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Armenian Georgian Relations

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  • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations

    interesting article...

    Սաակաշվիլին վրեժ է լուծում հայերից հոր պատճառով. Georgia Times
    21:40 • 30.08.11

    Երևում է՝ Միխեիլ Սաակաշվիլիի ռեժիմը որոշել է վերջնականապես փչացնել հարաբերությունները հայերի հետ։ Այս մասին գրում է Georgia Times կայքը՝ մեկնաբանելով վերջին շրջանում Վրաստանի իշխանությունների կողմից իրականացվող հակահայ քաղաքականությունը։

    «Նախ Վրաստանի սփյուռքի հարցերով պետնախարար Միրզա Դավիտայան հայտարարեց, թե Վրաստանն աջակցում է Ադրբեջանի տարածքային ամբողջականությանը և կողմ է «օկուպացված տարածքների ազատագրմանը»։ Որոշ ժամանակ անց ԶԼՄ–ներում հայտնվեց տեղեկություն Թբիլիսիի դպրոցներից մեկի տնօրինության կողմից հայկական հատվածի դեմ իրականացվող խտրականության մասին»,– գրում է Georgia Times–ը, որը թեմայի առնչությամբ զրուցել է Ռուսաստանում ջավախահայության սփյուռքի առաջնորդ Աղասի Արաբյանի հետ։

    «Իրենց դիվանագիտական կուլտուրայի պատճառով հայաստանյան իշխանությունները չեն արձագանքում այդ ամենին և հարևանի հետ հարաբերությունները չփչացնելու համար համբերում են։ Սաակաշվիլին մեկ անգամ չէ, որ խոսել է Ադրբեջանի հետ ընդհանուր թշնամիների մասին։ Մենք՝ որպես հասարակական կազմակերպություն, կարծում ենք, որ նման հայտարարությունն արվել է սադրանքի նպատակով ստեղծված իրավիճակը սրելու համար։ Այլ կերպ դա հնարավոր չէ մեկնաբանել։ Սակայն, միևնույն ժամանակ, պետք չէ մոռանալ, որ Վրաստանն ու Հայաստանը հարևաններ են։ Այդ պատճառով Վրաստանի իշխանությունները, ընդհակառակը, պետք է այնպես անեն, որ հայերը չլքեն իրենց տարածքները։ Երևում է՝ պարոն Ստուրուան ճիշտ էր. Սաակաշվիլիի հայրը հայ է եղել և լքել է իր ընտանիքը, և հենց այստեղից էլ Վրաստանի նախագահը քեն է պահել իր մեջ, ինչն էլ իր հերթին անդրադառնում է հայերի հետ հարաբերությունների վրա»,– ասել է Արաբյանը։
    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


    • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations

      Georgian businessmen (hotel and restaurant owners along the Black sea coast) depend a lot on visitors from Armenia to keep their businesses going.
      Saakashvili cannot upset armenians too much..


      • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations

        Ex-Ambassador of Georgia: we don't want Armenian churches

        September 5, 2011 - 18:39 AMT
        PanARMENIAN.Net - WikiLeaks whistle blowing website released February 26, 2010 cables on a meeting with a former Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia Georgy Tabatadze addressed by ex-Ambassador of U.S. to Armenia Marie Yovanovitch to U.S. Department of State.
        Yovanovitch cites Tabatadze’s statement referring to a conflict between the Armenian Apostolic and Georgian Orthodox Churches over Armenian churches located in Georgia.
        “We don't want the churches. Everyone knows they are Armenian churches.” Tabatadze said. “Yet it would only be fair to the Georgians to receive other churches in return. He specifically pointed out non-operating “Georgian” churches in northern Armenia currently on the state registry with the Government of Armenia. Tabatadze noted that while there are no ethnic Georgians in that area who would use the churches, it is the principle of reciprocity that matters. “In future, Georgian Orthodox church could establish monasteries there,” Tabatadze said, according to the cables.
        Earlier, however, Georgian historians refused to recognize the presence of Armenian churches on the territory of Georgia.


        • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations

          Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
          Ex-Ambassador of Georgia: we don't want Armenian churches

          September 5, 2011 - 18:39 AMT
          PanARMENIAN.Net - WikiLeaks whistle blowing website released February 26, 2010 cables on a meeting with a former Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia Georgy Tabatadze addressed by ex-Ambassador of U.S. to Armenia Marie Yovanovitch to U.S. Department of State.
          Yovanovitch cites Tabatadze’s statement referring to a conflict between the Armenian Apostolic and Georgian Orthodox Churches over Armenian churches located in Georgia.
          “We don't want the churches. Everyone knows they are Armenian churches.” Tabatadze said. “Yet it would only be fair to the Georgians to receive other churches in return. He specifically pointed out non-operating “Georgian” churches in northern Armenia currently on the state registry with the Government of Armenia. Tabatadze noted that while there are no ethnic Georgians in that area who would use the churches, it is the principle of reciprocity that matters. “In future, Georgian Orthodox church could establish monasteries there,” Tabatadze said, according to the cables.
          Earlier, however, Georgian historians refused to recognize the presence of Armenian churches on the territory of Georgia.
          Earlier this year my wife was on business in Georgia. Part of the itinerary was a tour, as usual.

          She was with about 5 Georgians and 3 Abkhaz so there were nice dynamics in the group. They went into an ancient church and my wife read some of the inscriptions and translated them into Russian for the others. The Georgians were shocked that she could read "Ancient Georgian" script. She looked at the Abkhaz and told them that it was Armenian, to have told the Georgians would have been a waste of breath.


          • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations

            Will Armenian-Georgian relations collapse?
            BY TIMES.AM AT 24 SEPTEMBER, 2011, 11:35 AM

            Armenian newspaper “Haykakan Zhamanak” (“Armenian time”) writes about difficulties in Armenian-Georgian relations. According to the newspaper scandal may take plac eon this ground.

            “Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili did not congratulate Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Armenian Independence. Note, even Turkish President Abdullah Gul sent congratulation. And after it Georgia suspended its gas supply to Armenia and the explanation about technical problem is not noticed”, the newspaper concluded.



            Georgian ambassador summoned to Armenian Foreign Ministry

            September 24, 2011 - 11:04 AMT
            PanARMENIAN.Net - Georgia’s ambassador to Armenia Tengiz Sharmanashvili was summoned to the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs over the recent statement by the Georgian MFA regarding the municipal elections in Nagorno Karabakh.
            “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia officially confirms support of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in its internationally recognized borders and sovereignty and does not recognize the illegal elections to local self-government in Nagorno Karabakh,” the Georgian Ministry said in a statement.
            Elections to the local self-government were held in 209 constituencies of Artsakh on September 18. 54 658 voters participated.


            • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations

              Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
              Will Armenian-Georgian relations collapse?
              BY TIMES.AM AT 24 SEPTEMBER, 2011, 11:35 AM

              Armenian newspaper “Haykakan Zhamanak” (“Armenian time”) writes about difficulties in Armenian-Georgian relations. According to the newspaper scandal may take plac eon this ground.

              “Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili did not congratulate Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Armenian Independence. Note, even Turkish President Abdullah Gul sent congratulation. And after it Georgia suspended its gas supply to Armenia and the explanation about technical problem is not noticed”, the newspaper concluded.



              Georgian ambassador summoned to Armenian Foreign Ministry

              September 24, 2011 - 11:04 AMT
              PanARMENIAN.Net - Georgia’s ambassador to Armenia Tengiz Sharmanashvili was summoned to the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs over the recent statement by the Georgian MFA regarding the municipal elections in Nagorno Karabakh.
              “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia officially confirms support of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in its internationally recognized borders and sovereignty and does not recognize the illegal elections to local self-government in Nagorno Karabakh,” the Georgian Ministry said in a statement.
              Elections to the local self-government were held in 209 constituencies of Artsakh on September 18. 54 658 voters participated.
              It shouldn't be surprising that Georgia is anti-Armenian, but given the important trade that comes from there, we need to sustain a minimum amount of relations.
              Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
              "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


              • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations


                Story from News:

                Published: 17:32:22 - 23/09/2011

                A petition in defense of the rights of Vahagn Chakhalyan and Armenian
                of Javakhk, signatures attached, directed to the participants of the
                Forum of Diaspora organizations held in Yerevan on September 19-21
                has been worked out in Javakhk and signed by more than 1400 people
                from Akhalkalak, Ninotsminda, Aspinzai, Borjom and Tsalka.

                The petition and the signatures will soon be sent to the Ministry of
                Diaspora of Armenia.

                The authors urge to stop violence and provocations against Vahagn
                Chakhalyan in jail, to stop pressure on his family and friends, to
                justify and immediately set him free, to ensure a state status to
                the Armenian language in the region and remove the ban on entry in
                Georgia of Armenian and Diaspora figures.


                • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations


                  Javakhki Orhnerke


                  • Re: Armenian Georgian Relations

                    Javakhk, armenia, georgia, hayastan, vrastan, javaxq, somekhi, yerevan, armenian flag, artshakh

                    Javakhk's flag raised on top of Masis sar/Ararat.


