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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Elections in Armenia

    Wrong thread.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by TomServo; 02-26-2013, 04:13 PM.


    • Re: Elections in Armenia

      Mher, the opposition sucked, I can see it from 10,000 miles away. Why don't you point the same light on the opposition? How they handled this is embarrassing to say the least. You just don't want to except the fact that people voted for Serj. In light of the competition who would blame them!

      About deserving democracy, the opposition has to display some maturity to start with. You can't have a bunch of clowns going around pulling stunts! This is a shame for all of us, but for you the bigger shame is not seeing these glowing idiocy that was displayed by the opposition. Regardless of who is what behind closed doors at least Serj displayed that he can handle the job and is not some two year old. You are also forgetting that Raffi was invited to take part in the government back in the 90's so much for your old boy network theory. But wait, wait with him in republic square to have the presidency handed to him. Even the Joo press is agreeing that Serj won! Leave it up to Armenians to give themselves a bad name. That's just what has happened, yet you fail to point out any of these.

      This was a glowing embarrassing show of stupidity by the opposition, every single one of them. Staging hunger strikes why not go and try and getting another voter? If you don't see the mistakes made then we are going to repeat this yet again with more stupidity to come.


      • Re: Elections in Armenia

        Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
        Never seen so many people so eager to hang themselves along with their countrymen. Lets take a look at the two candidates yet again. Serj was born in Stepanagert Kharabagh-Raffi was born in sunny Fresno California. Serj served in the soviet military 1971-72-Raffi never served in any military. Serj was involved with runing Gharabagh before the war and became chairman of the kharabagh defence forces and he was the main planner of several successful battles kharabagh won. Raffi was watching scooby doo and when he finely did come to Armenia he joined Mr LTP and has been his buddy since. I know some here are not good at reading comprehension so i will repeat the important stuff once more. Serj=Kharabaghtsi with military and political experience vs Raffi=pampered diasporan with scoobi doo and kissing arss experience. Btw does anyone remember what happened the last time we left things under the control of LTP? Now do we really want to leave the country to the buddy of LTP? I know that Raffi is a diasporan and that means something to the diasporan armenians and you are right-it means like most diasporans Raffi is also brainwashed with the wonders of capitalism and democracy which never existed anywhere nore anytime. Like most other diasporans Raffi does not see any armenian issue unless it has the word genocide in it. Like most american diasporans Raffi thinks the USA economic/political model should be copied in Armenia. Raffi's actions mirror those of the typical USA politition. Diasporans along with Raffi have a hard time understanding that Armenia is not USA. Instead of fighting indians and their bows and arrows we have to contend with modern armies which drasticaly outnumber us. Instead of enjoying a industrial revolution with almost limitless resources we armenians dont have much resources. The USA has been protected by vast oceans from enemies for centuries while Armenia has been invaded by vast numbers of enemies over many more centuries. There is nothing wrong with a "can do attitude" as long as you really can do it but you cannot bring western ideologies and ways of doing things and dump them on Armenia and expect them to work when they don't even work in the USA. Wake up people - just because he is a diasporan does not make him a good leader. I will give Raffi credit where credit is due-unlike most diasporans not only has he been to Armenia but has settled there to. The funny thing is that the kind of change that is badly needed in Armenia is the last kind of change the diasporans and Mr Raffi have in mind. Capitalism is killing the entire world including the USA and Armenia and regardless of who is our leader the capitalist system will ensure that oligarchs and monopolists will continue to run everything just like they do in USA. I know this is just too much for many of you to comprehend and im not saying this to be sarcastic-unfortunately its the truth because everything i wrote here has been written before yet peoplehere still think Raffi will fix it and that Serj could have fixed it but chose not to. To see the world for what it really is you may have to look beyond your long armenian nose.
        My dear,
        Wish you wrote this piece in Armenian.
        You would have made a lot of guy's day
        So much funny ignorance/disinformation is worth the time !!!!!!!

        In fact, you pretend to be an expert, but your expertise is more sarcastic/humoristic than scholar???
        You never answer when cornered, in place you rewind you anti-capitalist diarea, again and again....

        For your Info:
        Serj is not born in Stepanakert. He is born in Degh village, Goris district.
        Serj was known as LTP's sanik...; Without rewinding the story of those days, wich would need pages... just learn something, for once:
        - the promotions of Serj was never based on his military experience, courage, experience... he was imposed on Artsakhtzis directly by LTP.
        - there are virtually no ideological differences between LTP and Serjik. If there wasn't the imperative pressures of LTP/Vano/Vazken, none of Serjik/Robert/Samo would have done their ways as they did.....
        Last edited by Vrej1915; 02-26-2013, 04:36 PM.


        • Re: Elections in Armenia

          Vrej talking to you is hopeless. The fact that Serj was born close to Kharabagh but not in it is an issue for you? The fact that he served in kharabagh all those years are meaningless to? In the end what matters is what the person does and Serj has done a lot for Armenia and kharabagh. If you choose not to see it then see what you like. No difference between Serj and LTP you say? Well like i said-hopeless.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Elections in Armenia

            Here is some more info for you Vrej about how alike Serj and LTP are


            February 26

            The Armenian National Congress (HAK) Party has urged its supporters
            to join the rally that Heritage Party will hold near Monument
            to Myasnikian on March 1. Earlier HAK had notified the Yerevan
            Municipality of its intention to organize a rally in Liberty Square
            on March 1.

