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Armenian-Turkish Relations

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  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

    We are niether closer nor further away from getting western Armenia now then we were a week ago. If anyone thinks we were anywhere near close they would be more dilusional then anything else. I was having khorovats and drinking with a bunch of armenian guys on saturday night in the cool october air and i found out three of the guys were kharabagh vets. I asked their opinion on the border openings and they were all very optimistic stating that it could bring great benefits if turckey opened the borders and kept them open. The agreement has been signed and the powers of today will demand that turckey open the border. The opening of the border will force the Azeris to be more flexible at the nagotiating table and a agreement on kharabagh is not to far away anymore.
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

      The agreement in itself is not supposed to make us loose Karabagh, although many see that Karabagh is jeopardized because the protocols do not make any mention of the principle of auto-determination of nations, and also make mention of international borders and not only Turkish-Armenian ones.

      Nevertheless, as you see today, Turkey is already imposing a new condition to the already humiliated Armenians. It wants us to hand in Karabagh before opening its borders. In my opinion, Azerbaijan is not really pissed at Turkey, neither is Turkey going against Azerbaijan's interests. It is simply an act that Azerbaijan is doing after the protocols in order to re-confirm Turkey's desire to help Azerbaijan in taking Karabagh from Armenians.

      This is ridiculous. Before Turkey says anything about the withdrawal of Armenians from Karabagh, it should withdraw from Cyprus because its occupation of Cyprus is even less justified.


      • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

        Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
        If this agreement is going to make us lose kharabagh then why would the Azeris be pissed at Turckey? If they close the border then this agreement is null and void,
        My point in fact was just this as you read above but it isn't sinking into you so I'll say it again. You cannot trust turkey. turkey is already pledging the "azeris" to give back Artsakh. Do I have to say it again? Londontsi just put it out yesterday two sentences from the protocols that the integrity of their country (turkey) must be accepted in the protocols by Armenia. Also Armenia must not put their nose into other country's business; meaning "azerbaijan's" integrity must be preserved and Armenia should not help Artsakh against the integrity of made up baloney stolen name from Iran "azerbaijan".

        After your Serje signed the protocols, you have to wait and see whether they will open the borders or not. You of course hope that they'll open it, I on the other hand never wished that darn protocol be signed the way it was with the turks' pre-conditions. After that protocol has been amended then they could open the borders but without the pre-conditions.


        • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

          The territorial integrity issue also applies to turkey, but does anyone honestly think turkey will pull out from northern Cyprus?
          For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
          to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


          • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

            Originally posted by Armanen View Post
            And to Anoush, how are we going to get Western Armenia back? I can assure you it will not be through international law. But I am open to other suggestions that you and others may have.
            Of course never with a defeitist attitudes of today's RA's government who have played in the hands of turkey, our worst enemy. And not ever if these protocols after being signed, turkey opens their borders. Indeed they made Armenia sell out the Genocide issue and with it ever getting Western Armenian lands back. But if there is a coup d'etat and a new government comes along who want to work with Diasporan Armenians who have diligently worked for 30+ years to get 20 countries accept the legality of the Genocide; then we may have the possibility of asking for reparations.


            • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

              Of course not, Turkey's leaders aren't as big sellouts as Sargsyan and Nalbandian.

              Poor tennis player David Nalbandian who now has to identify with the Nalbandian that signed the capitulative protocols.


              • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                Originally posted by Anoush View Post
                Of course never with a defeitist attitudes of today's RA's government who have played in the hands of turkey, our worst enemy. And not ever if these protocols after being signed, turkey opens their borders. Indeed they made Armenia sell out the Genocide issue and with it ever getting Western Armenian lands back. But if there is a coup d'etat and a new government comes along who want to work with Diasporan Armenians who have diligently worked for 30+ years to get 20 countries accept the legality of the Genocide; then we may have the possibility of asking for reparations.
                I dont think i could reach such conclusions even after a full night of heavy drinking.
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                  Yes but Turkey isn't the one making concessions, it's Armenia.


                  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    I dont think i could reach such conclusions even after a full night of heavy drinking.
                    I told you yesterday you are drinking Vodka and Borsch. Now go and play with the Russians so to speak.


                    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                      "Voch Mi Zichoom Turkerin" Say 60,000 Protesters in Yerevan

                      Yerkir Media gives a wrap up of the 60,000+ procession and rally in Yerevan against the Turkey-Armenia Protocols. Protesters marched the Dzidzernagapert Arm...

