A Syphilis Infected Wolf’s Whelp’s Delirium
You're fuct hard in your brain (which happens to be in your ass).
You, "brave" Turk that you are, do not have the nuts to admit it so you change subject and cuss, using the anonymity of the internet just like you kill people when they are asleep, and you think you're a smart ass.
I call myself a masochist, because someone who wastes so much time trying to put some sense in your xxxx for brains can be called that.
I didn't call that disgusting genocidal bandit a racist.
I don’t recall having used the terms racism/racist in relation with the Turks.
IMHO racism is a strictly Western European thing and comes from the fear of becoming darker in outward features, period. You are not a race. You have lost your Mongoloid features as a result of rape, stealing of women and children, forced turkification, janissary, etc.
That shame of humanity was an invader, a genocidal maniac, a treacherous, sly and cunning, self-righteous, self-satisfied, priggish pig.
An arrogant, blood thirsty, plundering, homes and shops torching, violent, intolerant, barbaric two legged beast.
A torturer, having no consideration for human suffering and freedom of the indigenous people.
A cities to cinders razing, homes, churches, schools and everything else to rubble reducing, fascist bandit.
I have re-pasted the chronology of some of the savageries of this greatest zero of the 20th century after this post, so your blinded by brain damage eyes can read carefully, but you won't get it.
Brainwash causes the brainwashee to say the earth is flat.
As for your Turkish civility, I have replied to this elsewhere and I can assure you my parents were married a year before I was born.
As to SOB: it is your putrid rear that came out of the stinking vagina of that wolf*, if you could call a female wolf a xxxxx, sometime after it was humped by that angry gray wolf, the sad result of which is reflected in your attitude.
(*Here’s where you got that, but even then you got the spelling wrong, you word thief! See further below.)
It’s reading disability you moron.
I don't need your "crown", just get the hell out of my home.
You seem to have a worse disability than dyslexia:
It’s YOU who should know the truth.
What, smart ass? You think we don't know about Sarighamish and how genocidal Enver's filthy muzzle was shoved into frozen xxxx? So - xxxxing - what?
Don't plagiarize!
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee, hoo hoo hoo, he he...
I kinda like this brain-dead mollusk! (I'm a masochist after all
This psychosis is known as projection.
What the motorfokking hell are you bullxxxxting about?
What do you mean? There are thousands of shia graveyards in Iran.
People die and they are buried.
What the pfuk has that got to do with this?

Nakhijevan, December 2005 not 1905 or 1915.
Destruction of the ancient Jugha cemetery by "Azeri" beasts
The murderer gets rid of the evidence of the existence of the victim.
I do. Show me and F*CK ME, If you can't then F*CK YOU and admit that you're fuct.
I don't give a pee and you are not my friend.
You should know that 40% of people living in Turkey do not consider themselves Turks.
According to different estimations, there are 700000 to 4 million turkified Armenians in occupied Armenia. 750000 of whom know they are descendants of Armenians. They don’t consider themselves Turks and they do not marry Turks.
They are called Hamshenahyer, Hamshen (Hamamashen) Armenians and they have preserved some aspects of Armenian culture despite all the calamity the abomination called the Turk brought on them.
However there are more or less only 70000 Christian Armenians left in Turkey and none in Western Armenia (wonder how that came to be).
I’ll post a brief history of “Azerbaijan” as annex 2 but I’m sure won't get inside your adultrated cranium.
It is called YEREVAN, from Erebuni you ignorant, ignoble, ignominious ignoramus, not from your ugly Turkish "Erivan", founded by the Armenian king Argishti I of the kingdom of Van in 782 BC, 29 years before the eternal city, Rome. And it belongs to the Armenians.
Determine which one is lying!
Apart from the burning their "own" houses part, exactly the opposite is true. Your lazy history fabricators copy books about the Armenian Genocide and change the words “Armenian” for “Turk” and “church” for “mosque” and you even believe this filth.
Besides, even if this was true, they had ALL the right to do so. Every nation has the right to get rid of the rats and xxxxroaches that invaded and infested their home.
BTW, It is called SMYRNA you illiterate, retard, and it belongs to the Greeks.
This is not worth answering...
However, I wouldn't xxxx the xxxxx wolf who is your mother, I wouldn't xxxx, no I wouldn't even spit on your bird flu infected xxxxx sister, because their filthy Turkish stink would desecrate my noble Armenian blood.
Shame on you wolf's whelp, shame!
Turn off the Caps Lock. I’m not afraid!
Threatening from behind your computer monitor, you chickenxxxx, is easy.
You butthead, how can Armenians invade their own home?
