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  • #21
    b i t c h

    hey xxxxx...... go xxxx yourself, go xxxx your family, go xxxx the ppl in jail that you pretend to know, all of you, xxxx yourselves, you are full of xxxx, you talk xxxx.... you stupid moron, i said USA will recognize it, i didnt say they would be the first to do so or that they would do it soon..... so xxxx you, you stpupid xxxxx


    you are not armenian, the only time you have armenian in you is when you are on your knees giving me head..... stupid xxxxx.... you arent involved in xxxx, you lying piece of xxxx.... no way in hell a moron person like you would be involved in the genocide recognition, and if you really are (yeah right).... NO xxxxING WONDER IT ISNT BEING RECOGNIZED.... your xxxxing xxxx up!

    and the other guy.... i do listen to reason. i know its not in their own interest, if you read what i said, i said exactly that.... but i also said times change!


    • #22
      Re: WRONG ANSWER, try again!

      Originally posted by jahannam
      Originally posted by surferarmo
      Originally posted by jahannam
      I happen to be real and I'm not just talk and I think that ( at least during MY lifetime) neither the U.S. of A. nor Turkey is gonna recognize any Armenian Genocide... and the fact that I think that, doesnt make me any less of an Armenian, nor does it make me stupid.
      people like yourself and missclassy, with your"turks must die"ish "turks are animals" philosophies, are gonna get nowhere...
      first of all you guys need to read some history, before embarrassing us in front of foreigners...
      the 1.8 Armenians did not die in 1915 as your BOMB armo missclassy had mentioned above..
      over one a half million armenians died in the time period between the 1880's (Hamidian Charter) all the way during the Genocide and past it until when we got our independence..the whole time us being under the ishkhanootyoon of the Ottoman Empire.
      second of all... being the "extra patriotic" Armenian you are, can you please tell me (except for getting anti turkish screen names and wishing upon stars) how you've been contributing to the Genocide recognization field in your community and beyond?
      Jahannam, it makes me sick that you would even defend the turks over Armenians. I dont care what the numbers are, one Armenian dying is too many. Genocide, no matter the amount of damage done is disgusting and a crime against humanity. You are soooooo quick to defend the Iraqi people for wanting to bomb us. You are soo quick to defend the turks and their legislation, but when your own people fight against an injustice that effects us to this day, you are quick to jump on the other side. Jahannam, you are an opportunistic people pleaser. You like the majority and have no principles what so ever. You are a disgusting mind xxxxx.
      dude lol
      can you pleeeease read my post again
      how and where have I defended the turks...
      all I've done is correcting stupid people like you "missclassy or whatever the hell her name was) who know every xxxx about the newbornish US history and have no idea about the thousands of years old Armenian History.
      what the xxxx is wrong with you?
      you know how many organizations I'm envolved in to serve the Genocide recognization cause?
      I hate bringing up xxxx like that or brag about how much I do... but you guys are making me....
      I'm Armenian first... before being a human being.
      my family has a list of people serving time in prison as we speak because of terrorist activities in the 80s against turks... and I'm proud of them.
      will you guys STOP thinking I'm antiwhatever and all I do is "spread negativity" in that moron turksmustdie's words?
      all I xxxxin said was that turksmustdie was too xxxxin confident... as if he works for the white house or something... he was all yeah yeah the USA WILL recognize it...
      xxxx you... NO THEY WILL NOT...
      and thats not being negative
      thats being LOGICAL
      deep xxxxing breath
      I cant believe you surfer
      its like even if you agree with me... you keep finding anything against me and you hold the other person's side since that xxxxin war thread.
      I have long forgotten the war thread. I just dont agree with you, because you are stupid. Sorry for having a different opinion than your own.


      • #23
        yeah we DO have different opinions...
        cuz YOUR sorry self thinks that calling someone stupid wins you arguements...


        • #24
          damn the armenian politics forum is worse then the general discussion forum. i thought there would be more intelligent talk and a lot less bashing on people. but its worse here, now i know why no one posts in this forum because its just arguing with one another. xxxx politics, anyone in politics is corrupt and anyone whos interested in it is on thier way to being corrupt. dumbxxxxs


          • #25
            Originally posted by omniscient
            damn the armenian politics forum is worse then the general discussion forum. i thought there would be more intelligent talk and a lot less bashing on people. but its worse here, now i know why no one posts in this forum because its just arguing with one another. xxxx politics, anyone in politics is corrupt and anyone whos interested in it is on thier way to being corrupt. dumbxxxxs


            • #26
              pfft.. sorry to say but this forum has turned into garbage.


              • #27
                the xxxet crew!

                all of you lamers (omniscient and SaSSoun) who post just to say politics is stupid or to say this forum has gone to garbage, blame jahannam for taking the first step into cursing like a child.

                for the lamers, NOBODY gives a xxxx about what you have to say.

                omniscient who complained it has gone to garbage adds to the garbage by also swearing ("dumbxxxxs"..... takes one to know one)... if you dont like politics, why the hell are you checking the politics section for you fool, practice what you preach!

                sassoun... pfft yourself lamer!


                • #28
                  This only validates my thesis that political systems, and politics in general create more violence, dissent, disagreement, and antagonism, than unity.It creates divisions, boundaries and classifications. It is the antithesis of everything we know as normal mature human beings when dealing with individuals.

                  This forum is just chaotic and THAT from politics. And who said anarchism is all about chaos? Such are the poeple who know least of anarchism.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #29
                    Re: the xxxet crew!

                    Originally posted by turks_must_die
                    all of you lamers (omniscient and SaSSoun) who post just to say politics is stupid or to say this forum has gone to garbage, blame jahannam for taking the first step into cursing like a child.

                    for the lamers, NOBODY gives a xxxx about what you have to say.

                    omniscient who complained it has gone to garbage adds to the garbage by also swearing ("dumbxxxxs"..... takes one to know one)... if you dont like politics, why the hell are you checking the politics section for you fool, practice what you preach!

                    sassoun... pfft yourself lamer!
                    well theres a reason im calling YOU a dumbxxxx, YOU ARE ONE. why are you blaming jahannam or others for what youve done. youre saying nobody gives a xxxx about what I or the so called lamers have to say, lol, thats funny because i really dont think anyone really gives a xxxx about your ideas on anything, ive read your past posts, theyre lame just like you, and your sn is even worse, turksmustdie lol , WTF is that, ladies and gentlemen he is ready to take on the world. i only added to the garbage because i saw so much of it. I dont like politics and i was just curious to see what lamers like you would post in this section, but hey i wont be coming back to this forum section anymore so have fun with your reply. hey guys my new sn is TURKEYKILLER muahahah :twisted: . lol,,,,,what a dumbass, for your sake dont post on any of these forums anymore, youre pathetic


                    • #30
                      A little off topic here, and boy, do I agree with you, but Omni, aren't you supposed to be on a cruise? :P

