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End of the U.S.-Turkey alliance: Ties 'more allergic than strategic'

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  • #21
    Originally posted by Siamanto
    Perhaps most important to note is that a full 25.98% of respondents
    said that outside of Turkey, they didn't feel close to any country
    at all.
    News that might be new news to Turks - a full 99% of the world does not feel and does not want to feel close to Turkey. This should please that 25.98% anyway!

    25.98% ???? !!!! When have you ever seen a percentage given to such detail? It means that at least 10000 Turks responded to their questions. So where did the figure of 1,305 respondants come from? Or are Turkish newspapers as bad at maths as they are at history?
    Last edited by bell-the-cat; 06-17-2005, 07:38 AM.
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • #22
      Originally posted by Otto
      People should be silen if they are minority and useless
      But what if these Kurds are the overwhelmong majority in 25% of the country? And what if they hold the inexplicable belief that they are not useless at all, and are in fact near perfect beings; God's gift to the world.
      Plenipotentiary meow!


      • #23
        Originally posted by karakitap
        Otto, are you really Turkish?
        I had thought "Otto" doesn't sound like a Turkish name, but it
        just occured to me, Otto = Ottoman? Yes??
        Plenipotentiary meow!


        • #24
          Originally posted by karakitap
          Otto you see what you did? You boosted karoaper's stereotypes. Anyway, if you write good things about Turkey for sure karoaper would not be satisfied since people like karoaper have the sickness of permanent Turkish hatred and obsession, but this forum is open for normal people,too. So it may be enjoyable for you to boost these stupids sterotype but you are labelling Turkey unconstiounusly.
          So ridiculing these guys by boosting their stereotypes is not a responsible attitude for my opinion. What do you think?
          Yes, I'm going to open up a new club called THA (Turkey Haters Anonymous). Today is the first sessions of this charter. As the president of the club, I'll start:
          Hello my name is Karen Hovsepian (*hears Hello Karen*) and I hate Turkey. Next.


          • #25
            Originally posted by karoaper
            Yes, I'm going to open up a new club called THA (Turkey Haters Anonymous). Today is the first sessions of this charter. As the president of the club, I'll start:
            Hello my name is Karen Hovsepian (*hears Hello Karen*) and I hate Turkey. Next.
            karoaper, why do you insist on your Turkey hatred hobby? Don't you see that this stupid obsession about Turkish hatred makes you seem more miserable from outside? Why don't you try to receive your self-confidence as a nation again? A nation can not be based upon a haterd against other, be a real nation. This is childish.


            • #26
              Originally posted by karakitap
              karoaper, why do you insist on your Turkey hatred hobby? Don't you see that this stupid obsession about Turkish hatred makes you seem more miserable from outside? Why don't you try to receive your self-confidence as a nation again? A nation can not be based upon a haterd against other, be a real nation. This is childish.
              Should Palestinians stop hating Israel. Should Chechens stop hating Russia. Should Vietnamese stop hating US. Should ...
              Our hatred of your country is fully justified by the pain and suffering we bore at your nation's hands. Today your country is doing NOTHING to attone for that suffering. As I've mentioned before I don't hate individual Turks, except the ones who are making excuses for their cold-blooded murderous ancestors. I do however consider the rest as sheep who happily accept the bullxxxx they are fed and say "Yumm, what delicious stew". I pity them really. And on top of that choose to argue that all the facts about their country's monstrous past and pathetic present are lies and propaganda (I'm sorry but you fall in this category). Your country is like a picture of a face you just want to smash with a brick. That picture however is made of tiny little pixels that don't know xxxx from kabab, yet in this ignorance they help in making up the final image. Was this a clear enough description?


              • #27
                Guys lets just ignore this karakitap and stick to the subject. She or he obviously seems to have some sort of mental disorder. She tells us to "go after our own lives" but she herself can't stop hanging off our Armenian balls.

                Anyways, back to the subject. Turkey's signficiance has long diminished. I think the final blow to US-Turkey relations will come after the US is done with whatever its doing in Iraq. The resolution on recongition of the Armenian Genocide by the US government is finally back on the table after 5 years.
                Անտարբեր Մի Եղիր Հայ Ազգի Համար, Վերկաց Գերեզմանից ԱՆԴՐԱՆԻԿ ՓԱ ՇԱ


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Andranik
                  Guys lets just ignore this karakitap and stick to the subject. She or he obviously seems to have some sort of mental disorder. She tells us to "go after our own lives" but she herself can't stop hanging off our Armenian balls.

                  Anyways, back to the subject. Turkey's signficiance has long diminished. I think the final blow to US-Turkey relations will come after the US is done with whatever its doing in Iraq. The resolution on recongition of the Armenian Genocide by the US government is finally back on the table after 5 years.
                  You relax with this way?


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by karakitap
                    Otto you see what you did? You boosted karoaper's stereotypes. Anyway, if you write good things about Turkey for sure karoaper would not be satisfied since people like karoaper have the sickness of permanent Turkish hatred and obsession, but this forum is open for normal people,too. So it may be enjoyable for you to boost these stupids sterotype but you are labelling Turkey unconstiounusly.
                    So ridiculing these guys by boosting their stereotypes is not a responsible attitude for my opinion. What do you think?

                    i think Turkey is already labeled in a baaaaad way.... as a chief mate i have been to 42 countires and believe me i do know how labeled we i dont have any worries about what people think of me or my country because they all think what they wanna think... and i dont see any harm in scaring a few... we dont belong here i think you will agree... so we will always be the boogy guys for this people... but ok i admit i just joked about military operation.. ( will it make any difference because they will all say " maybe this time you joked but it happened in the past and you killed 1 million sweet cute kurds")

                    we always tried to look good to every body and i think we should try the opposite this time... lets try to make those people hate us more (if they can).. just an idea...what do you say Karakitap or are you looking for friends here ? dont you have some in Ankara... i can give you a couple of phone numbers if you feel alone in this world?


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by bell-the-cat
                      But what if these Kurds are the overwhelmong majority in 25% of the country? And what if they hold the inexplicable belief that they are not useless at all, and are in fact near perfect beings; God's gift to the world.

                      you should notice that Turks can be majority even if they are in fact the minority... it depends on the capability of being majority not the if Turks believe they are useless then it wont make any difference what they think... will it?

                      we are God's gift to the world along with earthquakes, volcanoes, thunders and many more.... we are helping people to suffer so they can go to heaven when they die....

                      and Otto is Ottoman... because i like Ottoman era( i dont have any dreams like we should take back the lands we lost)..old times were better when people hated and feared us but now they just hate and try to saying " aging wolf becomes the toy of young dog"...

                      when it comes to the US-Turkey relations....
                      we may be loosing our importance (which i dont care) but thats not making you any important to anybody... you are being happy by our failings not by your own succeses
                      Last edited by Otto; 06-18-2005, 04:29 AM.