Not even by using Afgan mujahedin, Chechen, Slavonic and AlQaida terrorist were the "Azeri" chickens, who kill people in their sleep, disembowel pregnant women in maternity hospitals, hurl babies against hard surfaces and throw them out of the window and coward bandits that they are, destroy thousand year old Armenian heritage to wipe all traces of the landlords who's home they have usurped, able to resist a bunch of disorganized Armenian groups who were defending their home against the “Azeri” invading army.
Kars, Ardahan, Erzurum, Sassoon, Moosh, Van, Bitlis, Sebastia, Tigranakert, Cilicia, Nakhijevan, Gandzak, Utik, Paytakaran, Bagavan… they all belong to the Armenians and you know it. We will take them all back, even if it takes thousands of years.
You set your paws in Armenia only in 1520s and crushed it under your filthy cloven hoofs. We were there since the beginning of history.
Not a single square nanometer of the land you occupy belongs to you.
You goddamn well know it, that’s why you’re foaming and cussing like this, you coward thief. You are the invading, nomadic barbarians.
When this Zionist/Anglo-Saxon Turkish phallus worship comes to an end, we’ll kick your Tatar asses back to Mongolia. We’ll kick so hard that you’ll forget the pronunciation of “Anatolia”. Count on it.
You wallow in your own waste matter like swine and keep on hallucinating.
I have never said in any of my hundreds of lengthy posts that I hate the Ts (The thief that you are, I know you’ll quote this, and say I did too, so I tapped the first letter only). If you can find one then F*CK ME otherwise it is the nth time you're FUCT.
But tell me, when you have done all this evil to us “even though we had done nothing to” you, this past 1000 years and are still doing and denying that you are doing it, can anyone LIKE such creatures?
I don't hate you. I pity you. I'm dying laughing, reading your stupid comments. You are one sorry, miserable, brain damaged excuse for a walking Human Civilization-deficiency Virus and I don't think there's hope for you to heal.
Compare (from this very post):
Shove that crown in the rear of Mustafa Hambal Cacaturk. And you’re fuct again.
This forum is a free mirror server for your revisionist view. There are megabyte upon megabytes of falsified Turkish state injected vomit scattered all over this forum and we’re sick of it all to death. We've seen it a million times.
It can be summarized as:
It was war… People died…
Ottomans only wanted to relocate the rebels...
Armenians lived peacefully in the Ottoman “empire” until one day Armenians betrayed their masters…
Armenians revolted against their masters, they got what they deserved...
Let’s play the numbers game, 600000 Armenians were killed. No, 300000 Armenians were killed. No, 100000 Armenians were killed. No, Armenians were not killed at all, there’s even more Armenians living in the world today than in 1915.
(I didn't even click the goddamn link!
Surprise me if there’s anything there other than this putrefied regurgitation.)
What do you mean by “If you do”?
If I listen to them or if I treat them like dogs they’ll make me become one?
If you mean the by listening to them they make me a dog, no thanks. Just bugger off and leave our desecrated home to us.
From all the gall you spewed on me and my angelic mother, you are obviously one sad and sorry sod.
A Persian proverb goes: خدا را شکر که نشدیم ترک
It roughly means. Thank god we weren’t born Turks.
Although I am not a believer, I feel I’m blessed that I’m not a Turk.
Turk is a four-letter word. It is the worst cuss word for an Armenian, worse than all the filth you threw at me which came back to you.
You're fuct hard in your brain (which happens to be in your ass).
You, "brave" Turk that you are, do not have the nuts to admit it so you change subject and cuss, using the anonymity of the internet just like you kill people when they are asleep, and you think you're a smart ass.
Originally posted by The Kemalist
I didn't call that disgusting genocidal bandit a racist.
I don’t recall having used the terms racism/racist in relation with the Turks.
IMHO racism is a strictly Western European thing and comes from the fear of becoming darker in outward features, period. You are not a race. You have lost your Mongoloid features as a result of rape, stealing of women and children, forced turkification, janissary, etc.
That shame of humanity was an invader, a genocidal maniac, a treacherous, sly and cunning, self-righteous, self-satisfied, priggish pig.
An arrogant, blood thirsty, plundering, homes and shops torching, violent, intolerant, barbaric two legged beast.
A torturer, having no consideration for human suffering and freedom of the indigenous people.
A cities to cinders razing, homes, churches, schools and everything else to rubble reducing, fascist bandit.
I have re-pasted the chronology of some of the savageries of this greatest zero of the 20th century after this post, so your blinded by brain damage eyes can read carefully, but you won't get it.
Brainwash causes the brainwashee to say the earth is flat.
As for your Turkish civility, I have replied to this elsewhere and I can assure you my parents were married a year before I was born.
As to SOB: it is your putrid rear that came out of the stinking vagina of that wolf*, if you could call a female wolf a xxxxx, sometime after it was humped by that angry gray wolf, the sad result of which is reflected in your attitude.
(*Here’s where you got that, but even then you got the spelling wrong, you word thief! See further below.)
