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Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

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  • #11
    Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

    ok i will say a few things here:

    -You were right. I found out the T-72s and T-80s were brought from California

    -Why aren't I in college? I didn't want to go. I joined the army at 17 served in Operation Iraqi Freedom for 15 months and i dont regret a single minute.

    -I plan on telling you how Armenia's army is doing since im sure a few of you care how well the homeland is defended. Am i right?

    I did fight with a platoon of Armenian Sappers in Iraq. They weren't supposed to be in combat, but they were in Al-Fallujah and Samarra (sp?) with my unit all the time. They fought pretty damn well for non-combantants.

    -The US military is not all tech based. While i do serve in a pretty tech'd out Tank we are all trained to operate without the nice little gadets. And the training comes in alot.
    The Abrams may be damn strong but when you run over a 200 pound IED Your computers are most likley the first thing to go. So we know how to react if we don't have those things.

    And our ground forces aren't really that advanced. advanced body armor is really the only differents of weapons when it comes to us and most other countries. The command units are the ones with all the computers when it comes to that.

    When it comes down to it we all know how to fight effectivly without the gadgets.

    And just to point out. The Russians could not really do much to the US in a tank war. Or a air war for that matter.

    I was in a small tank battle in Iraq and My one M1A2 destroyed 12 T-72s and 9 T-90s without being hit or detected.

    -Iam just a soldier. Not even a NCO i don't really have the experance to teach many people.

    -I like to think we are helping the Armenian Army, becuase the way they came at us today shows they still use 'tank rush' ideas when it comes to Armored warfare. Their tanks may not have the range as ours but they have the fire power. seeing how we only have a few hundred meters on the T-90s main gun they can learn to kill the abrams tank or other advanced tanks if they learn to use their range more effectivly, which they do not do at this point.
    In short we destroyed them.
    I like to think us teaching them that will help them. Now when it comes to the matter if the US ever Invaded Armenia would i help Armenia? No. But i wouldn't help the US either. I wouldn't be able to kill an armenian soldier, same with a US soldier.
    Last edited by ArmenianKid; 10-19-2006, 05:41 PM.


    • #12
      Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

      I have a really close friend of mine who is in marines...he likes it thats why he joined

      I personally really would not mind being in airforce as a B-2 pilot and seving in Turkey so they could give me a mission to drop atomic bomb on Iran...the second that i take off, i would turn around and head for ankara


      • #13
        Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

        Armeniankid, at the very least, thanks for being honest.

        Regarding warfare:

        Overall, T-90s are at least as good as the M1 Abrams. However, Iraq did not have any T-90s the most modern tanks they had were the T-72 which are over thirty years old now. Also, regardless of what tank system you have, if you don't have a properly functioning command and control apparatus, battle field intelligence, air cover, etc, your hardware is useless. In desert environments and out in the open ocean, high tech weapons will always win the day.

        Nonetheless, nations like Russia and Iran are placing allot of hope in anti-tank weapons - consider how much success Hizbollah had in southern Lebanon against IDF armor which is considered to be one of the finest in the world.

        Regarding your comment about US air power versus Russian. Again, its all relative. Some Russian aircraft are as advanced if not more than American ones. However, its how you deploy them. As a matter of fact, Russia never gave its best weapons systems to any client states, especially Arabs, whom Russians considered unreliable.

        Many folk like you live in 'euphoria' due to the successes US forces have had against drastically weaker opponents. I guess Chuck Noriss and Rambo films also gives the Average American Joe a 'Gung Ho' attitude. You want to see US Forces getting their butts whipped - attack Iran. You want to see "shock and Awe" - attack Iran. Another butt kicking would have been in Serbia in 1999 had Nato attempted to invade.

        At the end of the day, you can feel warm and fuzzy that you have served in an organization that is a tool for 'special interests' that are destroying the very essence of America as we speak. Moreover, these interests have been, currently are, and most probably will always be rabidly anti-Armenian.

        T-90 Information:

        Russian Tanks Video:

        T-90 versus M1 Abrams video:

        And the Russian Su-37 and the Mig-35 have no competition as far as aircraft capabilities are conserned.

        Mig 35 Video:

        Mig 35 Information:

        SU-37 Video:

        Su-37 Information:
        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


        Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


        • #14
          Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

          Originally posted by gmd
          You make some good points however you are mistaken on Russian armor. Especially the tanks that Armenia has. It may be a step above Azeri armor at best.
          I never said Armenia's armor is better than America's. Don't put words in my mouth. Armenia's most modern tank is the thirty year old T-72 - same with Azerbaijan. Russian armor, however, if deployed properly is a match to any American tank.

          If you feel that US military doctrine and training is inferior to Russian then you are mistaken yet again.
          We saw American military doctrine in Serbia - bomb civilian infrastructure until the opponent gives in.

          We saw it in southern Lebanon - where the finest armored force in the world got its butt handed to it by several hundred Hizbollah guerrillas armed with high-tech Russian anti-tank missiles.

          We are seeing it in Iraq - I need not say more.

          I hope we will get to see it in Iran.

          American forces are at their best in open desert terrain where they can deploy their high tech toys. American forces are at their best against isolated and cut-off opponents.

          I do not know what changes the Russians made post USSR however the USSR doctrine was based on massive troop deployment and a centralized command.
          In the post Soviet world Russia began concentrating on missile technology and electronic warfare. Today, they excel in the aforementioned fields. Chechnya was a nasty wake up call for them in the early 90s, however, they tamed that beast as well. Their military today is being modernized very fast due to billions and billions of its petrodollars. Discipline will always be a probelm for Slavs. However, as Hitler learned to his dismay, Russians can take 'allot' of punishment.

          In war it does not matter how many men you loose or how many of the enemy you kill. What matters is achieving your strategic goals, your political intentions.

          Armenia having the more common brigade sized units would need to develop technological abilities in line with its size. Additionally they have to change the method of training and doctrine.
          I agree. I am told that this is occurring today via modern Russian training. However, not everything is in Yerevan's power. Russia will not supply Armenia with its best weapons systems. Russia wants Armenia on a short leash. Armenia will always be made dependent on Mother Russia. This is our destiny for the foreseeble future and I have nothing against this.

          My intention in my previous post was not to suggest it adopt a western military philosophy but learn from it with the goal of establishing a professional military with the technology to support smaller units in protecting the homeland from a 2 if not 3 front war.
          I agree. This requires a robust ecomony that which Armenia today does not have.

          Armenia despite the mountains has no room to give in battle.
          I agree. The Araratian plain is especially vulnerable to a massive Turkish armored thrust. In a worst case scenario, Yerevan could fall in a few days. The rest of Armenia would be spared due to its rugged terrain. However, Russia and Iran will never allow such a thing to occur.

          Despite the rather obvious dislike you show towards Israel it is worthwhile to consider what they have achieved with the aid of the good ol USA
          Israel's military glory is in its past. They have finally become Hollywood soldiers like their counterparts in the US. The tide is beginning to turn. Mark my words on this. This thread although quite long cover this topic really well:

          Besides, the greatest military victories Israel has achieved has been with French and English weapons systems not American. Also, Arabs being totally disorganized and pathetic in armed conflict has helped Joos quite a bit as well. However, this is changing. Tel Aviv can feel it, they really felt it in southern Lebanon just recently. And now they see disaster coming via Tehran.

          Iran must be stopped because if Tehran is allowed to develope its military and nuclear technology it will be a major superpower in the region. Israel does not want to see a balance of power in the region. That is why we have men like Armeniankid being sent off to war in the Gulf - essentially to protect Israel and secure oil fields for future exploitaion.
          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • #15
            Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

            Silly me, I forgot about the T-95.

            Russia develops new low profile main battle tank

            Russian Defence Minister Marshal Igor Sergeyev has announced that a radically new main battle tank (MBT) designated the T-95 has been developed in Russia. Sergeyev made his statement after a visit to the Uralvagonzavod plant in the Ural region where he inspected a T-95 prototype. Sergeyev's reference to it as the T-95 suggests the possible fielding of the new MBT as T-series designations are given to operational vehicles. Pilot and developmental vehicles are usually designated by the word obiekt (object) and a number.

            The minister said that Uralvagonzavod would get additional funding in 2000, but according to Russian sources this may not be adequate to make the transition from development to production. All of the technical data, outline and configuration features of the T-95 are still secret. However, a Uralvagonzavod representative said the tank is a new design rather than a new variant of an existing MBT. It weighs about 50 tons. Its length and width are believed to be similar to the existing T-72, T-80 and T-90 MBTs.

            As predicted by Jane's Defence Weekly, the main feature of the T-95 is its radical configuration with the main armament in a small unmanned turret fed from a newly-designed automatic loader located below the turret (JDW 11 November 1995). Seats for the driver, gunner and commander are in a special armoured capsule, separated by an armoured bulkhead from the automatic loader and turret. This design allows the MBT's silhouette to be reduced, making it less observable on the battlefield and enhancing crew safety. Such a configuration resolves a major dilemma concerning modern MBT design - combining adequate protection with mobility and transportability.

