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Ataturk's Sun Theory

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  • #11
    When i make such statements I always leave an escape hatch for not ready for primetime deniers and you just grabbed it, see ya...
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


    • #12
      Guys, I know you'll both be pissed but please try to remain at least civil.
      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


      • #13
        Wow! You are sneaky.
        Go get them tiger!
        Don't let them escape...

        QUOTE=Gavur]When i make such statements I always leave an escape hatch for not ready for primetime deniers and you just grabbed it, see ya...[/QUOTE]


        • #14
          Deve bir pula ,Deve bin pula
          (A camel is worth sometimes a penny,sometimes a pound)
          "All truth passes through three stages:
          First, it is ridiculed;
          Second, it is violently opposed; and
          Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

          Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


          • #15
            When i make such statements I always leave an escape hatch for not ready for primetime deniers and you just grabbed it, see ya...
            If I wanted to escape I would not answer the sun-theory would I? Nay such is not the case and you know it, I know it. You are speaking out of rage, disregarding every element of WW1, you make it sound like the founding of Turkey was an accident or the will of of greater powers therefore concluding the massacre of the Armenians were also designed by greater powers, which denegrates the position and honor of Turkey by making its very existence invalid in the minds of individuals and therefore making you feel right that you are free to make claims on its soil, its people. A classic tactic of the mind of warfare.

            We won the independence war, Ataturk led us to victory, the world knows it, you know it I know it, the rest of the Armenians in the forum know it. We got our asses kicked in WW1, we kicked ass after WW1.(God I am talking like a pure American, damn you) Read about how people and economy got tired of endless war in England. Read how the revolution in Russia affected the Turkic-Russia relations . Read how England found it more convinient to ally itself with emerging Turkish power than to fight against it. Do not fall into Jewish conspiracy theoires, do not fall in any kind of theory. Read and have you own theory.

            PS: Allahaşkına koskoca savaş sadece geri çekilerek kazanılır mı, akıl var mantık var.


            • #16
              The battle of gallipolu was a stalemate Turks had more casualties Entente powers withdrew from an disadvantagous stalemate and won the war.
              Independece war with Greeks was complete running away designed by Mustafa Kemal against his commanders advice to "preserve"the army he was just biding time and what he predicted happenned with the threat of alianation of England Greeks were immediatly ordered back just when they were clinching victory, when Kemals forces saw of the retreat they attacked ,The greek army went back to their previous positions fighting 40 miles east again before they retreated causing disaster to anything in site because of rage but they didnt burn Smyrna.
              Stalemates and forfetieng a fight is not the same as being glorious in battle unlike what they teach in Turkish text books.
              In middleast i think Syria he was famous for withdrawing "preserving' also
              Its really not farfetched to see him like the Ottomans did as an agent of Britain,in fact Otomman special forces cornered him in Ankara after winning many battles against his "Nationalist" forces all of a sudden the Britich controlled media started announcing the details of the Sevre agreement from a year and a half before which the details were kept secret thats when the tide turned against the Ottoman special forces and lost their support of the people and lost to the kemalists .And thats how Britain won the peace by nurturing and inserting their own candidate into power,Anotherwords this still used today creating your own enemy makes life easyer and more profitable.
              like US is doing today
              "All truth passes through three stages:
              First, it is ridiculed;
              Second, it is violently opposed; and
              Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

              Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


              • #17
                The battle of gallipolu was a stalemate Turks had more casualties Entente powers withdrew from an disadvantagous stalemate and won the war.

                Independece war with Greeks was complete running away designed by Mustafa Kemal against his commanders advice to "preserve"the army he was just biding time and what he predicted happenned with the threat of alianation of England Greeks were immediatly ordered back just when they were clinching victory, when Kemals forces saw of the retreat they attacked ,The greek army went back to their previous positions fighting 40 miles east again before they retreated causing disaster to anything in site because of rage but they didnt burn Smyrna.
                English had already cut the support to Greeks because of economic reasons. It is true that we pulled back to preserve the army to mountain sides though. When a serious number of troops rest on the hillside, it means that they have higher altitude and longer range of weapons, Greeks could not surround the hills due their number, and did not dare an attack which you are right again soon proved to be their undoing.

                Stalemates and forfetieng a fight is not the same as being glorious in battle unlike what they teach in Turkish text books.
                In middleast i think Syria he was famous for withdrawing "preserving' also
                There is no glorious battle, it is glorious if you reach your aim. And reach our aim we did.
                Withdrawing is a tactic in war, confronting your enemy when it is stronger can mean two things. You stand no other chance, or you are an idiot.

