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The Turks

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  • Bulgarian come on; you are now talking as a humanist. You were calling nearly all the europe for a "crusade"?? against Turkey and we Turks childishly.. Also, u say all bad things in your history came from us. So your destiny is in our hands. What a poor nation you are


    • Yes why not?
      You could've stripped of your ignorance, prejuidices and bigotry towards Turks. Some how you are scared to not to hate Turks, and scared to see positive sides of those things.

      Originally posted by Bulgarian
      I should go? WHY? You just want me to become a Turk.

      You are quick to forget that most Turks are only Turks due to the Turkish langauge that they speak. Langauge is a form of cultural dominance.

      Center for Armenian Information and Advice.


      • Well government just thrown away those people from the rural areas to the heart of Germany, and never ever cared what those people did. This affected the next generation in Europe real bad.
        Anyways it is a common response from an avarage TUrk to be grateful for honesty.
        Hopefully in last 15 years or so things have changed.

        Originally posted by 1.5 million
        Just an aside - and Bulgarian's post reminded me of this. 2 years ago when we were in Germany for a month we sometimes tired of German food and these little Turkish donner stands were often readily available out on the streets for some pretty good & cheap eats. Well I ordered a bunch of stuff for the 4 of us and as the Turk was trying to figure our bill (and was presenting me with entirely ficticious figures...) it became clear that he could not add! Here is someone running a business or at least workign at a stand accepting money for products and he can't add! Well I was amused, apauled and sympathetic all at the same time. He was obviously used to people ordering 1 sandwhich and 1 drink and such and had the prices of such pretty much memorized....but was entirely confounded with 4 orders...and he was really having a hard time of it. Well I added everything up and showed him what I had done and he was so grateful he gave me some Euros back and gave us some free chips and such! lol


        • Originally posted by TurQ
          Well government just thrown away those people from the rural areas to the heart of Germany, and never ever cared what those people did. This affected the next generation in Europe real bad.
          understood. I've had conversations with (Euro-ized urban Anatolian) Turks where they have expressed embarrasment for the "country Turks" of Germany/Europe who are stuck in time/in the past...I've also been on a Turkish air flight where I almost busted out the window to escape the stink...(true story)...I couldn't cringe back far enough (and I'm no pansy/can take it)...yup...never been around any animal that smelled so bad (again this is a true story and I'm not implying any more then what I've said...)

          Originally posted by TurQ
          Anyways it is a common response from an avarage TUrk to be grateful for honesty.
          Hopefully in last 15 years or so things have changed.
          This was 2 years ago...and yes "average Turk" - be it in Turkey or elsewhere is a worthwhile person with dignity, honesty, integrity, heart and humanity. I have quite enjoyed most of my actual encounters with Turks (other the the internet) and have had a number of good friendships with Turks.


          • From what I know the German education system is unfair and does discriminate against non-Germans however all blame cant rest with Germany.

            The Turks are the cause for alot of crime and also acts of stupidity throughout Europe. They (Anatolian Turks) whistle at sexy women when they walk by. The Turks increase racial tension in areas which they dominate in Europe. The Turks like to kill people. An example can be seen with an English football team Leeds. In Istanbul there was an important football match so the Turks thought they can get psychological advantage over Leeds so some Galatasaray supporters stabbed and killed two innocent Leeds supporters in cold blood. This happened before the game so naturally the Leeds team wanted to just go home (and lost the game). Then when Galatasaray played Arsenal (another English team) in the finals in Denmark. They didnt manage to kill anyone but they caused riots. Im shoked that they never took the European title away from Galatasaray for their shoking behaviour to their fellow man.

            TurQ lets not forget the real reason why there are Turks in Europe. Europe needed cheap ignorant workers to do the crumiest of jobs during the period of recovery after world war 2. Turkey had a large unemployment problem as many other internal problems so Turkey agreed to let the ignorant uneducated citizens go and look for work across Europe. I know that Turkey didnt let the more educated citizens go. Europe only wanted the Turks to help build up their economies. They dont want/need you now. It was only meant to be a temporary arrangement. The Turks should go back.

            The Islamist Jihadist Turk can be seen all over Europe. At least one of the detainees in Guarantamino Bay, Cuba is a Turk. One of the Al Qaeda members who took part in 9/11 was Muslim who went to University (I think it was in Frankfurt or Hamburg). The point is that Muslims say that ignorant ones are the terrorists. Sure the ignorant ones are more likely to become terrorists but all Muslims have a duty to slay the Infidels as commanded by their Quran and make the globe submit to Islam the so-called religion of "Peace".


            • You are just trying to prove you are racist nothing else

              DOnt let me start on what kind of jobs do some of the Bulgarian women have in Germany ok?

              And BTW Turks are the most integrated community to German society compared to other ethnic groups.

              You can be blind but dont accuse Turks for that

              Originally posted by Bulgarian

              TurQ lets not forget the real reason why there are Turks in Europe. Europe needed cheap ignorant workers to do the crumiest of jobs during the period of recovery after world war 2. Turkey had a large unemployment problem as many other internal problems so Turkey agreed to let the ignorant uneducated citizens go and look for work across Europe. I know that Turkey didnt let the more educated citizens go. Europe only wanted the Turks to help build up their economies. They dont want/need you now. It was only meant to be a temporary arrangement. The Turks should go back.

