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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Elections in Armenia

    I also seriously question the moral character of those who "joke" in that way about sexual abuse.
    So Siggie does this mean you hold bell's moral character in question? As he is the one who started the entire sexuality with younger males in the armed forces.

    And it's amazing to claim to be able to recognize bias in others
    Yes and then lecture others yourself, while avoiding the pet's indiscretions rings hallow. The man has derailed not just one but many threads yet he is the sinless one here?

    Again let me ask you oh wise one who started this sexuality business by claiming "Or is this the secret fantasy of all the Serjolites, to be groped by him? " So all of us have secret fantasies to be molested by Serj? I mean to crack a joke of sexual abuse speaks volumes of his moral character, and you see none of this do you?

    Yet when he gets his arse handed to him, you come here and judge the rest of us of our moral character? If you are this blind then you are simply welcome to your opinion of me, but don't stand there as if you hold some kind of moral high ground, it's just another opinion of yours.

    Oh yes but the lecture!
    Last edited by Vahram; 03-25-2013, 03:15 PM.


    • Re: Elections in Armenia

      Post # 1461 --- and you see none of this ---
      Is there anyone out there that could read 10 posts of --- and not see the consistent rude and insulting yap yap .
      Dirty hands ??? With such consistent --- and who don't notice for how many years ???
      Not surprised . Not at all .


      • Re: Elections in Armenia

        I also wonder what all the fuss is about when we basically talk about Ataturk's perverted interest towards young boys every chance we get. Of course, regardless of whether this is true or not, in Turkey you could be arrested for mentioning this. I suppose this is the kind of Armenia you would like too?


        • Re: Elections in Armenia

          Is there anyone out there that could read 10 posts of --- and not see the consistent rude and insulting yap yap .
          As long as the yap yap comes from the pet it's all fine and good. Don't you dare question it, or your morality will be judged next by the people that are blind by will.

          More to the point Artashes, some of these guys have the ballz to put the atabelig and Serj in the same sentence and call themselves patriots! All in defense for the pet, down with Armenia lets save the pet! Where is the puke bucket?

          Note before the pets outburst everyone was having a good conversation! Does not matter, litter here litter there, here kitty kitty!
          Last edited by Vahram; 03-25-2013, 05:48 PM.


          • Re: Elections in Armenia

            Winning elections and keeping the win, the Serj way.

            Transparancy International anti-corruption center

            Statement of Armenian NGOs in regard with the failure of detection of electoral violations of 2013 presidential elections

            On February 18 2013, Armenia held presidential elections that were accompanied with gross violations reported by a numerous organizations and individuals. In this respect, Europe in Law Association and Transparency International Anticorruption Center voice their concern over the reluctance of the Armenian law enforcement bodies to detect criminal cases and the illegal acts tended to conceal the crime.

            On 18 February, 2013, the Armenian Non-Governmental Organization Europe in Law Association conducted an observation mission in 14 polling stations in the constituency no 17, which covers the town of Artashat and several of its neighbouring villages. The Europe in Law Association’s team of observers worked in these polling stations together with journalists invited by the organization. In the course of the observation, the Europe in Law Association’s team detected numerous cases of electoral fraud, including ballot-box stuffing, multiple voting, abuse of administrative resource, intimidation of and pressures on observers and journalists. On the day of voting and afterwards, the Europe in Law Association’s observers made several reports to the police, and the Police in Artashat and the Special Investigative Service have instituted criminal cases based on several of our reports.

            One of these cases concerns ballot-box stuffing in polling station 17/5 in Artashat. The witnesses of the crime were observer Narine Esmaeli and journalist Artak Hambardzoumyan. Narine is an American citizen of Armenian origin. She has arrived here through an organization called Birthright Armenia and currently does an internship with Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center. In this case, some 25-30 young men stormed into the polling station, held the hands of the observer and the journalist while the secretary of the precinct commission opened the ballot box herself for one of the guys to stuff some 400-500 ballots into it.
            This case became subject of examination by the Special Investigative Service by investigator Gorik Hovakimyan. Narine Esmaeili was invited to give testimony, which she did in the presence of Tigran Yegoryan, advocate and member of Europe in Law Association. Investigation was accompanied by aggressive behavior, vocal intimidation and changing of words by the investigator, attempting to hinder the witness’s efforts to provide the true picture of what happened at precinct 17/05 on the Election Day.

            Since attorneys are entitled to collect evidence, including by means of recordings under Article 18 of the Law on Advocacy and it was critical to collect evidence on unlawful investigation practice, Tigran Yegoryan recorded the interrogations.

