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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

    Originally posted by Armanen View Post
    That is not enough, he needs to be deported or executed!

    I think the proper procedure in this situation is to execute him and than deport his remains to israel. You have to send a clear signal. And if you want to come across as "Democratic" than he should be put in jail for tax evasion.


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      I just spoke to a friend in Yerevan. According to him, there was sustained machine gun fire around the qaghaqapetaran during the evening on Saturday. He did not know particulars about the incident, however, he said he saw armored vehicles and ambulances rushing to the general area where the gun fire was heard.


      Armenia Declares State of Emergency

      Armenia's president imposed a state of emergency Saturday after police used tear gas and fired shots into the air to disperse demonstrators protesting allege fraud in last month's presidential election. The announcement from the office of President Robert Kocharian came shortly after police broke up the rally of about 15,000 demonstrators. Earlier, police used batons to disperse a tent camp of hundreds of protesters in a square near the city mayor's office.

      The police moved in before 7 a.m. and began forcing protesters onto buses. A few clashes broke out on the central Yerevan square. Demonstrators later regrouped and marched through the city, overturning some cars and breaking windows. There were no immediate reports of injuries from the later rally. The Armenian Health Ministry said 10 people were hospitalized from the morning clash, but did not say how severe their injuries were nor how many of the injured were police.

      The opposition has protested the results of the Feb. 19 presidential election results and tried to force a new vote. Rallies daily have drawn tens of thousands of people; a few hundred remained at the square each night in tents. Officials say Prime Minister Serge Sarkisian — the favored successor of Kocharian — won the vote outright. But supporters of opposition candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian have rejected the results, alleging fraud. The observer mission from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said there were concerns about the vote count, but it issued a generally positive assessment.

      Ter-Petrosian, a former president of Armenia, appealed to the Constitutional Court on Friday to overturn the results. Security police on Saturday prevented Tar-Petrosian from leaving his residence, but he told reporters that he was not under formal house arrest. "If he is accused of committing a crime, he should be properly charged and prosecuted in a court of law like anyone else. In a democracy you cannot arbitrarily detain political opponents," said Terry Davis, secretary-general of the Council of Europe, the continent's main human rights body. The standoff has raised concerns of instability in the poor Caucasus nation at the junction of the energy-rich Caspian Sea region and southern Europe, with Russia and Iran nearby.


      Jooz of Armenia scared?


      Yerevan, 28 February: The leader of the Jewish community of Armenia, Rimma Varzhapetyan, told Mediamax today that she considers the use of the Israeli flag at the rally of ex-President Ter-Petrosyan's supporters to be a"provocation". "I received many phone calls today concerning this and this is why I am asking you to report that the Jewish community of Armenia has othing to do with that, and this is a provocation," Rimma Varzhapetyan told Mediamaxagency. Yesterday, Armenian TV channels showed the rally of Ter-Petrosyan's supporters where the state flag of Israelwas flapping near the platform.


      The pig of Etchmiadzin is under arrest:

      General Manvel Grigorian Under House Arrest

      It is already a few days Lieutenant-General Manvel Grigorian, the Chairman of the Union of Defenders of the Land and the RA Deputy Minister of Defence, has been under house arrest. Reporting this, Aravot (Morning) daily mentions that the assistant of the Deputy Minister (nickname "chut") is detained. "According to romours, the authorities are punishing the general, who "has betrayed" them this way," the daily writes, adding that in response to their question, Seyran Shahsuvarian, the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Defence, who is in Georgia these days with the Minister, has said: "As long as I was in Armenia, there was no such thing. I have no such information."

      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia


        February 28, 2008

        Yerevan /Mediamax/. Head of the xxxish community of Armenia Rimma
        Varzhapetyan told Mediamax today that she considers the fact of
        using the Israeli flag at the rally of Ex-President Ter-Petrosian's
        supporters a "provocation".

        "I received many phone calls today concerning this and this is why I
        ask you to inform that the xxxish community of Armenia has nothing
        to do with that, this is a provocation", Rimma Varzhapetyan told
        Mediamax agency.

        The other day, the Armenian TV channels showed shots from the rally
        of Ter-Petrosian's supporters, where very close to the platform,
        the state flag of Israel was flapping.


