Post
      Big mistake having any turks or kurds build villages and schools on what remains of our ancient lands .
      Their children will say : we have lived here all our lives . Their parents will teach them that Yerevan is really erivan ... And the kurds will say : I pooped here , this is my ancestral land .
      The money is the carrot , it's a bait and switch . Please don't be fooled on this one . Smoke and mirrors all the way .

      It is not a mistake since it is done deliberately.

      You need to see the decision maker’s vision to understand what I am saying.
      You should also see what is the chain of command.
      Also how much the people, the ordinary folk matter.

      The president appoints the marzbeds ( governor of the region) .
      Their power of decision making is absolute, like little princes.
      The present governor is Surik Khachatrian appointed by the current President.

      Some highlights of his record include.

      He has given public land to the local mining company for exploitation.
      The mining company is frequently accused of not paying (enough) taxes.

      He has decided to raise to the ground villages to make way for the mining company.

      He is a violent person if any body opposes him or his interests.
      An Armenian businesswoman claimed on Tuesday to have been assaulted by a regional governor notorious for reportedly violent conduct just days after accusing him of corruption and business-related fraud.

      Look at him punching the bussineswoman
      This video combines two sources of footage: 1) a news report from November 15, 2011, where Silva Hambardzumyan, a businesswoman, tells the journalist the det...

      AND NOW “leasing” this land ( more like territory) for grazing and occupation by the toorks.

      Despite all the natural wealth extracted locally Syunik province is classified as the poorest region of Armenia.

      When people say Armenians will not graze sheep, the statement is ridicules.
      Perhaps they will not graze sheep without improvement in their quality of life.
      The reason being the people above will be skimming too much of their results of their effort.
      Last edited by londontsi; 02-20-2013, 02:10 AM.
      Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
      Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
      Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


      • Re: Agriculture

        Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
        Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
        Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


        • Re: Agriculture

          Originally posted by londontsi View Post
          It is not a mistake since it is done deliberately.

          You need to see the decision maker�s vision to understand what I am saying.
          You should also see what is the chain of command.
          Also how much the people, the ordinary folk matter.

          The president appoints the marzbeds ( governor of the region) .
          Their power of decision making is absolute, like little princes.
          The present governor is Surik Khachatrian appointed by the current President.

          Some highlights of his record include.

          He has given public land to the local mining company for exploitation.
          The mining company is frequently accused of not paying (enough) taxes.

          He has decided to raise to the ground villages to make way for the mining company.

          He is a violent person if any body opposes him or his interests.
          An Armenian businesswoman claimed on Tuesday to have been assaulted by a regional governor notorious for reportedly violent conduct just days after accusing him of corruption and business-related fraud.

          Look at him punching the bussineswoman
          This video combines two sources of footage: 1) a news report from November 15, 2011, where Silva Hambardzumyan, a businesswoman, tells the journalist the det...

          AND NOW �leasing� this land ( more like territory) for grazing and occupation by the toorks.

          Despite all the natural wealth extracted locally Syunik province is classified as the poorest region of Armenia.

          When people say Armenians will not graze sheep, the statement is ridicules.
          Perhaps they will not graze sheep without improvement in their quality of life.
          The reason being the people above will be skimming too much of their results of their effort.
          Everything you said rings true and is dead on the money .
          One of the several points I was making is this --- The manipulator knows that this money will be grabbed at by the top thieves and the better part will be taken by them . The manipulator knows the poor can be enticed with hardly more than hope .
          None of that actually matters to the manipulator .
          This sheep thing is a ruse !!!
          The real goal is the building of villages & schools & mosques ...
          The number of years this deal is slated for , it's a Trojan horse !!!
          Also , too many sheep . Just my opinion , oh and a significant number of concerned intelligentsia , but that number of sheep will kill the land . The stress that kind of grazing puts on the land should be completely unacceptable , again in my opine .
          The people you spoke of and the system you pointed out is ripe for manipulation .
          I'm watching Serj NOW . This is a high stakes game and the President is under a lotta pressure .
          If he is the man I think he is ( I hope he is ) he will play it like he played the turks . He will play them along BUT will nix the deal somehow .
          I think he may be the only one out there right now that can actually play this weird and deadly game .


