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Armenian Air Force and Air Defense

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  • TomServo
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    What about the Armenian economy? What can be done to improve it and create a middle class? Do not mention foreign aid and assistance, or Azerbaijan and Turkey. The economy can be improve and grow without the opening of the borders.

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  • vasbourakan1
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    without offending anybody, and I'm serious, repeating I don't want to offend anyone, I've been reading this discussion running for two days. guys just think a little bit, does the Armenian militaries or concerned civil authorities will publish what they possess or about their ability to use adequate weaponery should it be by air or ground ? I am confident they work continuously on the issue very seriously and the proof is there, Azeris despite their daily declarations don't and will not dare to move one step forward, so please have faith in the armenian armed forces, they are just wonderful people simply doing their job correctly and deserve our admiration.

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  • freakyfreaky
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Artsakh was like fifteen years ago. Without a joint operation with Russia, the concept of an Armenian Air Force is like Maxwell Smart explaining his back up on its way to the scene of the crime.

    Would you believe some old, inoperable planes and a mechanic with good intentions?

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  • KarotheGreat
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
    Umm, Iran which has at least 20x the population of Armenia and is wealthier than Armenia beyond comparison has a marginal air force at best but their missile technology and range shore up their limited air capabilities.

    Iraq had little if any air force to speak about and laughable missile technology -- i.e. SCUDs.

    Armenia apparently uses ground forces to do cross-border recon. Did you notice how Georgian forces fled. Why is that?

    They couldn't see or counter what was coming their way.

    Because they were unable to compete in the air and down planes, did not see what was coming on the ground and got bombarded over head which loosened Georgian troops on the ground who were then unable and unwilling to counter Russian tanks and ground forces in the capital of South Ossetia, Gori and beyond.

    The Americans did not come to Georgia's aid.

    I think objectively this is a compelling moment for the RA to reassess their air force, missile technology and range and ability to do unmanned, cross-border recon.

    The days of new republics defending ground in the outer limits of the former Soviet Union from larger neighbors with little more than what could be identified as separatist guerrilla warfare have come to pass.

    Realistically and objectively, what the RA has in the semblance of an Air Force is much, much closer to an Air Farce.
    Our air force has prooved it's worth in the Artsakh war, and Armenia is investin in AA

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  • freakyfreaky
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Umm, Iran which has at least 20x the population of Armenia and is wealthier than Armenia beyond comparison has a marginal air force at best but their missile technology and range shore up their limited air capabilities.

    Iraq had little if any air force to speak about and laughable missile technology -- i.e. SCUDs.

    Armenia apparently uses ground forces to do cross-border recon. Did you notice how Georgian forces fled. Why is that?

    They couldn't see or counter what was coming their way.

    Because they were unable to compete in the air and down planes, did not see what was coming on the ground and got bombarded over head which loosened Georgian troops on the ground who were then unable and unwilling to counter Russian tanks and ground forces in the capital of South Ossetia, Gori and beyond.

    The Americans did not come to Georgia's aid.

    I think objectively this is a compelling moment for the RA to reassess their air force, missile technology and range and ability to do unmanned, cross-border recon.

    The days of new republics defending ground in the outer limits of the former Soviet Union from larger neighbors with little more than what could be identified as separatist guerrilla warfare have come to pass.

    Realistically and objectively, what the RA has in the semblance of an Air Force is much, much closer to an Air Farce.

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  • crusader1492
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
    Apparently, Armenians are not allowed to be objective or sarcastic about their the RA's situation, in any fashion. Who knew?
    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
    Armenian Air Farce
    This passes for "objectivity in Freaky's mind.

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  • crusader1492
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
    Apparently, Armenians are not allowed to be objective or sarcastic about their the RA's situation, in any fashion. Who knew?

    Do you know that the inability to conduct reasonable air reconnaissance is a major set back to conducting strategic military operations?

    Ever watch professional football? Notice how they have contemporaneous film of the sets of both teams on each play to so that each team can discuss how the other team is attacking and defending against them. There is a reason for that. Its called adjusting to the competitor on the field.
    Holy crap, now he thinks he's a military analyst...and he uses a football analogy to stress his point.

    Freaky, is your last name Rumsfeld?
    Last edited by crusader1492; 08-11-2008, 03:59 PM.

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  • freakyfreaky
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Apparently, Armenians are not allowed to be objective or sarcastic about their the RA's situation, in any fashion. Who knew?

    Do you know that the inability to conduct reasonable air reconnaissance is a major set back to conducting strategic military operations?

    Ever watch professional football? Notice how they have contemporaneous film of the sets of both teams on each play to so that each team can discuss how the other team is attacking and defending against them. There is a reason for that. Its called adjusting to the competitor on the field.

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  • Azad
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    The future is in "attack UAVs". Armenia should start its own program in developing small inexpensive unites. We have the brain, we have problem getting things moving.

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  • crusader1492
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
    You xxxxing stept over the line, don't care when you critsize the goverment but the Army? Where the xxxx is your mind?
    This frivolous character's mind went by the way of assimilation...he is gone and he not coming back.

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