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Half Armenians

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  • #11
    Re: Half Armenians

    well look just because u live in America does not mean u are half American half Armenian. And also an armenian is an armenian full or half, just remember to always perserve your heritage, go to Armenia as often as you can, and of course make sure you know Armenian!! The rest does not count as much
    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


    • #12
      Re: Half Armenians

      Originally posted by RSNATION View Post
      Yeah, I eat well
      I envy you. No joke.


      • #13
        Re: Half Armenians

        Originally posted by Mos View Post
        well look just because u live in America does not mean u are half American half Armenian. And also an armenian is an armenian full or half, just remember to always perserve your heritage, go to Armenia as often as you can, and of course make sure you know Armenian!! The rest does not count as much
        I consider myself full Armenian. I speak Armenian, go to Armenian church, and read everything I can about our history and culture. I know many half-Armenians who are like me. I live in the New England and there are many half and quarter Armenians who are very involved.


        • #14
          Re: Half Armenians

          Good job, its not like they check your DNA to see if you are full Armenian or not, its what you do and feel towards the Armenian culture is what really counts
          Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
          "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


          • #15
            Re: Half Armenians

            Originally posted by RSNATION View Post
            I consider myself full Armenian. I speak Armenian, go to Armenian church, and read everything I can about our history and culture. I know many half-Armenians who are like me. I live in the New England and there are many half and quarter Armenians who are very involved.

            God Bless you, you are a real Hay.


            • #16
              Re: Half Armenians

              I'm sure that there is a great amount of half Armenians in the world. What is rather great is that some of them live as their full Armenians; (i.e., reading about our history, being part of an Armenian committee, society), and what not to acquire everything necessary for them to be knowledgeable in regards to being a full Armenian. I'm proud.


              • #17
                Re: Half Armenians

                Yeah it's great how you guys consider your selves full Armenians, but there's people like Andre Agassi who are more then half Armenian and deny being Armenian at all. Here in Las Vegas he came to our school and was questioned if he was Armenian and he denied it. -.-


                • #18
                  Re: Half Armenians

                  Originally posted by melikianAvak View Post
                  God Bless you, you are a real Hay.
                  Thanks man. I really appreciate that. Right back at you.


                  • #19
                    Re: Half Armenians

                    I got pretty unique mix here, Dominican And Armenian. I was raised by the armenian side of my family, and i cant speak flurently, although alot of words that were used to me when i was a kid (mostly from my grandma telling me what she was cooking, going to armenian shops to buy food and bread. etc.). i would still go to church evrey sunday (Armenian church, where they pretty much did the service in half armenian and american), and i also went to the picnics up north in RI and down here in FL when they have them. i still rep my country with full pride, and ive always wondered if i went to a place like cali, where there are armenians evreywhere, if i would still be accepted as one since i just never had the time to be able to sit down and learn it. i know if they asked me what my fav food was, id tell them 'Lahmajoon' or 'Dolma' ;D

                    Oh, i also take the bushy eyebrows, and the nose. plus im caramel color. (prob from dominican side, but i see alot of dark armenians too)


                    • #20
                      Re: Half Armenians

                      I hate Turks. I am half Turkish and half Armenian. I also hate irony.
                      Achkerov kute.