          • Re: Agriculture

            ՊԵԿ-ի 160 աշխատակիցներ ստուգում են Սամվել Ալեքսանյանի ընկերությունները

            20 Փետրվար, 17:29 AMT
            Հայաստանի Հանրապետության կառավարությանն առընթեր պետեկամուտներևի կոմիտեն ուսումնասիրություններ անցկացնում պատգամավոր Սամվել Ալեքսանյանի հետ փոխկապակցված «Ալեքս Գրիգ» եւ «Լուսաստղ շուգր» ընկերություններում: Այդ մասին այսօր՝ փետրվարի 20-ին լրագրողների հետ հանդիպման ժամանակ ասաց ՊԵԿ ղեկավար Գագիկ Խաչատրյանը:

            Նրա խոսքով՝ ստուգվում է «Ալեքս Գրիգի» ողջ ցանցը, ու այդ գործընթացում ներգրավված է 160 աշխատակից:

            Գ. Խաչատրյանը նշեց նաեւ, որ շաքարավազի ներմուծումից մաքսային մուտքերը նվազել են այն պատճառով, որ ներկայում ներկրվում է շաքարավազի կիսաֆաբրիկատ, իսկ նախկինում՝ պատրաստի շաքարավազ: Կիսաֆաբրիկատն ազատված է ավելացված արժեքի հարկից եւ մաքսատուրքից, ի տարբերություն պատրաստի շաքարավազից:

            Լուրեր Հայաստանից -

            To resume, for a long period, Oligarkh N2 Lfig Samo praised his huge investment: the sugar factory in Chirag, supposed to revive the Jagntegh planting, and home grown sugar self sufficiency....
            He offered kopeks to the agricultures, and no one offer him cheap row material.
            Now we have the end word of the story: he did it to evade taxes, by avoiding import of sugar, in place importing "sugar concentrate...."


            • Re: Agriculture

              Originally posted by Federate View Post
              I'd like to see some thoughts/opinions on Armenia leasing some land in Syunik to Iran for sheep grazing.
              I don't think these news stories have been posted here.

              Demonstrators Demand a Halt to Planned Leasing of Syunik Pasture Lands to Iran
              Narek Aleksanyan

              February 14, 2013

              Demonstrators assembled in front of the Armenian Government building
              in Yerevan to voice their opposition regarding any plan to lease
              pasture land in Armenia's southern Syunik Province to Iranian

              Holding signs that read `Nomadic Animal Herders Have No Business in
              Syounik', protest participants argued that is rife with security,
              demographic and environmental risks.

              They said that such a plan, much bandied about in the Armenian press
              would hurt the domestic livestock industry and was being promoted by a
              small group of businessmen looking to make a profit at the expense of
              national interests.

              Other signs on display read `Not One Arab Sheep in Syunik' and `Let's
              Protect the Lands Saved by Nzhdeh from the Nzhdeh Poseurs of Today'.

              Armen Mkrtchyan, a member of the board of the Hayazni NGO, which
              organized the protest, told Hetq that if the planned 50, 000 hectares
              for lease were concentrated in one locale the threats wouldn't be as

              `But Armenia doesn't have such a large expanse of pastureland in one
              area. Patches of land here and there will be destroyed by the
              rummaging sheep that eat the grass, roots and all. The land soon dries

              Armen Hovhannisyan, another Hayazni activist, said the environmental
              ramifications would be disastrous.

              `We are diametrically opposed to any such step that further threatens
              the natural environment of Armenia. We view that environment as one
              where we will have to live, create a culture and develop statehood.'

              The demonstrators handed a copy of their demands to the government
              reception office. In their letter, they promised to follow-up on the
              issue and see to it that similar issues are nipped in the bud.