                    • Jalousy, mother of stuoidity

                      Written by Koka Kalandadze

                      The Financial
                      Sept 26 2011

                      The FINANCIAL -- While HSBC brings the shutters down on their
                      business in Georgia, claiming the country is of limited size and
                      scale, lingering questions remain about similar markets' prospects
                      in the region: for example Armenia.

                      Speaking about their expansion plans in 2008, Anthony Turner, the
                      first CEO of HSBC Bank Georgia, noted that: "Today on the list of
                      developing countries in the post-Soviet sphere, Georgia has some
                      major advantages and stands higher than neighbouring countries."

                      Despite this statement, the Bank has pulled out from Georgia after just
                      3 years of operations. This time Guy Lewis, the new CEO of HSBC Georgia
                      commented that: "Despite considerable efforts made in the country,
                      we feel that now is the right time to withdraw from the market".

                      There has, however, been no question raised about similar small
                      markets for HSBC such as Armenia: another potential exit country.

                      In Armenia, the Bank started its activity in 1996 as Midland Armenia
                      Bank JSC. In 1998 it was renamed HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC. The
                      co-founders of the Bank are HSBC Group (accounting for 70%) and
                      investors representing the Armenian Diaspora (30%).

                      Despite the fact that HSBC was only recently established in Georgia,
                      the more important thing turns out to be the question of ownership
                      which is still 70% HSBC with the remaining 30% belonging to Watche
                      Agiche Manoukian.

                      Watche Manoukian, Board Chairman, is the founding shareholder of HSBC
                      Bank Armenia CJSC, appointed Chairman of the Board in 1995. He is a
                      London-based investor, a commercial developer, an internationally-known
                      philanthropist - and a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Hayastan
                      All Armenian Fund.

                      This profile may have a bearing on HSBC 's regional exit strategy.

                      Moreover, in addition to Watche Manoukian, there are two other
                      Armenians on the Board of Directors and Shareholders of the Bank in
                      Georgia. The rest are internationals, including the existing CEO Guy
                      Lewis, who was appointed Board member of HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC on
                      5 August 2009.

                      According to HSBC officials, the decision to exit Georgia follows
                      a strategic review. They decline to go deeper or to explain more
                      clearly the reasons for the exit.

                      "Until its complete withdrawal, HSBC is committed to ensuring a
                      smooth transition to a new banking provider for existing customers,"
                      says the CEO of HSBC .

                      "In terms of capital return criteria (22%) Armenia is ahead of
                      Georgia", Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Armenia Astrid Clifford
                      said last week during the press-conference in Erevan. Her words were
                      quoted by Arka news agency.

                      According to Clifford, since its inception in 1996 HSBC Bank Armenia
                      has established a very successful business and has been making profits
                      since 1997. The bank accounts from 20 to 30% of different services
                      at the local banking market.

                      "The figure is higher than the target indicator of HSBC Group. She
                      said the bank's credit portfolio continues to expand at the expense of
                      deposits, thus ensuring self-sufficiency, while in Georgia the loan
                      portfolio is not secured by deposits.â~@¨â~@¨She said another of the
                      five basic criteria is the level of integration with international
                      markets and in countries. In this sense Armenia has a rather high
                      potential of its Diaspora, and the HSBC Group attaches importance to
                      its use in the context of market integration.

                      Astrid Clifford has been with HSBC Group for 19 years as an
                      International Manager.

                      Before coming to Armenia, Astrid Clifford was Regional Head of
                      Insurance for HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, based in Dubai.

                      The bank said its pre-tax profit in Armenia increased to AMD 3.5
                      billion the first half of 2011, a 48% increase on the same period
                      in 2010.

                      Total assets at 30 June 2011 were up by 7 % compared to 31 December
                      2010, amounting to AMD155 billion. Gross customer loans increased
                      by 6 % to AMD91 billion as at 30 June 2011, with the corporate loan
                      portfolio being AMD69 billion. Customer deposits increased by 4 %
                      to AMD109 billion as at 30 June 2011, bank said.

                      HSBC Bank Armenia is the largest taxpayer in Armenian banking sector
                      according to the results of the first half of 2011, ranking 14th on
                      the list of 1,000 biggest Armenian taxpayers.

                      "We are all truly sad to see a brand such as HSBC leave Georgia.

                      Although we never like to see such a well-respected bank (and employer)
                      leave, I believe we will experience few if any negative consequences
                      from its exit from Georgia," said Michael Cowgill, President of the
                      Georgian American University.

                      Experts don't expect HSBC 's significant move to have any serious
                      negative consequences for Georgia. The decision itself is still
                      under questions.