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by Hellektor
What, smart ass? You think we don't know about Sarighamish and how genocidal Enver's filthy muzzle was shoved into frozen xxxx? So - xxxxing - what?
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
I kinda like this brain-dead mollusk! (I'm a masochist after all

Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
What do you mean? There are thousands of shia graveyards in Iran.
People die and they are buried.
What the pfuk has that got to do with this?

Nakhijevan, December 2005 not 1905 or 1915.
Destruction of the ancient Jugha cemetery by "Azeri" beasts
The murderer gets rid of the evidence of the existence of the victim.
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
According to different estimations, there are 700000 to 4 million turkified Armenians in occupied Armenia. 750000 of whom know they are descendants of Armenians. They don’t consider themselves Turks and they do not marry Turks.
They are called Hamshenahyer, Hamshen (Hamamashen) Armenians and they have preserved some aspects of Armenian culture despite all the calamity the abomination called the Turk brought on them.
However there are more or less only 70000 Christian Armenians left in Turkey and none in Western Armenia (wonder how that came to be).
Originally posted by The Kemalist
It is called YEREVAN, from Erebuni you ignorant, ignoble, ignominious ignoramus, not from your ugly Turkish "Erivan", founded by the Armenian king Argishti I of the kingdom of Van in 782 BC, 29 years before the eternal city, Rome. And it belongs to the Armenians.
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by TurQ
Apart from the burning their "own" houses part, exactly the opposite is true. Your lazy history fabricators copy books about the Armenian Genocide and change the words “Armenian” for “Turk” and “church” for “mosque” and you even believe this filth.
Besides, even if this was true, they had ALL the right to do so. Every nation has the right to get rid of the rats and xxxxroaches that invaded and infested their home.
BTW, It is called SMYRNA you illiterate, retard, and it belongs to the Greeks.
Originally posted by The Kemalist
However, I wouldn't xxxx the xxxxx wolf who is your mother, I wouldn't xxxx, no I wouldn't even spit on your bird flu infected xxxxx sister, because their filthy Turkish stink would desecrate my noble Armenian blood.
Shame on you wolf's whelp, shame!
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Threatening from behind your computer monitor, you chickenxxxx, is easy.
You butthead, how can Armenians invade their own home?
Not even by using Afgan mujahedin, Chechen, Slavonic and AlQaida terrorist were the "Azeri" chickens, who kill people in their sleep, disembowel pregnant women in maternity hospitals, hurl babies against hard surfaces and throw them out of the window and coward bandits that they are, destroy thousand year old Armenian heritage to wipe all traces of the landlords who's home they have usurped, able to resist a bunch of disorganized Armenian groups who were defending their home against the “Azeri” invading army.
Kars, Ardahan, Erzurum, Sassoon, Moosh, Van, Bitlis, Sebastia, Tigranakert, Cilicia, Nakhijevan, Gandzak, Utik, Paytakaran, Bagavan… they all belong to the Armenians and you know it. We will take them all back, even if it takes thousands of years.
You set your paws in Armenia only in 1520s and crushed it under your filthy cloven hoofs. We were there since the beginning of history.
Originally posted by The Kemalist
You goddamn well know it, that’s why you’re foaming and cussing like this, you coward thief. You are the invading, nomadic barbarians.
When this Zionist/Anglo-Saxon Turkish phallus worship comes to an end, we’ll kick your Tatar asses back to Mongolia. We’ll kick so hard that you’ll forget the pronunciation of “Anatolia”. Count on it.
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
But tell me, when you have done all this evil to us “even though we had done nothing to” you, this past 1000 years and are still doing and denying that you are doing it, can anyone LIKE such creatures?
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
Originally posted by The Kemalist
It can be summarized as:
It was war… People died…
Ottomans only wanted to relocate the rebels...
Armenians lived peacefully in the Ottoman “empire” until one day Armenians betrayed their masters…
Armenians revolted against their masters, they got what they deserved...
Let’s play the numbers game, 600000 Armenians were killed. No, 300000 Armenians were killed. No, 100000 Armenians were killed. No, Armenians were not killed at all, there’s even more Armenians living in the world today than in 1915.
(I didn't even click the goddamn link!
Surprise me if there’s anything there other than this putrefied regurgitation.)
Originally posted by The Kemalist
If I listen to them or if I treat them like dogs they’ll make me become one?
If you mean the by listening to them they make me a dog, no thanks. Just bugger off and leave our desecrated home to us.
Originally posted by The Kemalist
A Persian proverb goes: خدا را شکر که نشدیم ترک
It roughly means. Thank god we weren’t born Turks.
Although I am not a believer, I feel I’m blessed that I’m not a Turk.
Turk is a four-letter word. It is the worst cuss word for an Armenian, worse than all the filth you threw at me which came back to you.