              Herding Controversy: Environmentalists warn against leasing grazing land to Iranians


              NAZIK ARMENAKYAN

              By GOHAR ABRAHAMYAN
              ArmeniaNow reporter

              The possible lease of grazing lands in Armenian's southern Syunik
              province to neighboring Iran continues to be a matter of concern among
              environmentalists and some politicians, who held an act of protest
              Thursday in front of the government building demanding to annul the

              The Ecolur environmental NGO posted two documents on its site earlier
              this month, one of which is titled `Memorandum of understanding
              between Iran's Eastern Atrapatakan (Eastern Azerbaijan) province and
              RA Syunik province'. The NGO especially highlights Point 3 in this
              document signed by the governors of Syunik and Eastern Atrapatakan on
              July, 2012: `The Iranian side has expressed its willingness to use the
              pastures and agricultural farming lands.' The second document was
              signed on January 15, 2013, during the Armenian delegation's visit to
              the Eastern Atrapatakan and is called an Agreement. In particular, it
              becomes clear that Iranians want to rent 50,000 hectares of grazing
              land for the minimum of 10 years and pay $25 per hectare of land per
              month. An additional 2,000 ha would be given as settlement area.

              Wednesday Iranian Ambassador in Armenia Mohammad Raeisi told the press
              that no lease agreement has been signed between Syunik and Iran's
              Eastern Azerbaijani provinces concerning the Syunik pastures. He said
              the issue has to be discussed, and should an agreement be signed, the
              parliaments of both countries have to approve it.

              During the Thursday cabinet meeting an act of protest was held in
              front of the government building during which members of Hayazn Union
              (nationalist organization) submitted a letter for the government
              consideration with their strong concerns over the potential deal.

              Hayazn press secretary Armen Hovhannisyan told the press that a deal
              of such scale and content `creates a set of threats in terms of
              national security, demography, environmental protection and other.'

              `From the environmental point of view this deal will have catastrophic
              consequences, because in an area where sheep breeding is the main type
              of livestock husbandry, the grass layer vanishes shortly, recovering
              it takes huge investment, and natural recovery takes 500-1,000 years,'
              says Hovhannisyan adding that the deal will not be of serious economic
              value to compensate for the damage.

              Environmentalist Silva Adamyan says besides the environmental issues
              there are also more disturbing national security concerns.

              `I remember how the Azerbaijanis were quietly taking control of Syunik
              during the soviet years. We have liberated it, and now we want to give
              it to them again? Can't we really understand that it is the same
              Azeris - citizens of Iran - who would be coming back to Syunik, bring
              their families, and so the blood shed for those lands would turn out
              to be for nothing? It appears we are going back to where we started,'
              says Adamyan.
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • Re: Agriculture

                Originally posted by Vahram View Post
                If this railroad is going to be built, what a better way to ruin this by having an issue with smelly animals! Who but the Joo wins by this? Are we just listening to one make up story and forgetting the rest?

                Again who wins?

                No railroad for you, you can't even discuss sheep, so said the joo. Did not think you were this lost as to go with the flow this easily! With this said one more time, please step back and think again. Because if you think wrong no railroad for you, so please be careful, you will do worse then just hurt my feelings you just might make the joo really happy! So don't enjoy yourself too much, the more you enjoy it the happier you make the joo!

                Getze Hayastan!
                Սևակ Սարուխանյան Վերջին շրջանում Հարավային Կովկասում և Հայաստանում ակտիվացել են երկաթուղային ոլորտի զարգացման վերաբերյալ քննարկումները։ Դրանք մեծ մասամբ պայմանավորված են նրանով, որ 2012-ին Վրաստանում տեղի է ունեցել իշխանափոխություն, որի արդյունքում ձևավորվել է նոր կառավարություն։


                • Re: Agriculture

                  From the link above,

                  This fact and prospect is appreciated not only by the Iranians but also by the Chinese who are interested in the building of Iran-Armenia railway.
                  it should be taken into consideration that Iran-Armenia railway will connect two other transportation hubs – Bender-Abas and Georgian Black Sea Poti port.