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia


          28.02.2008 16:25 GMT+04:00

          /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The xxxish community of Armenia congratulated Serzh
          Sargsyan on election President.

          The congratulatory address issued by community head Rimma Varzhapetyan
          says in part, "Dear Mr Sargsyan, on behalf of the xxxish community of
          Armenia I congratulate you on election the President of the Republic
          of Armenia. We appreciate you activity for the glory of the republic
          and hope that we will live in a civilized, democratic and tolerant
          society. We wish you every success and good health,"

          Leaders of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and China also congratulated
          Serzh Sargsyan on victory in the presidential race, the RA government's
          press office reported.


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            The following post were comments I had made back in August 2007, before the reappearance of the treasonous Pornik Levin Petrostein, regarding the political situation in Armenia. The first post is my reply to Skhara's question regarding whether or not the Armenian population would support a political party in Armenia that is more-or-less anti-Artsakh and pro-Turkey...


            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            Skhara, take the last elections into account: The representative of the "Orinats Yerkir" party, Armen Baghdasarian, was caught by Armenian intelligence services conspiring against the Armenian authorities with the representatives of the British ambassador in Armenia. This is what the Armenian president had to say about the issue at the time:

            Even according to official numbers (obviously manipulated in favor of the ruling party) this "Orinats Yerkir" party got 95,296 votes during the last elections. And today they were number four in parliament. In comparison, the ruling party (Republicans) got 453,032 votes, the ARF at number three got 177,192 votes. And the following article is about the famous "nationalist" leader (and dissident from Communist times) Paruyr Hayrikian:

            When you take these questionable political entities and add to them all the other garbage - Raffi Hovanisian, Alexander Arzunanian, Levon Ter Petrosian, etc, you get perhaps a majority of the votes in the country. And when you add to the above the treasonous activities of the Armenian American Assembly, as well as the numerous NGOs (CIA front offices) you will see that Armenia's political stability is not that secure. That is why the authorities use non-democratic tactics to ensure the maintenance of the political status quo. I also know for sure that Russia's NSB is fully functioning in Armenia, thereby ensuring Armenia's political stability. Personally speaking, I would like the authorities to come down even harder on the aforementioned human wastes.

            The only political groups keeping the status quo alive in the fledgling nation today are the Hanrapetakan (Republicans) party, represented by the ruling administration; the "Barkavaj Hasyastan" (prosperous Armenia) party, represented by the multi-billionaire Tsarukhyan; and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnak). The aforementioned are the primary defenders of Artsakh; they are the primary builders of the Armenian military; they are the primary entities ensuring Yerevan's strategically crucial pro-Russian and pro-Iranian stance.

            As the elections get near, you will see many of these "Armen Ghazaryan" type w-h-o-r-es (Armenian and non-Armenian) coming out of their murky holes. Remember before the last parliamentary elections how they were spreading vicious rumors that Kocharyan had sold Artsakh to the Azeris for 9 billion USD? These people will stop at nothing. Now with the elections nearing next year just watch how low these people will go? And just watch how many idiots in our society they will manage to manipulate with their false promises. Sadly, I have more confidence in Russia keeping Armenia stable than I do with Armenians. And don't be surprised I said this, just take a close look around. Heck, we even have staunch Armenian nationalists here that would not hesitate to assassinate Kocharyan or Sarkisian if given a chance. Do you know that these are the utter idiots that foreign intelligence agents look for when they are roaming the streets of Yerevan?

            Nevertheless, I'm hopeful that Armenia will remain steadfast, Armenia will continue to prosper, Armenia will continue to build stronger ties with Moscow and Tehran. But I also know that danger is not too far away and the biggest danger we face is the one from within.
            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            As the elections in Armenia gets closer their efforts to weaken the Armenian authorities will increase incrementally. They will also not stop at anything to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow, and between Yerevan and Tehran. As the elections near, we will hear vicious rumors, we will see numerous protests by the disgruntled. As the elections near, we will also see individuals coming out of no where and promising the Armenian nation peace and prosperity. Sadly, as the election nears, we may also see killings.

            Those "geghatsiner" that are still hoping for a regime change in Yerevan should take into serious consideration the Russian factor in all this.

