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  • #21
    Instead of building soo much infastructure, we should build up an economy. Infastructure is more than enough to link us to Iran and Georgian ports.


    • #22
      Originally posted by gaucho
      At least 30-35% of the people who call and say "bill me" never send their checks. they just want their names to appear on live TV while everyone's watching.
      he went with his "co-executives" and most of the time his wife, son, etc. accompanied him.
      I know what your sayin, but don't you think you're a little exaggerating here? I mean 35% of callers are that desperate? I don't think so... besides, I'm sure he didn't take his family along with him every time he went there, maybe once or twice, which I still don't see a problem with. After all, if they didn't collect the money and all that, how were they able to build all those roads and highways in Karabakh? I think what matters the most is the outcome, which is great, not how exactly the money was spent.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Hayq
        Instead of building soo much infastructure, we should build up an economy. Infastructure is more than enough to link us to Iran and Georgian ports.
        It doesn't take a genius to figure out the roads being built are essential to Armenia's economy! I mean think about it, how can a country improve its economy when it takes days to go from a village to another because of the conditions of roads there. Plus, it's easier and faster to send troops to the borders in case Azarbaijan attacks us at Karabakh.
        Last edited by CatWoman; 12-05-2004, 12:53 AM.


        • #24
          I did "donate" money...but not through this or any other fund. I just sent money straight to people I know. That way you make sure the people get it. I know Armenia and I'm pretty sure some of that money ends up in someones pocket that it shouldn't be in. Thats the main thing that needs to improve before the economy.

          and its good business for Kirk to be donating that money, it saves him a lot on taxes...but abviously, its good for Armenia. So its all good on both ends.


          • #25
            No, we are building infastructure in Arstakh for military purposes. If we were to be smarter and link ourselves to Georgia, we could gain a lot more money and raise our GDP. What do you do with GDP? YOU FUND YOUR OWN ROADS AND MILITARY TO DEFEND YOURSELF!

            Now, I would love to donate money to Armenia, but that just makes me feel bad because I feel that I am turning it into some kind of welfare state. So, I much rather get together with some friends and open up an IT industry in Armenia that could serve the CIS and IRAN, rather than build roads!

            2mln Armenians in Armenia will not stay flong if they dont have jobs. then there would be no need for roads because of Armenians and Armenia spending money on stupid things such as ROADS IN ARTSAKH!


            • #26
              omg, i hate getting confrontational but you really have to stop talking out of your ass, first of all there is a working railroad to georgia and it carries 90% of Armenias exports to Poti and Batumi.
              What do you do with GDP? do you know what gdp stands for? Gross domestic product, it means the combined value of all the things produced in your country. now when you show me how to fund roads and the military with a number then i will say you are correct.
              Roads and any infrustructure for that matter is essential for any economy, otherwise, you cant move commodities and you cant provide services. You want an IT industry? well if the government hadnt build phone lines to allow internet connections your "IT industry" wouldnt be worth much would it?
              Once again if there were better roads and other infrastructure people could travel further for jobs and companies could ship their products to other companies and essentially work an economy.
              When you call building roads stupid you must realize you should take a simple course in economics or history before you start talking again.


              • #27
                Hey, Gay Rocky, listen up, these roads are built in Artsakh for military purposes. The Armenian government is turning into a leech off of the Disapora. This money needs to go to build a better road from Yerevan to Gyumri to Batumi.

                That TRAIN only runs once a day and with limited cars. i have seen it myself.

                I seriously think you are the one talking out of your arse, mate.


                • #28
                  The road to Artsakh, besides its military use, is critical for the economy. Goods from Artsakh can travel to the main markets in Yerevan and then abroad a lot faster, and for a lot less money. Same goes for goods that will go to Artsakh..

                  And to elaborate on what Tigran said, Government spending is one of the elements that are included in the calculation of GDP, along with Personal consumption, gross investment and net import. Therefore, this does go in the calculations of the GDP. I think we should focus more on Personal Income than GDP though.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Hayq
                    Hey, Gay Rocky, listen up, these roads are built in Artsakh for military purposes. The Armenian government is turning into a leech off of the Disapora. This money needs to go to build a better road from Yerevan to Gyumri to Batumi.

                    That TRAIN only runs once a day and with limited cars. i have seen it myself.

                    I seriously think you are the one talking out of your arse, mate.
                    Of course the military purpose is part of it you fool but do you open your damn ears or not, are you listening to all we are saying about how infrastructure is critical for the economy or are you simply illiterate?
                    The government is turning into a leech off the Diaspora? what the hell do you mean by that, if you mean that they take donations from the diaspora and use most of it for the betterment of the country then i agree.
                    What is with you and the obsession with georgia? In what way is that road more important than the highway linking all of arstsakh with Armenia? I dont know how many times the train runs per day or with how many cars because i havent stood by the track for an entire 24 hours and waited to see how many times it runs(like you did of course) but i do know that if there was more demand for that train then there would be more trains per day, simple economics and simple business. As long as there is more demand for shipping things to georgian ports then the railroad company will run more trains in order to make more money. honestly can you please go educate yourself before you post again.


                    • #30
                      FOOL! A road in Arstakh sure helps Armenia prosper in its trade with the world! We need to have beter relations with Georgia, being our northern Neighbors and having access to the sea, this is a perfect friendship that will bring Armenian trade to European Markets!

                      Artsakh is almost empty, and the only thing they can provide is food!

                      Do you think I am suggesting that infastrucutre is not neccesary? Of course it is Neccesary, like Adolf Hitler's Autobahn and South Korea's Infastructural projects of the 1960s were all a necesary part of increasing industrial output. HOWEVER, what these nations had that Armenia lacks is access to ports! Friendly relations with Georgia IS A PRIORITY.

                      Put off ancient grudges, no Georgian or Armenian in this world would risk profit for somethign as stupid as a cultural grudge.