              The Islamist Jihadist Turk can be seen all over Europe. At least one of the detainees in Guarantamino Bay, Cuba is a Turk. One of the Al Qaeda members who took part in 9/11 was Muslim who went to University (I think it was in Frankfurt or Hamburg). The point is that Muslims say that ignorant ones are the terrorists. Sure the ignorant ones are more likely to become terrorists but all Muslims have a duty to slay the Infidels as commanded by their Quran and make the globe submit to Islam the so-called religion of "Peace".


              • Originally posted by TurQ
                You are just trying to prove you are racist nothing else

                DOnt let me start on what kind of jobs do some of the Bulgarian women have in Germany ok?

                And BTW Turks are the most integrated community to German society compared to other ethnic groups.

                You can be blind but dont accuse Turks for that
                So Im racist when I dont submit to Islam. I guess Im a racist when I draw cartoons of Mohammed?

                The Turks are not integrated in Germany. Are you so stupid as to believe this? Didnt I show you about those riots in German schools by Turkish students. Turkish students dont want to learn and dont want to integrate. Turkish people in Europe are a security threat. It is only a matter of time before they start commiting acts of terror across Europe.

                Fact 1:
                The nations of Europe were recovering fast and their economies were growing so quickly that they needed more labourers.

                Fact 2:
                The Turkish immigrant workers sent to Europe were the lesser educated workers.

                Fact 3:
                At that time Turkey was suffering from severe economic, social and political problems. They were too many unemployed people.

                Fact 4:
                The Turkish immigrant workers were not meant to stay perminently.

                Fact 5:
                The vast majority of Turks are Muslim (even if it be nominally Muslim)

                Fact 6:
                Not all Muslims are Terrorists but in recent years all Terrorists seem to be Muslim.

                Fact 7:
                The only Turkish contribution to humanity is the Donner Kebab.

                Fact 8:
                The Muslim world has not contributed to science for the last 400 years.

                So where exactly was I racist?


                • DOnt spent so much time, I dont need any more proof about your hatred,ignorance, and intelligence, its pretty much obvious(but you can keep on entertaining us)

                  Delidir ne soylese yeridir

                  Originally posted by Bulgarian
                  So Im racist when I dont submit to Islam. I guess Im a racist when I draw cartoons of Mohammed?

                  The Turks are not integrated in Germany. Are you so stupid as to believe this? Didnt I show you about those riots in German schools by Turkish students. Turkish students dont want to learn and dont want to integrate. Turkish people in Europe are a security threat. It is only a matter of time before they start commiting acts of terror across Europe.

                  Fact 1:
                  The nations of Europe were recovering fast and their economies were growing so quickly that they needed more labourers.

                  Fact 2:
                  The Turkish immigrant workers sent to Europe were the lesser educated workers.

                  Fact 3:
                  At that time Turkey was suffering from severe economic, social and political problems. They were too many unemployed people.

                  Fact 4:
                  The Turkish immigrant workers were not meant to stay perminently.

                  Fact 5:
                  The vast majority of Turks are Muslim (even if it be nominally Muslim)

                  Fact 6:
                  Not all Muslims are Terrorists but in recent years all Terrorists seem to be Muslim.

                  Fact 7:
                  The only Turkish contribution to humanity is the Donner Kebab.

                  Fact 8:
                  The Muslim world has not contributed to science for the last 400 years.

                  So where exactly was I racist?


                  • Originally posted by Bulgarian
                    .....but all Muslims have a duty to slay the Infidels as commanded by their Quran and make the globe submit to Islam the so-called religion of "Peace".
                    Very true. Everyday I am on the pry for some non-Muslim so I can do some throat slitting. If I cant do that I try to find an Armenian Van cat to fulfill my religious obligations.....

                    Bulgarian, I really think you need some fresh air.


                    • Originally posted by Bulgarian
                      The Turks are now Turkifying people in poor nations all across the world.

                      There is a Turkish school in Cambodia! This author boasts that 100s of Cambodian children can speak in Turkish and can sing the Turkish national anthem.

                      There is another Turkish school in Sudan.

                      Congratulations Turkey you are brainwashing 1000s of poor Asians and Africans into becoming Turks. You did this in Europe but you failed and now your sick, demented and evil plans are taking on new horizons.
                      Most of these schools are welcome by the countries they are established in. Contrary to what you think there are quite a lot, maybe even more in Europe and a good deal in USA. I dont know how many schools Americans, French and English have around the world but I am sure they have more. Do you have anything to say about them??? Plus if you are complaining about Turks establishing schools around the world and locals queing up to send their children with the hope of better education why dont you get your ass up and start building your own Bulgarian schools??? The aim IMHO is not to Turkify since only somebody with the wits of yourself can think that could be a viable goal, but the aim is to rather have people sympathetic towards Turkey, something that Turkey needs badly and which is also a good part of this forum.

