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To all "Hai Dat" champions and Armenian Turk lovers

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  • #11
    lol,microsoft word was making it B , i got confused

    anyway, its spring lets get out and take oxygen


    • #12
      for 2 months, i read everything i can read , every week there were 4-5 discussions on tv , i read startegy parts of newspapers.
      talking with you will never come a point.
      i hope you people will be happy about us
      apart from recognition and land.


      • #13
        Originally posted by eMachine
        2-Why Armenians don't want to research genocide with Turkey? I also mean Turkish prm minister Tayyip Erdogan's invitiation.
        Dear emachine... We are curious about this.As long as Armenians made huge pressure against Turkey,it impossible for anything...

        But,they can accept PM Erdoğan's invitation.Erdoğan's invitation is not limited with Turks and Armenians.Because this is no use for anyone.But has invited all historians!
        We know that Annan and Bush backing this initiative.But,Armenians are turning a blind eye to this.Why...

        In coming years,this initiative will show the world public opinion something.We are sure that Kocarian would not accept this.So,the world also would ask Armenian gov.... Why...


        • #14
          Historians have already thoroughly studied the Armenian Genocide and made their conclusions - there is no new information that changes anything. I have no problem with historians getting together and exchanging information or what have you - but this does not require political intervention - and in fact - such intervention will inevitibly lead to a political process and not an honest intellectual one. No matter - it is not possible that any body of inbiased historians will not reconize that the Armenain Genocide epitomizes what we humans mean when we say that something is Genocide. So even though Turkey's call for historians to decide is really a tactic to be able to say to the EU - see we are honestly investigating this - don't think badly of us - and is a tactic to forestall additional political recognition on the part of nation states and other international organizations - I am all for it. Any publicity of the Genocide is good and there is no doubt in my mind that when facts are revealed it will only make the case stronger and make Turkey's continuing agreesive denial look more criminal and reprehensible. What matters now is the maturation of Turkish society where it (and the Turkish people) can cast off their nationa building and sustaining myths and face reality.


          • #15
            Erdogan is evil. Look at his face and you'll see.


            • #16
              there is no reason for "getting" together and pressuring little tiny armenia any more then it is pressure already... the truth remains that the turkish government systematically and without remorse committed GENOCIDE, killing half the population of ARMENIANS, and it will never change, AND YES IT IS OF INTEREST for OTHER NATIONS!!!

              let me ask you - do you think that the european union would accept a nation into its union that is STILL MURDURING PEOPLE! IN ITS COUNTRY (namely KURDS)? no! do you think that your denial of the truth that has been proven fact after fact is going to place you in the table of nations that is leading democracy... NO! you idiots... you are still killing innocent people (and now you are killing iraqis in iraq helping out the US) and for the past 90 years you have campaigned against the recognition and acceptance of your crimes...

              i dont know why it surprises anyone anymore... considering that you are STILL KILLING AND OPPRESSING people who are not turkish in turkey RIGHT NOW!!! you are still responsible for all the KURDS your government has exterminated... and yes they have doen it... it is obvious!...


              • #17
                Originally posted by sadi
                Yeah.. I have for the first time seen an Armenian concious of this basic fact... The function of genocide... Armenians of Armenia are not fanatic because of this.But,diaspora ...

                Because of the SCAR the GENOCIDE has left upon us we cannot (as a total culture/nation) bring our heads together and calm down. Unlike the Jewish holocaust the perpetrators of the crimes against us have not apologized and paid their dues to us. Although it isn’t a lucky thing to have done to them the Jewish people were lucky that the crimes against them were by the Germans. The CRIMINALS was tried in international court and they PAID THEIR DUES! The Germans, unlike *urks cannot live with such a terrible thing on their conscious. They have feelings and they care for humanity, they believe in human rights. On the other had the *urks keep killing more and more people in their country RIGHT NOW as we speak, how can we expect them to accept something done 90 years ago…

                I don’t care if you will not and cannot face the truth. That isn’t my problem. If you want to be accepted into a society like the EU. The #1 step you have to take is to face the truth about the Armenian Genocide. Release our lands. Pay your dues. And in 50 some odd years you may get in.

                The Genocide brings all Armenians together. BUT it seems as though it is the #1 thing when we are constantly FIGHTING your ignorance.

                The people in Armenia HAVE NOT CHOICE, they are landlocked, and the Russians are not exactly in the best of situations, and they help the best they can. HOWEVER Armenia is between two unwelcoming, intolerant nations. They have no choice. Unlike us in the Diaspora they don’t have the ability to import buy and sell etc. the daily goods with China. IT IS cheaper to get it from *urkey, considering the distance of transportation, etc…

                FOR the past 90 years Armenians in Armenia have kept their nation mostly, *urkey free. The people don’t want to do business with you still, but the government realizes that being landlocked is not the best situation to be in. The Armenians in Armenia feel the same way as I do, they just don’t have the same choices as I do.


                • #18
                  I must correct some basic fact.I am putting aside genocide issue.Out of this,you are brainwashed about contemporary Turkey....

                  Let me correct some incredible false things....

                  let me ask you - do you think that the european union would accept a nation into its union that is STILL MURDURING PEOPLE! IN ITS COUNTRY (namely KURDS)?
                  Even one european leader,politician or official accused us for killing kurds... Read the EU Commission report for the obstacles for Turkey...

                  your denial of the truth that has been proven fact after fact is going to place you in the table of nations that is leading democracy
                  Turkey fulfilled all political critaria about accession Talks.They have never putted armenian issue on the table... And,now accession talks is going to begin in October.

                  (and now you are killing iraqis in iraq helping out the US
                  Dou you know which countries participated in Iraqi invasion.There were even Japanese soldiers.But,not Turkey.Turkey didn't ratified the deployment of American forces.So,the 2nd. Division had to intrude on ıraq from persian Bay....and our relations with the US is still tense.But,before Iraqi invasion.We were strategic allies.The only reason for deteriotion was Iraqi war.Now,there are no any Turkish soldiers beside Americans..


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by TomServo
                    Erdogan is evil. Look at his face and you'll see.
                    possible to talk just about this conversation? i mean, there are already too much stand up comedians in Finland =))


                    • #20
                      Armenian: Snow is white.

                      Turk: NO there is no evidence of this.

                      Armenian: Snow melts when it gets hot.

                      Turk: Yes but melt also snows a lot.

                      Armenian: The earth revolves around the Sun.

                      Turk: Ataturk was the greatest man ever.

                      Armenian: Yah but what does this have to do with the Earth and the Sun?

                      Turk: There is no Earth and NO Sun. Only Ataturk and Turkey.

                      Armenian: Ok whatever.

                      Turk: Hey? I want to discuss intelligently. Why you no discuss?
                      this post = teh win.

