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Armenian Air Force and Air Defense

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  • yerazhishda
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by Forgotten
    Kanki is a precious Turkish girl. Don't be too mean to her.

    We should definitely begin a new thread on how to improve the Armenian economy because this is the Air Force thread, but in short, there are many options.

    First off, Armenia suffers greatly from a brain drain. Many talented Armenians left the country for better jobs after the Soviet Union fell. 1-2million Armenians from the Armenian Republic have settled abroad or are in continuous migration to send money back to their families. What we need to do is strengthen the school system and its ties to Western and Russian institutions. Armenians who have bachelors degrees in the West should be encouraged to go back to Armenia. Sure there are not many jobs, but if you could land one, there is no reason why you should not take it.

    Secondly, the Armenian state should fund programs that make Armenia fully capable of producing its food and water supply. The State should take measures in building special factories that could produce small scale transportation and farming equipment and subsidize farms throughout the country. The State should also fund the construction of hundreds of man-made lakes that double as reservoirs and rain catchers to serve for future use in farming, drinking, recreation, and to create micro-biomes that will help regrow the forests.

    Thirdly, Armenia should be fully independent when it comes to small and medium arms design, development, and production. Basically, we should focus on equipment for the individual soldier and basic artillery and then let Russian expertise fill in the need for heavier equipment.

    Fourthly, Armenia should dedicate more spending on being energy sufficient by developing more hydroelectric, solar, and wind power stations. Technology could be bought from the outside and used to produce wind plants in Armenia to be used in Armenia or sold to other countries.

    With no concern for food, electricity, defense and the constant source of an intelligent population, I see no reason why Armenia can not reach the standard of living that Baltic Republics have by 2020.

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  • Kanki
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by yerazhishda View Post
    What kind of history are they teaching you over there?

    It's called Wilsonian Armenia for a reason - that being Armenia gets its land back! Although the Treaty of Sevres allows for a Kurdish state, it does not guarantee it.
    Sevres accepted by Ottoman Empire, We get rid of Ottoman monarchy and gained our independence again from Britain,France, Italy and Greece. They were defeated and had to accept new threaty " Lausanne "

    Also Ottoman Armenian population had never more than Turkish population.

    If we use Wilson principles, we can get many parts of Georgia (Like Batum city)

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  • yerazhishda
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by Kanki View Post
    Wilson arbitration makes Eastern Turkey " a Kurdish State " not Armenia.

    And Panturkism already died
    What kind of history are they teaching you over there?

    It's called Wilsonian Armenia for a reason - that being Armenia gets its land back! Although the Treaty of Sevres allows for a Kurdish state, it does not guarantee it.

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  • Kanki
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by Hellektor View Post
    The government of the Republic of Armenia should raise the issue of the Wilson arbitration, the only valid document concerning the delineation of borders between Turkey and Armenia according to international law.

    Wilson arbitration makes Eastern Turkey " a Kurdish State " not Armenia.

    And Panturkism already died

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  • Hellektor
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by TomServo View Post
    What about the Armenian economy? What can be done to improve it and create a middle class? Do not mention foreign aid and assistance, or Azerbaijan and Turkey. The economy can be improve and grow without the opening of the borders.
    The government of the Republic of Armenia should raise the issue of the Wilson arbitration, the only valid document concerning the delineation of borders between Turkey and Armenia according to international law.

    This will give Armenia an outlet to the Black Sea, lots of economic benefits (think of all the pipelines and railways that pass through the region, where they just thought they had bypassed Armenia) and enough space for further development and progress of the Armenian nation.

    As for air force and other military updating: Armenians who designed the first MiG and had a major role in the development of Soviet missiles and nuclear technology, should think of starting a weapons industry. Of course this can happen after the living standards of the population reach an acceptable level.

    P.S. The borders will remain closed and it's better that way, Turkey is not after relations or "reconciliation" but the destruction of Armenia. They have not given up the delirium of pan-Turkism. The day when the Wilsonian borders are established, pan-Turkism will be dead and they'll lose any hope of their delusional great Turkdom from Finland to the Wall of China. That will be the day that the evolution from Turk virus to man may actually start.

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  • TomServo
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by Anonymouse View Post
    That's really not probable, economically speaking, of course. A great part of what 'economy' hinges on is wealth, but how do you get it? Wealth is partly created, and partly transferred. It is done so via trade. Trade is stifled when trade is made difficult through political hurdles, such as being landlocked and surrounded by enemy states. Any improvement in an economy essentially estranged from easy trade access thereby can only improve so much and in limited ways.
    Here's one way:

    Blogger is a blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Blogger makes it simple to post text, photos and video onto your personal or team blog.

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  • Kanki
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by Anonymouse View Post
    I did not know I was capable of laughing.
    Lets wait and see

    Ak Party govenment wants to do it and develop diplomatic relations.Also Turkey is the first state of recognizing Armenia.

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  • Anonymouse
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by Kanki View Post
    And I am sure my govenment will open border in next 5 years.
    I did not know I was capable of laughing.

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  • Anonymouse
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by TomServo View Post
    The economy can be improve and grow without the opening of the borders.
    That's really not probable, economically speaking, of course. A great part of what 'economy' hinges on is wealth, but how do you get it? Wealth is partly created, and partly transferred. It is done so via trade. Trade is stifled when trade is made difficult through political hurdles, such as being landlocked and surrounded by enemy states. Any improvement in an economy essentially estranged from easy trade access thereby can only improve so much and in limited ways.

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  • Kanki
    Re: Armenian Air Foce

    Originally posted by TomServo View Post
    What about the Armenian economy? What can be done to improve it and create a middle class? Do not mention foreign aid and assistance, or Azerbaijan and Turkey. The economy can be improve and grow without the opening of the borders.
    You should improve eco-tourism . . .

    And I am sure my govenment will open border in next 5 years.

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