            Regardless of one's personal sentiments regarding the ruling administration in Yerevan, the reality of the matter is that the Russian factor will make or break the geopolitical situation there. The Russian factor will also make or break the entire region of the Caucasus. This has nothing to do with Armenia being a subject nation of Russia, nor does it have anything to do with Armenia not being truly independent. Sadly, when you have a tiny impoverished landlocked fledgling nation surrounded by enemies you need to have a major power protecting you. And let's all thank God that Russian interests in the region have thus far coincided with Armenian national interests. Therefore, while the peasants within our population are primarily concerning themselves about how much money our officials are embezzling, or how full their stomachs are, others are trying to a deter a geopolitical disaster from befalling the Armenian nation.

            The fact remains, hungry people, or people who can't see past their personal desires, have never been able to make successful longterm strategic decisions. In light of the current political situation in the Caucasus, the Armenian nation has no other option but to stay close to Moscow and Tehran, the Armenian nation has no option but to keep the current ruling administration in power. The following articles may help people better understand what is going on in Armenian politics.
            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            Although we tend to think all that is stable in Armenia politically, in realty of the matter is that it is not.

            Believe it or not, there are a lot of people in Armenia who's political rational are fully inline with this garbageman called Armen2008. You must realize that Armenians tend to be politically immature and Armenians in the Caucasus region in particular do not have much exposure to the real political world. What's more, since a majority of the population in Armenia have a low standard of living, they will seek change at all costs regardless of geopolitical ramifications. Naturally, the mases only understand their stomachs. Sadly, the masses can't see past their daily survival routine. And let's not forget that Armenians have never been an easy people to rule over, especially when the rulers have been Armenian.

            The number one thing Armenians excel in doing - politically - is complain. And the number one thing Armenians excel in doing - socially - is gossip. Thus, when you combine political immaturity, lack of worldly exposure, chronic social dissatisfaction and a strong tendency to participate in and believe in hearsay/gossip - you get a fertile ground for foreign agents to do their dirty work. So get ready, as we near the presidential elections next year you will see and hear many strange things.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

              Some of my thoughts regarding politics and the elections we just had in Armenia

              Regardless of his flaws, Serzh Sargsyan was the best option we had for the presidency of the Armenian Republic. Despite the continuing corruption and poverty in Armenia, our nation is, nevertheless, going forward. Thus, this was no time to temper with that forward momentum. Armenia today is better than it was a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago, fifteen years ago... However, a fledgling nation will require much time to stand firmly on its two feet. Nevertheless, thanks to the current regime, our nation's borders today are secure, Artsakh is secure, the economy is growing, Yerevan is blossoming, international alliances are developing... And all this is happening despite the worst geopolitical conditions that can be imagined. As a result, we needed to keep the current authorities in power. The Caucasus is a volatile region. We are surrounded by corrupt and dangerous neighbors. We desperately need internal stability. Also, for all its worth, Moscow has strongly signaled that it wants to see the continuation of the current leadership. And Moscow today controls the region's geopolitics. We simply cannot afford to be on their bad side. Such an action would potentially be suicidal for the Armenian Republic.


              I also realize that majority of Armenians today have a minuscule understanding of international geopolitics and sociopolitical dynamics. Most diasporan Armenians are too engulfed with their massive egos to see what is good for the nation and most Armenians in Armenia are simply too impoverished and inexperienced to see what is good for their longterm prosperity. The aforementioned leads me to believe that the best option we have today is the continuation of the current regime.


              There were marked differences between Kocharyan's administration and Levin Petrostein's rule. The important differences for me were the strategic factors of our national interests, factors that were taken into serious account by the Republican Party of Robert Kocharyan: the protection of Artsakh's territorial integrity; Russian-Armenian relations; Iranian-Armenian relations; emphasis on building a strong and modern military; pursuit of Genocide recognition; having good relations with EU. What's more, taking into concideration that against all odds Armenia's economy has grown considerably during the last few years, I believe that Kocharyan's administration was quite successful during its ten year reign.


              I rather have Armenians living under a fascistic tyranny then under the leadership of a treasonous criminal like Levin. Many Armenians today see Levin as a threat to Armenia's national security. Thus, I would not have shed a single tear had the authorities ordered the army to crush any attempted uprising by Levin's idiotic followers. This is no time for dangerous and foolish experiments with democracy. It is not that I don't 'like' the term "democracy", it's just that true democracy, as preached by the western establishment, does not exist anywhere on earth. Simply stated, the lofty concept in question is used by the western elite to meddle in the internal affairs of lesser nations for the purpose of their selfish national interests. Consider the case of Kosovo: Its independence was given purely for geostrategic reasons stemming from the West's severe Russophobia and has nothing to do with self-determination, democracy, freedom, human right, etc. The plight of nations that truly deserve self-determination and independence, nations such as the Armenians of Nagorno Karabagh, Basques of Spain, Ossetians and Abkhazians of the Caucasus and the Kurds of Turkey, are simply ignored by the champions of freedom and democracy.


              I don't understand the indignation, or surprise for that matter, being expressed by some who are upset by what occurred in Kosovo. Albanians/Bosnian Muslims/Turks are the 'perfect group of people' to use as a balancing power against the region's Orthodox Slavs. Had I been a representative of the political elite in the West, I would have resorted to the same tactics as well. The point is, this is simply geopolitics, and a means to safeguard the West's immense wealth and power, one that has taken many centuries to accumulate. When we, the public, for once realize that concepts such as justice, religion, race, morality, law, democracy, human rights, etc, have absolutely 'nothing' to do with politics, we can then better prepare ourselves for these types of developments. Sadly, the vast majority of the people on earth, even the brightest amongst us, do not comprehend the true nature of politics. This gives the elite, the tiny minority that run the economic-political show on earth, the mandate to more-or-less do as they please. Thus, in final analysis, it is our fault, for they can only do what we allow them to do.


              All politicians are corrupt, without exception. All governments are run like the mafia, without exception. The difference between a nation like Armenia and western nations is that the West has accumulated immense wealth over centuries of colonization and exploitation. Today, the "crumb" that falls off the table of the western elite is more than enough for average westerns to live very-very well with. Thus, it's all a matter of perception and relativity. Sadly, albeit quite naturally, the hungry masses in Armenia have no time for political objectivity nor do they care about historic perspective. However, that being said, this does not mean that the leadership in Armenia must listen to the ignorant masses. Even if it exists, such a thing like democracy would not work for nations like Armenia.


              Complaints about Armenia's economy are merely sentimental, emotion derived, coming from frustration and have no basis on reality. Tiny, landlocked, blockaded, without natural resources, with an inexperienced population, in a very complicated and difficult region of the world - the socioeconomic and geopolitical situation of Armenia today is extremely complex, to say the least. As a result, there will be no quick fixes. Nor should attempts be made at the expense of our longterm geostrategic concerns such as Artsakh and the Armenian Genocide. Thus, no administration will be able to cure all of Armenia's ailments. Armenia does not have a treasury that has been accumulating wealth over the centuries. Armenia has not had nationhood for centuries. Armenia has been broke and friendless from day one. What's more, many of Armenia's problems are not within its control, they emanate from abroad.


              The West is not our friend. Western organizations in Armenia should be looked upon with suspicion and western money should be rejected. The West is merely interested in itself. Unlike Turkey and Azerbaijan, we Armenians don't serve western interests, at least for the foreseeable future. Thus, we need to forget about the West providing Armenia with substantial assistance, other than a few dollars they throw here and there to fund "democracy" movements... Nevertheless, with its national borders secure, with Artsakh secure, with gradual growth of its economy, with its strategic alliance with Russia, Armenia is definitely headed towards the right direction. However, it will be a long and difficult road ahead.


              It is easy to see how Levin Petrostein makes Serzh Sargsyan look like an angel. Thus, I simply cannot believe that there are Armenians today who are actually supporting him. This proves to me beyond doubt that we Armenians are 'not' ready for any form of democracy. A true democracy can only be achieved by a highly educated, highly responsible electorate, one that can portray a keen understanding of geopolitics and history. As a result, I don't think idiots (the masses) should be given the right to choose their leaders. Such an attempt would be suicidal for vulnerable nations. The point is: Armenia needs to continue on the course it is on today. In that respects, the Republican Party in Armenia is the best option for the nation at this time. Armenia's close relations with Russia (and Iran) is the 'only' option for the landlocked blockaded nation. Armenia's steadfast support for Artsakh is crucial for the survival of the Armenian state. Armenia's pursuit of Genocide recognition is of vital geopolitical importance.


