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Kim Kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

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  • Kim Kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

    Seriously she wrote this on her blog.. She admits to being half armenian and says her dad is a turkish armenian.
    She basically dodged the topic of the genocide and changed the subject that she wants to visit Armenia--obviously as an exploit and for her own publicity,
    Then she makes a blog about "the plight of Burma"
    I find it interesting that she says she doesnt know much about the genocide or Armenian culture but had dinner with her Armenian fathers family on the 24th, then says at the end "what does the genocide meam to you"
    Why didnt she say what it means to her since she obviously knows the answer.


    I read in the comments that some of you thought it was inappropriate for me not to post about the anniversary of Armenian genocide (which took place just after World War I) and that I was being selfish for spending my day shopping instead.
    For those of you who don't already know, I am half Armenian. I do not speak Armenian, but my late father instilled in us a lot of Armenian culture.

    Judging by the pictures you have seen on this site and from what the gossip blogs have been saying, I can see why you may have gotten the wrong idea. But that's what the media put out... They didn't know I was leaving for Australia, spending my only free day with my boyfriend, running every possible errand because I won't be home for six weeks. From Australia, I land in Los Angeles and have just a few hours to switch bags before I leave for Shreveport, Louisiana, and won't be back for more than a month!

    After my day of running errands, I spent the evening with my late father's side of the family. I went to an Armenian dinner with my family, like we often do. Of course, cameras weren't there for that -- and some things I like to keep private.

    But all of the chatter really got me thinking... Do I know as much about my Armenian history as I would like to? The honest answer is... no.

    That night at dinner my sisters, brother and I decided it is mandatory that we go to Armenia. None of us have ever been, neither had my dad and neither have my grandparents! My great grandparents were from Armenia and escaped the genocide. No one has been back since. All I know about my country is what I read and pictures I see on the Internet.

    My parents couldn't tell us stories because no one has been! So, this generation is going to change that! We don't know when we are going to go, but we four kids have decided it is something we should do! I heard it is beautiful and we are all really excited about it!

    I will definately keep you posted on the details of that trip! It would make my dad so proud!

    Back when my father was alive, we didn't use digital cameras, so I don't have many pictures with him on my computer. But when I get home I am going to get a scanner so I can show you guys how handsome my daddy was.

    I am also going to be honest, I don't speak Armenian (I know, a lot of you have asked). And I don't know all of the historical details -- so if you have some stories to share with me, I would love that!

    What does the Armenian genocide mean to you? Let me know!
    Last edited by NightOwl; 04-27-2008, 02:31 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

    Robert Kardashian should be roasting in hell right about now for his sin of spawning a creature that would use the phrase "Turkish-Armenian" - nevermind the the shameful video episode.


    • #3
      Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

      I agree who the hell whos Armenian calls their parents Turkish-Armenian.? her father was born in America. The guy was Armenian-American.. My grandparents who survived the genocide came from Turkey but in no way would i ever call them Turkish-Armenians, they would slap me.
      Shes giving the impression that shes part Turkish as well by saying that. Most Americans dont understand that..
      If you notice she is very careful not to say anything about turks. She obviously knows what the genocide is so why the hell is she asking "whats the genocide mean to you"? She playing politics. Then she'll visit Armenia and have them tape it for her show for publicity and prob cry and say "oh my great grandparents country, my daddy must be proud of me"

      BTW she also brags that she uses Turkish Delight lip gloss, I dont know about you but out of the thousands of lip gloss colors thats the last i would want on my damn lips

      Dumb B itch

      BTW I read now in some website their saying her father was a half Turk, half Armenian now.
      Last edited by NightOwl; 04-29-2008, 08:00 AM.


      • #4
        Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

        She is an idiot and regardless of what she says her opinion is pointless and not serious.

        The sad part is there are many Armenian girls in their youth who look up to this slu7 and mimic her every mannerism and pretentious nature.

        If there are any hitmen or snipers out there who are willing to shoot her in the forehead, please speak.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #5
          Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

          Originally posted by Anonymouse View Post
          She is an idiot and regardless of what she says her opinion is pointless and not serious.

          The sad part is there are many Armenian girls in their youth who look up to this slu7 and mimic her every mannerism and pretentious nature.

          If there are any hitmen or snipers out there who are willing to shoot her in the forehead, please speak.
          It would be better if looked like an "accident".