            On 1 March, 2013, on the day of cross examination of Narine Esmaeili with the secretary of the precinct electoral commission, the investigator Hovakimyan started an argument with Tigran Yegoryan over the necessity and lawfulness of recording the proceedings. Narine’s representative substantiated his right under Armenian law, while the investigator could not prove the absence of such a right. After arguing with him for about 40 minutes the investigator went out of the room and came back with the Head of the Service, Andranik Mirzoyan who prohibited the representative to record the interrogation in very rude terms by telling one of his investigators (there were 5 of them in the room) to throw his recorder into the toilet. He then did not even wait for his order to be carried out but he himself snatched the recorder from Tigran Yegoryan's hand and threw it into the shelf in that room. Later, one of the investigators took it out secretly and erased the recordings. Nevertheless, part of these recordings are currently at Europe in Law Association’s disposal.

            The process of investigation of this particular case indicates the reluctance of the Special Investigative Service to detect the electoral violation and punish the act of crime. Instead, representatives of this entity are engaged in unlawful processes that create obstacles for effective investigation, put pressure on witness and indicate protection of the potential suspect.
            The Europe in Law Association and Transparency International Anti-Corruption Centre deplore the unlawful actions of the investigators of the Special Investigative Service and particularly those of Andranik Mirzoyan, the Head of the Special Investigative Service,
            We call on the US Embassy in Armenia to interfere and to request assurances from the Armenian government for the security of its citizen Narine Esmaeli.

            We further call on the OSCE/ODIHR to pay special attention to the practices of the Armenian law enforcement bodies to investigate and detect the election-related fraud.

            We finally call on the Armenian authorities to make sure that all election-related crimes are investigated in a transparent, effective and lawful manner and that the Armenian society is regularly updated on their progress.

            Europe in Law Association
            Transparency International Anticorruption Center

            Transparancy International anti-corruption center

            Observation made a difference: election results were nullified in 17/5 electoral precinct

            By the decision of RA Constitutional Court election results were nullified in 17/5 electoral precinct, and it was suggested that the case materials be sent to prosecutor's office. On February 18, 2013, violation was committed against Narine Esmaeli, Birthright Armenia program participant who currently does an internship with Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center and journalist Artak Hambardzumyan, representative of "Journalists for Human Rights" NGO, who were monitoring elections in 17/5 electoral precinct as part of Europe in Law Association NGO election observation mission. The observer and journalist testified that some 25-30 young men stormed into the polling station, held the hands of the observer and the journalist while the secretary of the precinct commission opened the ballot box herself for one of the guys to stuff some 400-500 ballots into it.

            Based on the applications filed by the observer and the journalist Ararat police department of Armenia had sent the materials to Special Investigation Service, where a criminal case was initiated on February 22, 2013.

            Transparancy International anti-corruption center

            TIAC applied to Ethics Commission for High-Ranking Officials

            Transparency International Anti-corruption Center NGO (TIAC) applied to Ethics Commission for High-Ranking Officials with a request to examine the compliance of the behavior of Andranik Mirzoyan, the Head of Special Investigation Service (SIS) with rules of ethics for high-ranking officials.

            During the voting process on February 18, 2013 U.S. citizen Narine Esmeli, currently an intern with Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center was an observer in Europe in Law Association NGO team, monitoring elections in 17/5 precinct. Narine Esmeli was a witness in a criminal case initiated in SIS based on a report of ballot-box stuffing in the mentioned precinct.

            On March 1, 2013, on the day of cross examination of Narine Esmaeili with the secretary of the precinct electoral commission, an argument broke out between the investigator Hovakimyan and attorney Tigran Yegoryan representing Narine Esmeli over the necessity and lawfulness of recording the proceedings. Though the Criminal Procedure Code does not prevent recording during interrogation of the witness, the investigator did not allow the attorney to record the confrontation.

            After arguing with the attorney for about 40 minutes the investigator went out of the room and came back with the Head of the Service, Andranik Mirzoyan who prohibited the representative to record the interrogation in very rude terms by telling one of his investigators (there were 5 of them in the room) to throw his recorder into the toilet. He then did not even wait for his order to be carried out but he himself snatched the recorder from Tigran Yegoryan's hand and threw it into the shelf in that room. Later, it turned out that someone had managed to erase the recordings.

            In this respect, the Europe in Law Association and Transparency International Anticorruption Center issued a statement on the mentioned incident in press and electronic media (, deploring the unlawful actions of the investigators of the Special Investigative Service and particularly those of Andranik Mirzoyan, the Head of the Special Investigative Service concerning investigation of the cases on election violations. (

            On March 6, 2013 SIS issued a statement posted on its official website and released by mass media, where it referenced RA criminal procedure legislation, attempting to substantiate lawfulness of the actions of the Head of SIS and the investigator by claiming the facts on psychological pressure and illegal prohibition of the recording process mentioned in the statement deceitful. Whereas the norms (Article 201, Article 206) they referenced in Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia do not contain provisions on prohibiting to record investigation procedure.

            The Republic of Armenia Law on Public Service sets forth Ethics rules for public servants and high-ranking officials, including that they shall "respect and observe the law; contribute by his/her actions to developing trust in and respect for the position he/she holds and the body he/she represents; manifest conduct befitting the position anywhere and in any activity; manifest a respectful attitude towards the persons with who he/she has contacts when exercising his/her powers (Article 28, part 3, par. 1,3,4,5).

            It is evident that M. Mirzoyan’s above mentioned conduct manifests a gross violation of rules of ethics for high-ranking officials. It threatens developing trust in and respect for of the body - SIS he represents, in particular regarding objective investigation of the cases on election violation and their detection.
            Plenipotentiary meow!


            • Re: Elections in Armenia

              How to loose an election and declare yourself a winner

              New book written by a common house pet sells millions of copies worldwide....LOL

              Meowww! Oh sh!t sorry did not mean to step on the cats tail...LOL

              God knows what will happen to me now? Will they make me go to Raffi's tent? Will they make me sneak cookies to him in the dead of night and pet his cat?...ROTFLMAO

              Meanwhile back to reality!

              [opposition Heritage Party Chairman, former FM Raffi] Hovannisian [who is declared runner-up to the winner, incumbent President Serzh Sargsyan, as a result of the presidential election that was conducted on February 18, but who claims to be the real winner in the vote and who declared a hunger strike on March 10 at capital city Yerevan’s Liberty Square]

              At the same time, however, he did not comment on Hovannisian’s next courses of action, but noted that Heritage’s leader sometimes makes unpredictable decisions.

              “Hovannisian often adopts decisions which even his party members are uninformed of, and that is why I can say that everything is possible,”

              I have come to think that Armenia has become too democratic for it's own good! For example Armenia let this common fool run for the highest post. When he lost, instead of bowing his head like everyone does in a normal democracy, he has chosen to make an arse out of all of us! Hunger strike after hunger strike and the man is fatter now then ever before! He was given a chance, he lost time to go back to the drawing board, but no! Yet another hunger strike! You have to be fecking kidding me!

              Armenia a small landlocked country, with wolfs at the door has to deal with an imbecile like this! No one can argue logic, the same people that count Raffi's votes simply don't want to count Serj votes.
              Last edited by Vahram; 03-25-2013, 06:11 PM.


              • Re: Elections in Armenia

                Winning elections and keeping the win, the Serj way, pt2

                In polling stations where observers were present to monitor the process:
                Sargsyan gets 38% of the voters, Hovhannisyan gets 53% of the voters.

                In polling stations where there were no observers present to monitor the process:
                Sargsyan gets 58% of the voters, Hovhannisyan gets 20% of the voters, and the turnout is strangely much higher.

                Plenipotentiary meow!


                • Re: Elections in Armenia

                  Winning elections and keeping the win, the Serj way, pt3, ballot box stuffing

                  U.S. Ambassador Heffern Meets with U.S. Citizen Who Reported February 18 Election Violations

                  U.S. Ambassador Heffern met today with U.S. citizen Narine Esmeli and discussed her current legal case which has come about following Ms. Esmeli’s report of election violations she observed during the voting process in Armenia during the February 18 presidential election.

                  The Ambassador will continue to monitor her case very closely, as well as other post-election developments. The welfare of United States citizens abroad remains the highest priority for the United States government.

                  Ambassador Heffern says the U.S. remains committed to continue working with the government of Armenia and the Armenian people to help strengthen democratic processes that will guarantee the freedom of all individuals to express their views and opinions, without fear of harassment or persecution.
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • Re: Elections in Armenia

                    Am not doughting election tampering in Armenia . But to call the US embassy in Yerevan to protest !!??
                    Did anyone follow boy George's " win " his first time around ? Anyone out there think Florida is a straight shooter ?
                    The polling station in Armenia ( Artashat ) was nullified . How about Florida ???
                    An ancient people having suffered mass murder , mass torture , mass theft and virtually completely destroyed now has a 20 year old republic . We've come a long way .
                    We are not the conniving thiefs that England and the US are , but they are being held up as models of what ?? How to rip off and subjugate whoever allows their multi national corps in the door !!!
                    And a comparison to attajerk is being made to Serg ???????????
                    ---- ( ------ )


                    • Re: Elections in Armenia

                      How to loose an election and declare yourself a winner, pt2

                      the international community -- including Russia -- has accepted the official results and extended formal congratulations to Sarkisian
                      This from the COE

                      European Council President Herman Van Rompuy issued a message of congratulations to Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of his reelection to the Office of the President of Armenia.

                      “I salute the reforms that are launched in your country in the recent years. These efforts will bring your country closer to the European Union. I also salute the further progress [that is achieved] in your efforts to conduct elections that meet international standards.

                      I would like to congratulate you on your reelection as President of the Republic of Armenia. I look forward to continuing our work together as we both begin our second terms.

                      Your re-election presents opportunities to advance the relationship between our two countries and to build your legacy as a leader who solidifies Armenia's reforms and furthers the cause of peace for your people and the people of your region.

                      You can be assured that the United States, as Armenia's enduring friend and partner, stands with you in working to achieve these worthy goals”, the President of the USA said in his message.
                      Meow, oh Sh!t sorry I did not mean to do that again...LOL

                      Here is a cookie please take it back with you to Raffi...ROTF

