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Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

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  • #51
    Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

    Originally posted by Osttruppen
    Armenian media never tells what our guys are doing in Iraq, the onle thing they say is "they are non-combatant units, doctors, engineers..." but here I see they have taken part in real battles, which is bad, because I think we dont need to send any troop to that "hell", our soldiers shouldn't fight for israel...
    Can you please tell if you have any info about Armenian soldiers taking casualities?
    The war does suck but I have two cousins serving there right now. They've gotten to know the Armenian community in Baghdad pretty well. I addition, they are in a New England based Marine Reserves Unit and serve with other Armenians from that area. From what my cousin has written back to my uncle, they have seen heavy house to house comabt daily.


    • #52
      Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

      Originally posted by RSNATION
      The war does suck but I have two cousins serving there right now. They've gotten to know the Armenian community in Baghdad pretty well. I addition, they are in a New England based Marine Reserves Unit and serve with other Armenians from that area. From what my cousin has written back to my uncle, they have seen heavy house to house comabt daily.

      I believe they are in/near Ramadi but cannot say but it's easy to speculate because this is where the marine are active according to the press.

      Guys, please go easy on Armenian Kid. He is our brother and maybe one day we'll all have the chance to serve together against our enemy.


      • #53
        Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

        Originally posted by RSNATION
        Guys, please go easy on Armenian Kid. He is our brother and maybe one day we'll all have the chance to serve together against our enemy.

        The only chance "Armeniankid" will have to fight against is Armenia's allies - if not Armenia itself.

        I suggest you wake up.
        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


        Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


        • #54
          Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

          Originally posted by Armenian
          The only chance "Armeniankid" will have to fight against is Armenia's allies - if not Armenia itself.

          I suggest you wake up.
          You got some good ideas and come off as intelligent and knowledgable. Why do you feel a need to take a rather negative and aggressive preaching stance? I felt more influenced when you provide information with a tone to educate. All these guys on here clearly show a pride in our common culture. ArmenianKid alreayd stated in a previous post he could not fight his fellow Armenians and I can't imagine the US having cause to carry out operations against Armenia much less using Armenian-Americans to do so.


          • #55
            Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

            Originally posted by gmd
            You got some good ideas and come off as intelligent and knowledgable. Why do you feel a need to take a rather negative and aggressive preaching stance? I felt more influenced when you provide information with a tone to educate. All these guys on here clearly show a pride in our common culture. ArmenianKid alreayd stated in a previous post he could not fight his fellow Armenians and I can't imagine the US having cause to carry out operations against Armenia much less using Armenian-Americans to do so.
            Often times, truth is hard to accept.

            Its not about "Armeniankid" per say, its about individual Armenians choosing to partake in a criminal war effort that in the long term poses a serious danger to Armenia, Armenia's regional allies and the global community.

            For example:

            If Armeniankid's much loved military wins in Iraq, it will be Syria's turn next. Afterwards, it will be Iran's turn. With Iraq, Syria and Iran destroyed, the region will fall to Zionists, pan-Turkists and Globalists. Armenia does NOT serve the interests of Washington, Ankara, Tel Aviv, Islamabad and London. Armenia DOES serves the interests of Moscow, Tehran and perhaps the EU.

            This is our reality and this will be our reality for the foreseeable future.

            This is not difficult to understand, is it?
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • #56
              Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

              Very true...and very well said


              • #57
                Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

                Originally posted by Armenian
                The only chance "Armeniankid" will have to fight against is Armenia's allies - if not Armenia itself.

                I suggest you wake up.

                The US will not attack Iran, Syria, etc. Why? The Democratic party is about to take over in the US Congress and is anti-war. They will have our forces out asap. At least 60% of the American public is against the war and even more are against Bush. This is the current reality. The US Armed forces cannot handle another war, especially one that would prove to be more difficult than Iraq. I have both friends and familly that are currently in Iraq or have recently returned; the are not for this war but that being said, when they are serving, they fight for each other/their units and not for Bush or the Republican party. They are well-trained and professional. They have made mistakes and made some poor choices but can you imagine what another nations army would have done in their position? Remember, the US armed forces follow orders and were ordered to partake in this mission.

                Additionally, the civilian, pro-Likud, Neo-cons holed up in the think-tanks and Bush administration positions have lost support, been ridiculed, and silenced with the exception of Rumsfeld (who is even more unpopular than Bush and only keeps his position because of Bush's stubborness) and our ambassador to the UN, John Bolton (who has been tamed by reality). More and more people are rejecting or knee-jerk support for Israel and the current conflict in Lebanon had displayed the futility of our unquestioning support.

                Everything the neo-cons predicted and planned for has turned to sh*t. Most Americans were skeptical before the war and not they are downright angry.

                If anything, expect the US to become more isolationist in the near future, we have enough problems at home. It has taken way too long but Americans are finally learning.

                No, Armeniankid will not be fighting Armenia or and Armenian allies.


                • #58
                  Re: Armenian Armor Brigade Trains in the US

                  I know in Fallujah a saw one armenian soldier get wounded. I don't know if he died or not.

                  Anyone foolish enough to think the US army is in shape for another war is just that- a fool. if you read up on the damages we are taking in every catorgory you would know we are barley fighting this one. Nearly 50% of our tanks were combat ineffective while i was over there. When i went into fallujah my tank was a mismatch of parts from broken tanks and loose welds.
                  The US humvees are in worse condition. and we don't have the money to fix them right now.

                  To think the US army would go to war in the near future is just plain dumb. Maybe in the next 20-30 years, depending on we pull out from Iraq.


                  • #59
                    What a heart goes out to his family

                    Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Manoukian

                    Age: 22

                    1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force

                    Lathrup Village, Michigan

                    Killed while conducting combat operations in Anbar province, Iraq, on October 21, 2006


                    • #60
                      Re: What a heart goes out to his family

                      Originally posted by RSNATION
                      Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Manoukian Age: 22 Killed while conducting combat operations in Anbar province, Iraq, on October 21, 2006
                      This must be the first Armenian American soldier killed in action in the Middle East... What a shame, what a waste... He died for what? Armeniankid, can you please tell me what this young Marine died for?

                      Was it to protect America?

                      Was it in the service of humanity?

                      Or was it to safeguard Armenia?

                      America has lost over three thousand personnel and they have killed perhaps tens of thousands of Iraqis. Can you tell me what was all this blood shed for?
                      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