              Voting, or being a part of the electoral process, can not be a right, it must be a privilege. The fact that there are substantial numbers of Levin supporters reveals beyond doubt that the Armenian nation is 'not' ready for free and fair elections. Things of importance in civilized nations requires its citizens to obtain a license (or a certificate, or a certain amount of training) to perform. How is it than that the most important of all responsibilities that a nation has, namely that of electing its leadership, is expected to be entrusted upon the sentiments of the ignorant masses? I believe that a nation's citizenry must be highly educated, highly responsible and portray a keen understanding of geopolitics and history - before they are allowed the 'privilege' to vote.


              After the fall of the Communist regime, it was Russian nationalists that wanted Armenians to win the war against the Azeris. Thus, they supplied Armenia with modern arms to fight with. Without the Russian advisers, tanks, ammunition, military intelligence, anti-aircraft missiles, etc, Artsakh today would be in Azeri hands despite our best human efforts. In short: The Russian Federation desperately needs Armenians as a ally in the south Caucasus as a bulwork against the further spread of NATO, against the spread of Pan-Turkism, and against the spread of Iranian influence. Armenia's only option is with closer relations with the Russian Federation, even if this comes at the expense of hurting Armenia's relations with others.


              Instead of "monitoring" elections, western organizations such as the OSCE should mind their own business. Who gave these criminals the moral right to oversee anything? And taking money form these types of organizations is like taking money form a loan shark, for these organizations pray on vulnerable nations in need of financial assistance.


              Before complaining about corruption, let's first realize that virtually every country on earth is more-or-less run by criminals. As a matter of fact, western leadership are amongst the worst criminals on earth. This is in essence the very nature of politics. So, let's all get used to it, let's learn to deal with it, and let's move forward from here by taking it into consideration.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Չգիտեմ եթե հետեվյալ լուրը «Հետք»-ի պորնիքների կողմից վստահելի թե ոչ...

                Զոհեր Երեւանում
                Մարտի մեկին ժամը 10։30-11։00 հատվածում Մաշտոցի պողոտայի եւ րիգոր Լուսավորիչ փողոցի հատման մասում տեղի է ունեցել խաղաղ ցուցարարների եւ ոստիկանության ուժերի բախում, որի հետեւանքով զոհվել է վեց խաղաղ ցուցարար եւ մեկ ոստիկան։ Չորս զինվոր վիրավոր է։ Նրանցից երկուսի վիճակը բավական ծանր է։

                Last edited by Armenian; 03-01-2008, 03:59 PM.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                  The following are the main ringleaders of ugly fiasco in Yerevan. At the very least, these bastards have to be executed, or jailed for life, for their crimes against the state. These types of filthy criminals are a cancer in the nation, they have to be eliminated now before they are able to pose a serious security risk to the republic. F*** every single supporter of these filthy demons. Spill their blood...

                  Levon Petrosian

                  Alexander Arzumanian

                  Aram Sargsyan

                  Khachatur Sukiasian

                  Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                  Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    It's time to bring all these above mentioned lowlifes to face justice! They are the enemies of Armenia, they don't care about anyone but themselves and their criminal clans, they are responsible for this bloodshed. They are going to pay for this, and so will all these "journalists" for spreading absolute lies and anti government hysteria. And last but by no means the least all these foreign spies in Armenia specially those with Armenian names and their local collaborators: Run while you can you filthy rats, your time is up and you are going to be punished very fuken hard!

                    IT'S CLEAN UP TIME!
                    Last edited by HayotzAmrotz; 03-01-2008, 03:52 PM.


                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                      To Armen2008
                      Listen very carefully.
                      Stop you stupid propaganda here cause nobody takes you seriously anyway.
                      Russian Army will stay in Armenia because we need each other.
                      Artsakh will NEVER be part of Azerland, and if you will start a new war next time we won’t even spare your dogs.
                      And if you are really Armenian than QU MERET QUNEM get a xxxx out of here, I prefer a Turk than a traitor.