                Its really not farfetched to see him like the Ottomans did as an agent of Britain,in fact Otomman special forces cornered him in Ankara after winning many battles against his "Nationalist" forces all of a sudden the Britich controlled media started announcing the details of the Sevre agreement from a year and a half before which the details were kept secret thats when the tide turned against the Ottoman special forces and lost their support of the people and lost to the kemalists .And thats how Britain won the peace by nurturing and inserting their own candidate into power,Another words this still used today creating your own enemy makes life easyer and more profitable.
                like US is doing today
                The strategy you mention are indeed used by imperialist forces of the world, fooling people that they rule themselves but in fact they are moving as pawns. However At the time when there was an Ottoman special forces, there was not much of a nationalist "force" in Turkey though the idea existed, Mustafa Kemal was trying to organize it yet. Ottoman forces chased Mustafa Kemal however in that you are right. Britain did not support Kemal as you mention, Britain considering its anti-war like position in terms of economy and public view, decided to ally itself with the victorious. Greeks lost, Ottoman Empire lost, Turkey won. Say hello to new bussiness partner. Being an agent of Russia, Jewish community or England is plain wrong. States and people of state act on benefits as you well know. Likewise England, likewise Turkey.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Gavur
                  The battle of gallipolu was a stalemate Turks had more casualties Entente powers withdrew from an disadvantagous stalemate and won the war.
                  Independece war with Greeks was complete running away designed by Mustafa Kemal against his commanders advice to "preserve"the army he was just biding time and what he predicted happenned with the threat of alianation of England Greeks were immediatly ordered back just when they were clinching victory, when Kemals forces saw of the retreat they attacked ,The greek army went back to their previous positions fighting 40 miles east again before they retreated causing disaster to anything in site because of rage but they didnt burn Smyrna.
                  Stalemates and forfetieng a fight is not the same as being glorious in battle unlike what they teach in Turkish text books.
                  In middleast i think Syria he was famous for withdrawing "preserving' also
                  Its really not farfetched to see him like the Ottomans did as an agent of Britain,in fact Otomman special forces cornered him in Ankara after winning many battles against his "Nationalist" forces all of a sudden the Britich controlled media started announcing the details of the Sevre agreement from a year and a half before which the details were kept secret thats when the tide turned against the Ottoman special forces and lost their support of the people and lost to the kemalists .And thats how Britain won the peace by nurturing and inserting their own candidate into power,Anotherwords this still used today creating your own enemy makes life easyer and more profitable.
                  like US is doing today
                  A typical example of a braindamaged person who obviously hates Turks so much the he cannot stand the thought of attributing even a minute particle of anything positive to those people coz he is blinded and consumed by that hatred. Allahashkina Gavur, are you one of those retards who thinks Turks cannot win a battle without running away. Do you have the stupid romantic notion that a good battle is fought on the field man to man without any strategic planning or undermining enemy power. How many times did you watch Braveheart? I guess a lot.. but that sort of battle existed about a thousand years ago bro. You relentlessly keep going on about this land being ours, yours theirs etc. Arent you tired of it. Shed some peace into your heart by accepting the fact that this land is Turkey now.


                  • #19
                    No Hitite I was just pointing out numeourus lies that was told th Turkish people and the edge of the "needed" lies touch the AG,so if one minimizes this lie and that lie it opens the door to more lies.
                    Today Turkey has qualities of a multinational soceity that cannot be denied and its admirable (given the great genepool)in terms of sane people you are in the majority (you two)most of my rage is against that 7-8 percent and your goverment for external political reasons that go back to 19th century try to appease them.Us Armenians were once accused of seeing special treatment back then so they eliminated us but it seems like the accusers took their place and I'm not too sure of their alliances.Who does it benefit keeping Armenians and Turks enemys?
                    Why hasnt this issue been solved for 91 years?
                    "All truth passes through three stages:
                    First, it is ridiculed;
                    Second, it is violently opposed; and
                    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                    • #20
                      While in some ways I can understand the purpose behind creating such a theory, it sort of goes hand in hand with why the past seems to be so whitewashed in Turkey.
                      Naturally, it would be exteremly ignorant to say Turkey's version of history is accurate. But one could say it is safe. As Turkey moves forward and as time flows by, the implications of past actions (idiotic and wise) will lose its affect on present, Turkish history will be closer to being accurate. That is why Armenian conferences, Kurdish conferences should be held as more time passes by. I have to admit Turkey is acting very wisely in this ( Seldom I praise my country) As Turkey geets stronger many a more taboos will be broken.

                      PS.I just saw your post, sorry for the delay

