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Opinions of a Turk, or two (hi from Turkey)

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  • #71
    Originally posted by thinktwice
    Now i can see your face diaspora people...

    I see the face of the Turk!


    • #72
      It's funny you mentioned Morganthau in your list of people copied from tall-a-tale , he is the last person you can use to deny the genocide...

      Originally posted by thinktwice
      Yea some of my archive and your reply?

      Telegram by Talaat Pasha to the government of Aleppo:


      To the Government of Aleppo,
      January 15, 1916. - We hear that certain orphanages which have been opened receive also the children of the Armenians. Whether this is done through ignorance of our real purpose, or through contempt of it, the Government will regard the feeding of such children or any attempt to prolong their lives as an act entirely opposed to its purpose, since it considers the survival of these children as detrimental. I recommend that such children shall not be received into the orphanages, and no attempts are to be made to establish special orphanages for them.

      Minister of the Interior

      An encrypted telegram by Talaat Pasha to the government of Aleppo:


      To the Government of Aleppo,
      Although the extermination of the Armenian element, which has for centuries been desirous of destroying the sure foundation of our Empire, and has now taken the form of a real danger, had been decided upon earlier than this, circumstances did not permit us to carry out this sacred intention. Now that an obstacles are removed, and the time has come for redeeming our fatherland from this dangerous element, it is urgently recommended that you should not be moved to feelings of pity on seeing their miserable plight; but, by putting an end to them all, try with all your might to obliterate the very name 'Armenia' from Turkey. See of it that those to whom you entrust the carrying out of this purpose are patriotic and reliable men.

      Minister of the Interior

      Report on the forced exile of the remaining Armenians from Aintab and Marash, November 15, 1922:


      15 November 1922

      My Lord,


      I have the honour to report that on November 8 the Turks gave notice to the Armenians of Aintab & Marash and of the district, stretching Eastward to Birejik, that they must all leave the country in a month. This is done in pursuance of the policy that no Christians are to be allowed to stay in Turkey.

      Aintab which formerly held 40000 Armenians now contains only 3000.

      The French Consular Representative in Aintab, Mr. de Sandfort, has been transferred to Adana and has not been replaced.

      I have the honor to be,
      With the highest respect,
      My Lord,
      Your Lordship's most obedient,
      Humble servant
      (signed) James Morgan

      Copies to British High Commissioners, Constantinople, Cairo, Jerusalem and Bagdad.

      " " British Consuls, Beyrout and Damascus, G. H. Q., Cairo and British Liaison Officer, Beyrout, London S.W.1

      Report that Ottoman Empire is seeking to exterminate the Armenian nation, July 16, 1915:


      Telegram Received.

      From Constantinople
      Dated July 16, 1915
      Recd. July 20, 8:10 AM.

      Secretary of State,

      858, July 16, 1 p.m.
      Have you received my 841? Deportation of and excesses against peaceful Armenians is increasing and from harrowing reports of eye witnesses it appears that a campaign of race extermination is in progress under a pretext of reprisal against rebellion.

      Protests as well as threats are unavailing and probably incite the Ottoman government to more drastic measures as they are determined to disclaim responsibility for their absolute disregard of capitulations and I believe nothing short of actual force which obviously the United States are not in a position to exert would adequately meet the situation. Suggest you inform belligerent nations and mission boards of this.

      AMERICAN AMBASSADOR [Henry Morgenthau],
      Report on the massacre of Armenians in Cilicia under French administration, March 7, 1920:


      Decypher, Admiral de Robeck, (Constantinople),
      March 7th, 1920.
      D. 4.20. p.m. March 7th. 1920.
      R. 5.45. p.m. March 8th. 1920.
      No.200. (R).
      Following for Mr. Aneurin Williams M.P. is transmitted at request of W.A. Kennedy. Message begins.

      No. 5. Confirmation of news of Marash: 18,000 massacred in district: city burnt and without supplies and has not been relieved: 2,000 refugees have reached Adana: 13,000 women and children perished in snow-storm on way there: 8,000 Armenians still in Marash of whom many are wounded: Hadjia Zeitoun isolated: Adana, Tarsus not immediately threatened, but anxious and unsettled: no confidence of security in district. Message ends.

      I submit any appearance of official confirmation of this message should be guarded against. We have no information other than that already telegraphed. French, as previously stated, are very reticent but take the line that loss of life is to be ascribed to casualties incident to hostilities and subsequent withdrawal rather than to massacre.


      Stay tuned for more....


      • #73
        Originally posted by CatWoman
        It's funny you mentioned Morganthau in your list of people copied from tall-a-tale , he is the last person you can use to deny the genocide...
        I was going to bring that up as well, but I thought it was so ing stupid and beyond this Turk's comprehension. And even if that information is legit, at least it shows that Morgenthau had a neutral point of view. Who do the Turks use as their historian? Sam Weems, a petty and dishonest racist. And thankfully, a deceased one.


        • #74
          In fact it is unclear whether or not such a person named "Weems" ever existed or if he was purly Turkish fabrication - the (lack of) quality in his assertions speaks for itself however - and yeah - funny that such is relied on from the Turkish side - entirely bankrupt and desperate....


          • #75
            Atuturk licks monkey balls in hell.


            • #76
              Originally posted by dstyle
              Atuturk licks monkey balls in hell.
              I know. It's disturbing yet understandable that the Turks worship and glorify a deceitful, treacherous asswipe.


              • #77
                I can see you are not different each other... poor diaspora people...
                Question to brainless diaspora freak: where are your archives?


                • #78
                  Originally posted by thinktwice
                  Do you care for your people in Turkiye?
                  Of course! I do believe in animal rights!