            The T-95 MBT is armed with a 135mm gun which is believed to be of the smoothbore type and is fitted with a new fire control system (FCS). Target information is provided via optical, thermal imaging and infra-red channels. The FCS also includes a laser range finder and possibly a radar. The design relies heavily on the FCS as the crew cannot use traditional optical devices to observe the battlefield and aim the gun. The T-95 MBT is not the sole domestic new-generation MBT. The "object 640" (named Black Eagle), developed at the Omsk-based Design Bureau of Transport Machine-building was displayed at an arms exposition in Omsk, Siberia, in 1999. The vehicle features a completely new chassis and turret. Its designers chose a simpler design with the automatic loader and some ammunition is placed in a spacious bustle in the rear part of the manned turret.

            This tank is what was originally perceived in the West to be the perspective Russian MBT. It is either a hoax or a real conceptual prototype. In the latter case its relation to Nizhny Tagil design is unknown. The design is unique in that it has a very small and extremely rounded auto-loader instead of a turret. The entire crew is situated in the hull, which is separated from the auto-loader by an armored bulkhead. Main gun rounds are placed in a circle around a loader and are delivered by a revolving transporter, fully automating the loading procedure. This scheme raises crew survivability to an incredible level.

            Yet another major innovation attributed to this tank is a new anti-tank gun that has a larger caliber than the 2A46 series, 135 mm. This 135mm gun pops up occasionally since as early as the end of eighties when it was attributed to a mysterious T-86 MBT. Today it is more or less a certainty that there is no 135mm gun in existence. 2A46M is still in service, and accuracy and reliability upgrades and new ammo designs seem to bring it finally to the level of the powerful Rh-120 line of guns of Leopard, Abrams and Merkava. There are, however, indications of a 152mm tank gun being developed. It is hard to tell how much in common does this MBT have with a real new tank being developed in Nizhny Tagil, but the main features of both vehicles are an unmanned gunpod, crew placement in the hull and a large-caliber maingun.

            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • #16
              Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

              Originally posted by Fedayeen
              I personally really would not mind being in airforce as a B-2 pilot and seving in Turkey so they could give me a mission to drop atomic bomb on Iran...the second that i take off, i would turn around and head for ankara
              Why would you want to bomb Iran? Iran is the only reliable and friendly neighbor of Armenia.

              The US has a hell of a lot more to gain by engaging in friendly relations with Iran, than by bowing down to the pro-israel lobby just because such a relation would not be in the interests of the state of Israel.

              So why would you want to do anything to harm Iran? Relations with whom suit Armenia’s interests and any war in Iran would negatively have its big impact on Armenia.


              • #17
                Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

                As much as I wish Armenian was wrong, I can't say that he is...I've been a Captain in the US Army Reserves for 10 years. I've been deployed to Guantanamo Bay and Iraq (who knows where thay will want to send me next). Anyway, after 911, I was fully on board with Bush Administrations stance on international affairs. However, this attitude has eroded to the extent that I will probably vote straight Democrat come election time. In short, I'm sick of fighting Isreals wars and I'm really pissed off at the USA anti-Armenian policies.
                This all makes me very sad, because I love the USA, but the country has been falling from grace lately. I have hope that this can be turned around...this is why I am not willing to leave the Army yet.
                Armenian Kid...a big Hooah and good luck to you.


                • #18
                  Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

                  Crusader, the international and corporate puppetry, called the American administration, is fundemantally flawed irrelevant of the leadership party. Clinton, who was at the very least million times more competent that Bush, personally stopped the Senate from voting on the Armenian Genocide bill. This is because corporations and foreign governments and their loobyist lackies have more sway in Washington than "little" factors, you know moral and ethical convictions and primary needs of the American public (which is a decades long fan of the herding behaviour). And lobbyists spread their influence very effectively amongs Democrat, Republican, conservative and liberal alike.


                  • #19
                    Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

                    I was impressed with the T90 and Abrams comparison vid. Who knew the crazy russkis would have more consideration for health risks associated with use of depleted uranium than the American military. The use of depleted uranium is a shameful and disgusting practice anyway.


                    • #20
                      Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

                      Originally posted by karoaper
                      Crusader, the international and corporate puppetry, called the American administration, is fundemantally flawed irrelevant of the leadership party. Clinton, who was at the very least million times more competent that Bush, personally stopped the Senate from voting on the Armenian Genocide bill. This is because corporations and foreign governments and their loobyist lackies have more sway in Washington than "little" factors, you know moral and ethical convictions and primary needs of the American public (which is a decades long fan of the herding behaviour). And lobbyists spread their influence very effectively amongs Democrat, Republican, conservative and liberal alike.
                      I'm aware of this shame and I agree with you 100%. However, at this time I think the Armenian issues are better sevred with the Democrats. Unfortunately, this deduction is only formed by choosing the lesser of the two evils.
                      I think we all know what the (is) real problem is.

