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Current Condition of Armenia

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  • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    I've been reading that there are about 10,000 people - is that accurate?
    AFP says 12,000.
    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

      And police say 9,000. I think the best thing to do is to take the average of the Police's number and the number the opposition says.
      Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
      "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


      • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

        Originally posted by Mos View Post
        And police say 9,000. I think the best thing to do is to take the average of the Police's number and the number the opposition says.
        Nah, opposition figures need to be completely disregarded, they always exaggerate, LTP claims 70,000. We need the average between cops and third party sources. Cops say 9,000 and third party news sources says max 12,000.
        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

          HAK completely disregarded Raffi Hovhannisyan who was on hunger strike in the same square.
          ՀԱԿ-ի առաջնորդներն այդպես էլ չմոտեցան Րաֆֆիին
          Լրահոս || 20:30 / 17.03.2011

          Այս պահին Ազատության հրապարակում են ՀԱԿ-ի հանրահավաքի մասնակիցները: Ի դեպ, լրագրողները նկատել են, որ ՀԱԿ ղեկավարությունն այդպես էլ չի մոտեցել Ազատության հրապարակում հացադուլ անող Րաֆֆի Հովհաննիսյանին:
          Ի դեպ, ոստիկանությունը հաղորդագրություն է տարածել, որ ակցիային մասնակցել է 9000 մարդ:
          «Չնայած հասարակական կարգը պահպանող ոստիկանության ծառայողների հորդորներին, հանրահավաքի մասնակիցների մի մասը այդ ընթացքում փակել էր Մաշտոցի պողոտայի և Կորյունի փողոցի հատման հատվածը` խոչընդոտելով երթևեկությունը:
          Հանրահավաքն ավարտվեց ժամը 18.30-ի սահմաններում, ինչից հետո կազմակերպիչների կոչով սկսվեց երթ դեպի Օպերայի հրապարակ:
          Բանակցությունների արդյունքում ոստիկանները երթի մասնակիցներին թույլատրեցին հանրահավաքը շարունակել Օպերայի հրապարակում»,-ասված է ոստիկանության հաղորդագրության մեջ:

          Ավելի հեշտ երբեք չէր եղել։ Գրանցե՛ք Ձեր դոմենը եւ ստեղծե՛ք Ձեր կայքը՝ հաշված րոպեների ընթացքում։ Ամեն ինչ սկսվում է գրավիչ դոմենից։
          Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


          • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

            Lots of photos from today

            Does this man have no dignity?

            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

              The only thing worse than the current government is the opposition, especially LTP. He is proven hypocrite as he has already done every awful thing he claims the current regime is doing when he was in power several times over. Additionally, the opposition has absolutely no plan, just slogans, hyperbole and empty rhetoric. Most of Armenia's problems are due to things that no political party can change or control such as geographical location, lack of resources, geopolitics. As bad as the current regime might be, they are a vast improvement over the ANM, and in fact would have to actually purposely f*ck up much more in order to match the incompetence of LTP and his minions. The only positive thing LTP did when he was in power (and this was more along the lines of what he didn't do) was generally stay out of the way of the war effort in Artsakh. The few times he did try to butt in, the Armenians actually suffered setbacks such as in Horadiz, the important rail junction, in the Spring of 1994 (he insisted upon ordering an attack with green troops in the still new Armenian Army- at this time, there really were two different command in both Armenia and Artsakh- instead of listening to the veterans of Artsakh that a frontal assault would lead to disaster, which it surely did lead to the deaths of around 300 young men. Nice work Commander and Chief. This largely unknown defeat that Spring gave the Azeris a small morale boost and also slowed down Armenian advance in other fronts and gradually the peace treaty was signed in Bishkek soon after.

              LTP will sell out Artsakh in a second and I will bet my life on it...actually, I would rather see him bet his life on it...or better yet, I hope he has an unfortunate "accident". It will save Armenia/Armenians so much trouble.

              I have always said, you could have put Heidar Aliyev in charge of Armenia, LTP in charge of Georgia, and Shevardnadze in charge of Azerbadjan and it would not have mattered; they're all the same being.
              General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


              • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

                Next rally set for April 8

                Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

                  Originally posted by Federate View Post
                  Lots of photos from today

                  Does this man have no dignity?

                  I don't even know if peasant is the right word to use for that guy, peasant can sometimes have a neutral or even positive connotation.
                  For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                  to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                  • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

                    Originally posted by Joseph View Post
                    The only thing worse than the current government is the opposition, especially LTP. He is proven hypocrite as he has already done every awful thing he claims the current regime is doing when he was in power several times over. Additionally, the opposition has absolutely no plan, just slogans, hyperbole and empty rhetoric. Most of Armenia's problems are due to things that no political party can change or control such as geographical location, lack of resources, geopolitics. As bad as the current regime might be, they are a vast improvement over the ANM, and in fact would have to actually purposely f*ck up much more in order to match the incompetence of LTP and his minions. The only positive thing LTP did when he was in power (and this was more along the lines of what he didn't do) was generally stay out of the way of the war effort in Artsakh. The few times he did try to butt in, the Armenians actually suffered setbacks such as in Horadiz, the important rail junction, in the Spring of 1994 (he insisted upon ordering an attack with green troops in the still new Armenian Army- at this time, there really were two different command in both Armenia and Artsakh- instead of listening to the veterans of Artsakh that a frontal assault would lead to disaster, which it surely did lead to the deaths of around 300 young men. Nice work Commander and Chief. This largely unknown defeat that Spring gave the Azeris a small morale boost and also slowed down Armenian advance in other fronts and gradually the peace treaty was signed in Bishkek soon after.

                    LTP will sell out Artsakh in a second and I will bet my life on it...actually, I would rather see him bet his life on it...or better yet, I hope he has an unfortunate "accident". It will save Armenia/Armenians so much trouble.

                    I have always said, you could have put Heidar Aliyev in charge of Armenia, LTP in charge of Georgia, and Shevardnadze in charge of Azerbadjan and it would not have mattered; they're all the same being.

                    The current government has actually brought about results. Serj is the best of the 3 presidents Armenia has had, full stop.
                    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                    • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

                      Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                      I don't even know if peasant is the right word to use for that guy, peasant can sometimes have a neutral or even positive connotation.
                      LOL. He kinda makes himself out to be a peasant by bowing down to the self-appointed King of Armenia, Levon VI.
                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