            "HAK considers holding on the same day two rallies dedicated to the
            same event to be inexpedient. We call upon our supporters to gather
            at Monument to Myasnikian and pay tribute to the victims of the March
            1 events," a statement of HAK says.

            TODAY, 17:41

            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Elections in Armenia

              Here is the cowbow showing how full of himself he really is.

              February 26, 2013 | 12:42

              YEREVAN.- Former candidate Raffi Hovannisian demanded dismissals of
              the Aramavir city top officials.

              During the meeting with Armavir residents, Hovannisian said from now
              on changing situation in the country is the meaning of his life.

              "No migration and poverty any more, we must change the situation,"
              he said, adding that he is a servant of the Armenian people.

              Raffi Hovannisian called on the Armenian citizens not to be afraid as
              "it is our country, not someone else's."

              He demanded that not only mayor of Armavir, but head of alderman
              council and head of administration must resign.

              "Tomorrow we will demand dismissal of Syunik administration head. It
              is a long struggle, I call you to be ready," he noted.

              On Tuesday Hovannisian will continue his tour of Armenia's regions.
              Hayastan or Bust.


              • Re: Elections in Armenia

                For the absolute best analysis on the recently completed Presidential elections in Armenia, as well as a treasure trove of relevant articles citing both clear-sighted Nationalist sources as well as doom-and-gloom "opposition"/foreign-funded media propaganda, please visit the following page:


                There is also a useful comments section at the bottom of the page as well.


                • Re: Elections in Armenia

                  Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                  Vrej talking to you is hopeless. The fact that Serj was born close to Kharabagh but not in it is an issue for you? The fact that he served in kharabagh all those years are meaningless to? In the end what matters is what the person does and Serj has done a lot for Armenia and kharabagh. If you choose not to see it then see what you like. No difference between Serj and LTP you say? Well like i said-hopeless.
                  The point was not serj, the point is that you affirm things that are false, and base yourself on erroneous data.
                  Which by itself values all your theories...
                  I still wait which fighting operation did he risk his life in????,

                  To sum it: the question is your credibility.

                  For the Serj/LTP original links, no need to make a lectzia about something very widely and well known to all persons having lived a couple of days in Artsakh/Zankezour... something you never did apparently.


                  • Re: Elections in Armenia

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    The achievements are substantial.
                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    1. Armenia now has a tax system that works.
                    As an absolute statement that must be a joke.
                    Armenia may have a tax system but it does not apply to everybody equally.
                    Some comments that have come from Dodi gago camp confirm this.
                    It is not regressive enough to help improve the standards of living of the majority and give dynamism to the economy.

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    2. You do not see cops stoping cars for $0.25 every mile.
                    Is that another joke?
                    The President getting involved solving corruption in the traffic police?
                    How about the layers of Government between the President and the Police traffic department?

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    3. Despite the booming oil revanues the azeris are still too scared to attack.
                    Overall this is a fact. Armenia since independence and cease fire agreement has been on semi-war footing.
                    Basically the status quo has been maintained.
                    Also great effort and resources have been allocated to asymmetric response to compensate for the Azerbaijan purchasing power.
                    It would be fair to say that his involvement in building the Army ( with others ) from its infancy has given him great experience.
                    One must be careful not to underestimate the leadership and contribution made by Defence Minister Ohanyan in this area.

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    4. The signing of the protocals proved to be a huge boon in international politics because by rejecting them Turkey showed its true face on the international level.
                    Turkey’s aggressive policies are well understood, tolerated and at times even rewarded by most parties, US, Europe even Russia.
                    To actually say the protocols did Turkey damage is nonsense.
                    As an example despite frequent political clashes with France over Armenia, France is one of the biggest inward investors in Turkey.
                    Enough said, they are just air boxing.

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    5. The thing that i thought souldnt be done was playing the west vs the east effectively and i am glad he proved me wrong. Serj has been able to derive benefits from Russia, Eu, USA, and even Iran without having to pay any steep prices.
                    Friend and foe understand the defence agreement between Armenia and Russia.
                    If we think we are great at political gymnastics then we should have that privilege, the reality is we are in Russia's sphere of influence and interest.
                    Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                    Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                    Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                    • Re: Elections in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Sarkis86 View Post
                      For the absolute best analysis on the recently completed Presidential elections in Armenia, as well as a treasure trove of relevant articles citing both clear-sighted Nationalist sources as well as doom-and-gloom "opposition"/foreign-funded media propaganda, please visit the following page:


                      There is also a useful comments section at the bottom of the page as well.

                      I read it !!!
                      I liked this one !!

                      Anonymous said...

                      I was talking to a friend tonight and I got a brand new anecdote from Yerevan!

                      Here it goes: Obama, Putin, and Sargsyan are on a plane trip to a vacation spot when suddenly both engines of their aircraft stop working.
                      The three presidents desperately begin searching for a parachute but they can only find one.
                      But being that they are all democratically elected presidents, they decide to vote on who’ll get the parachute.
                      In a short period of time Sargsyan wins the vote, grabs the parachute and quickly jumps out of the airplane before Obama or Putin can do anything.
                      With the look of absolutely shock on his face, Obama looks to Putin and asks: “How could Serj manage to get 20 votes in a plane that is manned by only one pilot?”

                      Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                      Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                      Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests

