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Armenian-Turkish Relations

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  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

    *The following is not likely to happen but it would be an interesting scenario.*

    If you were the president of Armenia and Turkey calls you one day and tells you that if Armenia recognises Northern Cyprus Turkey would in exchange recognise Artsakh, would you take this deal? Yes/no and why.

    If they upped the ante and asked you to sign these protocols in addition to them putting the above offer on the table, would you still take it? Yes/no and why.
    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

      Yes in a heart beat, because it means we have a meeting of the mindson certain principles.
      The protocols, maybe.need more information and need to hear the agreement from both side in unison, but we're not at that stage yet.
      "All truth passes through three stages:
      First, it is ridiculed;
      Second, it is violently opposed; and
      Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

      Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


      • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

        I highly respect this man,maybe we should make another protocols that is more clear and understandable,if so then we should only agree in open borders and no more,such statement brings panic to me.
        We must then write another protocol that will be acceptable from all the parties.


        • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          *The following is not likely to happen but it would be an interesting scenario.*

          If you were the president of Armenia and Turkey calls you one day and tells you that if Armenia recognises Northern Cyprus Turkey would in exchange recognise Artsakh, would you take this deal? Yes/no and why.

          If they upped the ante and asked you to sign these protocols in addition to them putting the above offer on the table, would you still take it? Yes/no and why.
          It never would happen, it is to much hipotetical to even concider
          I am pass on this one


          • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

            I would take either one of these deals because i think the most important thing for Armenia is to consolidate whatever gains it has made so it can become a stronger nation. While agreements and treaties are meaningless pieces of papers which can be broken by the stronger side at will, it is important to make a important distinction here and that being the fact that kharabagh is populated by Armenians! It is top prioroity that we hold on to as much of our gains in kharabagh as possible even if it means conceeding on other issues.
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

              I go along with what this gentleman has alluded. The protocols must be rewritten exactly the way he is suggesting and prescribing. From the ghetgo a bunch of us have been saying that there is plenty of concessions on our part for a darn opening the borders with turkey, which is mostly on behalf of turkey. Armenia's government (Serge and Nalbandyan) have not put any pre-conditions for our part - only turkey. Why??? What is going on in here? It looks to me that both Serge and Edward have been bought up by turkey. Otherwise, what are they afraid of? We are conceiding and putting our bar down almost totally down, but turkey is winning in its entirety as they want no Genocide approval, not a cent of blood money to any of the heirs of our survivors, no lands back and giving back Artsakh to the "azeris" when it was never their lands and plus our poor Fedayis died for our land. And by opening the borders with Armenia they'll be able to show to the Europeans that they are fully OK with us to get into the EU. This is uncalled for and it is injustice for the people of Armenia and for our future generations. Otherwise protocols must not be signed.

              I just wish this very intelligent gentleman was in power now as he was in the past. Mekhk. Let's put him in power again Fed jan. Yerani teh. And thanks a lot for this post. He's got very good ideas!!!
              Last edited by Anoush; 09-08-2009, 05:19 PM.


              • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                Armenia's government (Serge and Nalbandyan) have not put any pre-conditions for our part - only turkey. Why??? What is going on in here?

                The answer to your question is simple, turckey does not need the open border as much as Armenia does.
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                  Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                  Armenia's government (Serge and Nalbandyan) have not put any pre-conditions for our part - only turkey. Why??? What is going on in here?

                  The answer to your question is simple, turckey does not need the open border as much as Armenia does.
                  Don't they? How about the EU? It is actually the super powers along with turkey that are pushing for it from my understanding and we also know why? Because of the oil from the "azeris" and also turkey stands more powerful between Russia, the Iranians and Europe. Nevertheless we cannot afford to lose our sovereignty and neither Artsakh, do we?
                  Last edited by Anoush; 09-08-2009, 06:13 PM.


                  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                    Also the Zionists in the US Congress along with their turkish co-habitants since a year ago the turks asked the Zionists J'ews to do something against the Genocide recognition in the US. And when the war between the Georgians and Russia effected Armenia's economy then this is what the super powers and turkey decided to do. Darn it. We must speak both politically and powerfully with Russia NOT to give in to turkey. We are fully and completely giving in to them. I hate it and I am afraid and extremely disappointed with our government heads. They must be better politicians or else get out and let someone as intelligent as Oskanian to take over.
                    Last edited by Anoush; 09-08-2009, 06:12 PM.


                    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                      Purpose of the Armenian-Turkish Historical Commission:

                      Turkey badly needs creation of the Historical Commission, to avoid AG impending restitution, further recognition and blaming such countries as France, Germany etc. that "ignorantly" (using world wide known, written, historical facts) accepted AG; which now is questioned by Armenia.
                      Last edited by gegev; 09-08-2009, 11:43 PM.