                  Originally posted by thinktwice
                  I guess when you diaspora people heard Turk word in any means your blood starting to boil.
                  Yes, the word "*urk" is hideous, so, instead, I chose to use either "*urk" or "jurk." However, to be politically correct, I add the following note:

                  Note: I have chosen to auto censor the words "*urk" or "*urkish" because it is commonly perceived as unpleasant and offending, evokes unpleasant emotions and imagery and is pregnant with immoral and evil connotations!
                  Last edited by Siamanto; 05-06-2005, 11:16 PM.
                  What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by Siamanto
                    Of course! I do believe in animal rights!

                    Yes, the word "*urk" is hideous, so, instead, I chose to use either "*urk" or "jurk." However, to be politically correct, I add the following note:

                    Note: I have chosen to auto censor the words "*urk" or "*urkish" because it is commonly perceived as unpleasant and offending, evokes unpleasant emotions and imagery and is pregnant with immoral and evil connotations!

                    Yea i'll forward this one to armenians in Turkey.

                    come on racist diaspora show you face...
                    Question to brainless diaspora freak: where are your archives?


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by CatWoman
                      It's funny you mentioned Morganthau in your list of people copied from tall-a-tale , he is the last person you can use to deny the genocide...

                      Telegram by Talaat Pasha to the government of Aleppo:


                      To the Government of Aleppo,
                      January 15, 1916. - We hear that certain orphanages which have been opened receive also the children of the Armenians. Whether this is done through ignorance of our real purpose, or through contempt of it, the Government will regard the feeding of such children or any attempt to prolong their lives as an act entirely opposed to its purpose, since it considers the survival of these children as detrimental. I recommend that such children shall not be received into the orphanages, and no attempts are to be made to establish special orphanages for them.

                      Minister of the Interior

                      An encrypted telegram by Talaat Pasha to the government of Aleppo:


                      To the Government of Aleppo,
                      Although the extermination of the Armenian element, which has for centuries been desirous of destroying the sure foundation of our Empire, and has now taken the form of a real danger, had been decided upon earlier than this, circumstances did not permit us to carry out this sacred intention. Now that an obstacles are removed, and the time has come for redeeming our fatherland from this dangerous element, it is urgently recommended that you should not be moved to feelings of pity on seeing their miserable plight; but, by putting an end to them all, try with all your might to obliterate the very name 'Armenia' from Turkey. See of it that those to whom you entrust the carrying out of this purpose are patriotic and reliable men.

                      Minister of the Interior

                      Report on the forced exile of the remaining Armenians from Aintab and Marash, November 15, 1922:


                      BRITISH CONSULATE
                      15 November 1922

                      My Lord,


                      I have the honour to report that on November 8 the Turks gave notice to the Armenians of Aintab & Marash and of the district, stretching Eastward to Birejik, that they must all leave the country in a month. This is done in pursuance of the policy that no Christians are to be allowed to stay in Turkey.

                      Aintab which formerly held 40000 Armenians now contains only 3000.

                      The French Consular Representative in Aintab, Mr. de Sandfort, has been transferred to Adana and has not been replaced.

                      I have the honor to be,
                      With the highest respect,
                      My Lord,
                      Your Lordship's most obedient,
                      Humble servant
                      (signed) James Morgan

                      Copies to British High Commissioners, Constantinople, Cairo, Jerusalem and Bagdad.

                      " " British Consuls, Beyrout and Damascus, G. H. Q., Cairo and British Liaison Officer, Beyrout, London S.W.1

                      Report that Ottoman Empire is seeking to exterminate the Armenian nation, July 16, 1915:


                      Telegram Received.

                      From Constantinople
                      Dated July 16, 1915
                      Recd. July 20, 8:10 AM.

                      Secretary of State,

                      858, July 16, 1 p.m.
                      Have you received my 841? Deportation of and excesses against peaceful Armenians is increasing and from harrowing reports of eye witnesses it appears that a campaign of race extermination is in progress under a pretext of reprisal against rebellion.

                      Protests as well as threats are unavailing and probably incite the Ottoman government to more drastic measures as they are determined to disclaim responsibility for their absolute disregard of capitulations and I believe nothing short of actual force which obviously the United States are not in a position to exert would adequately meet the situation. Suggest you inform belligerent nations and mission boards of this.

                      AMERICAN AMBASSADOR [Henry Morgenthau],
                      Report on the massacre of Armenians in Cilicia under French administration, March 7, 1920:


                      Decypher, Admiral de Robeck, (Constantinople),
                      March 7th, 1920.
                      D. 4.20. p.m. March 7th. 1920.
                      R. 5.45. p.m. March 8th. 1920.
                      No.200. (R).
                      Following for Mr. Aneurin Williams M.P. is transmitted at request of W.A. Kennedy. Message begins.

                      No. 5. Confirmation of news of Marash: 18,000 massacred in district: city burnt and without supplies and has not been relieved: 2,000 refugees have reached Adana: 13,000 women and children perished in snow-storm on way there: 8,000 Armenians still in Marash of whom many are wounded: Hadjia Zeitoun isolated: Adana, Tarsus not immediately threatened, but anxious and unsettled: no confidence of security in district. Message ends.

                      I submit any appearance of official confirmation of this message should be guarded against. We have no information other than that already telegraphed. French, as previously stated, are very reticent but take the line that loss of life is to be ascribed to casualties incident to hostilities and subsequent withdrawal rather than to massacre.


                      Stay tuned for more....

                      Is it all your reply for your crimes? LOL

                      Thank you for showing us it's not genocide it's exile.

                      Btw i guess you have arabic and decrypt capabilities. I think it's hard for you ingenious one. hahaha
                      Question to brainless diaspora freak: where are your archives?