                  It is obvious that the Iranian party is very interested in Iran-Armenia project from political point of view, because Armenia and Georgia for Iran is one thing and Azerbaijan is the other thing. There are practically no chances to improve the Iranian-Azerbaijani relations the deteriorated over the last year because such an improvement is hampered by both “Iranian policy” of Azerbaijan, and failure of the policy of establishment of active Iranian-Turkish cooperation. And change of the leadership in Georgia created grounds for Tehran to expect that the “Georgian road” to Russia can be opened, thus creating serious alternative to the road going through Azerbaijan.


                  • Re: Agriculture

                    Originally posted by Vahram View Post
                    From the link above,
                    from the the very start, the Iranians are as interested as we are.
                    There is no question about.
                    Things are not so clear on the russian side, to say the least. Their signing of Astara option was not the posture of a strategic partner they are supposed to be, when you consider the vital nature of Vartenis/Tchougha for us.
                    As a matter of fact, a "rich" Baku was not interested in the project for the economic royalties it would generate, as much as reinforcing the blokada of Armenia, by delaying for decades the Armenian/Iranian link.
                    A target they achieved at least partially, by delaying a minimum of 10 years the project, if we consider 2004-2013...

                    As pointed again and again, till now Russia often misbehaved, if we consider their supposed obligation/consideration to our national interests, as "strategic partners"...
                    Signing of Astara deal was a serious blow to our interests, as was the delivery of S-300s, etc...

                    The irony is, that at the end of the day, the expediency of the "our" railway depends pretty much form the Georgians.
                    If they do loose more time on the Abkhazian sector's opening, they might loose not only the royalties of Armenia/Russia transit, they would get certainly, plus the political and geostrategical importance they lost partly because the closure, but more so the Bandar-Abas /Russia + Central Asia/Russia Royalties, for ever, since that traffic will go via Astara...

                    In conclusion: The opening of Abkhazian section might be seen slightly differently on a broader view, and the urgency may well be in Georgian side too...


                    • Re: Agriculture

                      Agriculture: Favorable conditions and better seed quality expected to increase crop production

                      Hrach Berberyan, heading the farmers’ union, believes this year will be favorable for agriculture.

                      “Five days are left before the crop year starts: the layer of snow was thicker this year as compared to last year, the only concern now is the possible April frostbite, but there are numerous means to “cushion” the negative climatic impact, they just need to be applied in practice. As for the water issue, I can say that last year had no deficit of humidity, but the water for some reason disappeared. This year just let them claim there is no water!” Berberyan told the press on Wednesday.

                      Berberyan praised the government measures aimed at supporting farmers, however stressed that there is a need for serious legislative reforms.

                      The government last week approved the oat, corn, millet, sainfoin (a forage grain) production development program for 2013, according to which 850 tons of spring-planted oat seeds, 11 tons of corn seeds, 37 tons of millet seeds and 530 tons of sainfoin seeds will be purchased from foreign and local producers and distributed to farmers at favorable terms. The government program is expected to enhance the sowing fields, increase the gross volume of crops and the farmer income. The government has allotted more than 700 million drams (around $1.7 million) to the purchase of seeds.

                      “The selling price to the villagers will be lower than the market price, plus we are going to subsidize 40 percent of it,” Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan stated.

                      Last year the government gave wheat seeds to farmers with a condition to return by 2:1 kg ratio, however the seeds were low-quality, hence did not yield good crops. Berberyan is hopeful this year things won’t repeat.

                      According to Berberyan, the post-election unrest will not interfere with villagers’ work. (There had been speculation that villagers may get caught up in protests that might interfere with seasonal work.)

                      “Agriculture is stable, we don’t like tribulations. In Ararat plain the land workers will be in the fields and orchards in some 10 days, so no ‘shocks’ can affect the development of agriculture. A villager wants to work and earn his family’s living, nothing else,” said Berberyan.