          • #6
            Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

            As a person with little - or no - interest - both physically and culturally - in Kim Kardashian and/or learning more about her, LOL I have a "dilemma??:"
            Shall I look at Kim Kardashian through the eyes of a respectable reporter, such as Jean Eckian, or a racist bigot, such as NightOwl who said:
            Originally posted by NightOwl
            She looks like an Arab man in the face...Shes an average looking armenian
            And perceives Armenians, with the same eyes the average arrogant - and, often, ignorant - American perceives many (unnamed) nations:
            Originally posted by NightOwl View Post
            I think alot of the new wave of Armenians are just ignorant people...Im glad my grandparents are dead not to see the people in Glendale, my Mom was horrified by them.

            [The following is automatically translated using SYSTRAN - I have corrected some of the unacceptable errors; the translation remains poor, but acceptable. Siamanto]
            The Arménie of Kim Kardashian

            Wednesday April 30, 2008, by Macaw/armenews

            Sulfurous star of American TV-reality with the series "Food with Kardashians," voluptuous Kim, girl of late and celebrated lawyer Robert Kardashian, acknowledges his ignorance of the Armenian culture and says to make efforts for to improve herself.

            It is on April 24, during the family dinner, her sisters Klohé, Kourtney and her young brother Rob Jr, decided to organize a trip to Arménie soon as soon as their timetable allows it.

            “My grandparents have escaped the Genocide, but since, nobody has returned to our lands. All that I know of my country is what I read see on Internet”, she acknowledges. “Now I am determined to make this voyage.”

            Kim begins at the beginning of May shooting a comedy whose L ¹ action will be located in Louisiana.

            But another cause also occupies the thoughts of the young woman: to help, at the sides of Jim Carrey, to make release Aung San Suu Kyi, girl of the leader of the Burmese release, Env. the Aung general Nobel Prize of Peace 1991, founder in Burma of the National league for the democracy (1988), maintained under house arrest since 2003, then locked up with the prison D ¹ Insein, Aung San Suu Kyi has fought for twenty years to release its country of the military dictatorship.

            Jean Eckian

            [The original French text]
            L¹Arménie de Kim Kardashian

            mercredi30 avril 2008, par Ara/armenews

            Vedette sulfureuse de la télé-réalité américaine avec la série Vivre avec les Kardashians, la voluptueuse Kim, fille du regretté et célèbre avocat Robert Kardashian, avoue son inculture arménienne et dit faire des efforts pour s¹améliorer.

            C¹est ainsi que le 24 avril, au cours du dîner familial, ses s¦urs, Klohé, Kourtney et son jeune frère Rob Jr, ont décidé d¹organiser prochainement un voyage en Arménie dès que leur emploi du temps le permettra.

            « Mes grands-parents ont échappé au Génocide, mais depuis, personne n¹est retourné sur nos terres. Tout ce que je sais de mon pays c¹est ce que je lis et que je vois sur internet », avoue xt- elle. « Maintenant je suis déterminée à faire ce voyage. »

            Kim commence début mai le tournage d¹une comédie dont l¹action se situera en Louisianne.

            Mais une autre cause occupe également les pensées de la jeune femme : aider, aux côtés de Jim Carrey, à faire libérer Aung San Suu Kyi, fille du leader de la libération birmane, le général Aung San. Prix Nobel de la Paix 1991, fondatrice en Birmanie de la Ligue nationale pour la démocratie (1988), maintenue en résidence surveillée depuis 2003, puis enfermée à la prison d¹Insein, Aung San Suu Kyi lutte depuis vingt ans à libérer son pays de la dictature militaire.

            Jean Eckian

            Last edited by Siamanto; 04-30-2008, 09:46 PM.
            What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


            • #7
              Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

              Originally posted by Profundity
              Who cares what that xxxxx thinks? I mean seriously who cares? She has disgraced her nation by whoring with a black man and recorded that proudly. She's an imbecile.
              Is this Stormfront or something! What is so wrong with black men?


              • #8
                Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

                Originally posted by Kevin_B View Post
                Is this Stormfront or something! What is so wrong with black men?
                I guess if the guy was Armenian, the video would of made more sense.


                • #9
                  Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

                  Who the xxxx is Kim Kardashian? Who the xxxx cares? Why is some xxxxing xxxxx an important topic here?


                  • #10
                    Re: Kim kardashian dodges the Genocide topic and is now going to exploit Armenia!

                    Originally posted by Kevin_B View Post
                    Is this Stormfront or something! What is so wrong with black men?

                    Do you care about preserving your ethnicity and race or are you a tool already?
                    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


